# See LICENSE for licensing information. REBAR ?= $(shell command -v rebar >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "rebar" || echo "$(CURDIR)/rebar") ELVIS ?= $(shell command -v elvis >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "elvis" || echo "$(CURDIR)/elvis") DEPS_PLT := $(CURDIR)/.deps_plt ERLANG_DIALYZER_APPS := erts \ kernel \ stdlib \ inets DIALYZER := dialyzer # Travis CI is slow at building dialyzer PLT ifeq ($(TRAVIS), true) OTP_VSN := $(shell erl -noshell -eval 'io:format("~p", [erlang:system_info(otp_release)]), erlang:halt(0).' | perl -lne 'print for /^(?:"R)?(\d+).*/g') NO_DIALYZER := $(shell expr $(OTP_VSN) \<= 16 ) ifeq ($(NO_DIALYZER), 1) DIALYZER := : not running dialyzer on TRAVIS with R16 and below endif endif SRCS := $(wildcard src/* include/* rebar.config) SRC_BEAMS := $(patsubst src/%.erl, ebin/%.beam, $(wildcard src/*.erl)) .PHONY: all all: deps ebin/jesse.app bin/jesse # Clean .PHONY: clean clean: $(REBAR) clean $(RM) -r .rebar $(RM) -r bin $(RM) doc/*.html $(RM) doc/edoc-info $(RM) doc/erlang.png $(RM) doc/stylesheet.css $(RM) -r ebin $(RM) -r logs .PHONY: distclean distclean: $(RM) $(DEPS_PLT) $(RM) -r deps $(MAKE) clean # Deps .PHONY: get-deps get-deps: $(REBAR) get-deps .PHONY: update-deps update-deps: $(REBAR) update-deps .PHONY: delete-deps delete-deps: $(REBAR) delete-deps .PHONY: deps deps: get-deps # Docs .PHONY: docs docs: $(REBAR) doc skip_deps=true # Compile ebin/jesse.app: compile bin/jesse: ebin/jesse.app $(SRC_BEAMS) $(REBAR) escriptize bin/jesse --help .PHONY: compile compile: $(SRCS) $(REBAR) compile # Tests. .rebar/DEV_MODE: mkdir -p .rebar touch .rebar/DEV_MODE .PHONY: submodules submodules: git submodule update --init --recursive .PHONY: test test: .rebar/DEV_MODE deps submodules eunit ct dialyzer .PHONY: eunit eunit: $(REBAR) eunit skip_deps=true .PHONY: ct ct: $(REBAR) ct skip_deps=true suites="jesse_tests_draft3,jesse_tests_draft4" $(DEPS_PLT): $(DIALYZER) --build_plt --apps $(ERLANG_DIALYZER_APPS) -r deps --output_plt $(DEPS_PLT) .PHONY: dialyzer dialyzer: $(DEPS_PLT) ebin/jesse.app $(DIALYZER) --plt $(DEPS_PLT) -Wno_return ebin .PHONY: elvis elvis: $(ELVIS) rock