-module(http_security). -behavior(riak_test). -export([confirm/0]). -export([map_object_value/3, reduce_set_union/2, mapred_modfun_input/3]). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -include_lib("riakc/include/riakc.hrl"). -define(assertDenied(Op), ?assertMatch({error, {forbidden, _}}, Op)). confirm() -> application:start(crypto), application:start(asn1), application:start(public_key), application:start(ssl), application:start(ibrowse), io:format("turning on tracing"), ibrowse:trace_on(), CertDir = rt_config:get(rt_scratch_dir) ++ "/http_certs", %% make a bunch of crypto keys make_certs:rootCA(CertDir, "rootCA"), make_certs:endusers(CertDir, "rootCA", ["site3.basho.com", "site4.basho.com"]), lager:info("Deploy some nodes"), PrivDir = rt:priv_dir(), Conf = [ {riak_core, [ {default_bucket_props, [{allow_mult, true}]}, {ssl, [ {certfile, filename:join([CertDir, "site3.basho.com/cert.pem"])}, {keyfile, filename:join([CertDir, "site3.basho.com/key.pem"])}, {cacertfile, filename:join([CertDir, "site3.basho.com/cacerts.pem"])} ]} ]}, {riak_search, [ {enabled, true} ]} ], Nodes = rt:build_cluster(4, Conf), Node = hd(Nodes), %% enable security on the cluster ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, security_enable, [[]]), enable_ssl(Node), %%[enable_ssl(N) || N <- Nodes], {ok, [{IP0, Port0}]} = rpc:call(Node, application, get_env, [riak_api, http]), {ok, [{IP, Port}]} = rpc:call(Node, application, get_env, [riak_api, https]), MD = riak_test_runner:metadata(), HaveIndexes = case proplists:get_value(backend, MD) of undefined -> false; %% default is da 'cask bitcask -> false; _ -> true end, lager:info("Checking non-SSL results in error"), %% connections over regular HTTP get told to go elsewhere C0 = rhc:create(IP0, Port0, "riak", []), ?assertMatch({error, {ok, "426", _, _}}, rhc:ping(C0)), lager:info("Checking SSL demands authentication"), C1 = rhc:create(IP, Port, "riak", [{is_ssl, true}]), ?assertMatch({error, {ok, "401", _, _}}, rhc:ping(C1)), lager:info("Checking that unknown user demands reauth"), C2 = rhc:create(IP, Port, "riak", [{is_ssl, true}, {credentials, "user", "pass"}]), ?assertMatch({error, {ok, "401", _, _}}, rhc:ping(C2)), %% Store this in a variable so once Riak supports utf-8 usernames %% via HTTP(s) we can test it with just one change Username = "user", lager:info("Creating user"), %% grant the user credentials ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, add_user, [[Username, "password=password"]]), lager:info("Setting trust mode on user"), %% trust anyone from this host MyIP = case IP0 of "" -> IP0; _ -> {ok,Hostname} = inet:gethostname(), {ok,A0} = inet:getaddr(Hostname, inet), inet:ntoa(A0) end, ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, add_source, [[Username, MyIP++"/32", "trust"]]), lager:info("Checking that credentials are ignored in trust mode"), %% invalid credentials should be ignored in trust mode C3 = rhc:create(IP, Port, "riak", [{is_ssl, true}, {credentials, Username, "pass"}]), ?assertEqual(ok, rhc:ping(C3)), lager:info("Setting password mode on user"), %% require password from our IP ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, add_source, [[Username, MyIP++"/32", "password"]]), lager:info("Checking that incorrect password demands reauth"), %% invalid credentials should be rejected in password mode C4 = rhc:create(IP, Port, "riak", [{is_ssl, true}, {credentials, Username, "pass"}]), ?assertMatch({error, {ok, "401", _, _}}, rhc:ping(C4)), lager:info("Checking that correct password is successful"), %% valid credentials should be accepted in password mode C5 = rhc:create(IP, Port, "riak", [{is_ssl, true}, {credentials, Username, "password"}]), ?assertEqual(ok, rhc:ping(C5)), lager:info("verifying the peer certificate rejects mismatch with server cert"), %% verifying the peer certificate reject mismatch with server cert C6 = rhc:create(IP, Port, "riak", [{is_ssl, true}, {credentials, Username, "password"}, {ssl_options, [ {cacertfile, filename:join([PrivDir, "certs/cacert.org/ca/root.crt"])}, {verify, verify_peer}, {reuse_sessions, false} ]} ]), ?assertMatch({error,{conn_failed,{error,_}}}, rhc:ping(C6)), lager:info("verifying the peer certificate should work if the cert is valid"), %% verifying the peer certificate should work if the cert is valid C7 = rhc:create(IP, Port, "riak", [{is_ssl, true}, {credentials, Username, "password"}, {ssl_options, [ {cacertfile, filename:join([CertDir, "rootCA/cert.pem"])}, {verify, verify_peer}, {reuse_sessions, false} ]} ]), ?assertEqual(ok, rhc:ping(C7)), lager:info("verifying that user cannot get/put without grants"), ?assertMatch({error, {ok, "403", _, _}}, rhc:get(C7, <<"hello">>, <<"world">>)), Object = riakc_obj:new(<<"hello">>, <<"world">>, <<"howareyou">>, <<"text/plain">>), ?assertMatch({error, {ok, "403", _, _}}, rhc:put(C7, Object)), lager:info("Granting riak_kv.get, checking get works but put doesn't"), ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, grant, [["riak_kv.get", "on", "default", "hello", "to", Username]]), %% key is not present ?assertMatch({error, notfound}, rhc:get(C7, <<"hello">>, <<"world">>)), ?assertMatch({error, {ok, "403", _, _}}, rhc:put(C7, Object)), lager:info("Granting riak_kv.put, checking put works and roundtrips with get"), ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, grant, [["riak_kv.put", "on", "default", "hello", "to", Username]]), %% NOW we can put ?assertEqual(ok, rhc:put(C7, Object)), {ok, O} = rhc:get(C7, <<"hello">>, <<"world">>), ?assertEqual(<<"hello">>, riakc_obj:bucket(O)), ?assertEqual(<<"world">>, riakc_obj:key(O)), ?assertEqual(<<"howareyou">>, riakc_obj:get_value(O)), lager:info("Checking that delete is disallowed"), %% delete ?assertMatch({error, {ok, "403", _, _}}, rhc:delete(C7, <<"hello">>, <<"world">>)), lager:info("Checking that delete for non-existing key is disallowed"), ?assertMatch({error, {ok, "403", _, _}}, rhc:delete(C7, <<"hello">>, <<"_xxboguskey">>)), lager:info("Granting riak_kv.delete, checking that delete succeeds"), ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, grant, [["riak_kv.delete", "on", "default", "hello", "to", Username]]), ?assertEqual(ok, rhc:delete(C7, <<"hello">>, <<"world">>)), %% key is deleted ?assertMatch({error, notfound}, rhc:get(C7, <<"hello">>, <<"world">>)), %% write it back for list_buckets later ?assertEqual(ok, rhc:put(C7, Object)), lager:info("Checking that delete for non-existing key is allowed"), ?assertMatch({error, {ok, "404", _, _}}, rhc:delete(C7, <<"hello">>, <<"_xxboguskey">>)), %% slam the door in the user's face lager:info("Revoking get/put/delete, checking that get/put/delete are disallowed"), ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, revoke, [["riak_kv.put,riak_kv.get,riak_kv.delete", "on", "default", "hello", "from", Username]]), ?assertMatch({error, {ok, "403", _, _}}, rhc:get(C7, <<"hello">>, <<"world">>)), ?assertMatch({error, {ok, "403", _, _}}, rhc:put(C7, Object)), %% list buckets lager:info("Checking that list buckets is disallowed"), ?assertMatch({error, {"403", _}}, rhc:list_buckets(C7)), lager:info("Granting riak_kv.list_buckets, checking that list_buckets succeeds"), ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, grant, [["riak_kv.list_buckets", "on", "default", "to", Username]]), ?assertMatch({ok, [<<"hello">>]}, rhc:list_buckets(C7)), %% list keys lager:info("Checking that list keys is disallowed"), ?assertMatch({error, {"403", _}}, rhc:list_keys(C7, <<"hello">>)), lager:info("Granting riak_kv.list_keys, checking that list_keys succeeds"), ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, grant, [["riak_kv.list_keys", "on", "default", "to", Username]]), ?assertMatch({ok, [<<"world">>]}, rhc:list_keys(C7, <<"hello">>)), lager:info("Revoking list_keys"), ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, revoke, [["riak_kv.list_keys", "on", "default", "from", Username]]), %% list keys with bucket type rt:create_and_activate_bucket_type(Node, <<"list-keys-test">>, []), lager:info("Checking that list keys on a bucket-type is disallowed"), ?assertMatch({error, {"403", _}}, rhc:list_keys(C7, {<<"list-keys-test">>, <<"hello">>})), lager:info("Granting riak_kv.list_keys on the bucket type, checking that list_keys succeeds"), ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, grant, [["riak_kv.list_keys", "on", "list-keys-test", "to", Username]]), ?assertMatch({ok, []}, rhc:list_keys(C7, {<<"list-keys-test">>, <<"hello">>})), lager:info("Checking that get_bucket is disallowed"), ?assertMatch({error, {ok, "403", _, _}}, rhc:get_bucket(C7, <<"hello">>)), lager:info("Granting riak_core.get_bucket, checking that get_bucket succeeds"), ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, grant, [["riak_core.get_bucket", "on", "default", "hello", "to", Username]]), ?assertEqual(3, proplists:get_value(n_val, element(2, rhc:get_bucket(C7, <<"hello">>)))), lager:info("Checking that reset_bucket is disallowed"), ?assertMatch({error, {ok, "403", _, _}}, rhc:reset_bucket(C7, <<"hello">>)), lager:info("Checking that set_bucket is disallowed"), ?assertMatch({error, {ok, "403", _, _}}, rhc:set_bucket(C7, <<"hello">>, [{n_val, 5}])), lager:info("Granting set_bucket, checking that set_bucket succeeds"), ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, grant, [["riak_core.set_bucket", "on", "default", "hello", "to", Username]]), ?assertEqual(ok, rhc:set_bucket(C7, <<"hello">>, [{n_val, 5}])), ?assertEqual(5, proplists:get_value(n_val, element(2, rhc:get_bucket(C7, <<"hello">>)))), %% 2i case HaveIndexes of false -> ok; true -> %% 2i permission test lager:info("Checking 2i is disallowed"), ?assertMatch({error, {"403", _}}, rhc:get_index(C7, <<"hello">>, {binary_index, "name"}, <<"John">>)), lager:info("Granting 2i permissions, checking that results come back"), ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, grant, [["riak_kv.index", "on", "default", "to", Username]]), %% don't actually have any indexes ?assertMatch({ok, ?INDEX_RESULTS{}}, rhc:get_index(C7, <<"hello">>, {binary_index, "name"}, <<"John">>)), lager:info("Checking that 2i on a bucket-type is disallowed"), ?assertMatch({error, {"403", _}}, rhc:get_index(C7, {<<"list-keys-test">>, <<"hello">>}, {binary_index, "name"}, <<"John">>)), lager:info("Granting riak_kv.index on the bucket type, checking that get_index succeeds"), ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, grant, [["riak_kv.index", "on", "list-keys-test", "to", Username]]), ?assertMatch({ok, ?INDEX_RESULTS{}}, rhc:get_index(C7, {<<"list-keys-test">>, <<"hello">>}, {binary_index, "name"}, <<"John">>)), ok end, %% counters %% grant get/put again lager:info("Granting get/put for counters, checking value and increment"), ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, grant, [["riak_kv.get,riak_kv.put", "on", "default", "hello", "to", Username]]), ?assertMatch({error, {ok, "404", _, _}}, rhc:counter_val(C7, <<"hello">>, <<"numberofpies">>)), ok = rhc:counter_incr(C7, <<"hello">>, <<"numberofpies">>, 5), ?assertEqual({ok, 5}, rhc:counter_val(C7, <<"hello">>, <<"numberofpies">>)), %% revoke get lager:info("Revoking get, checking that value fails but increment succeeds"), ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, revoke, [["riak_kv.get", "on", "default", "hello", "from", Username]]), ?assertMatch({error, {ok, "403", _, _}}, rhc:counter_val(C7, <<"hello">>, <<"numberofpies">>)), ok = rhc:counter_incr(C7, <<"hello">>, <<"numberofpies">>, 5), %% revoke put lager:info("Revoking put, checking that increment fails"), ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, revoke, [["riak_kv.put", "on", "default", "hello", "from", Username]]), ?assertMatch({error, {ok, "403", _, _}}, rhc:counter_incr(C7, <<"hello">>, <<"numberofpies">>, 5)), %% mapred tests lager:info("Checking that full-bucket mapred is disallowed"), ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, grant, [["riak_kv.put", "on", "default", "MR", "to", Username]]), ok = rhc:put(C7, riakc_obj:new(<<"MR">>, <<"lobster_roll">>, <<"16">>, <<"text/plain">>)), ok = rhc:put(C7, riakc_obj:new(<<"MR">>, <<"pickle_plate">>, <<"9">>, <<"text/plain">>)), ok = rhc:put(C7, riakc_obj:new(<<"MR">>, <<"pimms_cup">>, <<"8">>, <<"text/plain">>)), ?assertMatch({error, {"403", _}}, rhc:mapred_bucket(C7, <<"MR">>, [{map, {jsfun, <<"Riak.mapValuesJson">>}, undefined, false}, {reduce, {jsfun, <<"Riak.reduceSum">>}, undefined, true}])), lager:info("Granting list-keys, asserting full-bucket mapred is still disallowed"), ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, grant, [["riak_kv.list_keys", "on", "default", "MR", "to", Username]]), ?assertMatch({error, {"403", _}}, rhc:mapred_bucket(C7, <<"MR">>, [{map, {jsfun, <<"Riak.mapValuesJson">>}, undefined, false}, {reduce, {jsfun, <<"Riak.reduceSum">>}, undefined, true}])), lager:info("Granting mapreduce, checking that job succeeds"), ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, grant, [["riak_kv.mapreduce", "on", "default", "MR", "to", Username]]), ?assertEqual({ok, [{1, [33]}]}, rhc:mapred_bucket(C7, <<"MR">>, [{map, {jsfun, <<"Riak.mapValuesJson">>}, undefined, false}, {reduce, {jsfun, <<"Riak.reduceSum">>}, undefined, true}])), %% load this module on all the nodes ok = rt:load_modules_on_nodes([?MODULE], Nodes), lager:info("checking erlang mapreduce works"), ?assertMatch({ok, [{1, _}]}, rhc:mapred_bucket(C7, <<"MR">>, [{map, {modfun, riak_kv_mapreduce, map_object_value}, undefined, false}, {reduce, {modfun, riak_kv_mapreduce, reduce_set_union}, undefined, true}])), lager:info("checking that insecure input modfun fails"), ?assertMatch({error, _}, rhc:mapred_bucket(C7, {modfun, ?MODULE, mapred_modfun_input, []}, [{map, {modfun, riak_kv_mapreduce, map_object_value}, undefined, false}, {reduce, {modfun, riak_kv_mapreduce, reduce_set_union}, undefined, true}])), lager:info("checking that insecure query modfuns fail"), ?assertMatch({error, _}, rhc:mapred_bucket(C7, <<"MR">>, [{map, {modfun, ?MODULE, map_object_value}, undefined, false}, {reduce, {modfun, ?MODULE, reduce_set_union}, undefined, true}])), lager:info("whitelisting module path"), {?MODULE, _ModBin, ModFile} = code:get_object_code(?MODULE), ok = rpc:call(Node, application, set_env, [riak_kv, add_paths, [filename:dirname(ModFile)]]), lager:info("checking that insecure input modfun fails when whitelisted but" " lacking permissions"), ?assertMatch({error, {"403", _}}, rhc:mapred_bucket(C7, {modfun, ?MODULE, mapred_modfun_input, []}, [{map, {modfun, riak_kv_mapreduce, map_object_value}, undefined, false}, {reduce, {modfun, riak_kv_mapreduce, reduce_set_union}, undefined, true}])), ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, grant, [["riak_kv.mapreduce", "on", "any", "to", Username]]), lager:info("checking that insecure input modfun works when whitelisted and" " has permissions"), ?assertMatch({ok, _}, rhc:mapred_bucket(C7, {modfun, ?MODULE, mapred_modfun_input, []}, [{map, {modfun, riak_kv_mapreduce, map_object_value}, undefined, false}, {reduce, {modfun, riak_kv_mapreduce, reduce_set_union}, undefined, true}])), ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, revoke, [["riak_kv.mapreduce", "on", "any", "from", Username]]), lager:info("checking that insecure query modfuns works when whitelisted"), ?assertMatch({ok, _}, rhc:mapred_bucket(C7, <<"MR">>, [{map, {modfun, ?MODULE, map_object_value}, undefined, false}, {reduce, {modfun, ?MODULE, reduce_set_union}, undefined, true}])), lager:info("Revoking list-keys, checking that full-bucket mapred fails"), ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, revoke, [["riak_kv.list_keys", "on", "default", "MR", "from", Username]]), ?assertMatch({error, {"403", _}}, rhc:mapred_bucket(C7, <<"MR">>, [{map, {jsfun, <<"Riak.mapValuesJson">>}, undefined, false}, {reduce, {jsfun, <<"Riak.reduceSum">>}, undefined, true}])), crdt_tests(Nodes, C7), URL = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("https://~s:~b", [IP, Port])), lager:info("checking link walking fails because it is deprecated"), ?assertMatch({ok, "403", _, <<"Link walking is deprecated", _/binary>>}, ibrowse:send_req(URL ++ "/riak/hb/first/_,_,_", [], get, [], [{response_format, binary}, {is_ssl, true}, {ssl_options, [ {cacertfile, filename:join([CertDir, "rootCA/cert.pem"])}, {verify, verify_peer}, {reuse_sessions, false}]}])), lager:info("checking search 1.0 403s because search won't allow" "connections with security enabled"), ?assertMatch({ok, "403", _, <<"Riak Search 1.0 is deprecated", _/binary>>}, ibrowse:send_req(URL ++ "/solr/index/select?q=foo:bar&wt=json", [], get, [], [{response_format, binary}, {is_ssl, true}, {ssl_options, [ {cacertfile, filename:join([CertDir, "rootCA/cert.pem"])}, {verify, verify_peer}, {reuse_sessions, false}]}])), pass. enable_ssl(Node) -> [{http, {IP, Port}}|_] = rt:connection_info(Node), rt:update_app_config(Node, [{riak_api, [{https, [{IP, Port+1000}]}]}]), rt:wait_until_pingable(Node), rt:wait_for_service(Node, riak_kv). map_object_value(RiakObject, A, B) -> riak_kv_mapreduce:map_object_value(RiakObject, A, B). reduce_set_union(List, A) -> riak_kv_mapreduce:reduce_set_union(List, A). mapred_modfun_input(Pipe, _Args, _Timeout) -> riak_pipe:queue_work(Pipe, {{<<"MR">>, <<"lobster_roll">>}, {struct, []}}), riak_pipe:eoi(Pipe). crdt_tests([Node|_]=Nodes, RHC) -> Username = "user", lager:info("Creating bucket types for CRDTs"), Types = [{<<"counters">>, counter, riakc_counter:to_op(riakc_counter:increment(5, riakc_counter:new()))}, {<<"sets">>, set, riakc_set:to_op(riakc_set:add_element(<<"foo">>, riakc_set:new()))}], [ begin rt:create_and_activate_bucket_type(Node, BType, [{allow_mult, true}, {datatype, DType}]), rt:wait_until_bucket_type_status(BType, active, Nodes), rt:wait_until_bucket_type_visible(Nodes, BType) end || {BType, DType, _Op} <- Types ], lager:info("Checking that CRDT fetch is denied"), [ ?assertDenied(rhc:fetch_type(RHC, {BType, <<"bucket">>}, <<"key">>)) || {BType, _, _} <- Types], lager:info("Granting CRDT riak_kv.get, checking that fetches succeed"), [ grant(Node, ["riak_kv.get", "on", binary_to_list(Type), "to", Username]) || {Type, _, _} <- Types ], [ ?assertEqual({error, {notfound, DType}}, (rhc:fetch_type(RHC, {BType, <<"bucket">>}, <<"key">>))) || {BType, DType, _, _} <- Types], lager:info("Checking that CRDT update is denied"), [ ?assertDenied(rhc:update_type(RHC, {BType, <<"bucket">>}, <<"key">>, Op)) || {BType, _, Op} <- Types], lager:info("Granting CRDT riak_kv.put, checking that updates succeed"), [ grant(Node, ["riak_kv.put", "on", binary_to_list(Type), "to", Username]) || {Type, _, _} <- Types ], [?assertEqual(ok, (rhc:update_type(RHC, {BType, <<"bucket">>}, <<"key">>, Op))) || {BType, _, Op} <- Types], ok. grant(Node, Args) -> ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_console, grant, [Args]).