2015-01-01 22:05:03 -08:00

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* Copyright (c) 2014, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <osquery/flags.h>
#include <osquery/status.h>
namespace osquery {
/// The builder or invoker may change the default config plugin.
* @brief represents the relevant parameters of a scheduled query.
* Within the context of osqueryd, a scheduled query may have many relevant
* attributes. Those attributes are represented in this data structure.
struct OsqueryScheduledQuery {
/// name represents the "name" of a query.
std::string name;
/// query represents the actual SQL query.
std::string query;
/// interval represents how often the query should be executed, in minutes.
int interval;
/// equals operator
bool operator==(const OsqueryScheduledQuery& comp) const {
return (comp.name == name) && (comp.query == query) &&
(comp.interval == interval);
/// not equals operator
bool operator!=(const OsqueryScheduledQuery& comp) const {
return !(*this == comp);
* @brief A native representation of osquery configuration data.
* When you use osquery::Config::getInstance(), you are getting a singleton
* handle to interact with the data stored in an instance of this struct.
struct OsqueryConfig {
/// A vector of all of the queries that are scheduled to execute.
std::vector<OsqueryScheduledQuery> scheduledQueries;
std::map<std::string, std::string> options;
* @brief A string which represents the default consfig retriever.
* The config plugin that you use to define your config retriever can be
* defined via a command-line flag, however, if you don't define a config
* plugin to use via the command-line, then the config retriever which is
* represented by the string stored in kDefaultConfigRetriever will be used.
extern const std::string kDefaultConfigRetriever;
* @brief A singleton that exposes accessors to osquery's configuration data.
* osquery has two types on configurations. Things that don't change during
* the execution of the process should be configured as command-line
* arguments. Things that can change during the lifetime of program execution
* should be defined using the osquery::config::Config class and the pluggable
* plugin interface that is included with it.
class Config {
* @brief The primary way to access the Config singleton.
* osquery::config::Config::getInstance() provides access to the Config
* singleton
* @code{.cpp}
* auto config = osquery::config::Config::getInstance();
* @endcode
* @return a singleton instance of Config.
static std::shared_ptr<Config> getInstance();
* @brief Call the genConfig method of the config retriever plugin.
* This may perform a resource load such as TCP request or filesystem read.
Status load();
* @brief Get a vector of all scheduled queries.
* @code{.cpp}
* auto config = osquery::config::Config::getInstance();
* for (const auto& q : config->getScheduledQueries()) {
* LOG(INFO) << "name: " << q.name;
* LOG(INFO) << "interval: " << q.interval;
* }
* @endcode
* @return a vector of OsqueryScheduledQuery's which represent the queries
* that are to be executed
std::vector<OsqueryScheduledQuery> getScheduledQueries();
* @brief Calculate a splayed integer based on a variable splay percentage
* The value of splayPercent must be between 1 and 100. If it's not, the
* value of original will be returned.
* @param original The original value to be modified
* @param splayPercent The percent in which to splay the original value by
* @return The modified version of original
static int splayValue(int original, int splayPercent);
* @brief Calculate the has of the osquery config
* @return The MD5 of the osquery config
Status getMD5(std::string& hashString);
* @brief Default constructor.
* Since instances of Config should only be created via getInstance(),
* Config's constructor is private
Config() {}
* @brief Uses the specified config retriever to populate a config struct.
* Internally, genConfig checks to see if there was a config retriever
* specified on the command-line. If there was, it checks to see if that
* config retriever actually exists. If it does, it gets used to generate
* configuration data. If it does not, an error is logged.
* If no config retriever was specified, the config retriever represented by
* kDefaultConfigRetriever is used.
* @param conf a reference to a struct which will be populated by the config
* retriever in use.
* @return an instance of osquery::Status, indicating the success or failure
* of the operation.
static osquery::Status genConfig(OsqueryConfig& conf);
* @brief Uses the specified config retriever to populate a string with the
* config JSON.
* Internally, genConfig checks to see if there was a config retriever
* specified on the command-line. If there was, it checks to see if that
* config retriever actually exists. If it does, it gets used to generate
* configuration data. If it does not, an error is logged.
* If no config retriever was specified, the config retriever represented by
* kDefaultConfigRetriever is used.
* @param conf a reference to a string which will be populated by the config
* retriever in use.
* @return an instance of osquery::Status, indicating the success or failure
* of the operation.
static osquery::Status genConfig(std::string& conf);
* @brief the private member that stores the raw osquery config data in a
* native format
OsqueryConfig cfg_;