first major eqc test for timeseries

This commit is contained in:
Gordon Guthrie 2015-10-20 09:05:57 +00:00
parent 75654db9be
commit b65fcc738f
2 changed files with 166 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ confirm_activate(ClusterType, DDL, Expected) ->
[Node | Rest] = build_cluster(ClusterType),
ok = maybe_stop_a_node(ClusterType, Rest),
{ok, _} = create_bucket(Node, DDL),
{ok, _} = create_bucket(Node, DDL, 3),
Got = activate_bucket(Node, DDL),
?assertEqual(Expected, Got),
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ confirm_put(ClusterType, TestType, DDL, Obj) ->
case TestType of
normal ->
io:format("1 - Creating and activating bucket~n"),
{ok, _} = create_bucket(Node, DDL),
{ok, _} = create_bucket(Node, DDL, 3),
{ok, _} = activate_bucket(Node, DDL);
no_ddl ->
io:format("1 - NOT Creating or activating bucket - failure test~n"),
@ -75,7 +75,11 @@ confirm_select(ClusterType, TestType, DDL, Data, Qry, Expected) ->
case TestType of
normal ->
io:format("1 - Create and activate the bucket~n"),
{ok, _} = create_bucket(Node, DDL),
{ok, _} = create_bucket(Node, DDL, 3),
{ok, _} = activate_bucket(Node, DDL);
n_val_one ->
io:format("1 - Creating and activating bucket~n"),
{ok, _} = create_bucket(Node, DDL, 1),
{ok, _} = activate_bucket(Node, DDL);
no_ddl ->
io:format("1 - NOT Creating or activating bucket - failure test~n"),
@ -100,9 +104,10 @@ confirm_select(ClusterType, TestType, DDL, Data, Qry, Expected) ->
activate_bucket(Node, _DDL) ->
rt:admin(Node, ["bucket-type", "activate", get_bucket()]).
create_bucket(Node, DDL) ->
Props = io_lib:format("{\\\"props\\\": {\\\"n_val\\\": 3, " ++
"\\\"table_def\\\": \\\"~s\\\"}}", [DDL]),
create_bucket(Node, DDL, NVal) when is_integer(NVal) ->
Props = io_lib:format("{\\\"props\\\": {\\\"n_val\\\": " ++
integer_to_list(NVal) ++
", \\\"table_def\\\": \\\"~s\\\"}}", [DDL]),
rt:admin(Node, ["bucket-type", "create", get_bucket(),

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@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2015 Basho Technologies, Inc.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc A module to test riak_ts basic create bucket/put/select cycle.
-define(NUMBEROFNODES, 3).
confirm() ->
[Node | _] = build_cluster(?NUMBEROFNODES),
%% ?assert(eqc:quickcheck(eqc:numtests(10000, ?MODULE:prop_ts(Node)))),
?assert(eqc:quickcheck(eqc:numtests(1, ?MODULE:prop_ts(Node)))),
prop_ts(Node) ->
?FORALL({NVal, NPuts, Q, NSpans},
%% {gen_n_val(), gen_no_of_puts(), gen_quantum(), gen_spans()},
{3, 6, {8, s}, 2},
run_query(Node, NVal, NPuts, Q, NSpans)).
run_query(Node, NVal, NPuts, Q, NSpans) ->
gg:format("NVal is ~p NPuts is ~p Q is ~p NSpans is ~p~n",
[NVal, NPuts, Q, NSpans]),
%% Bucket = "Bucket_" ++ timestamp(),
%% io:format("Bucket is ~p~n", [Bucket]),
Bucket = "Bucket_1445256281934858",
DDL = get_ddl(Bucket, Q),
%% io:format("DDL is ~p~n", [DDL]),
{ok, _Return1} = create_bucket(Bucket, Node, DDL, NVal),
%% io:format("Create bucket returns ~p~n", [Return1]),
{ok, _Return2} = activate_bucket(Bucket, Node),
%% io:format("Activate bucket returns ~p~n", [Return2]),
Data = make_data(NPuts, Q, NSpans),
%% io:format("Data is ~p~n", [Data]),
C = rt:pbc(Node),
ok = riakc_ts:put(C, Bucket, Data),
Query = make_query(Bucket, Q, NSpans),
%% io:format("Query is ~p~n", [Query]),
{_, Got} = riakc_ts:query(C, Query),
%% should get the data back
Got2 = [tuple_to_list(X) || X <- Got],
?assertEqual(Data, Got2),
activate_bucket(Bucket, Node) ->
rt:admin(Node, ["bucket-type", "activate", Bucket]).
create_bucket(Bucket, Node, DDL, NVal) when is_integer(NVal) ->
Props = io_lib:format("{\\\"props\\\": {\\\"n_val\\\": " ++
integer_to_list(NVal) ++
", \\\"table_def\\\": \\\"~s\\\"}}", [DDL]),
io:format("Creating bucket with ~p~n", [lists:flatten(Props)]),
rt:admin(Node, ["bucket-type", "create", Bucket,
make_query(Bucket, Q, NSpans) ->
Multi = get_multi(Q),
Start = 1,
End = Multi * NSpans,
"select * from " ++ Bucket ++
" Where time >= " ++ integer_to_list(Start) ++
" and time <= " ++ integer_to_list(End) ++
" and myfamily = 'family1' and myseries ='seriesX'".
get_ddl(Bucket, {No, Q}) ->
_SQL = "CREATE TABLE " ++ Bucket ++ " (" ++
"myfamily varchar not null, " ++
"myseries varchar not null, " ++
"time timestamp not null, " ++
"weather varchar not null, " ++
"temperature float, " ++
"PRIMARY KEY ((quantum(time, " ++ integer_to_list(No) ++ ", '" ++
atom_to_list(Q) ++ "'), myfamily, myseries), " ++
"time, myfamily, myseries))".
make_data(NPuts, Q, NSpans) ->
Multi = get_multi(Q) * NSpans,
Family = <<"family1">>,
Series = <<"seriesX">>,
Times = lists:seq(1, NPuts),
[[Family, Series, trunc((X/NPuts) * Multi),
|| X <- Times].
get_multi({No, y}) -> 365*24*60*60*1000 * No;
get_multi({No, mo}) -> 31*24*60*60*1000 * No;
get_multi({No, d}) -> 24*60*60*1000 * No;
get_multi({No, h}) -> 60*60*1000 * No;
get_multi({No, m}) -> 60*1000 * No;
get_multi({No, s}) -> 1000 * No.
build_cluster(Size) ->
Nodes = rt:deploy_nodes(Size, []),
timestamp() ->
{A, B, C} = now(),
integer_to_list(A) ++ integer_to_list(B) ++ integer_to_list(C).
%% eqc generators
%% generates a list with the following elements
%% [varchar, varchar, integer, float, boolean]
gen_n_val() ->
?LET(N, choose(1, 5), N).
gen_no_of_puts() ->
?LET(N, choose(1, 11), N).
% maximum 5 sub-queries means maximum of 4 spans
gen_spans() ->
?LET(N, choose(1, 4), N).
gen_quantum() ->
?LET({N, M}, {choose(1, 12), elements([d, h, m, s])}, {N, M}).
%%-endif. % EQC