
691 lines
23 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#include <atomic>
#include <osquery/core.h>
#include <osquery/flags.h>
#include <osquery/logger.h>
#include <osquery/system.h>
#include "osquery/core/process.h"
#include "osquery/sql/virtual_table.h"
namespace osquery {
FLAG(bool, enable_foreign, false, "Enable no-op foreign virtual tables");
"Add an optional microsecond delay between table scans");
SHELL_FLAG(bool, planner, false, "Enable osquery runtime planner output");
RecursiveMutex kAttachMutex;
namespace tables {
namespace sqlite {
/// For planner and debugging an incrementing cursor ID is used.
static std::atomic<size_t> kPlannerCursorID{0};
* @brief A next-ID for within-query constraints stacking.
* As constraints are evaluated within xBestIndex, an IDX is assigned for
* operator and operand retrieval during xFilter/scanning.
static std::atomic<size_t> kConstraintIndexID{0};
static inline std::string opString(unsigned char op) {
switch (op) {
case EQUALS:
return "=";
return ">";
return "<=";
return "<";
return ">=";
case LIKE:
return "LIKE";
case MATCH:
return "MATCH";
case GLOB:
return "GLOB";
case REGEXP:
return "REGEX";
case UNIQUE:
return "UNIQUE";
return "?";
inline std::string table_doc(const std::string& name) {
return "https://osquery.io/docs/#" + name;
static void plan(const std::string& output) {
if (FLAGS_planner) {
fprintf(stderr, "osquery planner: %s\n", output.c_str());
int xOpen(sqlite3_vtab* tab, sqlite3_vtab_cursor** ppCursor) {
int rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
auto* pCur = new BaseCursor;
auto* pVtab = (VirtualTable*)tab;
if (pCur != nullptr) {
plan("Opening cursor (" + std::to_string(kPlannerCursorID) +
") for table: " + pVtab->content->name);
pCur->id = kPlannerCursorID++;
pCur->base.pVtab = tab;
*ppCursor = (sqlite3_vtab_cursor*)pCur;
return rc;
int xClose(sqlite3_vtab_cursor* cur) {
BaseCursor* pCur = (BaseCursor*)cur;
plan("Closing cursor (" + std::to_string(pCur->id) + ")");
delete pCur;
return SQLITE_OK;
int xEof(sqlite3_vtab_cursor* cur) {
BaseCursor* pCur = (BaseCursor*)cur;
if (pCur->uses_generator) {
if (*pCur->generator) {
return false;
pCur->generator = nullptr;
return true;
if (pCur->row >= pCur->n) {
// If the requested row exceeds the size of the row set then all rows
// have been visited, clear the data container.
return true;
return false;
int xDestroy(sqlite3_vtab* p) {
auto* pVtab = (VirtualTable*)p;
delete pVtab->content;
delete pVtab;
return SQLITE_OK;
int xNext(sqlite3_vtab_cursor* cur) {
BaseCursor* pCur = (BaseCursor*)cur;
if (pCur->uses_generator) {
if (*pCur->generator) {
pCur->current = pCur->generator->get();
return SQLITE_OK;
int xRowid(sqlite3_vtab_cursor* cur, sqlite_int64* pRowid) {
const BaseCursor* pCur = (BaseCursor*)cur;
*pRowid = pCur->row;
return SQLITE_OK;
int xCreate(sqlite3* db,
void* pAux,
int argc,
const char* const* argv,
sqlite3_vtab** ppVtab,
char** pzErr) {
auto* pVtab = new VirtualTable;
if (!pVtab || argc == 0 || argv[0] == nullptr) {
delete pVtab;
memset(pVtab, 0, sizeof(VirtualTable));
pVtab->content = new VirtualTableContent;
pVtab->instance = (SQLiteDBInstance*)pAux;
// Create a TablePlugin Registry call, expect column details as the response.
PluginResponse response;
pVtab->content->name = std::string(argv[0]);
const auto& name = pVtab->content->name;
// Get the table column information.
auto status =
Registry::call("table", name, {{"action", "columns"}}, response);
if (!status.ok() || response.size() == 0) {
delete pVtab->content;
delete pVtab;
// Generate an SQL create table statement from the retrieved column details.
// This call to columnDefinition requests column aliases (as HIDDEN columns).
auto statement = "CREATE TABLE " + name + columnDefinition(response, true);
int rc = sqlite3_declare_vtab(db, statement.c_str());
if (rc != SQLITE_OK || !status.ok() || response.size() == 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating virtual table: " << name << " (" << rc
<< "): " << getStringForSQLiteReturnCode(rc);
VLOG(1) << "Cannot create virtual table using: " << statement;
delete pVtab->content;
delete pVtab;
return (rc != SQLITE_OK) ? rc : SQLITE_ERROR;
// Tables may request aliases as views.
std::set<std::string> views;
// Keep a local copy of the column details in the VirtualTableContent struct.
// This allows introspection into the column type without additional calls.
for (const auto& column : response) {
if (column.count("id") == 0) {
// This does not define a column type.
if (column.at("id") == "column" && column.count("name") &&
column.count("type")) {
// This is a malformed column definition.
// Populate the virtual table specific persistent column information.
(ColumnOptions)AS_LITERAL(INTEGER_LITERAL, column.at("op"))));
} else if (column.at("id") == "alias" && column.count("alias")) {
// Create associated views for table aliases.
} else if (column.at("id") == "columnAlias" && column.count("name") &&
column.count("target")) {
// Record the column in the set of columns.
// This is required because SQLITE uses indexes to identify columns.
// Use an UNKNOWN_TYPE as a pseudo-mask, since the type does not matter.
column.at("name"), UNKNOWN_TYPE, ColumnOptions::HIDDEN));
// Record a mapping of the requested column alias name.
size_t target_index = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < pVtab->content->columns.size(); i++) {
const auto& target_column = pVtab->content->columns[i];
if (std::get<0>(target_column) == column.at("target")) {
target_index = i;
pVtab->content->aliases[column.at("name")] = target_index;
} else if (column.at("id") == "attributes") {
// Store the attributes locally so they may be passed to the SQL object.
pVtab->content->attributes =
(TableAttributes)AS_LITERAL(INTEGER_LITERAL, column.at("attributes"));
// Create the requested 'aliases'.
for (const auto& view : views) {
statement = "CREATE VIEW " + view + " AS SELECT * FROM " + name;
sqlite3_exec(db, statement.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
*ppVtab = (sqlite3_vtab*)pVtab;
return rc;
int xColumn(sqlite3_vtab_cursor* cur, sqlite3_context* ctx, int col) {
BaseCursor* pCur = (BaseCursor*)cur;
const auto* pVtab = (VirtualTable*)cur->pVtab;
if (col >= static_cast<int>(pVtab->content->columns.size())) {
// Requested column index greater than column set size.
if (!pCur->uses_generator && pCur->row >= pCur->data.size()) {
// Request row index greater than row set size.
auto& column_name = std::get<0>(pVtab->content->columns[col]);
auto& type = std::get<1>(pVtab->content->columns[col]);
if (pVtab->content->aliases.count(column_name)) {
// Overwrite the aliased column with the type and name of the new column.
type = std::get<1>(
column_name = std::get<0>(
Row* row = nullptr;
if (pCur->uses_generator) {
row = &pCur->current;
} else {
row = &pCur->data[pCur->row];
// Attempt to cast each xFilter-populated row/column to the SQLite type.
const auto& value = (*row)[column_name];
if (row->count(column_name) == 0) {
// Missing content.
VLOG(1) << "Error " << column_name << " is empty";
} else if (type == TEXT_TYPE) {
ctx, value.c_str(), static_cast<int>(value.size()), SQLITE_STATIC);
} else if (type == INTEGER_TYPE) {
long afinite;
if (!safeStrtol(value, 0, afinite) || afinite < INT_MIN ||
afinite > INT_MAX) {
VLOG(1) << "Error casting " << column_name << " (" << value
<< ") to INTEGER";
} else {
sqlite3_result_int(ctx, (int)afinite);
} else if (type == BIGINT_TYPE || type == UNSIGNED_BIGINT_TYPE) {
long long afinite;
if (!safeStrtoll(value, 0, afinite)) {
VLOG(1) << "Error casting " << column_name << " (" << value
<< ") to BIGINT";
} else {
sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, afinite);
} else if (type == DOUBLE_TYPE) {
char* end = nullptr;
double afinite = strtod(value.c_str(), &end);
if (end == nullptr || end == value.c_str() || *end != '\0') {
VLOG(1) << "Error casting " << column_name << " (" << value
<< ") to DOUBLE";
} else {
sqlite3_result_double(ctx, afinite);
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error unknown column type " << column_name;
return SQLITE_OK;
static inline bool sensibleComparison(ColumnType type, unsigned char op) {
if (type == TEXT_TYPE) {
if (op == GREATER_THAN || op == GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS || op == LESS_THAN ||
return false;
return true;
static int xBestIndex(sqlite3_vtab* tab, sqlite3_index_info* pIdxInfo) {
auto* pVtab = (VirtualTable*)tab;
const auto& columns = pVtab->content->columns;
ConstraintSet constraints;
// Keep track of the index used for each valid constraint.
// Expect this index to correspond with argv within xFilter.
size_t expr_index = 0;
// If any constraints are unusable increment the cost of the index.
double cost = 1;
// Tables may have requirements or use indexes.
bool required_satisfied = false;
bool index_used = false;
// Expressions operating on the same virtual table are loosely identified by
// the consecutive sets of terms each of the constraint sets are applied onto.
// Subsequent attempts from failed (unusable) constraints replace the set,
// while new sets of terms append.
if (pIdxInfo->nConstraint > 0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(pIdxInfo->nConstraint); ++i) {
// Record the term index (this index exists across all expressions).
const auto& constraint_info = pIdxInfo->aConstraint[i];
#if defined(DEBUG)
plan("Evaluating constraints for table: " + pVtab->content->name +
" [index=" + std::to_string(i) + " column=" +
std::to_string(constraint_info.iColumn) + " term=" +
std::to_string((int)constraint_info.iTermOffset) + " usable=" +
std::to_string((int)constraint_info.usable) + "]");
if (!constraint_info.usable) {
// A higher cost less priority, prefer more usable query constraints.
cost += 10;
// Lookup the column name given an index into the table column set.
if (constraint_info.iColumn < 0 ||
static_cast<size_t>(constraint_info.iColumn) >=
pVtab->content->columns.size()) {
cost += 10;
const auto& name = std::get<0>(columns[constraint_info.iColumn]);
const auto& type = std::get<1>(columns[constraint_info.iColumn]);
if (!sensibleComparison(type, constraint_info.op)) {
cost += 10;
// Check if this constraint is on an index or required column.
const auto& options = std::get<2>(columns[constraint_info.iColumn]);
if (options & ColumnOptions::REQUIRED) {
index_used = true;
required_satisfied = true;
} else if (options & (ColumnOptions::INDEX | ColumnOptions::ADDITIONAL)) {
index_used = true;
// Save a pair of the name and the constraint operator.
// Use this constraint during xFilter by performing a scan and column
// name lookup through out all cursor constraint lists.
std::make_pair(name, Constraint(constraint_info.op)));
pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[i].argvIndex = static_cast<int>(++expr_index);
#if defined(DEBUG)
plan("Adding constraint for table: " + pVtab->content->name +
" [column=" + name + " arg_index=" + std::to_string(expr_index) +
" op=" + std::to_string(constraint_info.op) + "]");
// Check the table for a required column.
for (const auto& column : columns) {
auto& options = std::get<2>(column);
if (options & ColumnOptions::REQUIRED && !required_satisfied) {
// A column is marked required, but no constraint satisfies.
cost += 1e10;
if (!index_used) {
// A column is marked index, but no index constraint was provided.
cost += 200;
pIdxInfo->idxNum = static_cast<int>(kConstraintIndexID++);
#if defined(DEBUG)
plan("Recording constraint set for table: " + pVtab->content->name +
" [cost=" + std::to_string(cost) + " size=" +
std::to_string(constraints.size()) + " idx=" +
std::to_string(pIdxInfo->idxNum) + "]");
// Add the constraint set to the table's tracked constraints.
pVtab->content->constraints[pIdxInfo->idxNum] = std::move(constraints);
pIdxInfo->estimatedCost = cost;
return SQLITE_OK;
static int xFilter(sqlite3_vtab_cursor* pVtabCursor,
int idxNum,
const char* idxStr,
int argc,
sqlite3_value** argv) {
BaseCursor* pCur = (BaseCursor*)pVtabCursor;
auto* pVtab = (VirtualTable*)pVtabCursor->pVtab;
auto* content = pVtab->content;
if (FLAGS_table_delay > 0 && pVtab->instance->tableCalled(content)) {
// Apply an optional sleep between table calls.
pCur->row = 0;
pCur->n = 0;
QueryContext context(content);
// The SQLite instance communicates to the TablePlugin via the context.
// Track required columns, this is different than the requirements check
// that occurs within BestIndex because this scan includes a cursor.
// For each cursor used, if a requirement exists, we need to scan the
// selected set of constraints for a match.
bool required_satisfied = true;
// The specialized table attribute USER_BASED imposes a special requirement
// for UID. This may be represented in the requirements, but otherwise
// would benefit from specific notification to the caller.
bool user_based_satisfied = !(
(content->attributes & TableAttributes::USER_BASED) > 0 && isUserAdmin());
// For event-based tables, help the caller if events are disabled.
bool events_satisfied =
((content->attributes & TableAttributes::EVENT_BASED) == 0 ||
std::map<std::string, ColumnOptions> options;
for (size_t i = 0; i < content->columns.size(); ++i) {
// Set the column affinity for each optional constraint list.
// There is a separate list for each column name.
auto column_name = std::get<0>(content->columns[i]);
context.constraints[column_name].affinity =
// Save the column options for comparison within constraints enumeration.
options[column_name] = std::get<2>(content->columns[i]);
if (options[column_name] & ColumnOptions::REQUIRED) {
required_satisfied = false;
// Filtering between cursors happens iteratively, not consecutively.
// If there are multiple sets of constraints, they apply to each cursor.
#if defined(DEBUG)
plan("Filtering called for table: " + content->name + " [constraint_count=" +
std::to_string(content->constraints.size()) + " argc=" +
std::to_string(argc) + " idx=" + std::to_string(idxNum) + "]");
// Iterate over every argument to xFilter, filling in constraint values.
if (content->constraints.size() > 0) {
auto& constraints = content->constraints[idxNum];
if (argc > 0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(argc); ++i) {
auto expr = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[i]);
if (expr == nullptr || expr[0] == 0) {
// SQLite did not expose the expression value.
// Set the expression from SQLite's now-populated argv.
auto& constraint = constraints[i];
constraint.second.expr = std::string(expr);
plan("Adding constraint to cursor (" + std::to_string(pCur->id) +
"): " + constraint.first + " " + opString(constraint.second.op) +
" " + constraint.second.expr);
// Add the constraint to the column-sorted query request map.
} else if (constraints.size() > 0) {
// Constraints failed.
// Evaluate index and optimized constraint requirements.
// These are satisfied regardless of expression content availability.
for (const auto& constraint : constraints) {
if (options[constraint.first] & ColumnOptions::REQUIRED) {
// A required option exists in the constraints.
required_satisfied = true;
if (!user_based_satisfied &&
(constraint.first == "uid" || constraint.first == "username")) {
// UID was required and exists in the constraints.
user_based_satisfied = true;
if (!user_based_satisfied) {
LOG(WARNING) << "The " << pVtab->content->name
<< " table returns data based on the current user by default, "
"consider JOINing against the users table";
} else if (!required_satisfied) {
<< "Table " << pVtab->content->name
<< " was queried without a required column in the WHERE clause";
} else if (!events_satisfied) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Table " << pVtab->content->name
<< " is event-based but events are disabled";
// Provide a helpful reference to table documentation within the shell.
if (Initializer::isShell() &&
(!user_based_satisfied || !required_satisfied || !events_satisfied)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Please see the table documentation: "
<< table_doc(pVtab->content->name);
// Reset the virtual table contents.
// Generate the row data set.
plan("Scanning rows for cursor (" + std::to_string(pCur->id) + ")");
if (Registry::get().exists("table", pVtab->content->name, true)) {
auto plugin = Registry::get().plugin("table", pVtab->content->name);
auto table = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<TablePlugin>(plugin);
if (table->usesGenerator()) {
pCur->uses_generator = true;
pCur->generator = std::make_unique<RowGenerator::pull_type>(
if (*pCur->generator) {
pCur->current = pCur->generator->get();
return SQLITE_OK;
pCur->data = table->generate(context);
} else {
PluginRequest request = {{"action", "generate"}};
TablePlugin::setRequestFromContext(context, request);
Registry::call("table", pVtab->content->name, request, pCur->data);
// Set the number of rows.
pCur->n = pCur->data.size();
return SQLITE_OK;
Status attachTableInternal(const std::string& name,
const std::string& statement,
const SQLiteDBInstanceRef& instance) {
if (SQLiteDBManager::isDisabled(name)) {
VLOG(1) << "Table " << name << " is disabled, not attaching";
return Status(0, getStringForSQLiteReturnCode(0));
// A static module structure does not need specific logic per-table.
// clang-format off
static sqlite3_module module = {
nullptr, /* Update */
nullptr, /* Begin */
nullptr, /* Sync */
nullptr, /* Commit */
nullptr, /* Rollback */
nullptr, /* FindFunction */
nullptr, /* Rename */
nullptr, /* Savepoint */
nullptr, /* Release */
nullptr, /* RollbackTo */
// clang-format on
// Note, if the clientData API is used then this will save a registry call
// within xCreate.
RecursiveLock lock(kAttachMutex);
int rc = sqlite3_create_module(
instance->db(), name.c_str(), &module, (void*)&(*instance));
if (rc == SQLITE_OK || rc == SQLITE_MISUSE) {
auto format =
"CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE temp." + name + " USING " + name + statement;
rc = sqlite3_exec(instance->db(), format.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, 0);
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error attaching table: " << name << " (" << rc << ")";
return Status(rc, getStringForSQLiteReturnCode(rc));
Status detachTableInternal(const std::string& name, sqlite3* db) {
RecursiveLock lock(kAttachMutex);
auto format = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp." + name;
int rc = sqlite3_exec(db, format.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, 0);
if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error detaching table: " << name << " (" << rc << ")";
return Status(rc, getStringForSQLiteReturnCode(rc));
Status attachFunctionInternal(
const std::string& name,
void(sqlite3_context* context, int argc, sqlite3_value** argv)> func) {
// Hold the manager connection instance again in callbacks.
auto dbc = SQLiteDBManager::get();
// Add some shell-specific functions to the instance.
RecursiveLock lock(kAttachMutex);
int rc = sqlite3_create_function(
*func.target<void (*)(sqlite3_context*, int, sqlite3_value**)>(),
return Status(rc);
void attachVirtualTables(const SQLiteDBInstanceRef& instance) {
if (FLAGS_enable_foreign) {
#if !defined(OSQUERY_EXTERNAL)
// Foreign table schema is available for the shell and daemon only.
PluginResponse response;
for (const auto& name : RegistryFactory::get().names("table")) {
// Column information is nice for virtual table create call.
auto status =
Registry::call("table", name, {{"action", "columns"}}, response);
if (status.ok()) {
auto statement = columnDefinition(response, true);
attachTableInternal(name, statement, instance);