comment: | 👍 Thanks for opening this issue! 🏷 I have applied any labels matching special text in your issue. The team will review the labels and make any necessary changes. labels: 'Announcement': - '\s*?\[[Aa]nnouncement\]\s*?' 'Breaking change (with fallback)': - '\s*?[bB]reaking [cC]hange [wW]ith [fF]allback\s*?' 'Breaking change (without fallback)': - '\s*?[bB]reaking [cC]hange [wW]ithout [fF]allback\s*?' 'Client: Ada': - '\s*?\[ada\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] ada(?!-)\b' 'Client: Android': - '\s*?\[android\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] android(?!-)\b' 'Client: Apex': - '\s*?\[apex\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] apex(?!-)\b' 'Client: Bash': - '\s*?\[bash\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] bash(?!-)\b' 'Client: C': - '\s*?\[[cC]\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] c(?!-)\b' # 'Client: Ceylon': 'Client: C++': - '\s*?\[cpp(-.*)?-client\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] cpp(-.*)?-client\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] cpp-restsdk(?!-)\b' - '\s*?-[gl] cpp-tizen(?!-)\b' 'Client: C-Sharp': - '\s*?-[gl] csharp(?!-)\b' - '\s*?[cC]-[sS]harp [cC]lient\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] csharp-dotnet2\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] csharp-refactor?\s*?' - '\s*?\[[Cc]#\]' - '\s*?\[csharp\]\s*?' 'Client: Clojure': - '\s*?\[clojure\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] clojure(?!-)\b' # 'Client: Crystal': 'Client: Dart': - '\s*?\[dart\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] dart(?!-)\b' 'Client: Dukescript': - '\s*?\[dukescript\]\s*?' - '\s*?-g dukescript\s*?' 'Client: Eiffel': - '\s*?\[eiffel\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] eiffel(?!-)\b' 'Client: Elixir': - '\s*?\[elixir\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] elixir(?!-)\b' 'Client: Elm': - '\s*?\[elm\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] elm(?!-)\b' 'Client: Erlang': - '\s*?\[erlang(-.*)?-client\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] erlang(-.*)?-client\s*?' - '\s*?\[erlang-proper\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] erlang-proper\s*?' 'Client: Flash/ActionScript': - '\s*?\[flash\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] flash(?!-)\b' 'Client: Go': - '\s*?\[go\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] go(?!-)\b' 'Client: Groovy': - '\s*?\[groovy\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] groovy(?!-)\b' 'Client: HTML': - '\s*?\[html[2]?\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] html[2]?\s*?' 'Client: Haskell': - '\s*?\[haskell(-.*)?-client\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] haskell(-.*)?-client\s*?' 'Client: JMeter': - '\s*?\[jmeter\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] jmeter\s*?' 'Client: Java': - '\s*?\[java\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] java(?!-)\b' 'Client: JavaScript/Node.js': - '\s*?\[javascript\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] javascript\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] javascript-(\S)*\s*?' # 'Client: Julia': # NOTE: Not yet implemented 'Client: Kotlin': - '\s*?\[kotlin\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] kotlin(?!-)\b' 'Client: Lisp': - '\s*?\[lisp\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] lisp(?!-)\b' 'Client: Lua': - '\s*?\[lua\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] lua(?!-)\b' 'Client: Objc': - '\s*?\[objc\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] objc\s*?' # 'Client: OCaml': 'Client: Perl': - '\s*?\[perl\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] perl(?!-)\b' # 'Client: PHP': 'Client: PowerShell': - '\s*?\[powershell\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] powershell\s*?' 'Client: Python': - '\s*?\[python\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] python(?!-)\b' 'Client: QT': - '\s*?\[cpp-qt5-client\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] cpp-qt5-client\s*?' 'Client: R': - '\s*?\[[rR]\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] r(?!-)\b' 'Client: Reason ML': - '\s*?\[reasonml\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[g] reasonml\s*?' 'Client: Retrofit': - '\s*?retrofit.*?\s*?' 'Client: Ruby': - '\s*?\[ruby\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] ruby(?!-)\b' 'Client: Rust': - '\s*?\[rust\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] rust(?!-)\b' 'Client: Scala': - '\s*?\[scalaz\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] scalaz\s*?' - '\s*?\[scala-(?!finch)[a-z]+\]\b' - '\s*?-[gl] scala-(?!finch)[a-z]+?(?!-)\b' 'Client: Swift': - '\s*?\[swift[34]+\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] swift[34]+\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] swift2-deprecated\s*?' 'Client: TypeScript': - '\s*?\[typescript-[\-a-z]+\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] typescript-[\-a-z]+\s*?' # 'Client: VB/': # NOTE: Not yet implemented # 'Client: Visual Basic': # TODO: REMOVE UNUSED LABEL 'Config: Apache': - '\s*?\[apache2\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] apache2\s*?' 'Docker': - '\s*?\[docker\]\s*?' 'Documentation: Cwiki': - '\s*?\[cwiki\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] cwiki\s*?' 'Documentation: Dynamic HTML': - '\s*?\[dynamic-html\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] dynamic-html\s*?' 'Enhancement: CI/Test': - '\s*?\[ci\]\s*?' 'Enhancement: Code format': - '\s*?\[format(ting)?\]\s*?' # 'Enhancement: Compatibility': 'Enhancement: Feature': - '\s*?\[feat(ure)?s*?' 'Enhancement: General': - '\s*?\[general\]\s*?' - '\s*?\[core\]\s*?' # 'Enhancement: New generator': 'Enhancement: Performance': - '\s*?\[perf\]\s*?' # 'Feature List: API clients': # 'Feature List: API documentations': # 'Feature List: API servers': # 'Feature: Authentication': # 'Feature: Composition / Inheritance': # 'Feature: Documentation': # 'Feature: Enum': # 'Feature: Generator': 'Feature: OAS 3.0 spec support': - '\s*?\[oas3[\.0]?\]\s*?' # 'General: Awaiting feedback': 'General: Discussion': - '\s*?\[discussion\]\s*?' 'General: Question': - '\s*?\[question\]\s*?' 'General: Suggestion': - '\s*?\[suggestion\]\s*?' 'General: Support': - '\s*?\[support\]\s*?' 'Issue: Bug': - '\s*?\[bug(s)?\]\s*?' - '\s*?\[fix(es)?\]\s*?' # 'Issue: Invalid spec': # 'Issue: Migration': # 'Issue: Non-operational': # 'Issue: Platform': # 'Issue: Regression': 'Issue: Security': - '\s*?\[security\]\s*?' # 'Issue: Unable to reproduce': # 'Issue: Undo changes': # 'Issue: Usage/Installation': # 'Issue: Workaround available': 'OpenAPI Generator CLI': - '\s*?\[cli\]\s*?' 'OpenAPI Generator Gradle Plugin': - '\s*?\[gradle\]\s*?' 'OpenAPI Generator Maven Plugin': - '\s*?\[maven\]\s*?' 'OpenAPI Generator Online': - '\s*?\[online\]\s*?' 'Schema: MySQL': - '\s*?\[mysql\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] mysql\s*?' 'Schema: GraphQL': - '\s*?\[graphql-schema\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] graphql-schema\s*?' 'Server: Ada': - '\s*?\[ada(-.*)?-server\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] ada(-.*)?-server\s*?' 'Server: C++': - '\s*?\[cpp(-.*)?-server\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] cpp(-.*)?-server\s*?' 'Server: C-Sharp': - '\s*?\[aspnetcore\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] aspnetcore\s*?' - '\s*?\[csharp-nancyfx\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] csharp-nancyfx\s*?' # 'Server: Ceylon': # TODO: REMOVE UNUSED LABEL 'Server: Eiffel': - '\s*?\[eiffel(-.*)?-server\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] eiffel(-.*)?-server\s*?' 'Server: Elixir': - '\s*?\[elixir(-.*)?-server\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] elixir(-.*)?-server\s*?' 'Server: Erlang': - '\s*?\[erlang-server\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] erlang-server\s*?' 'Server: Go': - '\s*?\[go(-.*)?-server\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] go(-.*)?-server\s*?' 'Server: GraphQL': - '\s*?\[graphql(-.*)?-server\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] graphql(-.*)?-server\s*?' 'Server: Haskell': - '\s*?\[haskell]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] haskell(?!-)\b' 'Server: Java': - '\s*?\[java-.*?\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] java-.*?\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] jaxrx-.*?\s*?' 'Server: Kotlin': - '\s*?\[ktor]\s*?' - '\s*?\[kotlin-spring]\s*?' - '\s*?\[kotlin(-.*)?-server\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] kotlin(-.*)?-server\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] kotlin-spring\s*?' 'Server: Nodejs': - '\s*?\[nodejs(-.*)?-server\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] nodejs(-.*)?-server\s*?' 'Server: PHP': - '\s*?\[php-.*?\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] php-.*?\s*?' 'Server: Perl': - '\s*?\[perl(-.*)?-server\]\s*?' - '\s*?-g perl(-.*)?-server\s*?' 'Server: Python': - '\s*?\[python-.*?\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] python-.*?\s*?' 'Server: Ruby': - '\s*?\[ruby-.*?\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] ruby-.*?\s*?' 'Server: Rust': - '\s*?\[rust(-.*)?-server\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] rust(-.*)?-server\s*?' 'Server: Scala': - '\s*?\[scala(-.*)?-server\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] scala(-.*)?-server\s*?' - '\s*?\[scalatra\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] scalatra\s*?' - '\s*?\[scala-finch\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[gl] scala-finch\s*?' 'Server: Spring': - '\s*?\[spring\]\s*?' - '\s*?-[g] spring\s*?' # 'Swagger-Parser': 'WIP': - '\s*?\[wip\]\s*?' - '\s*?\[WIP\]\s*?' - '\bWIP:.*?' 'help wanted': - '\s*?\[help wanted\]\s*?'