%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% Copyright (c) 2014 Basho Technologies, Inc. %% %% This file is provided to you under the Apache License, %% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file %% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %% a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, %% software distributed under the License is distributed on an %% "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %% specific language governing permissions and limitations %% under the License. % %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(riak_kv_console_intercepts). -compile(export_all). -include("intercept.hrl"). %% See tests/riak_admin_console_tests.erl for more info -define(M, riak_kv_console_orig). -define(PASS, io:format("pass", [])). -define(FAIL, io:format("fail", [])). verify_console_staged_join(Val) -> case Val of ["dev99@"] -> ?PASS; _ -> ?FAIL end. verify_console_bucket_type_status(Val) -> case Val of ["foo"] -> ?PASS; _ -> ?FAIL end. verify_console_bucket_type_activate(Val) -> case Val of ["foo"] -> ?PASS; _ -> ?FAIL end. verify_console_bucket_type_create(Val) -> io:format(user, "XXXX~p~n", [Val]), case Val of ["foo","{props:{[]}}"] -> ?PASS; _ -> ?FAIL end. verify_console_bucket_type_update(Val) -> case Val of ["foo","{props:{[]}}"] -> ?PASS; _ -> ?FAIL end. verify_console_bucket_type_list(Val) -> case Val of [] -> ?PASS; _ -> ?FAIL end. verify_console_join(Val) -> case Val of ["dev99@"] -> ?PASS; _ -> ?FAIL end. verify_console_leave(Val) -> case Val of [] -> ?PASS; _ -> ?FAIL end. verify_console_remove(Val) -> case Val of ["dev99@"] -> ?PASS; _ -> ?FAIL end. verify_console_down(Val) -> case Val of ["dev98@"] -> ?PASS; _ -> ?FAIL end. verify_console_status(Val) -> case Val of [] -> ?PASS; _ -> ?FAIL end. verify_console_vnode_status(Val) -> case Val of [] -> ?PASS; _ -> ?FAIL end. verify_console_ringready(Val) -> case Val of [] -> ?PASS; _ -> ?FAIL end. verify_console_repair_2i(Val) -> case Val of ["status"] -> ?PASS; ["kill"] -> ?PASS; ["--speed","5","foo","bar","baz"] -> ?PASS; _ -> ?FAIL end. verify_console_aae_status(Val) -> case Val of [] -> ?PASS; _ -> ?FAIL end. verify_console_cluster_info(Val) -> case Val of ["foo","local"] -> ?PASS; ["foo","local","dev99@"] -> ?PASS; _ -> ?FAIL end. verify_console_reload_code(Val) -> case Val of [] -> ?PASS; _ -> ?FAIL end. verify_console_reip(Val) -> io:format(user, "XXXX ~p~n", [Val]), case Val of ["a", "b"] -> ?PASS; _ -> ?FAIL end. verify_console_reformat_indexes(Val) -> case Val of ["--downgrade"] -> ?PASS; ["5"] -> ?PASS; ["5", "--downgrade"] -> ?PASS; ["6", "7"] -> ?PASS; ["6", "7", "--downgrade"] -> ?PASS; _ -> ?FAIL end. verify_console_reformat_objects(Val) -> case Val of ["true"] -> ?PASS; ["true","1"] -> ?PASS; _ -> ?FAIL end.