
62 lines
1.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

-define(B, <<"b">>).
-define(K, <<"k">>).
confirm() ->
Conf = [{riak_core, [{default_bucket_props, [{allow_mult, true}]}]}],
[Node1] = rt:deploy_nodes(1, Conf),
N = 100,
lager:info("Put new object in ~p via PBC.", [Node1]),
PB = rt:pbc(Node1),
A0 = riakc_obj:new(<<"b">>, <<"k">>, sets:from_list([0])),
B0 = riakc_obj:new(<<"b">>, <<"k">>, sets:from_list([1])),
_ = explode(PB, {A0, B0}, N),
{ok, SibCheck1} = riakc_pb_socket:get(PB, <<"b">>, <<"k">>),
%% there should now be only two siblings
?assertEqual(2, riakc_obj:value_count(SibCheck1)),
%% siblings should merge to include all writes
assert_sibling_values(riakc_obj:get_values(SibCheck1), N),
assert_sibling_values(Values, N) ->
V = resolve(Values, sets:new()),
L = lists:sort(sets:to_list(V)),
Expected = lists:seq(0, N-2),
?assertEqual(Expected, L).
explode(_PB, {A, B}, 1) ->
{A, B};
explode(PB, Objs, Cnt) ->
Elem = (Cnt rem 2) +1,
Obj = resolve_mutate_store(PB, Cnt, element(Elem, Objs)),
explode(PB, setelement(Elem, Objs, Obj), Cnt-1).
resolve_mutate_store(PB, N, Obj0) ->
Obj = resolve_update(Obj0, N),
{ok, Obj2} = riakc_pb_socket:put(PB, Obj, [return_body]),
resolve_update(Obj, N) ->
case riakc_obj:get_values(Obj) of
[] -> Obj;
Values ->
Value0 = resolve(Values, sets:new()),
Value = sets:add_element(N, Value0),
lager:info("Storing ~p", [N]),
riakc_obj:update_metadata(riakc_obj:update_value(Obj, Value), dict:new())
resolve([], Acc) ->
resolve([V0 | Rest], Acc) ->
V = binary_to_term(V0),
resolve(Rest, sets:union(V, Acc)).