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2013-04-24 18:59:32 +00:00
%% @doc
%% This module implements a riak_test to exercise the Active Anti-Entropy Fullsync replication.
%% It sets up two clusters and starts a single fullsync worker for a single AAE tree.
-import(rt, [deploy_nodes/2,
confirm() ->
NumNodes = rt:config(num_nodes, 6),
ClusterASize = rt:config(cluster_a_size, 3),
lager:info("Deploy ~p nodes", [NumNodes]),
Conf = [
%% Specify fast building of AAE trees
{anti_entropy, {on, []}},
{anti_entropy_build_limit, {100, 1000}},
{anti_entropy_concurrency, 100}
{fullsync_strategy, aae},
{fullsync_on_connect, false},
{fullsync_interval, disabled}
Nodes = deploy_nodes(NumNodes, Conf),
{ANodes, BNodes} = lists:split(ClusterASize, Nodes),
lager:info("ANodes: ~p", [ANodes]),
lager:info("BNodes: ~p", [BNodes]),
lager:info("Build cluster A"),
lager:info("Build cluster B"),
aae_fs_test(ANodes, BNodes, false),
aae_fs_test([AFirst|_] = ANodes, [BFirst|_] = BNodes, Connected) ->
AllNodes = ANodes ++ BNodes,
log_to_nodes(AllNodes, "Starting AAE Fullsync test"),
TestHash = list_to_binary([io_lib:format("~2.16.0b", [X]) ||
<<X>> <= erlang:md5(term_to_binary(os:timestamp()))]),
TestBucket = <<TestHash/binary, "-systest_a">>,
case Connected of
false ->
%% clusters are not connected, connect them
repl_util:name_cluster(AFirst, "A"),
repl_util:name_cluster(BFirst, "B"),
%% we'll need to wait for cluster names before continuing
lager:info("waiting for leader to converge on cluster A"),
?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge(ANodes)),
lager:info("waiting for leader to converge on cluster B"),
?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge(BNodes)),
%% get the leader for the first cluster
LeaderA = rpc:call(AFirst, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, []),
{ok, {_IP, Port}} = rpc:call(BFirst, application, get_env,
[riak_core, cluster_mgr]),
lager:info("connect cluster A:~p to B on port ~p", [LeaderA, Port]),
repl_util:connect_cluster(LeaderA, "", Port),
?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_for_connection(LeaderA, "B"));
_ ->
lager:info("clusters should already be connected"),
lager:info("waiting for leader to converge on cluster A"),
?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge(ANodes)),
lager:info("waiting for leader to converge on cluster B"),
?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge(BNodes)),
%% get the leader for the first cluster
LeaderA = rpc:call(AFirst, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, []),
lager:info("Leader on cluster A is ~p", [LeaderA]),
lager:info("BFirst on cluster B is ~p", [BFirst]),
{ok, {_IP, Port}} = rpc:call(BFirst, application, get_env,
[riak_core, cluster_mgr]),
lager:info("B is ~p with port ~p", [BFirst, Port])
%% make sure we are connected
lager:info("Wait for cluster connection A:~p -> B:~p:~p", [LeaderA, BFirst, Port]),
?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_for_connection(LeaderA, "B")),
%% TEST: write data, NOT replicated by RT or fullsync
%% keys: 1..NumKeysAOnly
NumKeysAOnly = 100000,
lager:info("Writing ~p keys to A(~p)", [NumKeysAOnly, AFirst]),
?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(AFirst, 1, NumKeysAOnly, TestBucket, 2)),
%% check that the keys we wrote initially aren't replicated yet, because
%% we've disabled fullsync_on_connect
%% lager:info("Check keys written before repl was connected are not present"),
%% Res2 = rt:systest_read(BFirst, 1, NumKeysAOnly, TestBucket, 2),
%% ?assertEqual(NumKeysAOnly, length(Res2)),
%% TEST: write data, replicated by RT
%% keys: NumKeysAOnly+1..NumKeysAOnly+NumKeysBoth
NumKeysBoth = 1000000,
%% Enable and start Real-time replication
repl_util:enable_realtime(LeaderA, "B"),
repl_util:start_realtime(LeaderA, "B"),
%% wait for the AAE trees to be built so that we don't get a not_built error
log_to_nodes(AllNodes, "Write data to A, verify replication to B via realtime"),
%% write some data on A
lager:info("Writing ~p more keys to A(~p)", [NumKeysBoth, LeaderA]),
?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(LeaderA,
TestBucket, 2)),
%% verify data is replicated to B
%% lager:info("Verify: Reading ~p keys written to ~p from ~p", [NumKeysBoth, LeaderA, BFirst]),
%% ?assertEqual(0, repl_util:wait_for_reads(BFirst,
%% NumKeysAOnly+1,
%% NumKeysAOnly+NumKeysBoth,
%% TestBucket, 2)),
%% TEST: fullsync, check that non-RT'd keys get repl'd to B
%% keys: 1..NumKeysAOnly
%% wait for the AAE trees to be built so that we don't get a not_built error
log_to_nodes(AllNodes, "Test fullsync from cluster A leader ~p to cluster B", [LeaderA]),
lager:info("Test fullsync from cluster A leader ~p to cluster B", [LeaderA]),
repl_util:enable_fullsync(LeaderA, "B"),
{Time,_} = timer:tc(repl_util,start_and_wait_until_fullsync_complete,[LeaderA]),
lager:info("Fullsync completed in ~p seconds", [Time/1000/1000]),
%% verify data is replicated to B
%% log_to_nodes(AllNodes, "Verify: Reading ~p keys repl'd from A(~p) to B(~p)",
%% [NumKeysAOnly, LeaderA, BFirst]),
%% lager:info("Verify: Reading ~p keys repl'd from A(~p) to B(~p)",
%% [NumKeysAOnly, LeaderA, BFirst]),
%% ?assertEqual(0, repl_util:wait_for_reads(BFirst, 1, NumKeysAOnly, TestBucket, 2)),