Setting up development environment (using Vagrant) ================================================== To simplify contribution there is a `Vagrant box `__ available with all the needed software to run re:dash for development (use it only for development, for demo purposes there is `redash/demo `__ box and the AWS/GCE images). To get started with this box: 1. Make sure you have recent version of `Vagrant `__ installed. 2. Clone the re:dash repository: ``git clone``. 3. Change dir into the repository (``cd redash``) and run run ``vagrant up``. This might take some time the first time you run it, as it downloads the Vagrant virtual box. 4. Once Vagrant is ready, ssh into the instance (``vagrant ssh``), and change dir to ``/opt/redash/current`` -- this is where your local repository copy synced to. 5. Copy ``.env`` file into this directory (``cp ../.env ./``). 6. From ``/opt/redash/current/rd_ui`` run ``bower install`` to install frontend packages. This can be done from your host machine as well, if you have bower installed. 7. Go back to ``/opt/redash/current`` and install python dependencies ``sudo pip install -r requirements.txt`` 8. Apply migrations :: export PYTHONPATH=. && find migrations/ -type f | grep 00 --null | xargs -I file bin/run python file 9. Start the server and background workers with ``bin/run honcho start -f``. 10. Now the server should be available on your host on port 9001 and you can login with username admin and password admin.