%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% Copyright (c) 2013 Basho Technologies, Inc. %% %% This file is provided to you under the Apache License, %% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file %% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %% a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, %% software distributed under the License is distributed on an %% "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %% specific language governing permissions and limitations %% under the License. %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% @doc Verify authentication works for riak_control. -module(riak_control_authentication). -behaviour(riak_test). -export([confirm/0]). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -define(RC_AUTH_NONE_CONFIG, [{riak_control, [{enabled, true}, {auth, none}]}]). -define(RC_AUTH_NONE_CONFIG_FORCE_SSL, [{riak_api, [{https, [{"", 8069}]}]}, {riak_core, [{https, [{"", 8069}]}, {ssl, [{certfile, "./etc/cert.pem"}, {keyfile, "./etc/key.pem"} ]}]}, {riak_control, [{enabled, true}, {auth, none}, {force_ssl, true}]}]). -define(RC_AUTH_USERLIST_CONFIG, [{riak_api, [{https, [{"", 8069}]}]}, {riak_core, [{https, [{"", 8069}]}, {ssl, [{certfile, "./etc/cert.pem"}, {keyfile, "./etc/key.pem"} ]}]}, {riak_control, [{enabled, true}, {auth, userlist}, {userlist, [{"user", "pass"}]}]}]). -define(RC_AUTH_USERLIST_CONFIG_FORCE_SSL, [{riak_api, [{https, [{"", 8069}]}]}, {riak_core, [{https, [{"", 8069}]}, {ssl, [{certfile, "./etc/cert.pem"}, {keyfile, "./etc/key.pem"} ]}]}, {riak_control, [{enabled, true}, {force_ssl, true}, {auth, userlist}, {userlist, [{"user", "pass"}]}]}]). -define(RC_AUTH_USERLIST_CONFIG_NO_FORCE_SSL, [{riak_api, [{https, [{"", 8069}]}]}, {riak_core, [{https, [{"", 8069}]}, {ssl, [{certfile, "./etc/cert.pem"}, {keyfile, "./etc/key.pem"} ]}]}, {riak_control, [{enabled, true}, {force_ssl, false}, {auth, userlist}, {userlist, [{"user", "pass"}]}]}]). %% @doc Confirm all authentication methods work for the three supported %% releases. confirm() -> TestVersions = [current, previous, legacy], [determine_test_suite(Vsn) || Vsn <- TestVersions], pass. %% @doc Determine if current, legacy or previous is a Riak 2.0+ %% version or not and test accordingly. -spec(determine_test_suite(atom()) -> fun()). determine_test_suite(Vsn) -> VersionBinary = rt:get_version(Vsn), case VersionBinary of <<"riak_ee-2.", _/binary>> -> verify_authentication_post20(Vsn); <<"riak-2.", _/binary>> -> verify_authentication_post20(Vsn); _ -> verify_authentication_pre20(Vsn) end. %% @doc Test authentication methods for versions since Riak 2.0 -spec(verify_authentication_post20(atom()) -> ok). verify_authentication_post20(Vsn) -> %% Verify authentication none, and then with forced SSL. verify_authentication(Vsn, ?RC_AUTH_NONE_CONFIG), verify_authentication(Vsn, ?RC_AUTH_NONE_CONFIG_FORCE_SSL), %% Verify authentication userlist, without SSL and then with SSL. verify_authentication(Vsn, ?RC_AUTH_USERLIST_CONFIG_FORCE_SSL), verify_authentication(Vsn, ?RC_AUTH_USERLIST_CONFIG_NO_FORCE_SSL), ok. %% @doc Test authentication methods for versions before Riak 2.0 -spec(verify_authentication_pre20(atom()) -> ok). verify_authentication_pre20(Vsn) -> %% Verify authentication method 'none'. verify_authentication(Vsn, ?RC_AUTH_NONE_CONFIG), %% Verify authentication method 'userlist'. verify_authentication(Vsn, ?RC_AUTH_USERLIST_CONFIG), ok. %% @doc Verify the disabled authentication method works. verify_authentication(Vsn, ?RC_AUTH_NONE_CONFIG) -> lager:info("Verifying auth 'none', ~p.", [Vsn]), Nodes = build_singleton_cluster(Vsn, ?RC_AUTH_NONE_CONFIG), Node = lists:nth(1, Nodes), %% Assert that we can load the main page. lager:info("Verifying Control loads."), Command = io_lib:format("curl -sL -w %{http_code} ~s~p -o /dev/null", [rt:http_url(Node), "/admin"]), ?assertEqual("200", os:cmd(Command)), rt:stop_and_wait(Node), pass; %% @doc Verify the disabled authentication method works with force SSL. verify_authentication(Vsn, ?RC_AUTH_NONE_CONFIG_FORCE_SSL) -> lager:info("Verifying auth 'none', 'force_ssl' 'true', ~p.", [Vsn]), Nodes = build_singleton_cluster(Vsn, ?RC_AUTH_NONE_CONFIG_FORCE_SSL), Node = lists:nth(1, Nodes), %% Assert that we get redirected if we hit the HTTP port. lager:info("Verifying redirect to SSL."), RedirectCommand = io_lib:format("curl -sL -w %{http_code} ~s~p -o /dev/null", [rt:http_url(Node), "/admin"]), ?assertEqual("303", os:cmd(RedirectCommand)), %% TODO: Temporarily disabled because of OTP R16B02 SSL bug. %% Assert that we can access resource over the SSL port. % lager:info("Verifying Control loads over SSL."), % AccessCommand = io_lib:format("curl --insecure -sL -w %{http_code} ~s~p", % [rt:https_url(Node), "/admin"]), % ?assertEqual("200", os:cmd(AccessCommand)), rt:stop_and_wait(Node), pass; %% @doc Verify the userlist authentication method works. verify_authentication(Vsn, ?RC_AUTH_USERLIST_CONFIG) -> lager:info("Verifying auth 'userlist', ~p.", [Vsn]), Nodes = build_singleton_cluster(Vsn, ?RC_AUTH_USERLIST_CONFIG), Node = lists:nth(1, Nodes), %% Assert that we get redirected if we hit the HTTP port. lager:info("Verifying redirect to SSL."), RedirectCommand = io_lib:format("curl -sL -w %{http_code} ~s~p -o /dev/null", [rt:http_url(Node), "/admin"]), ?assertEqual("303", os:cmd(RedirectCommand)), %% Assert that we can access resource over the SSL port. lager:info("Verifying Control loads over SSL."), AccessCommand = io_lib:format("curl --insecure -sL -w %{http_code} ~s~p -o /dev/null", [rt:https_url(Node), "/admin"]), ?assertEqual("401", os:cmd(AccessCommand)), %% Assert that we can access resource over the SSL port. lager:info("Verifying Control loads with credentials."), AuthCommand = io_lib:format("curl -u user:pass --insecure -sL -w %{http_code} ~s~p -o /dev/null", [rt:https_url(Node), "/admin"]), ?assertEqual("200", os:cmd(AuthCommand)), rt:stop_and_wait(Node), pass; %% @doc Verify the userlist authentication method works. verify_authentication(Vsn, ?RC_AUTH_USERLIST_CONFIG_FORCE_SSL) -> lager:info("Verifying auth 'userlist', 'force_ssl' 'true', ~p.", [Vsn]), Nodes = build_singleton_cluster(Vsn, ?RC_AUTH_USERLIST_CONFIG_FORCE_SSL), Node = lists:nth(1, Nodes), %% Assert that we get redirected if we hit the HTTP port. lager:info("Verifying redirect to SSL."), RedirectCommand = io_lib:format("curl -sL -w %{http_code} ~s~p -o /dev/null", [rt:http_url(Node), "/admin"]), ?assertEqual("303", os:cmd(RedirectCommand)), %% TODO: Temporarily disabled because of OTP R16B02 SSL bug. %% Assert that we can access resource over the SSL port. % lager:info("Verifying Control loads over SSL."), % AccessCommand = io_lib:format("curl --insecure -sL -w %{http_code} ~s~p -o /dev/null", % [rt:https_url(Node), "/admin"]), % ?assertEqual("401", os:cmd(AccessCommand)), %% TODO: Temporarily disabled because of OTP R16B02 SSL bug. %% Assert that we can access resource over the SSL port. % lager:info("Verifying Control loads with credentials."), % AuthCommand = io_lib:format("curl -u user:pass --insecure -sL -w %{http_code} ~s~p -o /dev/null", % [rt:https_url(Node), "/admin"]), % ?assertEqual("200", os:cmd(AuthCommand)), rt:stop_and_wait(Node), pass; %% @doc Verify the userlist authentication method works. verify_authentication(Vsn, ?RC_AUTH_USERLIST_CONFIG_NO_FORCE_SSL) -> lager:info("Verifying auth 'userlist', 'force_ssl' 'false', ~p.", [Vsn]), Nodes = build_singleton_cluster(Vsn, ?RC_AUTH_USERLIST_CONFIG_NO_FORCE_SSL), Node = lists:nth(1, Nodes), %% Assert that we can access resource over the SSL port. lager:info("Verifying Control loads over SSL."), AccessCommand = io_lib:format("curl --insecure -sL -w %{http_code} ~s~p -o /dev/null", [rt:http_url(Node), "/admin"]), ?assertEqual("401", os:cmd(AccessCommand)), %% Assert that we can access resource over the SSL port. lager:info("Verifying Control loads with credentials."), AuthCommand = io_lib:format("curl -u user:pass --insecure -sL -w %{http_code} ~s~p -o /dev/null", [rt:http_url(Node), "/admin"]), ?assertEqual("200", os:cmd(AuthCommand)), rt:stop_and_wait(Node), pass. %% @doc Build a one node cluster. build_singleton_cluster(Vsn, Config) -> [Nodes] = rt:build_clusters([{1, Vsn, Config}]), %% Start and stop, wait for riak_kv. %% %% Since many of the Riak Control configuration options change how %% the supervisor starts, we need to restart to ensure settings %% take effect. Node = lists:nth(1, Nodes), rt:start_and_wait(Node), rt:wait_for_service(Node, riak_kv), %% Wait for control to start. VersionedNodes = [{Vsn, N} || N <- Nodes], rt:wait_for_control(VersionedNodes), lager:info("Build ~p, nodes: ~p.", [Vsn, Nodes]), Nodes.