%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% Copyright (c) 2016 Basho Technologies, Inc. %% %% This file is provided to you under the Apache License, %% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file %% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %% a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, %% software distributed under the License is distributed on an %% "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %% specific language governing permissions and limitations %% under the License. %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ts_cluster_riak_shell_basic_sql). -behavior(riak_test). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -export([confirm/0]). -define(DONT_INCREMENT_PROMPT, false). %% we cant run the test in this process as it receives various messages %% and the running test interprets then as being messages to the shell confirm() -> Nodes = ts_setup:start_cluster(3), Conn = ts_setup:conn(Nodes), lager:info("Built a cluster of ~p~n", [Nodes]), Self = self(), _Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> create_table_test(Self) end), Got1 = riak_shell_test_util:loop(), Result1 = ts_data:assert("Create Table", pass, Got1), _Pid2 = spawn_link(fun() -> query_table_test(Self, Conn) end), Got2 = riak_shell_test_util:loop(), Result2 = ts_data:assert("Query Table", pass, Got2), ts_data:results([ Result1, Result2 ]), pass. create_table_test(Pid) -> State = riak_shell_test_util:shell_init(), lager:info("~n~nStart running the command set-------------------------", []), CreateTable = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s;", [ts_data:get_ddl(small)])), Describe = "Column,Type,Is Null,Primary Key,Local Key,Interval,Unit\n" "myfamily,varchar,false,1,1,,\n" "myseries,varchar,false,2,2,,\n" "time,timestamp,false,3,3,15,m\n" "weather,varchar,false,,,,\n" "temperature,double,true,,,,\n", Cmds = [ %% 'connection prompt on' means you need to do unicode printing and stuff {run, "connection_prompt off;"}, {run, "show_cookie;"}, {run, "show_connection;"}, {run, "connect 'dev1@';"}, {{match, ""}, CreateTable}, {{match, Describe}, "DESCRIBE GeoCheckin;"} ], Result = riak_shell_test_util:run_commands(Cmds, State, ?DONT_INCREMENT_PROMPT), lager:info("Result is ~p~n", [Result]), lager:info("~n~n------------------------------------------------------", []), Pid ! Result. query_table_test(Pid, Conn) -> %% Throw some tests data out there Data = ts_data:get_valid_select_data(), ok = riakc_ts:put(Conn, ts_data:get_default_bucket(), Data), SQL = "select time, weather, temperature from GeoCheckin where myfamily='family1' and myseries='seriesX' and time > 0 and time < 1000", Select = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s;", [SQL])), State = riak_shell_test_util:shell_init(), Expected = lists:flatten(query(Conn, SQL)), lager:info("~n~nStart running the command set-------------------------", []), Cmds = [ %% 'connection prompt on' means you need to do unicode printing and stuff {run, "connection_prompt off;"}, {run, "show_cookie;"}, {run, "show_connection;"}, {run, "connect 'dev1@';"}, {{match, Expected}, Select} ], Result = riak_shell_test_util:run_commands(Cmds, State, ?DONT_INCREMENT_PROMPT), lager:info("Result is ~p~n", [Result]), lager:info("~n~n------------------------------------------------------", []), Pid ! Result. %% Stolen from the innards of riak_shell format_table({"", _}) -> ""; format_table({[[]], _}) -> ""; format_table({String, _}) -> re:replace(lists:flatten(String), "\r", "", [global,{return,list}]). query(Conn, SQL) -> case riakc_ts:query(Conn, SQL, [], undefined, [{datatypes, true}]) of {error, {ErrNo, Binary}} -> io_lib:format("Error (~p): ~s", [ErrNo, Binary]); {ok, {Header, Rows}} -> Rs = [begin Row = lists:zip(tuple_to_list(RowTuple), Header), [{to_list(Name), to_list(X)} || {X, {Name, _Type}} <- Row] end || RowTuple <- Rows], Status = clique_status:table(Rs), format_table(clique_writer:write([Status], "csv")) end. to_list(A) when is_atom(A) -> atom_to_list(A); to_list(B) when is_binary(B) -> binary_to_list(B); %% Timestamps when pulled via the Erlang client are integers, but are %% rendered as strings via riak-shell. %% %% We can cheat here: the only integer in the DDL is a timestamp, so %% any integer we see we can convert to ISO 8601. to_list(I) when is_integer(I) -> jam_iso8601:to_string(jam:from_epoch(I, 3)); to_list(F) when is_float(F) -> mochinum:digits(F); to_list(L) when is_list(L) -> L.