mirror of
synced 2024-11-06 00:25:16 +00:00
Added function parse_to_local_datetime/1
To utilize parse/1 but to give you {date(), time()} in the local timezone
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
@ -2,7 +2,49 @@
parse and format rfc3339 strings in elixir and erlang
## Installing as a rebar depedancy (erlang)
You install it as a rebar dependency by adding the following in the deps section of rebar.config
{rfc3339, {git, "git://github.com/talentdeficit/rfc3339.git", {branch, master}}}
## building
rebar3 compile
## running
rebar3 shell
## erlang usage
###### parse_to_local_datetime
> rfc3339:parse_to_local_datetime(<<"1996-12-19T16:39:57-08:00">>).
###### parse
> rfc3339:parse(<<"1937-01-01T12:00:27.87+00:20">>).
###### format
> rfc3339:format({date(), time()}).
## todo
* everything
-[ ] everything
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
% vim: sw=4 ts=4 et ft=erlang
-export([format/1, format/2]).
-export([to_time/1, to_time/2]).
@ -25,6 +26,17 @@
-type error() :: badarg | baddate | badtime | badyear | badday | badhour | badminute | badsecond | badusec | badtimezone.
%% -spec parse_to_local_datetime(binary()) -> {date(), time()}
parse_to_local_datetime(Bin) ->
{ok, {Date, Time, _, TZ}} = parse(Bin),
TZSecs = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({Date, Time}),
UTCDateTime = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(case TZ of
_ when is_integer(TZ) ->
TZSecs + (60*TZ);
_ ->
-spec parse(binary()) -> {ok, {date(), time(), usec(), tz()}} | {error, error()}.
parse(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> date(Bin, {undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined});
@ -32,10 +44,10 @@ parse(_) -> {error, badarg}.
-spec to_map(binary()) -> {ok, map()} | {error, error()}.
to_map(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
case parse(Bin) of
{ok, {Date, Time, USec, Tz}} -> mapify(Date, Time, USec, Tz, #{});
{error, Error} -> {error, Error}
case parse(Bin) of
{ok, {Date, Time, USec, Tz}} -> mapify(Date, Time, USec, Tz, #{});
{error, Error} -> {error, Error}
to_map(_) -> {error, badarg}.
-spec to_time(binary()) -> {ok, integer()} | {error, error()}.
@ -43,30 +55,30 @@ to_time(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> to_time(Bin, native).
-spec to_time(binary(), erlang:time_unit()) -> {ok, integer()} | {error, error()}.
to_time(Bin, Unit) when is_binary(Bin) ->
case parse(Bin) of
{ok, {Date, {Hour, Min, Sec}, USec, Tz}} ->
Epoch = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({{1970, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0}}),
Time = {Hour, Min + or_zero(Tz), Sec},
GregorianSeconds = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({Date, Time}),
U = erlang:convert_time_unit(or_zero(USec), micro_seconds, Unit),
{ok, erlang:convert_time_unit(GregorianSeconds - Epoch, seconds, Unit) + U};
{error, Error} -> {error, Error}
case parse(Bin) of
{ok, {Date, {Hour, Min, Sec}, USec, Tz}} ->
Epoch = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({{1970, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0}}),
Time = {Hour, Min + or_zero(Tz), Sec},
GregorianSeconds = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({Date, Time}),
U = erlang:convert_time_unit(or_zero(USec), micro_seconds, Unit),
{ok, erlang:convert_time_unit(GregorianSeconds - Epoch, seconds, Unit) + U};
{error, Error} -> {error, Error}
mapify({Year, Month, Day}, Time, USec, Tz, Result)
when is_integer(Year), is_integer(Month), is_integer(Day) ->
mapify(Time, USec, Tz, maps:merge(Result, #{year => Year, month => Month, day => Day}));
when is_integer(Year), is_integer(Month), is_integer(Day) ->
mapify(Time, USec, Tz, maps:merge(Result, #{year => Year, month => Month, day => Day}));
mapify(_, _, _, _, _) -> {error, badarg}.
mapify({Hour, Min, Sec}, USec, Tz, Result)
when is_integer(Hour), is_integer(Min), is_integer(Sec) ->
mapify(USec, Tz, maps:merge(Result, #{hour => Hour, min => Min, sec => Sec}));
when is_integer(Hour), is_integer(Min), is_integer(Sec) ->
mapify(USec, Tz, maps:merge(Result, #{hour => Hour, min => Min, sec => Sec}));
mapify(_, _, _, _) -> {error, badarg}.
mapify(undefined, Tz, Result) -> mapify(Tz, Result);
mapify(USec, Tz, Result) when is_integer(USec) ->
mapify(Tz, maps:merge(Result, #{usec => USec}));
mapify(Tz, maps:merge(Result, #{usec => USec}));
mapify(_, _, _) -> {error, badarg}.
mapify(undefined, Result) -> Result;
@ -74,95 +86,95 @@ mapify(Tz, Result) when is_integer(Tz) -> maps:merge(Result, #{tz_offset => Tz})
mapify(_, _) -> {error, badarg}.
mapify(Time) when is_integer(Time) ->
Epoch = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({{1970, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0}}),
GregorianSeconds = Time div 1000000 + Epoch,
{{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Min, Sec}} = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(GregorianSeconds),
USec = Time rem 1000000,
#{year => Year, month => Month, day => Day, hour => Hour, min => Min, sec => Sec, usec => USec};
Epoch = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({{1970, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0}}),
GregorianSeconds = Time div 1000000 + Epoch,
{{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Min, Sec}} = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(GregorianSeconds),
USec = Time rem 1000000,
#{year => Year, month => Month, day => Day, hour => Hour, min => Min, sec => Sec, usec => USec};
mapify(_) -> {error, badarg}.
-spec format(map() | {date(), time(), usec(), tz()} | datetime() | integer()) -> {ok, binary()} | {error, error()}.
format({Date, Time, USec, Tz})
when is_tuple(Date), is_tuple(Time) ->
format(mapify(Date, Time, USec, Tz, #{}));
when is_tuple(Date), is_tuple(Time) ->
format(mapify(Date, Time, USec, Tz, #{}));
format({Date, Time})
when is_tuple(Date), is_tuple(Time) ->
format(mapify(Date, Time, undefined, undefined, #{}));
when is_tuple(Date), is_tuple(Time) ->
format(mapify(Date, Time, undefined, undefined, #{}));
format(Time) when is_integer(Time) ->
%% USec is the greatest fidelity supported. nano seconds are converted lossily
USec = erlang:convert_time_unit(Time, native, micro_seconds),
%% USec is the greatest fidelity supported. nano seconds are converted lossily
USec = erlang:convert_time_unit(Time, native, micro_seconds),
format(Dt) when is_map(Dt) ->
Date = format_date(Dt),
Time = format_time(Dt),
{ok, format_(Date, Time)}.
Date = format_date(Dt),
Time = format_time(Dt),
{ok, format_(Date, Time)}.
-spec format(integer(), erlang:time_unit()) -> {ok, binary()} | {error, error()}.
format(Time, Unit) when is_integer(Time) ->
USec = erlang:convert_time_unit(Time, Unit, micro_seconds),
USec = erlang:convert_time_unit(Time, Unit, micro_seconds),
date(<<Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, $-, M1, M2, $-, D1, D2, Rest/binary>>, {undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined}) ->
Year = to_year(Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4),
Month = to_month(M1, M2),
Day = to_day(D1, D2, Year, Month),
Date = coalesce(Year, Month, Day),
time(Rest, {Date, undefined, undefined, undefined});
Year = to_year(Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4),
Month = to_month(M1, M2),
Day = to_day(D1, D2, Year, Month),
Date = coalesce(Year, Month, Day),
time(Rest, {Date, undefined, undefined, undefined});
date(_, _Result) ->
{error, baddate}.
{error, baddate}.
%% space
time(_, {{error, Error}, _, _, _}) -> {error, Error};
time(<<Sep, H1, H2, $:, M1, M2, $:, S1, S2, Rest/binary>>, {Date, undefined, undefined, undefined})
when Sep == 16#20 orelse Sep == $t orelse Sep == $T ->
Hour = to_hour(H1, H2),
Min = to_minute(M1, M2),
Sec = to_second(S1, S2),
Time = coalesce(Hour, Min, Sec),
usec_or_tz(Rest, {Date, Time, undefined, undefined});
when Sep == 16#20 orelse Sep == $t orelse Sep == $T ->
Hour = to_hour(H1, H2),
Min = to_minute(M1, M2),
Sec = to_second(S1, S2),
Time = coalesce(Hour, Min, Sec),
usec_or_tz(Rest, {Date, Time, undefined, undefined});
time(_, _) -> {error, badtime}.
usec_or_tz(_, {_, {error, Error}, _, _}) -> {error, Error};
usec_or_tz(<<$., Rest/binary>>, Result) ->
usec(Rest, Result, 0, 100000);
usec(Rest, Result, 0, 100000);
usec_or_tz(Rest, Result) -> tz(Rest, Result).
%% next two clauses burn off fractional seconds beyond microsecond precision
usec(<<X, Rest/binary>>, Result, USec, 0)
when X >= $0 andalso X =< $9 ->
usec(Rest, Result, USec, 0);
when X >= $0 andalso X =< $9 ->
usec(Rest, Result, USec, 0);
%% keep a running acc of usecs
usec(<<X, Rest/binary>>, Result, USec, Multiplier)
when X >= $0 andalso X =< $9 ->
try list_to_integer([X]) of
N -> usec(Rest, Result, USec + (N * Multiplier), Multiplier div 10)
error:badarg -> {error, badusec}
when X >= $0 andalso X =< $9 ->
try list_to_integer([X]) of
N -> usec(Rest, Result, USec + (N * Multiplier), Multiplier div 10)
error:badarg -> {error, badusec}
%% not a digit, insert usecs into time and proceed to tz
usec(Bin, {Date, Time, undefined, undefined}, USec, _) ->
tz(Bin, {Date, Time, USec, undefined});
tz(Bin, {Date, Time, USec, undefined});
usec(_, _, _, _) -> {error, badusec}.
tz(<<$+, H1, H2, $:, M1, M2>>, {Date, Time, USec, undefined}) ->
Hour = to_hour(H1, H2),
Min = to_minute(M1, M2),
case calc_tz(positive, Hour, Min) of
TZ when is_integer(TZ) -> {ok, {Date, Time, USec, TZ}};
{error, Error} -> {error, Error}
Hour = to_hour(H1, H2),
Min = to_minute(M1, M2),
case calc_tz(positive, Hour, Min) of
TZ when is_integer(TZ) -> {ok, {Date, Time, USec, TZ}};
{error, Error} -> {error, Error}
tz(<<$-, H1, H2, $:, M1, M2>>, {Date, Time, USec, undefined}) ->
Hour = to_hour(H1, H2),
Min = to_minute(M1, M2),
case calc_tz(negative, Hour, Min) of
TZ when is_integer(TZ) -> {ok, {Date, Time, USec, TZ}};
{error, Error} -> {error, Error}
Hour = to_hour(H1, H2),
Min = to_minute(M1, M2),
case calc_tz(negative, Hour, Min) of
TZ when is_integer(TZ) -> {ok, {Date, Time, USec, TZ}};
{error, Error} -> {error, Error}
tz(<<$Z>>, Result) ->
{ok, Result};
{ok, Result};
tz(<<$z>>, Result) ->
{ok, Result};
{ok, Result};
tz(_, _) -> {error, badtimezone}.
calc_tz(_, {error, Error}, _) -> {error, Error};
@ -176,103 +188,103 @@ coalesce(_, _, {error, Error}) -> {error, Error};
coalesce(X, Y, Z) -> {X, Y, Z}.
to_year(Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4) ->
try list_to_integer([Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4]) of
Year when Year >= 0 andalso Year =< 9999 -> Year;
_ -> {error, badyear}
error:badarg -> {error, badyear}
try list_to_integer([Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4]) of
Year when Year >= 0 andalso Year =< 9999 -> Year;
_ -> {error, badyear}
error:badarg -> {error, badyear}
to_month(M1, M2) ->
try list_to_integer([M1, M2]) of
Month when Month >= 1 andalso Month =< 12 -> Month;
_ -> {error, badmonth}
error:badarg -> {error, badmonth}
try list_to_integer([M1, M2]) of
Month when Month >= 1 andalso Month =< 12 -> Month;
_ -> {error, badmonth}
error:badarg -> {error, badmonth}
to_day(D1, D2, Year, Month) ->
try list_to_integer([D1, D2]) of
Day when Day >= 0 andalso Day =< 28 -> Day;
Day when Day >= 29 andalso Day =< 31 ->
case day_in_month(Year, Month, Day) of
true -> Day;
false -> {error, badday}
_ -> {error, badday}
error:badarg -> {error, badday}
try list_to_integer([D1, D2]) of
Day when Day >= 0 andalso Day =< 28 -> Day;
Day when Day >= 29 andalso Day =< 31 ->
case day_in_month(Year, Month, Day) of
true -> Day;
false -> {error, badday}
_ -> {error, badday}
error:badarg -> {error, badday}
day_in_month({error, badyear}, _, _) -> {error, badyear};
day_in_month(_, {error, badmonth}, _) -> {error, badmonth};
day_in_month(Year, Month, Day) ->
case Day of
29 when Month == 2 -> ((Year rem 4 == 0) andalso not (Year rem 100 == 0)) orelse (Year rem 400 == 0);
30 when Month == 2 -> false;
31 when Month == 2; Month == 4; Month == 6; Month == 9; Month == 11 -> false;
_ -> true
case Day of
29 when Month == 2 -> ((Year rem 4 == 0) andalso not (Year rem 100 == 0)) orelse (Year rem 400 == 0);
30 when Month == 2 -> false;
31 when Month == 2; Month == 4; Month == 6; Month == 9; Month == 11 -> false;
_ -> true
to_hour(H1, H2) ->
try list_to_integer([H1, H2]) of
Hour when Hour >= 0 andalso Hour =< 23 -> Hour;
_ -> {error, badhour}
error:badarg -> {error, badhour}
try list_to_integer([H1, H2]) of
Hour when Hour >= 0 andalso Hour =< 23 -> Hour;
_ -> {error, badhour}
error:badarg -> {error, badhour}
to_minute(M1, M2) ->
try list_to_integer([M1, M2]) of
Min when Min >= 0 andalso Min =< 59 -> Min;
_ -> {error, badminute}
error:badarg -> {error, badminute}
try list_to_integer([M1, M2]) of
Min when Min >= 0 andalso Min =< 59 -> Min;
_ -> {error, badminute}
error:badarg -> {error, badminute}
to_second(S1, S2) ->
try list_to_integer([S1, S2]) of
Sec when Sec >= 0 andalso Sec =< 60 -> Sec;
_ -> {error, badsecond}
error:badarg -> {error, badsecond}
try list_to_integer([S1, S2]) of
Sec when Sec >= 0 andalso Sec =< 60 -> Sec;
_ -> {error, badsecond}
error:badarg -> {error, badsecond}
format_date(Dt) ->
Year = g(year, Dt),
Month = g(month, Dt),
Day = g(day, Dt),
format_date(Year, Month, Day).
Year = g(year, Dt),
Month = g(month, Dt),
Day = g(day, Dt),
format_date(Year, Month, Day).
format_date(Y, M, D) when is_integer(Y), is_integer(M), is_integer(D) ->
io_lib:format("~4.10.0B-~2.10.0B-~2.10.0B", [Y, M, D]);
io_lib:format("~4.10.0B-~2.10.0B-~2.10.0B", [Y, M, D]);
format_date(_, _, _) -> {error, baddate}.
format_time(Dt) ->
Hour = g(hour, Dt),
Min = g(min, Dt),
Sec = g(sec, Dt),
USec = g(usec, Dt),
Time = format_time(Hour, Min, Sec, USec),
Offset = g(tz_offset, Dt),
TZ = format_offset(Offset),
format_time(Time, TZ).
Hour = g(hour, Dt),
Min = g(min, Dt),
Sec = g(sec, Dt),
USec = g(usec, Dt),
Time = format_time(Hour, Min, Sec, USec),
Offset = g(tz_offset, Dt),
TZ = format_offset(Offset),
format_time(Time, TZ).
format_time(H, M, S, 0) when is_integer(H), is_integer(M), is_integer(S) ->
io_lib:format("~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B", [H, M, S]);
io_lib:format("~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B", [H, M, S]);
format_time(H, M, S, U) when is_integer(H), is_integer(M), is_integer(S), is_integer(U) ->
SU = (S / 1) + (U / 1000000),
io_lib:format("~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B:~9.6.0f", [H, M, SU]);
SU = (S / 1) + (U / 1000000),
io_lib:format("~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B:~9.6.0f", [H, M, SU]);
format_time(_, _, _, _) -> {error, badtime}.
format_offset(undefined) -> "Z";
format_offset(nil) -> "Z";
format_offset(0) -> "Z";
format_offset(M) when is_integer(M) ->
Sign = case M >= 0 of true -> "+"; false -> "-" end,
Hour = abs(M) div 60,
Min = abs(M) rem 60,
Sign ++ io_lib:format("~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B", [Hour, Min]).
Sign = case M >= 0 of true -> "+"; false -> "-" end,
Hour = abs(M) div 60,
Min = abs(M) rem 60,
Sign ++ io_lib:format("~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B", [Hour, Min]).
format_time({error, Error}, _) -> {error, Error};
format_time(Time, TZ) -> [Time, TZ].
@ -282,11 +294,11 @@ format_(_, {error, badtime}) -> {error, badtime};
format_(Date, Time) -> unicode:characters_to_binary([Date, "T", Time]).
g(Key, Map) ->
case maps:get(Key, Map, undefined) of
nil -> 0;
undefined -> 0;
Val -> Val
case maps:get(Key, Map, undefined) of
nil -> 0;
undefined -> 0;
Val -> Val
or_zero(undefined) -> 0;
or_zero(N) when is_integer(N) -> N.
or_zero(N) when is_integer(N) -> N.
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