use Test::More tests => 37; use Test::Exception; use Test::Warnings 'warnings'; use Test::Deep; use lib 'lib'; use strict; use warnings; SKIP: { eval " package MyApp; use Moose; with 'WWW::SwaggerClient::Role'; sub auth_setup_handler {} "; # die $@ if $@; skip 'Moose not installed', 37 if $@; my $api = MyApp->new; my $pet_id = 10008; # note - we don't need to 'use' these modules because they've already been loaded by ApiFactory my ($category, $tag, $pet); lives_ok { $category = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::Category->new('id' => '22', 'name' => 'perl') } ' loaded OK'; lives_ok { $tag = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::Tag->new('id' => '11', 'name' => 'just kidding') } ' loaded OK'; lives_ok { $pet = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::Pet->new('id' => $pet_id, 'name' => 'perl test', "photoUrls" => ['123', 'oop'], 'tags' => [$tag], 'status' => 'pending', 'category' => $category) } ' loaded OK'; is $pet->id, '10008', 'got the proper pet id'; is $pet->name, 'perl test', 'got the proper pet name'; is $pet->category->id, '22', 'got the proper category id'; is $pet->category->name, 'perl', 'got the proper category name'; is $pet->tags->[0]->name, 'just kidding', 'got the proper tag name'; is $pet->tags->[0]->id, '11', 'got the proper tag id'; my $add_pet = $api->add_pet(body => $pet); my $get_pet = $api->get_pet_by_id(pet_id => $pet_id); is $get_pet->id, '10008', 'stored and retrieved: got the proper pet id'; is $get_pet->name, 'perl test', 'stored and retrieved: got the proper pet name'; is $get_pet->category->id, '22', 'stored and retrieved: got the proper category id'; is $get_pet->category->name, 'perl', 'stored and retrieved: got the proper category name'; is $get_pet->tags->[0]->name, 'just kidding', 'stored and retrieved: got the proper tag name'; is $get_pet->tags->[0]->id, '11', 'stored and retrieved: got the proper tag id'; # documentation tests # API method docs is_deeply( [sort keys %{$api->pet_api->method_documentation}], [ 'add_pet', 'add_pet_using_byte_array', 'delete_pet', 'find_pets_by_status', 'find_pets_by_tags', 'get_pet_by_id', 'pet_pet_idtesting_byte_arraytrue_get', 'update_pet', 'update_pet_with_form', 'upload_file'], "Pet API method_documentation has the correct keys"); is $api->pet_api->method_documentation->{get_pet_by_id}->{params}->{pet_id}->{description}, 'ID of pet that needs to be fetched', 'get_pet_by_id parameter pet_id description is correct'; is $api->pet_api->method_documentation->{get_pet_by_id}->{params}->{pet_id}->{required}, 1, 'get_pet_by_id parameter pet_id is required'; is $api->pet_api->method_documentation->{get_pet_by_id}->{params}->{pet_id}->{data_type}, 'int', 'get_pet_by_id parameter pet_id is an int'; is $api->pet_api->method_documentation->{get_pet_by_id}->{returns}, 'Pet', 'get_pet_by_id returns a Pet'; is $api->pet_api->method_documentation->{get_pet_by_id}->{summary}, 'Find pet by ID', 'get_pet_by_id summary is correct'; # object class docs my $pet_class_doco = { 'description' => '', required => [], class => 'Pet' }; is_deeply($get_pet->class_documentation, $pet_class_doco, 'Pet object class_documentation is available'); is $get_pet->class_documentation->{description}, '', 'Pet object class_documentation is correct'; # right now it's blank is $get_pet->class_documentation->{class}, 'Pet', 'Pet object class_documentation returns correct class name'; # object method docs is $get_pet->method_documentation->{status}->{description}, 'pet status in the store', 'Pet object method_documentation for status() - description is correct'; is $get_pet->method_documentation->{status}->{format}, '', 'Pet object method_documentation for status() - format is correct'; is $get_pet->method_documentation->{status}->{base_name}, 'status', 'Pet object method_documentation for status() - base_name is correct'; is $get_pet->method_documentation->{status}->{datatype}, 'string', 'Pet object method_documentation for status() - datatype is correct'; # / documentation tests my $tokens = { username => 'UserName', password => 'PassWord', access_token => 'OAuth_token', someKey => { token => 'some_key_token', prefix => 'some_key_prefix', in => 'query', }, anotherKey => { token => 'another_key_token', }, }; $api->_cfg->accept_tokens({%$tokens}); # pass a copy no warnings 'once'; is $WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::username, 'UserName', 'accept_tokens() correctly set the username'; is $WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::password, 'PassWord', 'accept_tokens() correctly set the password'; is $WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::access_token, 'OAuth_token', 'accept_tokens() correctly set the oauth'; my $api_key_href = { 'anotherKey' => 'another_key_token', 'someKey' => 'some_key_token' }; cmp_deeply( $WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key, $api_key_href, 'accept_tokens() correctly set api_key' ); my $api_key_prefix_href = { 'someKey' => 'some_key_prefix' }; cmp_deeply( $WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key_prefix, $api_key_prefix_href, 'accept_tokens() correctly set api_key_prefix' ); my $api_key_in = { 'someKey' => 'query', 'anotherKey' => 'head' }; cmp_deeply( $WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key_in, $api_key_in, 'accept_tokens() correctly set api_key_in' ); use warnings 'once'; my $cleared_tokens_cmp = { 'anotherKey' => { 'in' => 'head', 'token' => 'another_key_token', 'prefix' => undef }, 'access_token' => 'OAuth_token', 'someKey' => { 'token' => 'some_key_token', 'in' => 'query', 'prefix' => 'some_key_prefix' }, 'username' => 'UserName', 'password' => 'PassWord' }; cmp_deeply( $api->_cfg->clear_tokens, $cleared_tokens_cmp, 'clear_tokens() returns the correct data structure' ); my $bad_token = { bad_token_name => 'bad token value' }; # value should should be hashref dies_ok { $api->_cfg->accept_tokens($bad_token) } "bad token causes exception"; } # / SKIP