[build] base = "client" publish = "client/dist" # Netlify doesn't seem to install Yarn even though NETLIFY_USE_YARN is set below # command = "cd ../ && npm i -g yarn@1.22.10 && yarn --frozen-lockfile --force && cd viz-lib && yarn build:babel && cd .. && rm -r ./node_modules/@redash/viz && cp -r ./viz-lib/. ./node_modules/@redash/viz && yarn build && cd ./client" command = "cd ../ && npm i -g yarn@1.22.10 && yarn cache clean && yarn --frozen-lockfile --network-concurrency 1 && yarn build && cd ./client" [build.environment] NODE_VERSION = "14.16.1" NETLIFY_USE_YARN = "true" YARN_VERSION = "1.22.10" CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY = "0" PUPPETEER_SKIP_CHROMIUM_DOWNLOAD = "1" [[redirects]] from = "/api/*" to = "http://preview-backend.redashapp.com/api/:splat" status = 200 [[redirects]] from = "/login" to = "http://preview-login.redashapp.com/login" status = 200 [[redirects]] from = "/logout" to = "http://preview-backend.redashapp.com/logout" status = 200 [[redirects]] from = "/status.json" to = "http://preview-backend.redashapp.com/status.json" status = 200 [[redirects]] from = "/static/server*" to = "http://preview-backend.redashapp.com/static/server:splat" status = 200 [[redirects]] from = "/static/*" to = "/:splat" status = 200 [[redirects]] from = "/*" to = "/index.html" status = 200