2012-09-23 16:26:46 -07:00

192 lines
7.5 KiB

<!-- Flex Library Project ASDocs -->
<project name="AS3SDKCompile" default="compile" basedir=".">
<!-- import our build properties file -->
<property file="./"/>
<property environment="env"/>
<property name="FLEX_HOME" value="${FLEX4_SDK_HOME}"/>
<property name="FLEX4_HOME" value="${FLEX4_SDK_HOME}"/>
<!--<property name="flexunit.swc" value="../lib/ext/flexunit-4.1.0_RC2-28-flex_3.5.0.12683.swc" />
<property name="flexunit-uilistener.swc" value="../lib/ext/flexunit-uilistener-4.1.0_RC2-28-flex_3.5.0.12683.swc" />
<property name="flexunit-cilistener.swc" value="../lib/ext/flexunit-cilistener-4.1.0_RC2-28-flex_3.5.0.12683.swc" />-->
<!-- Flex Ant Tasks used to perform compc and mxml compiling more info at -->
<taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpath="${FLEX_HOME}/ant/lib/flexTasks.jar"/>
<target name="setup" description="perform an setup operations"/>
<!-- Execute the ASDoc Compile wich runs 3 seperate tasks in a series -->
<target name="compile" description="series of tasks to create docs and swc">
<!--<antcall target="cleanDir" description="clean the docs directory"/>-->
<!--<antcall target="asDocs" description="full build of asdocs"/>-->
<antcall target="buildSWC" description="build the SWC file"/>
<target name="deploy" description="perform an deployment operations"/>
<target name="install" description="perform an installation operations"/>
DELETE the existing output folder and files and then re-generate the output folder
<target name="clean"
description="DELETE the existing output folder and files and then re-generate the output folder">
<delete dir="${basedir}/${docsoutputfolder}" failonerror="true" includeemptydirs="true"/>
<delete file="${basedir}/${liboutputfolder}/${liboutputfile}"/>
<delete dir="${basedir}/dist" failonerror="true" includeemptydirs="true"/>
<mkdir dir="${basedir}/${docsoutputfolder}"/>
Run the ASDoc executable and generate the ASDocs to the new output folder
<target name="docs" description="Run the ASDoc executable and generate the ASDocs to the new output folder">
<exec executable="${FLEX_HOME}/bin/asdoc" failonerror="true">
<arg line="-doc-sources ${sourcepath}"/>
<arg line="-source-path ${sourcepath}"/>
<arg line="-footer 'Copyright Wordnik'"/>
<arg line="-package com.wordnik.swagger.api 'Contains the apis which are used by clients to make calls to the services deployed'"/>
<arg line="-package com.wordnik.swagger.model 'Contains common classes which encapsulate data elements required'"/>
<arg line="-package com.wordnik.swagger.common 'Contains classes which are used by the api classes to invoke the deployed api like SwaggerApi - a base class, ApiUserCredentials, etc.'"/>
<arg line="-package com.wordnik.swagger.event 'Results of calls made to Wordnik are returned via dispatched events. This package contains such event classes. Right now thats just ApiClientEvent and Response.'"/>
<arg line="-package com.wordnik.swagger.exception 'Contains classes that encapsulate the errors generated'"/>
<arg value="-window-title"/>
<arg value="${title}"/>
<arg value="-main-title"/>
<arg value="${title}"/>
<arg value="-output"/>
<arg value="${basedir}/${docsoutputfolder}"/>
<arg value="-external-library-path"/>
<arg value="${basedir}/${libpath}"/>
<echo>docs created</echo>
Compile the SWC file library including lib folder and the path to our classes, we use compc for library,
check the docs for Flex Ant Tasks,
<target name="buildSWC" description="Compile the SWC file for the Librayr Project">
<compc output="${basedir}/${liboutputfolder}/${liboutputfile}">
Include the path to any external SWC files used in the sdk, you may have to place name of SWC (ASAXB-0.1.1.swc) at end of path.
So file path would be file="${basedir}/${libpath}/ASAXB-0.1.1.swc"
<include-libraries file="${basedir}/${libpath}/"/>
<source-path path-element="${sourcepath}"/>
<keep-as3-metadata name="XmlRootNode"/>
<keep-as3-metadata name="XmlElement"/>
<keep-as3-metadata name="XmlElements"/>
<!-- include our Class packages into the build (com folder) -->
<include-sources dir="${sourcepath}" includes="*"/>
<echo>SWC created</echo>
<target name="dist" depends="clean, buildSWC, docs">
<mkdir dir="${basedir}/dist/lib"/>
<mkdir dir="${basedir}/dist/docs"/>
<mkdir dir="${basedir}/dist/sample"/>
<copy file="${basedir}/${liboutputfolder}/${liboutputfile}" todir="${basedir}/dist/lib/">
<copy todir="${basedir}/dist/docs/">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/asdoc"/>
<zip destfile="" basedir="${basedir}/dist"/>
<!-- Compiles and creates a test app that can be run using the adl - AIR Debug Launcher from command line
Note: For the output file to be executed an xml file is needed which points to this output swf - this is not
generated here
<target name="compile-test" depends="buildSWC">
<property name="FLEX_HOME" value="${FLEX4_SDK_HOME}"/>
<load-config filename="${FLEX4_HOME}/frameworks/air-config.xml"/>
<source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks"/>
<source-path path-element="${testsourcepath}"/>
<!--<source-path path-element="${APP_ROOT}/locale/{locale}" />-->
<library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs" append="true">
<include name="*.swc"/>
<library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs/air" append="true">
<include name="*.swc"/>
<library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/locale" append="true">
<include name="{locale}"/>
<library-path dir="${basedir}/${libpath}" append="true">
<include name="*.swc"/>
<library-path dir="${basedir}/${liboutputfolder}" append="true">
<include name="*.swc"/>
<library-path dir="${basedir}/${libpath}/ext" append="true">
<include name="*.swc"/>
<target name="do-test">
<exec executable="${FLEX_HOME}/bin/adl" failonerror="true">
<arg value="${basedir}/bin/AirExecutorApp-app.xml"/>
<target name="test" depends="compile-test, do-test">