2012-11-13 21:19:50 +00:00
%% Export explicit API but also send compile directive to export all
%% becuase some of these private functions are useful in their own
%% right.
-type abstract_code() :: term().
-type form() :: term().
-type proplist(K, V) :: proplists:proplist(K, V).
-type fun_name() :: atom().
-type target_fun() :: {fun_name(), arity()}.
-type intercept_fun() :: fun_name().
-type mapping() :: proplist(target_fun(), intercept_fun()).
-type form_mod() :: fun((form()) -> form()).
-type code_mod() :: fun((form(), abstract_code()) -> abstract_code()).
%% The "original" is the `Target' module with the suffix `_orig'. It
%% is where original code for the `Target' module resides after
%% intercepts are added.
-define(ORIGINAL(Mod), list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Mod) ++ "_orig")).
%% @doc Add intercepts against the `Target' module.
%% `Target' - The module on which to intercept calls.
%% E.g. `hashtree'.
%% `Intercept' - The module containing intercept definitions.
%% E.g. `hashtree_intercepts'
%% `Mapping' - The mapping from target functions to intercept
%% functions.
%% E.g. `[{{update_perform,2}, sleep_update_perform}]'
-spec add(module(), module(), mapping()) -> ok.
add(Target, Intercept, Mapping) ->
Original = ?ORIGINAL(Target),
TargetAC = get_abstract_code(Target),
ProxyAC = make_proxy_abstract_code(Target, Intercept, Mapping,
Original, TargetAC),
2013-01-03 14:23:15 +00:00
OrigAC = make_orig_abstract_code(Target, Original, TargetAC),
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ok = compile_and_load(Original, OrigAC),
ok = compile_and_load(Target, ProxyAC).
%% @private
%% @doc Compile the abstract code `AC' and load it into the code server.
-spec compile_and_load(module(), abstract_code()) -> ok.
compile_and_load(Module, AC) ->
{ok, Module, Bin} = compile:forms(AC),
{module, Module} = code:load_binary(Module, atom_to_list(Module), Bin),
%% @private
2013-01-03 14:23:15 +00:00
-spec make_orig_abstract_code(module(), module(), abstract_code()) ->
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2013-01-03 14:23:15 +00:00
make_orig_abstract_code(Target, OrigName, TargetAC) ->
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export_all(move_all_funs(Target, change_module_name(OrigName, TargetAC))).
%% @private
%% @doc Make the abstract code for the proxy module. The proxy module
%% sits in place of the original module and decides whether to
%% forward to the `Intercept' or the `Original' depending on the
%% `Mapping'.
-spec make_proxy_abstract_code(module(), module(), mapping(),
module(), abstract_code()) ->
make_proxy_abstract_code(Target, Intercept, Mapping, Original, TargetAC) ->
AC1 = forward_all(Original, TargetAC),
AC2 = export_all(change_module_name(Target, AC1)),
apply_intercepts(AC2, Intercept, Mapping).
%% @private
%% @doc Apply intercepts to the abstract code `AC' based on `Mapping'.
-spec apply_intercepts(abstract_code(), module(), mapping()) -> abstract_code().
apply_intercepts(AC, Intercept, Mapping) ->
apply_to_funs(mapping_fun(Intercept, Mapping), AC).
%% @private
%% @doc Return a form modifier function that uses `Mapping' to
%% determine if a function should be modified to forward to the
%% `Intercept' module.
-spec mapping_fun(module(), proplists:proplist()) -> form_mod().
mapping_fun(Intercept, Mapping) ->
fun(Form) ->
Key = {fun_name(Form), fun_arity(Form)},
case proplists:get_value(Key, Mapping, '$none') of
'$none' ->
InterceptFunName ->
forward(Intercept, InterceptFunName, Form)
%% @private
%% @doc Modify the abstract code `AC' to forward all function calls to
%% `Module' and move the original definitions under
%% `<function_name>_orig'.
-spec move_all_funs(module(), abstract_code()) -> abstract_code().
move_all_funs(Module, AC) ->
lists:reverse(lists:foldl(move_all_funs(Module), [], AC)).
%% @private
%% @doc Return a function which folds over the abstract code of a
%% module, represented by `Form'. Every function is modified to
%% forward to `ModuleName' and it's original definition is stored
%% under `<function_name>_orig'.
-spec move_all_funs(module()) -> code_mod().
move_all_funs(ModuleName) ->
fun(Form, NewAC) ->
case is_fun(Form) of
false ->
true ->
%% Move current function code under different name
Name = fun_name(Form),
OrigForm = setelement(3, Form, ?ORIGINAL(Name)),
%% Modify original function to forward to `ModuleName'
FwdForm = forward(ModuleName, Name, Form),
%% @private
%% @doc Modify all function definitions in the abstract code `AC' to
%% forward to `Module:FunName_orig'.
-spec forward_all(module(), abstract_code()) -> abstract_code().
forward_all(Module, AC) ->
F = fun(Form) ->
forward(Module, ?ORIGINAL(fun_name(Form)), Form)
apply_to_funs(F, AC).
%% @private
%% @doc Modify the function `Form' to forward to `Module:FunName'.
-spec forward(module(), atom(), form()) -> form().
forward(Module, FunName, Form) ->
Clause = hd(fun_clauses(Form)),
Args = clause_args(Clause),
NumArgs = length(Args),
GenArgs = [{var,?FAKE_LINE_NO,list_to_atom("Arg" ++ integer_to_list(I))}
|| I <- lists:seq(1,NumArgs)],
Clause2 = clause_set_args(Clause, GenArgs),
Clause3 = clause_clear_guards(Clause2),
Body = [{call, 1, {remote,1,{atom,1,Module},{atom,1,FunName}}, GenArgs}],
Clause4 = clause_set_body(Clause3, Body),
fun_set_clauses(Form, [Clause4]).
change_module_name(NewName, AC) ->
lists:keyreplace(module, 3, AC, {attribute,1,module,NewName}).
%% @private
%% @doc Add the `export_all' compile directive to the abstract code `AC'.
export_all(AC) ->
[A,B|Rest] = AC,
%% @private
%% @doc Apply the form modify `F' to all forms in `AC' that are
%% function definitions.
-spec apply_to_funs(form_mod(), abstract_code()) -> abstract_code().
apply_to_funs(F, AC) ->
F2 = apply_if_fun_def(F),
lists:map(F2, AC).
%% @private
%% @doc Get the abstract code for `Module'. This function assumes
%% code is compiled with `debug_info'.
-spec get_abstract_code(module()) -> abstract_code().
get_abstract_code(Module) ->
{_, Bin, _} = code:get_object_code(Module),
{ok,{_,[{abstract_code,{_,AC}}]}} = beam_lib:chunks(Bin, [abstract_code]),
%% @private
apply_if_fun_def(Fun) ->
fun(Form) when element(1, Form) == function -> Fun(Form);
(Form) -> Form
%% @private
is_fun(Form) ->
element(1, Form) == function.
%% @private
clause_args(Form) ->
element(3, Form).
%% @private
clause_set_args(Form, Args) ->
setelement(3, Form, Args).
%% @private
clause_clear_guards(Form) ->
setelement(4, Form, []).
%% @private
clause_set_body(Form, Body) ->
setelement(5, Form, Body).
%% @private
fun_arity(Form) ->
element(4, Form).
%% @private
fun_clauses(Form) ->
element(5, Form).
%% @private
fun_set_clauses(Form, Clauses) ->
setelement(5, Form, Clauses).
%% @private
fun_name(Form) ->
element(3, Form).