This is a sample server Petstore server. You can find out more about Swagger at <ahref=\"\"></a> or on, #swagger. For this sample, you can use the api key \"special-key\" to test the authorization filters
*Petstore::PetApi* | [**add_pet**](docs/ | **POST** /pet | Add a new pet to the store
*Petstore::PetApi* | [**add_pet_using_byte_array**](docs/ | **POST** /pet?testing_byte_array=true | Fake endpoint to test byte array in body parameter for adding a new pet to the store
*Petstore::PetApi* | [**delete_pet**](docs/ | **DELETE** /pet/{petId} | Deletes a pet
*Petstore::PetApi* | [**find_pets_by_status**](docs/ | **GET** /pet/findByStatus | Finds Pets by status
*Petstore::PetApi* | [**get_pet_by_id_in_object**](docs/ | **GET** /pet/{petId}?response=inline_arbitrary_object | Fake endpoint to test inline arbitrary object return by 'Find pet by ID'
*Petstore::PetApi* | [**pet_pet_idtesting_byte_arraytrue_get**](docs/ | **GET** /pet/{petId}?testing_byte_array=true | Fake endpoint to test byte array return by 'Find pet by ID'
*Petstore::PetApi* | [**update_pet**](docs/ | **PUT** /pet | Update an existing pet
*Petstore::PetApi* | [**update_pet_with_form**](docs/ | **POST** /pet/{petId} | Updates a pet in the store with form data
*Petstore::PetApi* | [**upload_file**](docs/ | **POST** /pet/{petId}/uploadImage | uploads an image
*Petstore::StoreApi* | [**delete_order**](docs/ | **DELETE** /store/order/{orderId} | Delete purchase order by ID
*Petstore::StoreApi* | [**find_orders_by_status**](docs/ | **GET** /store/findByStatus | Finds orders by status
*Petstore::StoreApi* | [**get_inventory**](docs/ | **GET** /store/inventory | Returns pet inventories by status
*Petstore::StoreApi* | [**get_order_by_id**](docs/ | **GET** /store/order/{orderId} | Find purchase order by ID
*Petstore::StoreApi* | [**place_order**](docs/ | **POST** /store/order | Place an order for a pet
*Petstore::UserApi* | [**create_user**](docs/ | **POST** /user | Create user
*Petstore::UserApi* | [**create_users_with_array_input**](docs/ | **POST** /user/createWithArray | Creates list of users with given input array
*Petstore::UserApi* | [**create_users_with_list_input**](docs/ | **POST** /user/createWithList | Creates list of users with given input array
*Petstore::UserApi* | [**delete_user**](docs/ | **DELETE** /user/{username} | Delete user
*Petstore::UserApi* | [**get_user_by_name**](docs/ | **GET** /user/{username} | Get user by user name
*Petstore::UserApi* | [**login_user**](docs/ | **GET** /user/login | Logs user into the system
*Petstore::UserApi* | [**logout_user**](docs/ | **GET** /user/logout | Logs out current logged in user session
*Petstore::UserApi* | [**update_user**](docs/ | **PUT** /user/{username} | Updated user