NAME=redash VERSION=`python ./ version` FULL_VERSION=$(VERSION)+b$(CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM) BASE_VERSION=$(shell python ./ version | cut -d + -f 1) # VERSION gets evaluated every time it's referenced, therefore we need to use VERSION here instead of FULL_VERSION. FILENAME=$(CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS)/$(NAME).$(VERSION).tar.gz TEST_ARGS?=--with-coverage --cover-package=redash tests/ deps: if [ -d "./client/app" ]; then npm install; fi if [ -d "./client/app" ]; then npm run build; fi pack: sed -ri "s/^__version__ = '([0-9.]*)'/__version__ = '$(FULL_VERSION)'/" redash/ tar -zcv -f $(FILENAME) --exclude="optipng*" --exclude=".git*" --exclude="*.pyc" --exclude="*.pyo" --exclude="venv" --exclude="node_modules" * upload: python bin/ $(CIRCLE_SHA1) $(BASE_VERSION) $(FILENAME) test: nosetests $(TEST_ARGS)