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description("All of the Windows registry hives.")
Column("key", TEXT, "Name of the key to search for", additional=True),
Column("path", TEXT, "Full path to the value", index=True),
Column("name", TEXT, "Name of the registry value entry"),
Column("type", TEXT, "Type of the registry value, or 'subkey' if item is a subkey"),
Column("data", TEXT, "Data content of registry value"),
Column("mtime", BIGINT, "timestamp of the most recent registry write"),
"select path, key, name from registry where key = 'HKEY_USERS'; -- get user SIDS. Note: path is key+name",
"select path from registry where key like 'HKEY_USERS\\.Default\\%'; -- a SQL wildcard match; will not recurse subkeys",
"select path from registry where key like 'HKEY_USERS\\.Default\\Software\\%%'; -- recursing query (compare with 1 %)",
"select path from registry where key like 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Micr%ft\\%' and type = 'subkey' LIMIT 10; -- midfix wildcard match",
"select name, type, data from registry where path like 'HKEY_USERS\\%\\Control Panel\\International\\User Profile\\Languages'; -- get users' current UI language. Note: osquery cannot reference HKEY_CURRENT_USER",
"select name, type, data from registry where path like 'HKEY_USERS\\%\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Wallpapers\\%'; -- list all of the desktop wallpapers",
"select name, type, data from registry where key like 'HKEY_USERS\\%\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Wallpapers'; -- same, but filtering by key instead of path",