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using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Model;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
namespace SwaggerClient.TestPet
[TestFixture ()]
public class TestPet
public long petId = 11088;
[SetUp] public void Init()
// create pet
Pet p = new Pet();
p.Id = petId;
p.Name = "Csharp test";
p.Status = "available";
// create Category object
Category category = new Category();
category.Id = 56;
category.Name = "sample category name2";
List<String> photoUrls = new List<String>(new String[] {"sample photoUrls"});
// create Tag object
Tag tag = new Tag();
tag.Id = petId;
tag.Name = "sample tag name1";
List<Tag> tags = new List<Tag>(new Tag[] {tag});
p.Tags = tags;
p.Category = category;
p.PhotoUrls = photoUrls;
// add pet before testing
PetApi petApi = new PetApi("");
petApi.AddPet (p);
[TearDown] public void Cleanup()
// remove the pet after testing
PetApi petApi = new PetApi ();
petApi.DeletePet(petId, "test key");
[Test ()]
public void TestGetPetByIdAsync ()
PetApi petApi = new PetApi ();
var task = petApi.GetPetByIdAsync (petId);
Pet response = task.Result;
Assert.IsInstanceOf<Pet> (response, "Response is a Pet");
Assert.AreEqual ("Csharp test", response.Name);
Assert.AreEqual ("available", response.Status);
Assert.IsInstanceOf<List<Tag>> (response.Tags, "Response.Tags is a Array");
Assert.AreEqual (petId, response.Tags [0].Id);
Assert.AreEqual ("sample tag name1", response.Tags [0].Name);
Assert.IsInstanceOf<List<String>> (response.PhotoUrls, "Response.PhotoUrls is a Array");
Assert.AreEqual ("sample photoUrls", response.PhotoUrls [0]);
Assert.IsInstanceOf<Category> (response.Category, "Response.Category is a Category");
Assert.AreEqual (56, response.Category.Id);
Assert.AreEqual ("sample category name2", response.Category.Name);
[Test ()]
public void TestGetPetById ()
PetApi petApi = new PetApi ();
Pet response = petApi.GetPetById (petId);
Assert.IsInstanceOf<Pet> (response, "Response is a Pet");
Assert.AreEqual ("Csharp test", response.Name);
Assert.AreEqual ("available", response.Status);
Assert.IsInstanceOf<List<Tag>> (response.Tags, "Response.Tags is a Array");
Assert.AreEqual (petId, response.Tags [0].Id);
Assert.AreEqual ("sample tag name1", response.Tags [0].Name);
Assert.IsInstanceOf<List<String>> (response.PhotoUrls, "Response.PhotoUrls is a Array");
Assert.AreEqual ("sample photoUrls", response.PhotoUrls [0]);
Assert.IsInstanceOf<Category> (response.Category, "Response.Category is a Category");
Assert.AreEqual (56, response.Category.Id);
Assert.AreEqual ("sample category name2", response.Category.Name);
[Test ()]
public void TestUpdatePetWithForm ()
PetApi petApi = new PetApi ();
petApi.UpdatePetWithForm (petId.ToString(), "new form name", "pending");
Pet response = petApi.GetPetById (petId);
Assert.IsInstanceOf<Pet> (response, "Response is a Pet");
Assert.IsInstanceOf<Category> (response.Category, "Response.Category is a Category");
Assert.IsInstanceOf<List<Tag>> (response.Tags, "Response.Tags is a Array");
Assert.AreEqual ("new form name", response.Name);
Assert.AreEqual ("pending", response.Status);
Assert.AreEqual (petId, response.Tags [0].Id);
Assert.AreEqual (56, response.Category.Id);
[Test ()]
public void TestUploadFile ()
PetApi petApi = new PetApi ();
//NOTE: please provide a valid file (full path)
FileStream fileStream = new FileStream("/var/tmp/small.gif", FileMode.Open);
petApi.UploadFile(petId, "new form name", fileStream);
[Test ()]
public void TestFindPetByStatus ()
PetApi petApi = new PetApi ();
List<String> statusList = new List<String>(new String[] {"available"});
List<Pet> listPet = petApi.FindPetsByStatus (statusList);
foreach (Pet pet in listPet) // Loop through List with foreach.
Assert.IsInstanceOf<Pet> (pet, "Response is a Pet");
Assert.AreEqual ("available", pet.Status);