-module(riak_pipe_vnode_intercepts). -compile(export_all). -include("intercept.hrl"). -define(M, riak_pipe_vnode_orig). %%% Intercepts %% @doc Log every command received by the vnode during handoff, so a %% test can analyze them later. Sends the first element of the `Cmd' %% tuple (the command type) to the process registered as %% `riak_test_collector'. %% %% Tests using this intercept are expected to start the collector %% process themselves. log_handoff_command(Cmd, Sender, State) -> try riak_test_collector ! element(1, Cmd) catch error:badarg when not is_tuple(Cmd) -> ?I_INFO("Cmd was not a tuple"); error:badarg -> ?I_INFO("Collector process not registered") end, ?M:handle_handoff_command_orig(Cmd, Sender, State).