{ "queries": { "kernel_info": { "query" : "select * from kernel_info;", "interval" : "86400", "version" : "1.4.5", "description" : "Retrieves information from the current kernel in the target system.", "value" : "Kernel version can tell you vulnerabilities based on the version" }, "os_version": { "query" : "select * from os_version;", "interval" : "86400", "version" : "1.4.5", "description" : "Retrieves the current version of the running osquery in the target system and where the configuration was loaded from.", "value" : "OS version will tell which distribution the OS is running on, allowing to detect the main distribution" }, "kextstat": { "query" : "select * from kernel_extensions;", "interval" : "86400", "platform" : "darwin", "version" : "1.4.5", "description" : "Retrieves all the information about the current kernel extensions for the target OSX system.", "value" : "Only for OS X. It may pinpoint inserted modules that can carry malicious payloads." }, "kernel_modules": { "query" : "select * from kernel_modules;", "interval" : "86400", "platform" : "linux", "version" : "1.4.5", "description" : "Retrieves all the information for the current kernel modules in the target Linux system.", "value" : "Only for Linux. It may pinpoint inserted modules that can carry malicious payloads." }, "installed_applications": { "query" : "select * from apps;", "interval" : "86400", "platform" : "darwin", "version" : "1.4.5", "description" : "Retrieves all the currently installed applications in the target OSX system.", "value" : "This, with the help of a vulnerability feed, can help tell if a vulnerable application is installed." }, "browser_plugins": { "query" : "select browser_plugins.* from users join browser_plugins using (uid);", "interval" : "86400", "platform" : "darwin", "version" : "1.4.5", "description" : "Retrieves the list of C/NPAPI browser plugins in the target system.", "value" : "General security posture." }, "safari_extensions": { "query" : "select safari_extensions.* from users join safari_extensions using (uid);", "interval" : "86400", "platform" : "darwin", "version" : "1.4.5", "description" : "Retrieves the list of extensions for Safari in the target system.", "value" : "General security posture." }, "chrome_extensions": { "query" : "select chrome_extensions.* from users join chrome_extensions using (uid);", "interval" : "86400", "platform" : "darwin", "version" : "1.4.5", "description" : "Retrieves the list of extensions for Chrome in the target system.", "value" : "General security posture." }, "firefox_addons": { "query" : "select firefox_addons.* from users join firefox_addons using (uid);", "interval" : "86400", "platform" : "darwin", "version" : "1.4.5", "description" : "Retrieves the list of addons for Firefox in the target system.", "value" : "General security posture." }, "homebrew_packages": { "query" : "select * from homebrew_packages;", "interval" : "86400", "platform" : "darwin", "version" : "1.4.5", "description" : "Retrieves the list of brew packages installed in the target OSX system.", "value" : "This, with the help of a vulnerability feed, can help tell if a vulnerable application is installed." }, "package_receipts": { "query" : "select * from package_receipts;", "interval" : "86400", "platform" : "darwin", "version" : "1.4.5", "description" : "Retrieves all the PKG related information stored in OSX.", "value" : "It could give you a trail of installed/deleted packages" }, "deb_packages": { "query" : "select * from deb_packages;", "interval" : "86400", "platform" : "ubuntu", "version" : "1.4.5", "description" : "Retrieves all the installed DEB packages in the target Linux system.", "value" : "This, with the help of vulnerability feed, can help tell if a vulnerable application is installed." }, "apt_sources": { "query" : "select * from apt_sources;", "interval" : "86400", "platform" : "ubuntu", "version" : "1.4.5", "description" : "Retrieves all the APT sources to install packages from in the target Linux system.", "value" : "In the future this may not have a lot of value as we expect to have installed only signed packages" }, "rpm_packages": { "query" : "select * from rpm_packages;", "interval" : "86400", "platform" : "redhat,centos", "version" : "1.4.5", "description" : "Retrieves all the installed RPM packages in the target Linux system.", "value" : "This, with the help of vulnerability feed, can help tell if a vulnerable application is installed." } } }