table_name("osquery_info") description("Top level information about the running version of osquery.") schema([ Column("pid", INTEGER, "Process (or thread/handle) ID"), Column("uuid", TEXT, "Unique ID provided by the system"), Column("instance_id", TEXT, "Unique, long-lived ID per instance of osquery"), Column("version", TEXT, "osquery toolkit version"), Column("config_hash", TEXT, "Hash of the working configuration state"), Column("config_valid", INTEGER, "1 if the config was loaded and considered valid, else 0"), Column("extensions", TEXT, "osquery extensions status"), Column("build_platform", TEXT, "osquery toolkit build platform"), Column("build_distro", TEXT, "osquery toolkit platform distribution name (os version)"), Column("start_time", INTEGER, "UNIX time in seconds when the process started"), Column("watcher", INTEGER, "Process (or thread/handle) ID of optional watcher process"), Column("platform_mask", INTEGER, "The osquery platform bitmask"), ]) attributes(utility=True) implementation("osquery@genOsqueryInfo")