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- master
- job: LinuxCMake
vmImage: 'Ubuntu-16.04'
image: trailofbits/osquery:ubuntu-18.04-toolchain-v7
options: --privileged --init -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
Refactor third-party libraries to build from source on Linux (#5706) Add a way to compile third-party libraries from source instead of downloading prebuilt ones. Each library source code is downloaded with git into a submodule at configure time, in response to the find_package(library_name) CMake call, except for OpenSSL where the official source archive is used. Each submodule is attached to a release tag on its own upstream repository. All the libraries are built using CMake directly, except for OpenSSL which uses a formula system, which permits to build libraries with a separate build system when there's no easy way to integrate it directly with CMake. This new dependency system determines which library is fetched from where using the concept of "layers". Currently we have three of them: source, formula, facebook, where the last layer represents the pre-built libraries. The provided order will be used when looking for libraries. A system to patch submodule source code has been added and it's currently used with googletest, libudev and util-linux. Patches should be put under libraries/cmake/source/<library name>/patches/<submodule>, where <submodule> is often one and is "src", but in other cases, like AWS, there are multiple with a more specific name. If for whatever reason the submodule cloning or the patching fails, the submodule has to be unregistered and its folder should be cleared. This should be achievable with "git submodule deinit -f <submodule path>" Following some other changes on existing functionality: - Changed the CMake variable BUILD_TESTING to OSQUERY_BUILD_TESTS to avoid enabling tests on third party libraries. Due to an issue with glog the BUILD_TESTING variable will be always forced to OFF. - Moved compiler and linker flags to their own file cmake/flags.cmake - Moved all the third-party CMakeLists.txt used for pre-built libraries under libraries/cmake/facebook - Added the --exclude-folders option to tools/format-check.py and tools/git-clang-format.py, so that it's possible to ignore any third party library source code. - The format and format_check target use the new --exclude-folders option to exclude libraries/cmake/source from formatting. - The test and osquery binaries are properly compiled with PIE (osquery/osquery#5611) Co-authored-by: Stefano Bonicatti <stefano.bonicatti@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Teddy Reed <teddy@casualhacking.io>
2019-08-30 14:25:19 +00:00
timeoutInMinutes: 120
CCACHE_DIR: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/ccache
# Debug packages require padded source prefixes (#5936).
BUILD_DIR: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)/usr/src/debug/osquery/build
- checkout: self
path: s/usr/src/debug/osquery
- script: mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR)
displayName: "Create build folder"
- task: CacheBeta@2
key: submodules | Linux | $(SubmoduleCacheVersion) | $(Build.SourceVersion)
restoreKeys: submodules | Linux | $(SubmoduleCacheVersion)
path: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/.git/modules
displayName: Submodule cache
- task: CMake@1
displayName: "Configure osquery"
workingDirectory: $(BUILD_DIR)
Refactor third-party libraries to build from source on Linux (#5706) Add a way to compile third-party libraries from source instead of downloading prebuilt ones. Each library source code is downloaded with git into a submodule at configure time, in response to the find_package(library_name) CMake call, except for OpenSSL where the official source archive is used. Each submodule is attached to a release tag on its own upstream repository. All the libraries are built using CMake directly, except for OpenSSL which uses a formula system, which permits to build libraries with a separate build system when there's no easy way to integrate it directly with CMake. This new dependency system determines which library is fetched from where using the concept of "layers". Currently we have three of them: source, formula, facebook, where the last layer represents the pre-built libraries. The provided order will be used when looking for libraries. A system to patch submodule source code has been added and it's currently used with googletest, libudev and util-linux. Patches should be put under libraries/cmake/source/<library name>/patches/<submodule>, where <submodule> is often one and is "src", but in other cases, like AWS, there are multiple with a more specific name. If for whatever reason the submodule cloning or the patching fails, the submodule has to be unregistered and its folder should be cleared. This should be achievable with "git submodule deinit -f <submodule path>" Following some other changes on existing functionality: - Changed the CMake variable BUILD_TESTING to OSQUERY_BUILD_TESTS to avoid enabling tests on third party libraries. Due to an issue with glog the BUILD_TESTING variable will be always forced to OFF. - Moved compiler and linker flags to their own file cmake/flags.cmake - Moved all the third-party CMakeLists.txt used for pre-built libraries under libraries/cmake/facebook - Added the --exclude-folders option to tools/format-check.py and tools/git-clang-format.py, so that it's possible to ignore any third party library source code. - The format and format_check target use the new --exclude-folders option to exclude libraries/cmake/source from formatting. - The test and osquery binaries are properly compiled with PIE (osquery/osquery#5611) Co-authored-by: Stefano Bonicatti <stefano.bonicatti@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Teddy Reed <teddy@casualhacking.io>
2019-08-30 14:25:19 +00:00
- script: |
./tools/formatting/format-test.sh --build $(BUILD_DIR)
displayName: "format_check.py test"
workingDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
- task: CMake@1
displayName: "Check code formatting"
workingDirectory: $(BUILD_DIR)
cmakeArgs: --build . --target format_check
- task: CacheBeta@2
key: ccache | Linux$(BUILD_TYPE)CMake | $(CacheVersion) | $(Build.SourceVersion)
restoreKeys: ccache | Linux$(BUILD_TYPE)CMake | $(CacheVersion)
path: $(CCACHE_DIR)
displayName: ccache
- task: CMake@1
displayName: "Build osquery"
workingDirectory: $(BUILD_DIR)
cmakeArgs: --build . -j 3
- script: cat $(BUILD_DIR)/formula_logs/openssl.txt
displayName: "OpenSSL formula output"
condition: always()
- task: CMake@1
displayName: "Run cppcheck"
workingDirectory: $(BUILD_DIR)
cmakeArgs: --build . --target cppcheck
- script: |
ctest --build-nocmake -V
displayName: "Run tests"
workingDirectory: $(BUILD_DIR)
- script: |
cmake -DPACKAGING_SYSTEM=DEB $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
cmake --build . --target package -j 3
displayName: "Run DEB packaging"
workingDirectory: $(BUILD_DIR)
- script: |
cmake -DPACKAGING_SYSTEM=RPM $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
cmake --build . --target package -j 3
displayName: "Run RPM packaging"
workingDirectory: $(BUILD_DIR)
- script: |
cmake -DPACKAGING_SYSTEM=TGZ $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
cmake --build . --target package -j 3
displayName: "Run TGZ packaging"
workingDirectory: $(BUILD_DIR)
- script: |
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Status;isOutput=true]1"
name: JobResult
- script: |
rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)
displayName: "Reclaim disk space"
- job: LinuxBuck
displayName: "LinuxBuck Release"
vmImage: 'Ubuntu-16.04'
image: trailofbits/osql-experimental:ubuntu-18.04
options: --privileged
- script: |
wget https://github.com/facebook/buck/releases/download/v2019.06.17.01/buck.2019.06.17.01_all.deb
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -q -y --no-install-recommends ./buck.2019.06.17.01_all.deb openjdk-8-jre python3-distutils
workingDirectory: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)
- script: |
export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64"
buck build @mode/linux-x86_64/release osquery:osqueryd
displayName: "Build osquery"
- script: |
# Buck compiles these tests in Debug mode, exhausting disk space.
# Until we find a solution, we'll disable the tests.
#export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64"
#buck test @mode/linux-x86_64/release osquery/... tests/... plugins/...
displayName: "Run tests (DISABLED)"
- script: |
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Status;isOutput=true]1"
name: JobResult
- job: Linux
vmImage: 'Ubuntu-16.04'
condition: succeededOrFailed()
- LinuxCMake
- LinuxBuck
LinuxCMakeReleaseStatus: $[ dependencies.LinuxCMake.outputs['Release.JobResult.Status'] ]
LinuxCMakeDebugStatus: $[ dependencies.LinuxCMake.outputs['Debug.JobResult.Status'] ]
LinuxBuckReleaseStatus: $[ dependencies.LinuxBuck.outputs['JobResult.Status'] ]
- checkout: none
- script: |
if [ -z "$(LinuxCMakeReleaseStatus)" ] || [ -z "$(LinuxCMakeDebugStatus)" ] || \
[ -z "$(LinuxBuckReleaseStatus)" ]
exit 1
displayName: "Detect Linux jobs build statuses"
- job: macOSCMake
vmImage: macos-10.14
timeoutInMinutes: 120
CCACHE_DIR: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/ccache
- script: |
cmake --version
brew upgrade
Refactor third-party libraries to build from source on Linux (#5706) Add a way to compile third-party libraries from source instead of downloading prebuilt ones. Each library source code is downloaded with git into a submodule at configure time, in response to the find_package(library_name) CMake call, except for OpenSSL where the official source archive is used. Each submodule is attached to a release tag on its own upstream repository. All the libraries are built using CMake directly, except for OpenSSL which uses a formula system, which permits to build libraries with a separate build system when there's no easy way to integrate it directly with CMake. This new dependency system determines which library is fetched from where using the concept of "layers". Currently we have three of them: source, formula, facebook, where the last layer represents the pre-built libraries. The provided order will be used when looking for libraries. A system to patch submodule source code has been added and it's currently used with googletest, libudev and util-linux. Patches should be put under libraries/cmake/source/<library name>/patches/<submodule>, where <submodule> is often one and is "src", but in other cases, like AWS, there are multiple with a more specific name. If for whatever reason the submodule cloning or the patching fails, the submodule has to be unregistered and its folder should be cleared. This should be achievable with "git submodule deinit -f <submodule path>" Following some other changes on existing functionality: - Changed the CMake variable BUILD_TESTING to OSQUERY_BUILD_TESTS to avoid enabling tests on third party libraries. Due to an issue with glog the BUILD_TESTING variable will be always forced to OFF. - Moved compiler and linker flags to their own file cmake/flags.cmake - Moved all the third-party CMakeLists.txt used for pre-built libraries under libraries/cmake/facebook - Added the --exclude-folders option to tools/format-check.py and tools/git-clang-format.py, so that it's possible to ignore any third party library source code. - The format and format_check target use the new --exclude-folders option to exclude libraries/cmake/source from formatting. - The test and osquery binaries are properly compiled with PIE (osquery/osquery#5611) Co-authored-by: Stefano Bonicatti <stefano.bonicatti@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Teddy Reed <teddy@casualhacking.io>
2019-08-30 14:25:19 +00:00
brew install ccache flex bison
pip3 install setuptools pexpect==3.3 psutil timeout_decorator six thrift==0.11.0 osquery
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode_10.3.app/Contents/Developer
displayName: "Install Homebrew and prerequisites"
timeoutInMinutes: 20
- script: mkdir $(Build.BinariesDirectory)/build
displayName: "Create build folder"
- task: CacheBeta@2
key: submodules | macOS | $(SubmoduleCacheVersion) | $(Build.SourceVersion)
restoreKeys: submodules | macOS | $(SubmoduleCacheVersion)
path: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/.git/modules
displayName: Submodule cache
- task: CMake@1
displayName: "Configure osquery"
workingDirectory: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)/build
- task: CacheBeta@2
key: ccache | macOS$(BUILD_TYPE)CMake | $(CacheVersion) | $(Build.SourceVersion)
restoreKeys: ccache | macOS$(BUILD_TYPE)CMake | $(CacheVersion)
path: $(CCACHE_DIR)
displayName: ccache
- task: CMake@1
displayName: "Build osquery"
workingDirectory: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)/build
cmakeArgs: --build . -j 3
- script: cat $(Build.BinariesDirectory)/build/formula_logs/openssl.txt
displayName: "OpenSSL formula output"
condition: always()
- script: |
ctest --build-nocmake -V
displayName: "Run tests"
workingDirectory: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)/build
- task: CMake@1
displayName: "Run productbuild packaging"
workingDirectory: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)/build
cmakeArgs: --build . --target package -j 3
- script: |
cmake -DPACKAGING_SYSTEM=TGZ $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
cmake --build . --target package -j 3
displayName: "Run TGZ packaging"
workingDirectory: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)/build
- script: |
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Status;isOutput=true]1"
name: JobResult
- script: |
rm -rf $(Build.BinariesDirectory)/build
displayName: "Reclaim disk space"
- job: macOSBuck
displayName: "macOSBuck Release"
vmImage: macos-10.14
- script: |
brew update
brew tap facebook/fb
brew upgrade
brew cask install adoptopenjdk
brew install buck watchman
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode_10.3.app/Contents/Developer
displayName: "Install Homebrew and prerequisites"
timeoutInMinutes: 20
- script: |
export JAVA_HOME="$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)"
buck build @mode/macos-x86_64/release osquery:osqueryd
displayName: "Build osquery"
- script: |
export JAVA_HOME="$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)"
buck test @mode/macos-x86_64/release osquery/... tests/... plugins/...
displayName: "Run tests"
- script: |
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Status;isOutput=true]1"
name: JobResult
- job: macOS
vmImage: 'Ubuntu-16.04'
condition: succeededOrFailed()
- macOSCMake
- macOSBuck
macOSCMakeReleaseStatus: $[ dependencies.macOSCMake.outputs['Release.JobResult.Status'] ]
macOSCMakeDebugStatus: $[ dependencies.macOSCMake.outputs['Debug.JobResult.Status'] ]
macOSBuckReleaseStatus: $[ dependencies.macOSBuck.outputs['JobResult.Status'] ]
- checkout: none
- script: |
if [ -z "$(macOSCMakeReleaseStatus)" ] || [ -z "$(macOSCMakeDebugStatus)" ] || \
[ -z "$(macOSBuckReleaseStatus)" ]
exit 1
displayName: "Detect macOS jobs build statuses"
- job: WindowsCMake
displayName: "WindowsCMake Release"
vmImage: vs2017-win2016
timeoutInMinutes: 120
SCCACHE_DIR: $(Pipeline.Workspace)\sccache
- powershell: |
git config --global core.autocrlf false
git config --global core.symlinks true
- checkout: self
- powershell: |
cmake --version
$python3_path = ((Get-Item C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3*\x64) | Sort-Object -Descending)[0].FullName
& $python3_path\python -m pip install setuptools psutil timeout_decorator thrift==0.11.0 osquery pywin32
displayName: Install tests prerequisites
- powershell: |
mkdir $(Build.BinariesDirectory)\build
displayName: "Create build folder"
- powershell: |
displayName: "Installing: Strawberry Perl"
workingDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
- task: CacheBeta@2
key: submodules | Windows | $(SubmoduleCacheVersion) | $(Build.SourceVersion)
restoreKeys: submodules | Windows | $(SubmoduleCacheVersion)
path: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/.git/modules
displayName: Submodule cache
- powershell: |
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(`
mkdir "C:\Program Files\sccache"
7z x -o"C:\Program Files\sccache" -y "$env:TEMP\sccache.7z"
Write-Host "##vso[task.prependpath]C:\Program Files\sccache"
displayName: "Install sccache"
- powershell: |
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(`
mkdir "C:\Program Files\Ninja"
7z x -o"C:\Program Files\Ninja" -y "$env:TEMP\ninja-win.zip"
Write-Host "##vso[task.prependpath]C:\Program Files\Ninja"
displayName: "Install Ninja"
- script: |
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat" -vcvars_ver=14.1
cmake -G Ninja ^
displayName: "Configure osquery"
workingDirectory: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)\build
- task: CacheBeta@2
key: sccache | Windows | $(CacheVersion) | $(Build.SourceVersion)
restoreKeys: sccache | Windows | $(CacheVersion)
path: $(SCCACHE_DIR)
displayName: sccache
- script: |
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat" -vcvars_ver=14.1
cmake --build . -j 3
if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel%
sccache.exe --stop-server
displayName: "Build osquery"
workingDirectory: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)\build
- script: cmd /C type $(Build.BinariesDirectory)\build\formula_logs\openssl.txt
displayName: "OpenSSL formula output"
condition: always()
- powershell: |
ctest --build-nocmake -C Release -V
displayName: "Run tests"
workingDirectory: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)/build
- task: CMake@1
displayName: "Run WIX packaging"
workingDirectory: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)/build
cmakeArgs: --build . --target package --config Release -j 3
- powershell: |
# .artifactignore has to be copied in the cached folder, otherwise the CacheBeta task won't see it
cp $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\.artifactignore $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\.git\modules
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Status;isOutput=true]1"
name: JobResult
- powershell: |
rm -r -Force $(Build.BinariesDirectory)/build
displayName: "Reclaim disk space"
- job: WindowsBuck
displayName: "WindowsBuck Release"
vmImage: vs2017-win2016
- powershell: |
git config --global core.autocrlf false
- checkout: self
- powershell: |
choco uninstall mingw -y
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("https://github.com/facebook/buck/releases/download/v2019.06.17.01/buck.2019.06.17.01.nupkg", `
Install-Package buck -Source . -SkipDependencies
displayName: "Prepare Buck environment"
workingDirectory: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)
- powershell: |
$python2_path = ((Get-Item C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\2*\x64) | Sort-Object -Descending)[0].FullName
$python3_path = ((Get-Item C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3*\x64) | Sort-Object -Descending)[0].FullName
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=python2]$python2_path"
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=python3]$python3_path"
displayName: "Detect python 2 and 3 installation folders"
- script: |
mklink /J $(Build.BinariesDirectory)\vsinstall "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise"
- powershell: |
$vcvers = cat $(Build.BinariesDirectory)\vsinstall\VC\Auxiliary\Build\Microsoft.VCToolsVersion.default.txt
.\tools\generate_buck_config.ps1 -VsInstall '$(Build.BinariesDirectory)\vsinstall' `
-VcToolsVersion "$vcvers" `
-SdkInstall '' `
-SdkVersion '' `
-Python3Path '$(python3)\python.exe' `
-BuckConfigRoot .\tools\buckconfigs\
displayName: "Generate Buck config"
- script: |
set PATH=$(python2);%PATH%
$(python2)\python.exe "C:\Program Files\PackageManagement\NuGet\Packages\buck.2019.06.17.01\tools\buck.pex" build @mode/windows-x86_64/release osquery:osqueryd
displayName: "Build osquery"
- script: |
set PATH=$(python2);%PATH%
$(python2)\python.exe "C:\Program Files\PackageManagement\NuGet\Packages\buck.2019.06.17.01\tools\buck.pex" test @mode/windows-x86_64/release osquery/... tests/... plugins/...
displayName: "Run tests"
- powershell: |
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Status;isOutput=true]1"
name: JobResult
- job: Windows
vmImage: 'Ubuntu-16.04'
condition: succeededOrFailed()
- WindowsCMake
- WindowsBuck
WindowsCMakeReleaseStatus: $[ dependencies.WindowsCMake.outputs['JobResult.Status'] ]
WindowsBuckReleaseStatus: $[ dependencies.WindowsBuck.outputs['JobResult.Status'] ]
- checkout: none
- script: |
if [ -z "$(WindowsCMakeReleaseStatus)" ] || [ -z "$(WindowsBuckReleaseStatus)" ]; then
exit 1
displayName: "Detect Windows CMake and Buck build status"