table_name("wmi_cli_event_consumers") description("WMI CommandLineEventConsumer, which can be used for persistance on Windows.") schema([ Column("name", TEXT, "Unique name of a consumer."), Column("command_line_template", TEXT, "Standard string template that specifies the process to be started. This property can be NULL, and the ExecutablePath property is used as the command line."), Column("executable_path", TEXT, "Module to execute. The string can specify the full path and file name of the module to execute, or it can specify a partial name. If a partial name is specified, the current drive and current directory are assumed."), Column("class", TEXT, "The name of the class."), Column("relative_path", TEXT, "Relative path to the class or instance."), ]) implementation("wmi_cli_event_consumers@genWmiCliConsumers") examples([ "select filter,consumer,query,command_line_template, from wmi_cli_event_consumers wcec left outer join wmi_filter_consumer_binding wcb on consumer = wcec.relative_path left outer join wmi_event_filters wef on wef.relative_path = wcb.filter;", ])