--- title: Config Options for swift3-deprecated sidebar_label: swift3-deprecated --- | Option | Description | Values | Default | | ------ | ----------- | ------ | ------- | |allowUnicodeIdentifiers|boolean, toggles whether unicode identifiers are allowed in names or not, default is false| |false| |ensureUniqueParams|Whether to ensure parameter names are unique in an operation (rename parameters that are not).| |true| |hideGenerationTimestamp|Hides the generation timestamp when files are generated.| |true| |lenientTypeCast|Accept and cast values for simple types (string->bool, string->int, int->string)| |false| |objcCompatible|Add additional properties and methods for Objective-C compatibility (default: false)| |null| |podAuthors|Authors used for Podspec| |null| |podDescription|Description used for Podspec| |null| |podDocsetURL|Docset URL used for Podspec| |null| |podDocumentationURL|Documentation URL used for Podspec| |null| |podHomepage|Homepage used for Podspec| |null| |podLicense|License used for Podspec| |null| |podScreenshots|Screenshots used for Podspec| |null| |podSocialMediaURL|Social Media URL used for Podspec| |null| |podSource|Source information used for Podspec| |null| |podSummary|Summary used for Podspec| |null| |podVersion|Version used for Podspec| |null| |prependFormOrBodyParameters|Add form or body parameters to the beginning of the parameter list.| |false| |projectName|Project name in Xcode| |null| |responseAs|Optionally use libraries to manage response. Currently PromiseKit, RxSwift are available.| |null| |sortModelPropertiesByRequiredFlag|Sort model properties to place required parameters before optional parameters.| |true| |sortParamsByRequiredFlag|Sort method arguments to place required parameters before optional parameters.| |true| |swiftUseApiNamespace|Flag to make all the API classes inner-class of {{projectName}}API| |null| |unwrapRequired|Treat 'required' properties in response as non-optional (which would crash the app if api returns null as opposed to required option specified in json schema| |null| ## IMPORT MAPPING | Type/Alias | Imports | | ---------- | ------- | ## INSTANTIATION TYPES | Type/Alias | Instantiated By | | ---------- | --------------- | ## LANGUAGE PRIMITIVES ## RESERVED WORDS ## FEATURE SET ### Client Modification Feature | Name | Supported | Defined By | | ---- | --------- | ---------- | |BasePath|✗|ToolingExtension |Authorizations|✗|ToolingExtension |UserAgent|✗|ToolingExtension ### Data Type Feature | Name | Supported | Defined By | | ---- | --------- | ---------- | |Custom|✗|OAS2,OAS3 |Int32|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |Int64|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |Float|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |Double|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |Decimal|✓|ToolingExtension |String|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |Byte|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |Binary|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |Boolean|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |Date|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |DateTime|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |Password|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |File|✓|OAS2 |Array|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |Maps|✓|ToolingExtension |CollectionFormat|✓|OAS2 |CollectionFormatMulti|✓|OAS2 |Enum|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |ArrayOfEnum|✓|ToolingExtension |ArrayOfModel|✓|ToolingExtension |ArrayOfCollectionOfPrimitives|✓|ToolingExtension |ArrayOfCollectionOfModel|✓|ToolingExtension |ArrayOfCollectionOfEnum|✓|ToolingExtension |MapOfEnum|✓|ToolingExtension |MapOfModel|✓|ToolingExtension |MapOfCollectionOfPrimitives|✓|ToolingExtension |MapOfCollectionOfModel|✓|ToolingExtension |MapOfCollectionOfEnum|✓|ToolingExtension ### Documentation Feature | Name | Supported | Defined By | | ---- | --------- | ---------- | |Readme|✗|ToolingExtension |Model|✓|ToolingExtension |Api|✓|ToolingExtension ### Global Feature | Name | Supported | Defined By | | ---- | --------- | ---------- | |Host|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |BasePath|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |Info|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |Schemes|✗|OAS2,OAS3 |PartialSchemes|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |Consumes|✓|OAS2 |Produces|✓|OAS2 |ExternalDocumentation|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |Examples|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |XMLStructureDefinitions|✗|OAS2,OAS3 |MultiServer|✗|OAS3 |ParameterizedServer|✗|OAS3 |ParameterStyling|✗|OAS3 |Callbacks|✗|OAS3 |LinkObjects|✗|OAS3 ### Parameter Feature | Name | Supported | Defined By | | ---- | --------- | ---------- | |Path|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |Query|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |Header|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |Body|✓|OAS2 |FormUnencoded|✓|OAS2 |FormMultipart|✓|OAS2 |Cookie|✗|OAS3 ### Schema Support Feature | Name | Supported | Defined By | | ---- | --------- | ---------- | |Simple|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |Composite|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |Polymorphism|✗|OAS2,OAS3 |Union|✗|OAS3 ### Security Feature | Name | Supported | Defined By | | ---- | --------- | ---------- | |BasicAuth|✗|OAS2,OAS3 |ApiKey|✗|OAS2,OAS3 |OpenIDConnect|✗|OAS3 |BearerToken|✗|OAS3 |OAuth2_Implicit|✗|OAS2,OAS3 |OAuth2_Password|✗|OAS2,OAS3 |OAuth2_ClientCredentials|✗|OAS2,OAS3 |OAuth2_AuthorizationCode|✗|OAS2,OAS3 ### Wire Format Feature | Name | Supported | Defined By | | ---- | --------- | ---------- | |JSON|✓|OAS2,OAS3 |XML|✗|OAS2,OAS3 |PROTOBUF|✗|ToolingExtension |Custom|✗|OAS2,OAS3