mirror of
synced 2024-11-06 08:35:22 +00:00
Convert to using ZIP file instead of a tar
This commit is contained in:
@ -97,42 +97,35 @@ post_result(TestResult) ->
%% Store all generated logs in S3
post_all_artifacts(TestResult, Base, Log, CoverageFile) ->
%% Start with the test log
ZipList0 = post_artifact_and_add_to_zip(Base, [], {"riak_test.log", Log}),
%% First initialize the tar file
{Tar, TarFile} = create_tar_file(),
%% Now push up the artifacts, starting with the test log
post_artifact_and_add_to_tar(Base, Tar, {"riak_test.log", Log}),
lists:foreach(fun({Name, Port}) ->
ZipList1 = lists:foldl(fun({Name, Port}, Acc) ->
Contents = make_req_body(Port),
post_artifact_and_add_to_tar(Base, Tar, {Name, Contents})
end, rt:get_node_logs()),
maybe_post_debug_logs(Base, Tar),
lists:foreach(fun(CoverFile) ->
post_artifact_and_add_to_zip(Base, Acc, {Name, Contents})
end, ZipList0, rt:get_node_logs()),
ZipList2 = maybe_post_debug_logs(Base, ZipList1),
ZipList3 = lists:foldl(fun(CoverFile, Acc) ->
Name = filename:basename(CoverFile) ++ ".gz",
Contents = zlib:gzip(element(2, file:read_file(CoverFile))),
post_artifact_and_add_to_tar(Base, Tar, {Name, Contents})
end, [CoverageFile || CoverageFile /= cover_disabled]),
post_artifact_and_add_to_zip(Base, Acc, {Name, Contents})
end, ZipList2, [CoverageFile || CoverageFile /= cover_disabled]),
ResultPlusGiddyUp = TestResult ++
[{giddyup_url, list_to_binary(Base)}],
[rt:post_result(ResultPlusGiddyUp, WebHook) ||
WebHook <- get_webhooks()],
%% Upload all the ct_logs as an HTML tar file
upload_ct_logs(Base, filelib:is_dir("ct_logs")),
%% Upload all the ct_logs as an HTML zip website
upload_zipfile(Base, ["ct_logs"], "ct_logs.html.zip"),
ZipList4 = add_ct_logs_to_zip(ZipList3),
%% Finally upload the collection of artifacts as a tar file
{ok, Contents} = file:read_file(TarFile),
post_artifact(Base, {"artifacts.tar.gz", Contents}),
%% Finally upload the collection of artifacts as a zip file
upload_zipfile(Base, ZipList4, "artifacts.zip").
post_artifact_and_add_to_tar(Base, Tar, {Name, Contents}) ->
post_artifact_and_add_to_zip(Base, ZipList, {Name, Contents}) ->
post_artifact(Base, {Name, Contents}),
ok = erl_tar:add(Tar, Contents, Name, []).
lists:append(ZipList, [{Name, Contents}]).
post_artifact(TRURL, {FName, Body}) ->
%% First compute the path of where to post the artifact
@ -216,7 +209,7 @@ guess_ctype(FName) ->
case string:tokens(filename:basename(FName), ".") of
[_, "log"|_] -> "text/plain"; %% console.log, erlang.log.5, etc
["erl_crash", "dump"] -> "text/plain"; %% An erl_crash.dump file
[_, "html", "tar", "gz"] -> "binary/tgz-website"; %% Entire static website
[_, "html", "zip"] -> "binary/zip-website"; %% Entire static website
[_, Else] ->
case mochiweb_mime:from_extension(Else) of
undefined -> "binary/octet-stream";
@ -225,43 +218,30 @@ guess_ctype(FName) ->
_ -> "binary/octet-stream"
%% Upload a tar file of just the common test logs to be a web site
upload_ct_logs(_Base, false) ->
upload_ct_logs(Base, true) ->
TarFile = "/tmp/ct_logs" ++ integer_to_list(erlang:phash2(make_ref())),
ok = erl_tar:create(TarFile, ["ct_logs"], [write, compressed]),
{ok, Contents} = file:read_file(TarFile),
giddyup:post_artifact(Base, {"ct_logs.html.tar.gz", Contents}),
upload_zipfile(Base, FileList, ZipName) ->
ZipFile = "/tmp/zip_file" ++ integer_to_list(erlang:phash2(make_ref())),
{ok, _} = zip:create(ZipFile, FileList, [{compress, all}]),
{ok, Contents} = file:read_file(ZipFile),
giddyup:post_artifact(Base, {ZipName, Contents}),
%% Create a tar file of all artifacts
create_tar_file() ->
TarFile = "/tmp/all_artifacts" ++ integer_to_list(erlang:phash2(make_ref())),
{ok, Tar} = erl_tar:open(TarFile, [write, compressed]),
{Tar, TarFile}.
%% Add everything in the ct_logs directory to the tar file
%% This second pass is required due to limitations in reading and writing
%% tar files in erl_tar.
add_ct_logs_to_tar(Tar) ->
%% Add everything in the ct_logs directory to the zip file
add_ct_logs_to_zip(ZipList) ->
AddFileFun = fun(FileName, Acc) ->
{ok, Contents} = file:read_file(FileName),
ok = erl_tar:add(Tar, Contents, FileName, []),
lists:append(Acc, [{FileName, Contents}])
filelib:fold_files("ct_logs", ".*", true, AddFileFun, []).
filelib:fold_files("ct_logs", ".*", true, AddFileFun, ZipList).
maybe_post_debug_logs(Base, Tar) ->
maybe_post_debug_logs(Base, ZipList) ->
case rt_config:get(giddyup_post_debug_logs, true) of
true ->
NodeDebugLogs = rt:get_node_debug_logs(),
lists:foreach(fun({Name, Contents}) ->
giddyup:post_artifact(Base, {Name, Contents}),
erl_tar:add(Tar, Contents, Name, [])
end, NodeDebugLogs);
lists:foldl(fun({Name, Contents}, Acc) ->
post_artifact_and_add_to_zip(Base, Acc, {Name, Contents})
end, ZipList, NodeDebugLogs);
_ ->
get_webhooks() ->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user