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2015-03-26 22:00:53 +00:00
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2015 Basho Technologies, Inc.
2015-03-26 22:00:53 +00:00
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2015-03-28 00:38:47 +00:00
2015-03-26 22:00:53 +00:00
2015-03-28 00:38:47 +00:00
-define(BUCKET_TYPE, <<"write_once">>).
-define(BUCKET, {?BUCKET_TYPE, <<"write_once">>}).
2015-03-26 22:00:53 +00:00
%% @doc This test will run a handoff in the case of write_once buckets, verifying
%% that write-once entries are properly handed off as part of ownership handoff,
%% but more importantly, that riak_kv_vnode properly handles data being written into
%% riak while ownership handoff is taking place.
%% This test will create two nodes each with a ring size of 8, and populate one node
%% with 1k entries. It will then join the two nodes to make a cluster of size 2, which
%% will result in ownership handoff of four of the nodes (in each direction).
%% We have intercepted the riak_kv_worker, which handles handoff for an individual vnode,
%% to ensure what we can send data through Riak while the cluster is in the handoff state,
%% thus ensuring that the riak_kv_vnode:handle_handoff_command callback is exercised in
%% the case of write_once buckets.
%% We install intercepts at key points in the vnode to measure how many time various key
%% parts of the code are called.
%% We run the above test twice, once in the case where we are doing asynchronous writes on the
%% back end, and once when we are using synchronous writes. Currently, this is toggled via
%% the use of a back end that can support async writes (currently, only leveldb)
confirm() ->
2015-03-26 22:00:53 +00:00
AsyncConfig = create_config(riak_kv_eleveldb_backend),
AsyncCluster = run_test(AsyncConfig, true),
2015-03-26 22:00:53 +00:00
2015-03-26 22:00:53 +00:00
SyncConfig = create_config(riak_kv_memory_backend),
_SyncCluster = run_test(SyncConfig, false),
create_config(Backend) ->
[{riak_core, [
{n_val, 1},
{allow_mult, true},
{dvv_enabled, true}
{ring_creation_size, 8},
{handoff_acksync_threshold, 20},
{handoff_concurrency, 4},
{handoff_receive_timeout, 2000},
{vnode_management_timer, 100}]},
{riak_kv, [
{storage_backend, Backend}]}
run_test(Config, AsyncWrites) ->
%% Deploy 2 nodes based on config. Wait for K/V to start on each node.
lager:info("Deploying 2 nodes..."),
Cluster = [RootNode, NewNode] = rt:deploy_nodes(2, Config),
[rt:wait_for_service(Node, riak_kv) || Node <- [RootNode, NewNode]],
%% Set up the intercepts
lager:info("Setting up intercepts..."),
% This intercept will tell the backround process (below) to send an event for each
% vnode that is being handed off (there will be 4 such vnodes, in this test case)
RootNode, {riak_kv_worker, [{{handle_work, 3}, handle_work_intercept}]}
RootNode, {riak_kv_vnode, [
%% Count everytime riak_kv_vnode:handle_handoff_command/3 is called with a write_once message
{{handle_handoff_command, 3}, count_handoff_w1c_puts},
%% Count everytime riak_kv_vnode:handle_command/3 is called with a write_once message
{{handle_command, 3}, count_w1c_handle_command}
true = rpc:call(RootNode, ets, insert, [intercepts_tab, {w1c_async_replies, 0}]),
true = rpc:call(RootNode, ets, insert, [intercepts_tab, {w1c_sync_replies, 0}]),
true = rpc:call(RootNode, ets, insert, [intercepts_tab, {w1c_put_counter, 0}]),
%% Seed the root node with some data
lager:info("Populating root node..."),
rt:create_and_activate_bucket_type(RootNode, ?BUCKET_TYPE, [{write_once, true}, {n_val, 1}]),
NTestItems = 100,
RingSize = proplists:get_value(ring_creation_size, proplists:get_value(riak_core, Config)),
[] = rt:systest_write(RootNode, 1, NTestItems, ?BUCKET, 1),
%% Start an asynchronous proc which will send puts into riak during handoff.
lager:info("Joining new node with cluster..."),
start_proc(RootNode, NTestItems, RingSize div 2),
rt:join(NewNode, RootNode),
TotalSent = wait_until_async_writes_complete(),
?assertMatch(ok, rt:wait_until_nodes_ready(Cluster)),
rt:wait_until_bucket_type_visible(Cluster, ?BUCKET_TYPE),
%% Verify the results
lager:info("Validating data after handoff..."),
Results2 = rt:systest_read(NewNode, 1, TotalSent, ?BUCKET, 1),
?assertMatch([], Results2),
lager:info("Read ~p entries.", [TotalSent]),
[{_, Count}] = rpc:call(RootNode, ets, lookup, [intercepts_tab, w1c_put_counter]),
?assertEqual(RingSize div 2, Count),
lager:info("We handled ~p write_once puts during handoff.", [Count]),
[{_, W1CAsyncReplies}] = rpc:call(RootNode, ets, lookup, [intercepts_tab, w1c_async_replies]),
[{_, W1CSyncReplies}] = rpc:call(RootNode, ets, lookup, [intercepts_tab, w1c_sync_replies]),
case AsyncWrites of
true ->
?assertEqual(NTestItems + RingSize div 2, W1CAsyncReplies),
?assertEqual(0, W1CSyncReplies);
false ->
?assertEqual(0, W1CAsyncReplies),
?assertEqual(NTestItems + RingSize div 2, W1CSyncReplies)
2015-03-26 22:00:53 +00:00
make_intercepts_tab(Node) ->
SupPid = rpc:call(Node, erlang, whereis, [sasl_safe_sup]),
intercepts_tab = rpc:call(Node, ets, new, [intercepts_tab, [named_table,
public, set, {heir, SupPid, {}}]]).
%% Notes on the background process and corresponding intercepts.
%% The code below is used to spawn a background process that is globally
%% registered with the name rt_ho_w1c_proc. This process will
%% wait for a message from the riak_kv_worker handle_work intercept,
%% telling this proc to write a message into Riak. The timing of the
%% intercept is such that the write is guaranteed to take place while
%% handoff is in progress, but before the vnode has been told to finish.
%% Sending this message will trigger this background process to do a
%% write into Riak, which in turn will force the vnode's
%% handle_handoff_command to be called.
-record(state, {
node, sender, k, pids=[], expected, init=true
start_proc(Node, NTestItems, Expected) ->
Self = self(),
Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> loop(#state{node=Node, sender=Self, k=NTestItems, expected=Expected}) end),
global:register_name(rt_ho_w1c_proc, Pid),
receive ok -> ok end.
loop(#state{node=Node, sender=Sender, k=K, pids=Pids, expected=Expected, init=Init} = State) ->
case Init of
true ->
Sender ! ok;
_ -> ok
{write, Pid} ->
ThePids = [Pid | Pids],
NumPids = length(ThePids),
case NumPids of
Expected ->
%% The number of expected vnodes are now in the handoff state. Do some writes, and send ok's
%% back to the waiting vnodes. Once they get the ok back, they will complete handoff. At this
%% point, we are done, so we can tell the test to proceed and wait for handoff to complete.
[] = rt:systest_write(Node, K + 1, K + Expected, ?BUCKET, 1),
"Asynchronously wrote entries [~p..~p] during handoff. Sending ok's back to ~p waiting vnode(s)...",
[K + 1, K + Expected, NumPids]
[ThePid ! ok || ThePid <- ThePids],
Sender ! (K + Expected);
_ ->
loop(State#state{pids=ThePids, init=false})
wait_until_async_writes_complete() ->
K -> K
after 60000 ->
throw("Timed out after 60s waiting for async writes to complete.")