OpenAPI Generator
[Master]( (`4.2.0-SNAPSHOT`): [![Build Status](](
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[`5.0.x`]( branch: [![Build Status](](
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:star::star::star: If you would like to contribute, please refer to [guidelines]( and a list of [open tasks](
:bangbang: To migrate from Swagger Codegen to OpenAPI Generator, please refer to the [migration guide](docs/ :bangbang:
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: For more information, please refer to the [Wiki page]( and [FAQ]( :notebook_with_decorative_cover:
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: The eBook [A Beginner's Guide to Code Generation for REST APIs]( is a good starting point for beginners :notebook_with_decorative_cover:
:warning: If the OpenAPI spec, templates or any input (e.g. options, environment variables) is obtained from an untrusted source or environment, please make sure you've reviewed these inputs before using OpenAPI Generator to generate the API client, server stub or documentation to avoid potential security issues (e.g. [code injection]( :warning:
:bangbang: Both "OpenAPI Tools" ( - the parent organization of OpenAPI Generator) and "OpenAPI Generator" are not affiliated with OpenAPI Initiative (OAI) :bangbang:
## Sponsors
If you find OpenAPI Generator useful for work, please consider asking your company to support this Open Source project by [becoming a sponsor]( You can also individually sponsor the project by [becoming a backer](
#### Thank you to our bronze sponsors!
#### Thank you GoDaddy for sponsoring the domain names and Linode for sponsoring the VPS
## Overview
OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an [OpenAPI Spec]( (both 2.0 and 3.0 are supported). Currently, the following languages/frameworks are supported:
| | Languages/Frameworks |
**API clients** | **ActionScript**, **Ada**, **Apex**, **Bash**, **C**, **C#** (.net 2.0, 3.5 or later, .NET Standard 1.3 - 2.0, .NET Core 2.0), **C++** (cpp-restsdk, Qt5, Tizen), **Clojure**, **Dart (1.x, 2.x)**, **Elixir**, **Elm**, **Eiffel**, **Erlang**, **Go**, **Groovy**, **Haskell** (http-client, Servant), **Java** (Jersey1.x, Jersey2.x, OkHttp, Retrofit1.x, Retrofit2.x, Feign, RestTemplate, RESTEasy, Vertx, Google API Client Library for Java, Rest-assured, Spring 5 Web Client), **Kotlin**, **Lua**, **Nim**, **Node.js/JavaScript** (ES5, ES6, AngularJS with Google Closure Compiler annotations, Flow types), **Objective-C**, **OCaml**, **Perl**, **PHP**, **PowerShell**, **Python**, **R**, **Ruby**, **Rust** (rust, rust-server), **Scala** (akka, http4s, scalaz, swagger-async-httpclient), **Swift** (2.x, 3.x, 4.x), **Typescript** (AngularJS, Angular (2.x - 8.x), Aurelia, Axios, Fetch, Inversify, jQuery, Node, Rxjs)
**Server stubs** | **Ada**, **C#** (ASP.NET Core, NancyFx), **C++** (Pistache, Restbed, Qt5 QHTTPEngine), **Erlang**, **F#** (Giraffe), **Go** (net/http, Gin), **Haskell** (Servant), **Java** (MSF4J, Spring, Undertow, JAX-RS: CDI, CXF, Inflector, Jersey, RestEasy, Play Framework, [PKMST](, **Kotlin** (Spring Boot, Ktor, Vertx), **PHP** (Laravel, Lumen, Slim, Silex, [Symfony](, [Zend Expressive](, **Python** (Flask), **NodeJS**, **Ruby** (Sinatra, Rails5), **Rust** (rust-server), **Scala** ([Finch](, [Lagom](, [Play](, Scalatra)
**API documentation generators** | **HTML**, **Confluence Wiki**, **Asciidoc**
**Configuration files** | [**Apache2**](
**Others** | **GraphQL**, **JMeter**, **MySQL Schema**, **Protocol Buffer**
## Table of contents
- [OpenAPI Generator](#openapi-generator)
- [Overview](#overview)
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [1 - Installation](#1---installation)
- [1.1 - Compatibility](#11---compatibility)
- [1.2 - Artifacts on Maven Central](#12---artifacts-on-maven-central)
- [1.3 - Download JAR](#13---download-jar)
- [1.4 - Build Projects](#14---build-projects)
- [1.5 - Homebrew](#15---homebrew)
- [1.6 - Docker](#16---docker)
- [1.7 - NPM](#17---npm)
- [2 - Getting Started](#2---getting-started)
- [3 - Usage](#3---usage)
- [3.1 - Customization](#31---customization)
- [3.2 - Workflow Integration](#32---workflow-integration-maven-gradle-github-cicd)
- [3.3 - Online Generators](#33---online-openapi-generator)
- [3.4 - License Information on Generated Code](#34---license-information-on-generated-code)
- [3.5 - IDE Integration](#35---ide-integration)
- [4 - Companies/Projects using OpenAPI Generator](#4---companiesprojects-using-openapi-generator)
- [5 - Presentations/Videos/Tutorials/Books](#5---presentationsvideostutorialsbooks)
- [6 - About Us](#6---about-us)
- [6.1 - OpenAPI Generator Core Team](#61---openapi-generator-core-team)
- [6.2 - OpenAPI Generator Technical Committee](#62---openapi-generator-technical-committee)
- [6.3 - History of OpenAPI Generator](#63---history-of-openapi-generator)
- [7 - License](#7---license)
## [1 - Installation](#table-of-contents)
### [1.1 - Compatibility](#table-of-contents)
The OpenAPI Specification has undergone 3 revisions since initial creation in 2010. The openapi-generator project has the following compatibilities with the OpenAPI Specification:
OpenAPI Generator Version | Release Date | Notes
---------------------------- | ------------ | -----
5.0.0 (upcoming major release) [SNAPSHOT](| 13.05.2020 | Major release with breaking changes (no fallback)
4.2.0 (upcoming minor release) [SNAPSHOT](| 09.10.2019 | Minor release (breaking changes with fallbacks)
[4.1.3]( (latest stable release) | 04.10.2019 | Patch release (bug fixes, enhancements)
OpenAPI Spec compatibility: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.0, 3.0
For old releases, please refer to the [**Release**]( page.
## [1.2 - Artifacts on Maven Central](#table-of-contents)
You can find our released artifacts on maven central:
See the different versions of the [openapi-generator]( artifact available on maven central.
See the different versions of the [openapi-generator-cli]( artifact available on maven central.
**Maven plugin:**
* See the different versions of the [openapi-generator-maven-plugin]( artifact available on maven central.
* [Readme](
**Gradle plugin:**
* See the different versions of the [openapi-generator-gradle-plugin]( artifact available on maven central.
* [Readme](
### [1.3 - Download JAR](#table-of-contents)
If you're looking for the latest stable version, you can grab it directly from (Java 8 runtime at a minimum):
JAR location: ``
For **Mac/Linux** users:
wget -O openapi-generator-cli.jar
For **Windows** users, you will need to install [wget]( or you can use Invoke-WebRequest in PowerShell (3.0+), e.g.
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile openapi-generator-cli.jar
After downloading the JAR, run `java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar help` to show the usage.
For Mac users, please make sure Java 8 is installed (Tips: run `java -version` to check the version), and export `JAVA_HOME` in order to use the supported Java version:
export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`
export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:$PATH
### Launcher Script
One downside to manual jar downloads is that you don't keep up-to-date with the latest released version. We have a Bash launcher script at [bin/utils/](./bin/utils/ which resolves this issue.
To install the launcher script, copy the contents of the script to a location on your path and make the script executable.
An example of setting this up (NOTE: Always evaluate scripts curled from external systems before executing them).
mkdir -p ~/bin/openapitools
curl > ~/bin/openapitools/openapi-generator-cli
chmod u+x ~/bin/openapitools/openapi-generator-cli
export PATH=$PATH:~/bin/openapitools/
Now, `openapi-generator-cli` is "installed". On invocation, it will query the GitHub repository for the most recently released version. If this matches the last downloaded jar,
it will execute as normal. If a newer version is found, the script will download the latest release and execute it.
If you need to invoke an older version of the generator, you can define the variable `OPENAPI_GENERATOR_VERSION` either ad hoc or globally. You can export this variable if you'd like to persist a specific release version.
# Execute latest released openapi-generator-cli
openapi-generator-cli version
# Execute version 3.1.0 for the current invocation, regardless of the latest released version
OPENAPI_GENERATOR_VERSION=3.1.0 openapi-generator-cli version
# Execute version 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT for the current invocation
OPENAPI_GENERATOR_VERSION=3.1.0-SNAPSHOT openapi-generator-cli version
# Execute version 3.0.2 for every invocation in the current shell session
openapi-generator-cli version # is 3.0.2
openapi-generator-cli version # is also 3.0.2
# To "install" a specific version, set the variable in .bashrc/.bash_profile
echo "export OPENAPI_GENERATOR_VERSION=3.0.2" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
openapi-generator-cli version # is always 3.0.2, unless any of the above overrides are done ad hoc
### [1.4 - Build Projects](#table-of-contents)
To build from source, you need the following installed and available in your `$PATH:`
* [Java 8](
* [Apache Maven 3.3.4 or greater](
After cloning the project, you can build it from source with this command:
mvn clean install
If you don't have maven installed, you may directly use the included [maven wrapper](, and build with the command:
./mvnw clean install
### [1.5 - Homebrew](#table-of-contents)
To install, run `brew install openapi-generator`
Here is an example usage to generate a Ruby client:
openapi-generator generate -i -g ruby -o /tmp/test/
To reinstall with the latest master, run `brew uninstall openapi-generator && brew install --HEAD openapi-generator`
To install OpenJDK (pre-requisites), please run
brew cask install adoptopenjdk12
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-12.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home/
To install Maven, please run
brew install maven
### [1.6 - Docker](#table-of-contents)
#### Public Pre-built Docker images
- []( (official CLI)
- []( (official web service)
#### OpenAPI Generator CLI Docker Image
The OpenAPI Generator image acts as a standalone executable. It can be used as an alternative to installing via homebrew, or for developers who are unable to install Java or upgrade the installed version.
To generate code with this image, you'll need to mount a local location as a volume.
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/local openapitools/openapi-generator-cli generate \
-i \
-g go \
-o /local/out/go
The generated code will be located under `./out/go` in the current directory.
#### OpenAPI Generator Online Docker Image
The openapi-generator-online image can act as a self-hosted web application and API for generating code. This container can be incorporated into a CI pipeline, and requires at least two HTTP requests and some docker orchestration to access generated code.
Example usage:
# Start container at port 8888 and save the container id
> CID=$(docker run -d -p 8888:8080 openapitools/openapi-generator-online)
# allow for startup
> sleep 10
# Get the IP of the running container (optional)
GEN_IP=$(docker inspect --format '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' $CID)
# Execute an HTTP request to generate a Ruby client
> curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{"openAPIUrl": ""}' \
# Download the generated zip file
> wget http://localhost:8888/api/gen/download/c2d483.3.4672-40e9-91df-b9ffd18d22b8
# Unzip the file
> unzip c2d483.3.4672-40e9-91df-b9ffd18d22b8
# Shutdown the openapi generator image
> docker stop $CID && docker rm $CID
#### Development in docker
You can use `` to do all development. This script maps your local repository to `/gen`
in the docker container. It also maps `~/.m2/repository` to the appropriate container location.
To execute `mvn package`:
git clone
cd openapi-generator
./ mvn package
Build artifacts are now accessible in your working directory.
Once built, `` will act as an executable for openapi-generator-cli. To generate code, you'll need to output to a directory under `/gen` (e.g. `/gen/out`). For example:
./ help # Executes 'help' command for openapi-generator-cli
./ list # Executes 'list' command for openapi-generator-cli
./ /gen/bin/ # Builds the Go client
./ generate -i modules/openapi-generator/src/test/resources/2_0/petstore.yaml \
-g go -o /gen/out/go-petstore -DpackageName=petstore # generates go client, outputs locally to ./out/go-petstore
##### Troubleshooting
If an error like this occurs, just execute the **mvn clean install -U** command:
> org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test (default-test) on project openapi-generator: A type incompatibility occurred while executing org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError cannot be cast to
./ mvn clean install -U
> Failed to execute goal org.fortasoft:gradle-maven-plugin:1.0.8:invoke (default) on project openapi-generator-gradle-plugin-mvn-wrapper: org.gradle.tooling.BuildException: Could not execute build using Gradle distribution ''
Right now: no solution for this one :|
#### Run Docker in Vagrant
Prerequisite: install [Vagrant]( and [VirtualBox](
git clone
cd openapi-generator
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
./ mvn package
### [1.7 - NPM](#table-of-contents)
There is also an [NPM package wrapper]( available for different platforms (e.g. Linux, Mac, Windows). (JVM is still required)
Please see the [project's README]( there for more information.
Install it globally to get the CLI available on the command line:
npm install @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli -g
openapi-generator version
Or install a particular OpenAPI Generator version (e.g. v4.1.3):
npm install @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli@cli-4.1.3 -g
Or install it as dev-dependency:
npm install @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli -D
## [2 - Getting Started](#table-of-contents)
To generate a PHP client for [petstore.yaml](, please run the following
git clone
cd openapi-generator
mvn clean package
java -jar modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar generate \
-i \
-g php \
-o /var/tmp/php_api_client
(if you're on Windows, replace the last command with `java -jar modules\openapi-generator-cli\target\openapi-generator-cli.jar generate -i -g php -o c:\temp\php_api_client`)
You can also download the JAR (latest release) directly from [](
To get a list of **general** options available, please run `java -jar modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar help generate`
To get a list of PHP specified options (which can be passed to the generator with a config file via the `-c` option), please run `java -jar modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar config-help -g php`
## [3 - Usage](#table-of-contents)
### To generate a sample client library
You can build a client against the [Petstore API]( as follows:
(On Windows, run `.\bin\windows\java-petstore-okhttp-gson.bat` instead)
This script uses the default library, which is `okhttp-gson`. It will run the generator with this command:
java -jar modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar generate \
-i \
-g java \
-o samples/client/petstore/java/okhttp-gson
with a number of options. [The java options are documented here.](docs/generators/
You can also get the options with the `help generate` command (below only shows partial results):
openapi-generator-cli generate - Generate code with the specified
openapi-generator-cli generate
[(-a | --auth )]
[--api-name-suffix ]
[--api-package ] [--artifact-id ]
[--artifact-version ]
[(-c | --config )]
[-D ...]
[(-e | --engine )]
[(-g | --generator-name )]
[--generate-alias-as-model] [--git-repo-id ]
[--git-user-id ] [--group-id ]
[--http-user-agent ]
(-i | --input-spec )
[--ignore-file-override ]
[--import-mappings ...]
[--instantiation-types ...]
[--invoker-package ]
[--language-specific-primitives ...]
[--library ] [--log-to-stderr] [--minimal-update]
[--model-name-prefix ]
[--model-name-suffix ]
[--model-package ]