%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% Copyright (c) 2016 Basho Technologies, Inc. %% %% This file is provided to you under the Apache License, %% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file %% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %% a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, %% software distributed under the License is distributed on an %% "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %% specific language governing permissions and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %% Tests for security using the HTTP interface. %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ts_simple_http_security_SUITE). -export([suite/0, init_per_suite/1, groups/0, all/0]). -export([ put_test/1, query_create_table_test/1, query_select_test/1 ]). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -define(USER, "uesr"). -define(PASSWORD, "passowrd"). -define(TABLE1, "t1"). -define(TABLE2, "t2"). suite() -> [{timetrap, {minutes,10}}]. groups() -> []. all() -> [ query_create_table_test, put_test, query_select_test ]. init_per_suite(Config) -> application:start(crypto), application:start(asn1), application:start(public_key), application:start(ssl), application:start(ibrowse), ibrowse:trace_on(), CertDir = rt_config:get(rt_scratch_dir) ++ "/http_certs", make_certs:rootCA(CertDir, "rootCA"), make_certs:endusers(CertDir, "rootCA", ["site3.basho.com", "site4.basho.com"]), ClusterConf = [{riak_core, [{ssl, [{certfile, filename:join([CertDir, "site3.basho.com/cert.pem"])}, {keyfile, filename:join([CertDir, "site3.basho.com/key.pem"])}, {cacertfile, filename:join([CertDir, "site3.basho.com/cacerts.pem"])}]} ]}], [Node] = rt:build_cluster(1, ClusterConf), ok = security_command(Node, security_enable, []), [{http, {Ip, Port}}|_] = rt:connection_info(Node), rt:update_app_config(Node, [{riak_api, [{https, [{Ip, Port+1000}]}]}]), rt:wait_until_pingable(Node), rt:wait_for_service(Node, riak_kv), {ok, [{Ip, SslPort}]} = rpc:call(Node, application, get_env, [riak_api, https]), ok = security_command(Node, add_user, [?USER, "password=" ++ ?PASSWORD]), ok = security_command(Node, add_source, [?USER, "", "trust"]), Client = rhc_ts:create(Ip, SslPort, [{is_ssl, true}, {credentials, ?USER, ?PASSWORD}, {ssl_options, [ {cacertfile, filename:join([CertDir, "rootCA/cert.pem"])}, {verify, verify_peer}, {reuse_sessions, false} ]} ]), [{cluster, [Node]}, {client, Client} | Config]. %% Tests %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- query_create_table_test(Ctx) -> Client = proplists:get_value(client, Ctx), Query1 = make_create_table_query(?TABLE1), Query2 = make_create_table_query(?TABLE2), ct:log("no permissions:\n~s", [Query1]), ?assertMatch({error, {401, _}}, rhc_ts:query(Client, Query1)), ct:log("with permissions:\n~s", [Query1]), ok = security_command(Ctx, grant, ["riak_ts.create_table", "on", ?TABLE1, "to", ?USER]), ?assertMatch({ok, _}, rhc_ts:query(Client, Query1)), ct:log("permissions revoked:\n~s", [Query1]), ok = security_command(Ctx, revoke, ["riak_ts.create_table", "on", ?TABLE1, "from", ?USER]), ?assertMatch({error, {401, _}}, rhc_ts:query(Client, Query1)), ct:log("another table:\n~s", [Query2]), ?assertMatch({error, {401, _}}, rhc_ts:query(Client, Query2)), %% with permissions again, still an error because the table already exists ok = security_command(Ctx, grant, ["riak_ts.create_table", "on", "any", "to", ?USER]), ct:log("with permissions, attempt to create existing table:\n~s", [Query1]), ?assertMatch({error, {409, _}}, rhc_ts:query(Client, Query1)). put_test(Ctx) -> %% preconditions: %% * user has a riak_ts.create_table permission, nothing else; %% * table t1 exists, is empty. Client = proplists:get_value(client, Ctx), Data = make_data_ann([<<"a">>, <<"b">>, <<"c">>, <<"d">>], make_data()), ct:log("no permissions:\n~s", ["(put)"]), ?assertMatch({error, {401, _}}, rhc_ts:put(Client, ?TABLE1, Data)), ok = security_command(Ctx, grant, ["riak_ts.put", "on", ?TABLE1, "to", ?USER]), ct:log("permissions revoked:\n~s", ["(put)"]), ?assertMatch(ok, rhc_ts:put(Client, ?TABLE1, Data)), ok = security_command(Ctx, revoke, ["riak_ts.put", "on", ?TABLE1, "from", ?USER]), ct:log("permissions granted:\n~s", ["(put)"]), ?assertMatch({error, {401, _}}, rhc_ts:put(Client, ?TABLE1, Data)). query_select_test(Ctx) -> %% preconditions: %% * user only has permissions riak_ts.create_table, riak_ts.put; %% * table t1 exists, contains data. Client = proplists:get_value(client, Ctx), Query = make_select_query(?TABLE1), ct:log("no permissions:\n~s", [Query]), ?assertMatch({error, {401, _}}, rhc_ts:query(Client, Query)), ok = security_command(Ctx, grant, ["riak_ts.query_select", "on", ?TABLE1, "to", ?USER]), ct:log("with permissions:\n~s", [Query]), Res = rhc_ts:query(Client, Query), {ok, {_Columns, Rows}} = Res, ct:log("rows:\n~p", [Rows]), ok. %% local functions %% ------------------------------- security_command(Ctx, Cmd, Args) when is_list(Ctx) -> [Node|_] = proplists:get_value(cluster, Ctx), security_command(Node, Cmd, Args); security_command(Node, Cmd, Args) when is_atom(Node) -> ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, Cmd, [Args]). make_data() -> [{list_to_binary(fmt("A~5..0b", [I rem 2])), <<"B">>, I + 1, if I rem 5 == 0 -> null; el/=se -> I end} %% sprinkle some NULLs || I <- lists:seq(1, 300)]. make_data_ann(Columns, Data) -> [lists:zip(Columns, tuple_to_list(Row)) || Row <- Data]. make_create_table_query(Table) -> fmt("CREATE TABLE ~s (" " a VARCHAR NOT NULL," " b VARCHAR NOT NULL," " c TIMESTAMP NOT NULL," " d SINT64," " PRIMARY KEY ((a, b, quantum(c, 1, m)), a, b, c))", [Table]). make_select_query(Table) -> fmt("SELECT * FROM ~s WHERE a = 'A00002' AND b='B' AND c >= 1 AND c < 100", [Table]). fmt(F, A) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format(F, A)).