2013-10-18 16:24:08 -07:00

367 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright 2012 Wordnik, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.
import sys
import os
from .models import *
class PetApi(object):
def __init__(self, apiClient):
self.apiClient = apiClient
def getPetById(self, petId, **kwargs):
"""Find pet by ID
petId, int: ID of pet that needs to be fetched (required)
Returns: Pet
allParams = ['petId']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].items():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method getPetById" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/pet/{petId}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
if ('petId' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['petId']))
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'petId' + '}',
postData = (params['body'] if 'body' in params else None)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'Pet')
return responseObject
def deletePet(self, petId, **kwargs):
"""Deletes a pet
petId, str: Pet id to delete (required)
allParams = ['petId']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].items():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method deletePet" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/pet/{petId}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'DELETE'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
if ('petId' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['petId']))
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'petId' + '}',
postData = (params['body'] if 'body' in params else None)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams)
def partialUpdate(self, petId, body, **kwargs):
"""partial updates to a pet
petId, str: ID of pet that needs to be fetched (required)
body, Pet: Pet object that needs to be added to the store (required)
Returns: Array[Pet]
allParams = ['petId', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].items():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method partialUpdate" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/pet/{petId}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PATCH'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
if ('petId' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['petId']))
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'petId' + '}',
postData = (params['body'] if 'body' in params else None)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'Array[Pet]')
return responseObject
def updatePetWithForm(self, petId, **kwargs):
"""Updates a pet in the store with form data
petId, str: ID of pet that needs to be updated (required)
name, str: Updated name of the pet (optional)
status, str: Updated status of the pet (optional)
allParams = ['petId', 'name', 'status']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].items():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method updatePetWithForm" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/pet/{petId}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
if ('petId' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['petId']))
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'petId' + '}',
postData = (params['body'] if 'body' in params else None)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams)
def uploadFile(self, **kwargs):
"""uploads an image
additionalMetadata, str: Additional data to pass to server (optional)
body, File: file to upload (optional)
allParams = ['additionalMetadata', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].items():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method uploadFile" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/pet/uploadImage'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
postData = (params['body'] if 'body' in params else None)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams)
def addPet(self, body, **kwargs):
"""Add a new pet to the store
body, Pet: Pet object that needs to be added to the store (required)
allParams = ['body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].items():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method addPet" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/pet'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
postData = (params['body'] if 'body' in params else None)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams)
def updatePet(self, body, **kwargs):
"""Update an existing pet
body, Pet: Pet object that needs to be updated in the store (required)
allParams = ['body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].items():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method updatePet" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/pet'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
postData = (params['body'] if 'body' in params else None)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams)
def findPetsByStatus(self, status= None, **kwargs):
"""Finds Pets by status
status, str: Status values that need to be considered for filter (required)
Returns: Array[Pet]
allParams = ['status']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].items():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method findPetsByStatus" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/pet/findByStatus'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
if ('status' in params):
queryParams['status'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['status'])
postData = (params['body'] if 'body' in params else None)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'Array[Pet]')
return responseObject
def findPetsByTags(self, tags, **kwargs):
"""Finds Pets by tags
tags, str: Tags to filter by (required)
Returns: Array[Pet]
allParams = ['tags']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].items():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method findPetsByTags" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/pet/findByTags'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
if ('tags' in params):
queryParams['tags'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['tags'])
postData = (params['body'] if 'body' in params else None)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'Array[Pet]')
return responseObject