#!/bin/bash cat < COPY geo_data/GeoLite2-city.mmdb /var/geodata/GeoLite2-city.mmdb COPY geo_data/GeoLite2-City-Locations-en.csv /var/geodata/GeoLite2-City-Locations-en.csv COPY geo_data/GeoLite2-City-Locations-ru.csv /var/geodata/GeoLite2-City-Locations-ru.csv VOLUME /var/geodata # A bit of magic below to get a proper branch name # even when the HEAD is detached (Hey Jenkins! # BRANCH_NAME is available in Jenkins env). LABEL com.rbkmoney.$SERVICE_NAME.parent=$BASE_IMAGE_NAME \ com.rbkmoney.$SERVICE_NAME.parent_tag=$BASE_IMAGE_TAG \ com.rbkmoney.$SERVICE_NAME.commit_id=$(git rev-parse HEAD) \ com.rbkmoney.$SERVICE_NAME.commit_number=$(git rev-list --count HEAD) \ com.rbkmoney.$SERVICE_NAME.branch=$( \ if [ "HEAD" != $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) ]; then \ echo $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD); \ elif [ -n "$BRANCH_NAME" ]; then \ echo $BRANCH_NAME; \ else \ echo $(git name-rev --name-only HEAD); \ fi) ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/containerpilot", "-config", "file:///etc/containerpilot.json", "/docker-entrypoint.sh"] CMD ["postgres"] EOF