Line: 8: incorrect codeowner organization: osquery/osquery-committers Line: 8: no users/groups matched Line: 9: incorrect codeowner organization: osquery/technical-steering-committee Line: 9: no users/groups matched Line: 11: incorrect codeowner organization: osquery/osquery-build-wardens Line: 11: no users/groups matched Line: 15: incorrect codeowner organization: osquery/technical-steering-committee Line: 15: no users/groups matched

16 lines
455 B

# Osquery Codeowners
# Documented at https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-code-owners
# Order is important; the last matching pattern takes the most
# precedence.
# General write access
* @osquery/osquery-committers
* @osquery/technical-steering-committee
.github/workflows @osquery/osquery-build-wardens
# As CODEOWNERS is last match oriented, we restrict slightly more
# sensitive files here.
CODEOWNERS @osquery/technical-steering-committee