* fix(csharp-netcore): Fixing the build issues
* fix(csharp-netcore): Fixing the build issues
* fix(csharp-netcore): Fixing the Pet project
* fix(csharp-netcore): help fixes
* Filter deprecated generators from CLI list by default.
* [gradle] Exclude deprecated generators from list by default, add "include" option to allow for customization of list task.
* Update scripts to support the --include option of the list command
* Update gradle/cli docs for generators listing with "include" option.
* [core] Initial support for server variable overrides
* [gradle] Support user overrides for serverVariables
* [core] Clarify server variable overrides, and propagate them to templates in the "servers" array
* create nodejs express esrver
* 1st commit of the express.js module. Express server working, api-docs loads properly. No real paths yet
* 1st commit of the express.js module. Express server working, api-docs loads properly. No real paths yet (#2839)
* Working Express server with successful routing to controllers.
* rewrote controllers and services. Haven't tested yet
* controllers and services have passed tests successfully
* Added documentation
* Added documentation
* Support for openApi v3, using 'express-openapi-validator' for parsing and validation, and an internal router to pass arguments to controllers and services. /controllers/Pet.js and /services/PetService.js should be used for reverse engineering for future codegen script
* update generator and template
* update samples
* more update
* update service, controller
* add vendor extensions
* some updates to adapt to changes in the generator (removing references to swager); some work on handling file uploads; some work on tests
* Update NodeJS server generator and templates based on new output (#3261)
* update generator and template
* update samples
* more update
* update service, controller
* add vendor extensions
* update doc
* Changed routing code to follow the following convention:
Each path operation has a 'x-openapi-router-controller' and 'x-openapi-router-service'. Automated files will be placed under /controllers and /services respectively.
Controller file names will end with 'Controller.js'.
Removed swaggerRouter, replaced it with openapiRouter
Routing works and simple tests show a return of 200 to requests.
* [nodejs-express-server] various updates, fixes (#3319)
* various fix
* remove dot from service
* add space
* better method empty argument
* remove test service (#3379)
* add new doc
* 1. routingTests.js runs through all operations described in openapi.yaml and tries calling them, expecting 200 in return. Currently not all tests pass - not supporting xml, and problems with formData
2. Removed old testing files.
3. Added model files - contain data and structure as defined in openapi.yaml. Model.js has static methods relevant to all model files.
4. Changed openapi.yaml to allow running tests easily.
* 1. routingTests.js runs through all operations described in openapi.yaml and tries calling them, expecting 200 in return. Currently not all tests pass - not supporting xml, and problems with formData (#3442)
2. Removed old testing files.
3. Added model files - contain data and structure as defined in openapi.yaml. Model.js has static methods relevant to all model files.
4. Changed openapi.yaml to allow running tests easily.
* added model classes. Currently as a concept only. Seems like won't be in use
* Updated README.md to be a detailed description of the project.
Removed test files that are not needed.
Removed utils/writer.js which is not needed, and the references to it in the codegen files
* Removed redundant file app.js - this file has no benefit at this point. index.js now calls ExpressServer.js directly. Updated files that used to call app.js. Updated README.md accordingly
Added a path to call the openapi.yaml, and a test file for all endpoints that are not in the openapi.yaml, ensuring that they return 200. Updated README.md accordingly
* Remove test controller (#3575)
* remove test controller
* add back changes to templates
* remove app.js
* update wording
* WIP: add faraday support to Ruby client
* update samples
* bin/console
* https only
* ruby-faraday: Add a gemspec template for faraday
* Add a test for ruby-faraday client options
* Remove Gemfile.lock from ruby-client-faraday
* Implement faraday client
* Problem: can't use Faraday library for ruby clients
Solution: add support for Faraday library
This patch builds on the work started by @meganemura
* Problem: Faraday is set as default library
Solution: Make Typhoeus default
This patch also updates the api_client template for Faraday to include query params with requests.
* Default outputFile value is `openapi/openapi.yaml`.
* Mustache Lambdas documentation.
* Default OpenAPIYamlGenerator outputFile value is `openapi/openapi.yaml`.
* Début d'un générateur pour OCaml.
* Ajout du script bash de generation pour OCaml.
* Implémentation de la partie model du générateur OCaml.
* Suppression du fichier Model.mustache.
* Légère modification dans le générateur OCaml.
* Début d'implémentation de la génération des opérations.
* Avancées dans l'implémenatation des opérations.
* Avancée dans la gestion des enums : reste à traiter le fait que Yojson sérialize les variants comme des tableaux JSON.
* Prise en compte du fait que Yojson représente les variants constants sous forme d'un tableau JSON contenant une unique string.
* Utilisation des variants polymorphe pour les enums car il se peut que plusieurs énumérations partagent des valeurs communes ce que ne permettent pas les variants ordinaires au sein d'un même module.
* Avancées dans le générateur de code OCaml : le code produit compile et prendre en compte les pathParams, les queryParams, les headersParams, les bodyParams et la réponse JSON. Manque le support du multipart, du form encoded et des mécanismes d'authentification.
* More tests.
* Correction de problèmes dans la génération mis en évidence par l'utilisation d'un fichier OAS plus gros et complexe que Petstore.
* Mapping du case Error de Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime.ok_error vers l'exception Failure pour avoir des types plus simples et non dépendants de Pppx_deriving_yoson_runtime dans les APIs générées.
* Ajout de la génération des fichiers d'interfaces .mli pour les APIs.
* Ajout du support des parametres de type x-www-form-urlencoded.
* Le paramètres d'url de type number étaient mal gérés.
* Cleanup.
* Replace block comment start and end sequences in input text.
* Make apis calls without a return type return unit rather than Yojson.Safe.t.
* Make modules/openapi-generator/src/test/resources/3_0/petstore-with-fake-endpoints-models-for-testing.yaml generate properly.
* Added generated code for modules/openapi-generator/src/test/resources/3_0/petstore-with-fake-endpoints-models-for-testing.yaml.
* Better handling of enums and map container and better sanitizing of generated identifiers to support all the corner cases present in modules/openapi-generator/src/test/resources/3_0/petstore-with-fake-endpoints-models-for-testing.yaml.
* Correcting a violation : using toLowerCase without relying on the default Locale.
* Changed authoring in partial_header.mustache.
* Deleted commented code.
* Collect enum schemas in items properties of operation parameters in the case of ArraySchema parameters. This allows correct processing of modules/openapi-generator/src/test/resources/2_0/petstore-with-fake-endpoints-models-for-testing.yaml.
* Collect enums also in additional properties schemas of operation parameters in the case of MapSchema parameters (if this type of parameter can is allowed).
* Removed copy-pasted Copyright notice from SmartBear.
* update doc
* Use Locale.ROOT instead of Locale.ENGLISH for toLowerCase calls.
* Make GET operations with body generate compilable code.
* Updated ocaml-client generated samples using the latest version of the OCaml code generator.
* Added [@default None] for record fields with option types so that if those fields are missing at deserialization time, None is assumed.
* Added support of api keys in query params.
* Updated generated ocaml samples to reflect latest changes in templates.
* Added [@default] on enum record fields for which the enum type has only one accepted value so that those fields can be deserialized even if the value is absent of the json payload.
* Delete useless space character in template.
* Added proper handling of http response codes.
* Updated generated ocaml samples to reflect latest changes in templates.
* Fix 3349 : Proposition to follow spec closely
* Fix#3349 : Changes suggested by code review. Add an option for the single request parameter.
* Fix#3349 : Add sample with the use of the single request parameter
* Fix#3349 : Small fix that wasn't passing the tests
* Fix#3349 : Remove cariage return that might create an error
* Fix#3349 : Add chmod to make new sh file executable and fix the CircleCI issue
* Fix#3349 : Add windows sample generation
* Fix#3349 : Rename everything because of default value change
* Fix#3349 : Indentation fix
* Fix#3349 : Add 755 to typescript-fetch-petstore-multiple-parameters.sh
* Fix#3349 : Auto generation of the documentations
* Fix#3349 : Revert back a change that was auto-generated.
The defaults configured for GENERATOR_HOST didn't really make sense.
When running the docker container with `-P`, GENERATOR_HOST defaulted to
http://localhost. This caused download links for generated client/server
code to be incorrect. For most cases, there's no reason to provide
GENERATOR_HOST as the code already figures the appropriate
scheme/host/port from the originating request.
GENERATOR_HOST could still be used for more complex deployment
scenarios, for instance if a specific server is configured as a file
server. I haven't tested this scenario, and it may require mounting /tmp
as a volume when running within a container.
* Adds python-experimental generator
* Adds python-experimental samples folder which uses its own v2 spec
* Adds enusre-up-to-date updates
* Removes samples/client/petstore/perl/t/AnotherFakeApiTest.t
* Removes comment line from python-experimental generator
* Reverts perl docs file
* Updates perl sample client
* Adds python-experimental to pom.xml
* Copies the python test foldeers tests and testfiles into python-experimental
* Copies python test folder into python-experimental
* Moves python testing from Travis (samples pom.xml profile) to Circlci (samples.circleci pom.xml profile)
* Adds python-experimental pom.xml
* Adds python-experimental makefile and .sh files
* Chenges python-experimental to use gitignored venv rather than .venv which is not ignored when testing
* Adds dev-requiremnts.txt and removes .travis.yml from python-experimental so CI tests will pass
* Moves python-experimental from CicleCI to Travis to get support for multiple python environments
* Updates generator java comment so CI tests will run over again
* feat(r): Added handling exception with ApiException class and document generation
* feat(r):enhancements to exception handling and documentation
* fix(r): fixes and reverting the man folder
* fix(r): minor fix of import statement
* fix(r): generated the docs file
* fix(r) minor doc casing fixes
* First set of fixes to support ver 3.0, useswashbuckle does not work yet
* Fix swashbuckle issues iwth aspnetcore 3.0
* Use default routing for 2.2 and turn off default for 3.0
* fix up documentation
* PR Feedback and wrong name in mustache file
* Fix for 2.1 usage too
* Change isFramework to useFrameworkReference as name to make thngs explicitly clear. Also fix small messages for the review comments
* Make JSON.NET version configurable
* Activate endpoint routing and use camel case NamingStrategy
* Make Newtonsoft version configurable to match ASP.NET Core preview 5
* Fix spelling of an option, remove a duplicate call and update docs
* kotlin spring : add reactivity via kotlin's coroutines
* add kotlin spring boot reactive samples
* bug : fix spring version and import for coroutines
* remove exception handler for reactive (webflux doesn't support it)
* add spring milestone repository to maven pom
* add reactive type for list in Api and ApiImpl methodes for mathching body responsive parameter
* fix baseType for ArraySchema
* regenerate samples
* updating documentation
* [JAVA] fix artifactVersion is not taken from specification when not provided by generator option
* update jaxrs-spec samples
* update docs generator jaxrs
* add apiSuffix configuration
* Add default value for Api suffix
* remove overriding method toApiName
* refactor the global option apiSuffix to kotlin specific feature
* add missing Option for apiSuffix
* extend readme.md for apiSuffix configuration
* update doc
* add testcase
* [Java] improve docs with adding default value for additional properties
* remove using File.separator for sourceFolder/projectTestFolder path
* Improve artifactId and artifactVersion description
* update doc java pkmst and sample