==== Access OpenAPI instance as member and not as parameter
If you are creating or extending a generator (programmatically), you might have use one of the following parameters: `OpenAPI openAPI` or `Map<String, Schema> allDefinitions` or `Map<String, Schema> allSchemas`. Example methods:
Version `3.2.0` is a minor version of OpenAPI-Generator, in comparison to `3.1.x` it contains some breaking changes, but with the possibility to fallback to the old behavior.
The default value of some options might change.
Projects relying on generated code might need to be adapted.
In `CodegenModel` and in `CodegenOperation` we use now our own class `org.openapitools.codegen.CodegenDiscriminator` instead of `io.swagger.v3.oas.models.media.Discriminator`.
For the templates, this is not an API change, because the same values are available.
If you have your own `Codegen` class (to support your own generator for example) then you might get some compile error due to the change.
Version `3.1.0` is the first minor version of OpenAPI-Generator, in comparison to `3.0.3` it contains some breaking changes, but with the possibility to fallback to the old behavior.
The default value of some options might change.
Projects relying on generated code might need to be adapted.
==== Java
A new option is introduced with link:https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/pull/432[#432] to specify the prefix of boolean getters: `booleanGetterPrefix`.
Possible values:
* `is`: the value used in `3.0.x`.
* `get`: the new default value.
If you use the default value you will see your generated code changing from `isActive()` to `getActive()`.
=== Migrating from Swagger-Codegen
Please read the specific migration guide: link:migration-from-swagger-codegen.md[From Swagger-Codegen to OpenAPI-Generator]