id: generator-opts-client-csharp-refactor
title: Config Options for csharp-refactor
sidebar_label: csharp-refactor
| Option | Description | Values | Default |
| ------ | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
|packageName|C# package name (convention: Title.Case).| |Org.OpenAPITools|
|packageVersion|C# package version.| |1.0.0|
|sourceFolder|source folder for generated code| |src|
|packageGuid|The GUID that will be associated with the C# project| |null|
|interfacePrefix|Prefix interfaces with a community standard or widely accepted prefix.| |I|
|targetFramework|The target .NET framework version.|
- **netstandard1.3**
- .NET Standard 1.3 compatible
- **netstandard1.4**
- .NET Standard 1.4 compatible
- **netstandard1.5**
- .NET Standard 1.5 compatible
- **netstandard1.6**
- .NET Standard 1.6 compatible
- **netstandard2.0**
- .NET Standard 2.0 compatible
- **netcoreapp2.0**
- .NET Core 2.0 compatible
|modelPropertyNaming|Naming convention for the property: 'camelCase', 'PascalCase', 'snake_case' and 'original', which keeps the original name| |PascalCase|
|hideGenerationTimestamp|Hides the generation timestamp when files are generated.| |true|
|sortParamsByRequiredFlag|Sort method arguments to place required parameters before optional parameters.| |true|
|useDateTimeOffset|Use DateTimeOffset to model date-time properties| |false|
|useCollection|Deserialize array types to Collection<T> instead of List<T>.| |false|
|returnICollection|Return ICollection<T> instead of the concrete type.| |false|
|optionalMethodArgument|C# Optional method argument, e.g. void square(int x=10) (.net 4.0+ only).| |true|
|optionalAssemblyInfo|Generate AssemblyInfo.cs.| |true|
|optionalProjectFile|Generate {PackageName}.csproj.| |true|
|optionalEmitDefaultValues|Set DataMember's EmitDefaultValue.| |false|
|nonPublicApi|Generates code with reduced access modifiers; allows embedding elsewhere without exposing non-public API calls to consumers.| |false|
|allowUnicodeIdentifiers|boolean, toggles whether unicode identifiers are allowed in names or not, default is false| |false|
|netCoreProjectFile|Use the new format (.NET Core) for .NET project files (.csproj).| |false|
|validatable|Generates self-validatable models.| |true|