mirror of
synced 2024-11-06 02:45:20 +00:00
HG-51: Payments over new protocol (#24)
* HG-51: Implement new proxy protocol, shitcode at its best * HG-51: Refactor a bit * HG-51: Switch to a renewed mg protocol * HG-51: Bump to damsel upstream w/ payer contact info * HG-51: Mention pointlessly complex payment ids in TODO list * HG-51: Hardcode eventsink id instead * HG-51: Update lockfile * HG-51: Fail furiosly when callback handling ends up w/ unexpected error * HG-51: Store less state in the session start event * HG-51: Fail furiously on protocol errors, e.g. proxy contract violations * HG-51: Add more TODO
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ BASE_IMAGE_NAME := service_erlang
BASE_IMAGE_TAG := 170b7dd12d62431303f8bb514abe2b43468223a1
# Build image tag to be used
BUILD_IMAGE_TAG := 753126790c9ecd763840d9fe58507335af02b875
BUILD_IMAGE_TAG := 6fb209e428feaa0ef6cec07d3909d8a3c4013537
CALL_ANYWHERE := all submodules rebar-update compile xref lint dialyze start devrel release clean distclean
@ -26,9 +26,12 @@
#payproc_InvoicePaymentStatusChanged{payment_id = PaymentID, status = Status}}
#payproc_InvoicePaymentStateChanged{payment_id = PaymentID}}
-define(payment_interaction_requested(PaymentID, UserInteraction),
payment_id = PaymentID,
interaction = UserInteraction
@ -42,8 +45,10 @@
{pending, #domain_InvoicePaymentPending{}}).
{succeeded, #domain_InvoicePaymentSucceeded{}}).
{processed, #domain_InvoicePaymentProcessed{}}).
{captured, #domain_InvoicePaymentCaptured{}}).
{failed, #domain_InvoicePaymentFailed{err = Error}}).
@ -57,13 +57,17 @@ get_api_child_spec(MachineHandlers) ->
net_opts => [],
event_handler => hg_woody_event_handler,
handlers => hg_machine:get_service_handlers(MachineHandlers) ++ [
construct_service_handler(party_management, hg_party, []),
construct_service_handler(invoicing, hg_invoice, []),
construct_service_handler(eventsink, hg_event_sink, [])
construct_service_handler(party_management, hg_party),
construct_service_handler(invoicing, hg_invoice),
construct_service_handler(proxy_host_provider, hg_proxy_host_provider),
construct_service_handler(eventsink, hg_event_sink)
construct_service_handler(Name, Module) ->
construct_service_handler(Name, Module, []).
construct_service_handler(Name, Module, Opts) ->
{Path, Service} = hg_proto:get_service_spec(Name),
{Path, {Service, Module, Opts}}.
@ -63,10 +63,12 @@ get_history_last_id(History, _LastID) ->
publish_event(#'SinkEvent'{id = ID, source_ns = Ns, source_id = SourceID, event = Event}) ->
hg_event_provider:publish_event(Ns, ID, SourceID, hg_machine:unwrap_event(Event)).
-define(EVENTSINK_ID, <<"payproc">>).
call_event_sink(Function, Args, Context) ->
Url = genlib_app:env(hellgate, eventsink_service_url),
Service = {hg_state_processing_thrift, 'EventSink'},
woody_client:call(Context, {Service, Function, Args}, #{url => Url}).
woody_client:call(Context, {Service, Function, [?EVENTSINK_ID | Args]}, #{url => Url}).
-spec handle_error(woody_t:func(), term(), woody_client:context(), []) ->
@ -1,8 +1,24 @@
%%% Invoice machine
%%% TODO
%%% - proper concepts
%%% - simple lightweight lower-level machines (middlewares (?)) for:
%%% - handling callbacks idempotently
%%% - state collapsing (?)
%%% - simpler flow control (?)
%%% - event publishing (?)
%%% - timer preservation on calls (?)
%%% - do not make payment ids so complex, a sequence would suffice
%%% - alter `Invoicing.GetPayment` signature
-define(NS, <<"invoice">>).
%% Woody handler
@ -29,8 +45,7 @@
-record(st, {
invoice :: invoice(),
payments = [] :: [payment()],
stage = idling :: stage(),
payments = [] :: [{payment_id(), payment_st()}],
sequence = 0 :: 0 | sequence()
@ -58,10 +73,10 @@ handle_function('StartPayment', {UserInfo, InvoiceID, PaymentParams}, Context0,
handle_function('GetPayment', {UserInfo, UserInfo, PaymentID}, Context0, _Opts) ->
{St, Context} = get_state(UserInfo, deduce_invoice_id(PaymentID), Context0),
case get_payment(PaymentID, St) of
Payment = #domain_InvoicePayment{} ->
case get_payment_session(PaymentID, St) of
{Payment = #domain_InvoicePayment{}, _} ->
{{ok, Payment}, Context};
false ->
undefined ->
throw({#payproc_InvoicePaymentNotFound{}, Context})
@ -73,6 +88,18 @@ handle_function('Rescind', {UserInfo, InvoiceID, Reason}, Context0, _Opts) ->
-type tag() :: hg_base_thrift:'Tag'().
-type callback() :: _. %% FIXME
-type callback_response() :: _. %% FIXME
-spec process_callback(tag(), callback(), woody_client:context()) ->
{{ok, callback_response()} | {error, notfound | failed}, woody_client:context()} | no_return().
process_callback(Tag, Callback, Context) ->
hg_machine:call(?NS, {tag, Tag}, {callback, Callback}, opts(Context)).
get_history(_UserInfo, InvoiceID, Context) ->
map_error(hg_machine:get_history(?NS, InvoiceID, opts(Context))).
@ -86,21 +113,24 @@ get_state(UserInfo, InvoiceID, Context0) ->
get_public_history(UserInfo, InvoiceID, #payproc_EventRange{'after' = AfterID, limit = Limit}, Context) ->
fun (ID, Lim, Ctx) -> get_history(UserInfo, InvoiceID, ID, Lim, Ctx) end,
fun (Event) -> publish_invoice_event({invoice, InvoiceID}, Event) end,
fun (Event) -> publish_invoice_event(InvoiceID, Event) end,
AfterID, Limit,
publish_invoice_event(Source, {ID, Dt, {public, Seq, Payload}}) ->
{true, #payproc_Event{id = ID, source = Source, created_at = Dt, sequence = Seq, payload = Payload}};
publish_invoice_event(_Source, {_ID, _Dt, _Event}) ->
publish_invoice_event(InvoiceID, {ID, Dt, Event}) ->
case publish_event(InvoiceID, Event) of
{true, {Source, Seq, Ev}} ->
{true, #payproc_Event{id = ID, source = Source, created_at = Dt, sequence = Seq, payload = Ev}};
false ->
start(ID, Args, Context) ->
map_error(hg_machine:start(?NS, ID, Args, opts(Context))).
call(ID, Args, Context) ->
map_error(hg_machine:call(?NS, ID, Args, opts(Context))).
map_error(hg_machine:call(?NS, {id, ID}, Args, opts(Context))).
map_error({{error, notfound}, Context}) ->
throw({#payproc_UserInvoiceNotFound{}, Context});
@ -118,35 +148,32 @@ opts(Context) ->
-type invoice_id() :: hg_domain_thrift:'InvoiceID'().
-type user_info() :: hg_payment_processing_thrift:'UserInfo'().
-type invoice_params() :: hg_payment_processing_thrift:'InvoiceParams'().
-type payment() :: hg_domain_thrift:'InvoicePayment'().
-type payment_params() :: hg_payment_processing_thrift:'InvoicePaymentParams'().
-type payment_id() :: hg_domain_thrift:'InvoicePaymentID'().
-type payment_st() :: undefined | binary().
-type payment_st() :: hg_invoice_payment:st().
-type sequence() :: pos_integer().
-type stage() ::
idling |
{processing_payment, payment_id(), payment_st()}.
-type ev() ::
{public, sequence(), hg_payment_processing_thrift:'EventPayload'()} |
{private, sequence(), private_event()}.
-type private_event() ::
{payment_state_changed, payment_id(), payment_st()}.
term(). %% TODO hg_invoice_payment:private_event() ?
#payproc_InvalidInvoiceStatus{status = Invoice#domain_Invoice.status}).
#payproc_InvalidInvoiceStatus{status = Status}).
#payproc_InvoicePaymentPending{id = PaymentID}).
-spec publish_event(invoice_id(), hg_machine:event(ev())) ->
{true, hg_event_provider:public_event()} | false.
publish_event(InvoiceID, {public, Seq, Ev}) ->
publish_event(InvoiceID, {public, Seq, Ev = ?invoice_ev(_)}) ->
{true, {{invoice, InvoiceID}, Seq, Ev}};
publish_event(InvoiceID, {public, Seq, {{payment, _}, Ev = ?payment_ev(_)}}) ->
{true, {{invoice, InvoiceID}, Seq, ?invoice_ev(Ev)}};
publish_event(_InvoiceID, _Event) ->
@ -164,68 +191,41 @@ namespace() ->
init(ID, {InvoiceParams, UserInfo}, Context) ->
Invoice = create_invoice(ID, InvoiceParams, UserInfo),
Event = {public, ?invoice_ev(?invoice_created(Invoice))},
{ok(Event, #st{}, set_invoice_timer(Invoice)), Context}.
% TODO ugly, better to roll state and events simultaneously, hg_party-like
{ok(Event, #st{}, set_invoice_timer(#st{invoice = Invoice})), Context}.
-spec process_signal(hg_machine:signal(), hg_machine:history(ev()), hg_machine:context()) ->
{hg_machine:result(ev()), woody_client:context()}.
process_signal(timeout, History, Context) ->
St = #st{invoice = Invoice, stage = Stage} = collapse_history(History),
Status = get_invoice_status(Invoice),
case Stage of
{processing_payment, PaymentID, PaymentState} ->
process_signal(Signal, History, Context) ->
handle_signal(Signal, collapse_history(History), Context).
handle_signal(timeout, St, Context) ->
case get_pending_payment(St) of
{PaymentID, PaymentSession} ->
% there's a payment pending
process_payment(PaymentID, PaymentState, St, Context);
idling when Status == unpaid ->
process_payment_signal(timeout, PaymentID, PaymentSession, St, Context);
undefined ->
% invoice is expired
process_expiration(St, Context);
_ ->
{ok(), Context}
handle_expiration(St, Context)
process_signal({repair, _}, History, Context) ->
St = #st{invoice = Invoice} = collapse_history(History),
{ok([], St, set_invoice_timer(Invoice)), Context}.
handle_signal({repair, _}, St, Context) ->
{ok([], St, restore_timer(St)), Context}.
process_expiration(St = #st{invoice = Invoice}, Context) ->
{ok, Event} = cancel_invoice(overdue, Invoice),
handle_expiration(St, Context) ->
Event = {public, ?invoice_ev(?invoice_status_changed(?cancelled(format_reason(overdue))))},
{ok(Event, St), Context}.
process_payment(PaymentID, PaymentState0, St = #st{invoice = Invoice}, Context0) ->
% FIXME: code looks shitty, destined to be in payment submachine
Payment = get_payment(PaymentID, St),
case hg_invoice_payment:process(Payment, Invoice, PaymentState0, Context0) of
% TODO: check proxy contracts
% binding different trx ids is not allowed
% empty action is questionable to allow
{{ok, Trx}, Context} ->
% payment finished successfully
Events = [
{public, ?invoice_ev(?payment_ev(?payment_status_changed(PaymentID, ?succeeded())))},
{public, ?invoice_ev(?invoice_status_changed(?paid()))}
{ok(construct_payment_events(Payment, Trx, Events), St), Context};
{{{error, Error = #domain_OperationError{}}, Trx}, Context} ->
% payment finished with error
Event = {public, ?invoice_ev(?payment_ev(?payment_status_changed(PaymentID, ?failed(Error))))},
{ok(construct_payment_events(Payment, Trx, [Event]), St), Context};
{{{next, Action, PaymentState}, Trx}, Context} ->
% payment progressing yet
Event = {private, {payment_state_changed, PaymentID, PaymentState}},
{ok(construct_payment_events(Payment, Trx, [Event]), St, Action), Context}
construct_payment_events(#domain_InvoicePayment{trx = Trx}, #domain_TransactionInfo{} = Trx, Events) ->
construct_payment_events(#domain_InvoicePayment{} = Payment, #domain_TransactionInfo{} = Trx, Events) ->
[{public, ?invoice_ev(?payment_ev(?payment_bound(get_payment_id(Payment), Trx)))} | Events];
construct_payment_events(#domain_InvoicePayment{trx = Trx}, Trx = undefined, Events) ->
-type call() ::
{start_payment, payment_params(), user_info()} |
{fulfill, binary(), user_info()} |
{rescind, binary(), user_info()}.
{rescind, binary(), user_info()} |
{callback, callback()}.
-type response() ::
ok | {ok, term()} | {exception, term()}.
@ -233,64 +233,151 @@ construct_payment_events(#domain_InvoicePayment{trx = Trx}, Trx = undefined, Eve
-spec process_call(call(), hg_machine:history(ev()), woody_client:context()) ->
{{response(), hg_machine:result(ev())}, woody_client:context()}.
process_call({start_payment, PaymentParams, _UserInfo}, History, Context) ->
St = #st{invoice = Invoice, stage = Stage} = collapse_history(History),
Status = get_invoice_status(Invoice),
case Stage of
idling when Status == unpaid ->
Payment = create_payment(PaymentParams, Invoice),
PaymentID = get_payment_id(Payment),
Events = [
{public, ?invoice_ev(?payment_ev(?payment_started(Payment)))},
{private, {payment_state_changed, PaymentID, undefined}}
{respond(PaymentID, Events, St, hg_machine_action:instant()), Context};
{processing_payment, PaymentID, _} ->
{raise(?payment_pending(PaymentID)), Context};
_ ->
{raise(?invalid_invoice_status(Invoice)), Context}
process_call({fulfill, Reason, _UserInfo}, History, Context) ->
St = #st{invoice = Invoice} = collapse_history(History),
case fulfill_invoice(Reason, Invoice) of
{ok, Event} ->
{respond(ok, Event, St, set_invoice_timer(Invoice)), Context};
{error, Exception} ->
{raise(Exception, set_invoice_timer(Invoice)), Context}
process_call({rescind, Reason, _UserInfo}, History, Context) ->
St = #st{invoice = Invoice} = collapse_history(History),
case cancel_invoice({rescinded, Reason}, Invoice) of
{ok, Event} ->
{respond(ok, Event, St, set_invoice_timer(Invoice)), Context};
{error, Exception} ->
{raise(Exception, set_invoice_timer(Invoice)), Context}
process_call(Call, History, Context) ->
St = collapse_history(History),
try handle_call(Call, St, Context) catch
{exception, Exception} ->
{{{exception, Exception}, {[], restore_timer(St)}}, Context}
set_invoice_timer(#domain_Invoice{status = ?unpaid(), due = Due}) when Due /= undefined ->
set_invoice_timer(_Invoice) ->
-spec raise(term()) -> no_return().
raise(What) ->
throw({exception, What}).
handle_call({start_payment, PaymentParams, _UserInfo}, St, Context) ->
_ = assert_invoice_status(unpaid, St),
_ = assert_no_pending_payment(St),
start_payment(PaymentParams, St, Context);
handle_call({fulfill, Reason, _UserInfo}, St, Context) ->
_ = assert_invoice_status(paid, St),
Event = {public, ?invoice_ev(?invoice_status_changed(?fulfilled(format_reason(Reason))))},
{respond(ok, Event, St), Context};
handle_call({rescind, Reason, _UserInfo}, St, Context) ->
_ = assert_invoice_status(unpaid, St),
_ = assert_no_pending_payment(St),
Event = {public, ?invoice_ev(?invoice_status_changed(?cancelled(format_reason(Reason))))},
{respond(ok, Event, St), Context};
handle_call({callback, Callback}, St, Context) ->
dispatch_callback(Callback, St, Context).
dispatch_callback({provider, Payload}, St, Context) ->
case get_pending_payment(St) of
{PaymentID, PaymentSession} ->
process_payment_call({callback, Payload}, PaymentID, PaymentSession, St, Context);
undefined ->
raise(no_pending_payment) % FIXME
assert_invoice_status(Status, #st{invoice = Invoice}) ->
assert_invoice_status(Status, Invoice);
assert_invoice_status(Status, #domain_Invoice{status = {Status, _}}) ->
assert_invoice_status(_Status, #domain_Invoice{status = Invalid}) ->
assert_no_pending_payment(St) ->
case get_pending_payment(St) of
undefined ->
{PaymentID, _} ->
restore_timer(St) ->
set_invoice_timer(St = #st{invoice = #domain_Invoice{status = Status, due = Due}}) ->
case get_pending_payment(St) of
undefined when Status == ?unpaid() ->
undefined ->
{_, _} ->
% TODO how to restore timer properly then, magic number for now
start_payment(PaymentParams, St, Context) ->
PaymentID = create_payment_id(St),
Opts = get_payment_opts(St),
{{Events1, _}, Context1} = hg_invoice_payment:init(PaymentID, PaymentParams, Opts, Context),
{{Events2, Action}, Context2} = hg_invoice_payment:start_session(?processed(), Context1),
Events = wrap_payment_events(PaymentID, Events1 ++ Events2),
{respond(PaymentID, Events, St, Action), Context2}.
process_payment_signal(Signal, PaymentID, PaymentSession, St = #st{invoice = Invoice}, Context) ->
Opts = get_payment_opts(St),
case hg_invoice_payment:process_signal(Signal, PaymentSession, Opts, Context) of
{{next, {Events, Action}}, Context1} ->
{ok(wrap_payment_events(PaymentID, Events), St, Action), Context1};
{{done, {Events1, _}}, Context1} ->
{Payment1, _} = lists:foldl(fun hg_invoice_payment:merge_event/2, PaymentSession, Events1),
case get_payment_status(Payment1) of
?processed() ->
{{Events2, Action}, Context2} = hg_invoice_payment:start_session(?captured(), Context1),
{ok(wrap_payment_events(PaymentID, Events1 ++ Events2), St, Action), Context2};
?captured() ->
Events2 = [{public, ?invoice_ev(?invoice_status_changed(?paid()))}],
{ok(wrap_payment_events(PaymentID, Events1) ++ Events2, St), Context1};
?failed(_) ->
{ok(wrap_payment_events(PaymentID, Events1), St, restore_timer(St)), Context1}
process_payment_call(Call, PaymentID, PaymentSession, St = #st{invoice = Invoice}, Context) ->
Opts = get_payment_opts(St),
case hg_invoice_payment:process_call(Call, PaymentSession, Opts, Context) of
{{Response, {next, {Events, Action}}}, Context1} ->
{respond(Response, wrap_payment_events(PaymentID, Events), St, Action), Context1};
{{Response, {done, {Events1, _}}}, Context1} ->
{Payment1, _} = lists:foldl(fun hg_invoice_payment:merge_event/2, PaymentSession, Events1),
case get_payment_status(Payment1) of
?processed() ->
{{Events2, Action}, Context2} = hg_invoice_payment:start_session(?captured(), Context1),
Events = wrap_payment_events(PaymentID, Events1 ++ Events2),
{respond(Response, Events, St, Action), Context2};
?captured() ->
Events2 = [{public, ?invoice_ev(?invoice_status_changed(?paid()))}],
{respond(Response, wrap_payment_events(PaymentID, Events1) ++ Events2, St), Context1};
?failed(_) ->
{respond(Response, wrap_payment_events(PaymentID, Events1), St, restore_timer(St)), Context1}
wrap_payment_events(PaymentID, Events) ->
(E = ?payment_ev(_)) ->
{public, {{payment, PaymentID}, E}};
(E) ->
{private, {{payment, PaymentID}, E}}
end, Events).
get_payment_opts(#st{invoice = Invoice = #domain_Invoice{domain_revision = Revision}}) ->
invoice => Invoice,
proxy => hg_domain:get(Revision, #domain_ProxyRef{id = 1})
ok() ->
{[], hg_machine_action:new()}.
ok(Event, St) ->
ok(Event, St, hg_machine_action:new()).
ok(Event, St, Action) ->
{sequence_events(wrap_event_list(Event), St), Action}.
respond(Response, Event, St) ->
respond(Response, Event, St, hg_machine_action:new()).
respond(Response, Event, St, Action) ->
{{ok, Response}, {sequence_events(wrap_event_list(Event), St), Action}}.
raise(Exception) ->
raise(Exception, hg_machine_action:new()).
raise(Exception, Action) ->
{{exception, Exception}, {[], Action}}.
wrap_event_list(Event) when is_tuple(Event) ->
wrap_event_list(Events) when is_list(Events) ->
@ -324,19 +411,10 @@ create_invoice(ID, V = #payproc_InvoiceParams{}, #payproc_UserInfo{id = UserID})
create_payment(V = #payproc_InvoicePaymentParams{}, Invoice = #domain_Invoice{cost = Cost}) ->
id = create_payment_id(Invoice),
created_at = hg_datetime:format_now(),
status = ?pending(),
cost = Cost,
payer = V#payproc_InvoicePaymentParams.payer
create_payment_id(Invoice = #domain_Invoice{}) ->
create_payment_id(InvoiceID) ->
<<InvoiceID/binary, ":", "0">>.
create_payment_id(#st{invoice = Invoice, payments = Payments}) ->
InvoiceID = get_invoice_id(Invoice),
PaymentID = integer_to_binary(length(Payments) + 1),
<<InvoiceID/binary, ":", PaymentID/binary>>.
deduce_invoice_id(PaymentID) ->
case binary:split(PaymentID, <<":">>) of
@ -349,61 +427,53 @@ deduce_invoice_id(PaymentID) ->
get_invoice_id(#domain_Invoice{id = ID}) ->
get_invoice_status(#domain_Invoice{status = {Status, _}}) ->
get_payment_status(#domain_InvoicePayment{status = Status}) ->
get_payment_id(#domain_InvoicePayment{id = ID}) ->
cancel_invoice(Reason, #domain_Invoice{status = ?unpaid()}) ->
{ok, {public, ?invoice_ev(?invoice_status_changed(?cancelled(format_reason(Reason))))}};
cancel_invoice(_Reason, Invoice) ->
{error, ?invalid_invoice_status(Invoice)}.
fulfill_invoice(Reason, #domain_Invoice{status = ?paid()}) ->
{ok, {public, ?invoice_ev(?invoice_status_changed(?fulfilled(format_reason(Reason))))}};
fulfill_invoice(_Reason, Invoice) ->
{error, ?invalid_invoice_status(Invoice)}.
-spec collapse_history([ev()]) -> st().
collapse_history(History) ->
lists:foldl(fun ({_ID, _, Ev}, St) -> merge_history(Ev, St) end, #st{}, History).
fun ({_ID, _, {_, Seq, Ev}}, St) -> merge_event(Ev, St#st{sequence = Seq}) end,
merge_history({public, Seq, ?invoice_ev(Event)}, St) ->
merge_invoice_event(Event, St#st{sequence = Seq});
merge_history({private, Seq, Event}, St) ->
merge_private_event(Event, St#st{sequence = Seq}).
merge_event(?invoice_ev(Event), St) ->
merge_invoice_event(Event, St);
merge_event({{payment, PaymentID}, Event}, St) ->
PaymentSession = get_payment_session(PaymentID, St),
set_payment_session(PaymentID, hg_invoice_payment:merge_event(Event, PaymentSession), St).
merge_invoice_event(?invoice_created(Invoice), St) ->
St#st{invoice = Invoice};
merge_invoice_event(?invoice_status_changed(Status), St = #st{invoice = I}) ->
St#st{invoice = I#domain_Invoice{status = Status}};
merge_invoice_event(?payment_ev(Event), St) ->
merge_payment_event(Event, St).
St#st{invoice = I#domain_Invoice{status = Status}}.
merge_payment_event(?payment_started(Payment), St) ->
set_payment(Payment, St);
merge_payment_event(?payment_bound(PaymentID, Trx), St) ->
Payment = get_payment(PaymentID, St),
set_payment(Payment#domain_InvoicePayment{trx = Trx}, St);
merge_payment_event(?payment_status_changed(PaymentID, Status), St) ->
Payment = get_payment(PaymentID, St),
set_payment(Payment#domain_InvoicePayment{status = Status}, set_stage(idling, St)).
get_payment_session(PaymentID, #st{payments = Payments}) ->
case lists:keyfind(PaymentID, 1, Payments) of
{PaymentID, PaymentSession} ->
false ->
merge_private_event({payment_state_changed, PaymentID, State}, St) ->
set_stage({processing_payment, PaymentID, State}, St).
set_payment_session(PaymentID, PaymentSession, St = #st{payments = Payments}) ->
St#st{payments = lists:keystore(PaymentID, 1, Payments, {PaymentID, PaymentSession})}.
set_stage(Stage, St) ->
St#st{stage = Stage}.
get_payment(PaymentID, St) ->
lists:keyfind(PaymentID, #domain_InvoicePayment.id, St#st.payments).
set_payment(Payment, St) ->
PaymentID = get_payment_id(Payment),
St#st{payments = lists:keystore(PaymentID, #domain_InvoicePayment.id, St#st.payments, Payment)}.
get_pending_payment(#st{payments = [V = {_PaymentID, {Payment, _}} | _]}) ->
case get_payment_status(Payment) of
?pending() ->
?processed() ->
_ ->
get_pending_payment(#st{}) ->
get_invoice_state(#st{invoice = Invoice, payments = Payments}) ->
#payproc_InvoiceState{invoice = Invoice, payments = Payments}.
@ -1,142 +1,333 @@
%%% Invoice payment submachine
%%% TODO
%%% - make proper submachine interface
%%% - `init` / `start_session` should provide `next` or `done` to the caller
%%% - distinguish between different error classes:
%%% - regular operation error
%%% - callback timeout
%%% - internal error ?
%%% - handle idempotent callbacks uniformly
%%% - get rid of matches against session status
%%% - tag machine with the provider trx
%%% - distinguish between trx tags and callback tags
%%% - tag namespaces
%%% - clean the mess with error handling
%%% - abuse transient error passthrough
%%% - remove ability to throw `TryLater` from `HandlePaymentCallback`
%%% - drop `TryLater` completely (?)
%%% - think about safe clamping of timers returned by some proxy
%% API
%% Machine like
%% Machine callbacks
% -behaviour(hg_machine).
% -export([init/2]).
% -export([process_signal/2]).
% -export([process_call/2]).
-record(st, {
stage :: process_payment | capture_payment,
proxy_ref :: hg_domain_thrift:'ProxyRef'(),
proxy_state :: binary() | undefined
-type st() :: #st{}.
-type st() :: {payment(), session()}.
-type invoice() :: hg_domain_thrift:'Invoice'().
-type payment() :: hg_domain_thrift:'InvoicePayment'().
-type payment_trx() :: hg_domain_thrift:'TransactionInfo'() | undefined.
-type error() :: hg_domain_thrift:'OperationError'().
-type payment_id() :: hg_domain_thrift:'InvoicePaymentID'().
-type target() :: hg_proxy_provider_thrift:'Target'().
-type proxy_state() :: hg_proxy_thrift:'ProxyState'().
-spec process(payment(), invoice(), binary() | undefined, hg_machine:context()) ->
{{ok, payment_trx()}, hg_machine:context()} |
{{{error, error()}, payment_trx()}, hg_machine:context()} |
{{{next, hg_machine_action:t(), binary()}, payment_trx()}, hg_machine:context()}.
-type session() :: #{
target => target(),
status => active | suspended,
proxy_state => proxy_state() | undefined,
retry => genlib_retry:strategy()
process(Payment, Invoice, undefined, Context) ->
process_(Payment, Invoice, construct_state(Payment, Invoice), Context);
process(Payment, Invoice, St, Context) when is_binary(St) ->
process_(Payment, Invoice, unmarshal_st(St), Context).
process_(Payment, Invoice, St = #st{}, Context) ->
Proxy = get_proxy(Invoice, St),
PaymentInfo = construct_payment_info(Payment, Invoice, Proxy, St),
handle_state(Proxy, PaymentInfo, St, Context).
handle_state(Proxy, PaymentInfo, St = #st{stage = process_payment}, Context0) ->
% FIXME: dirty simulation of one-phase payment through the two-phase interaction
case handle_process_result(process_payment(Proxy, PaymentInfo, Context0), St) of
{{ok, Trx}, Context} ->
NextSt = St#st{stage = capture_payment, proxy_state = undefined},
{{{next, hg_machine_action:instant(), marshal_st(NextSt)}, Trx}, Context};
Result ->
handle_state(Proxy, PaymentInfo, St = #st{stage = capture_payment}, Context) ->
handle_process_result(capture_payment(Proxy, PaymentInfo, Context), St).
-type ev() ::
{invoice_payment_event, hg_payment_processing_thrift:'InvoicePaymentEvent'()} |
{session_event, session_ev()}.
handle_process_result({#'ProcessResult'{intent = {_, Intent}, trx = Trx, next_state = ProxyStateNext}, Context}, St) ->
handle_process_result(Intent, Trx, St#st{proxy_state = ProxyStateNext}, Context).
-type session_ev() ::
{started, session()} |
{proxy_state_changed, proxy_state()} |
{proxy_retry_changed, genlib_retry:strategy()} |
suspended |
handle_process_result(#'FinishIntent'{status = {ok, _}}, Trx, _St, Context) ->
{{ok, Trx}, Context};
handle_process_result(#'FinishIntent'{status = {failure, Error}}, Trx, _St, Context) ->
{{{error, map_error(Error)}, Trx}, Context};
handle_process_result(#'SleepIntent'{timer = Timer}, Trx, StNext, Context) ->
{{{next, hg_machine_action:set_timer(Timer), marshal_st(StNext)}, Trx}, Context}.
-define(session_ev(E), {session_event, E}).
get_proxy(#domain_Invoice{domain_revision = Revision}, #st{proxy_ref = Ref}) ->
hg_domain:get(Revision, Ref).
construct_payment_info(Payment, Invoice, Proxy, #st{proxy_state = ProxyState}) ->
invoice = Invoice,
payment = Payment,
options = Proxy#domain_Proxy.options,
-type opts() :: #{
invoice => invoice(),
proxy => _
-spec init(payment_id(), _, opts(), hg_machine:context()) ->
{hg_machine:result(), hg_machine:context()}.
init(PaymentID, PaymentParams, #{invoice := Invoice}, Context) ->
Payment = #domain_InvoicePayment{
id = PaymentID,
created_at = hg_datetime:format_now(),
status = ?pending(),
cost = Invoice#domain_Invoice.cost,
payer = PaymentParams#payproc_InvoicePaymentParams.payer
Events = [?payment_ev(?payment_started(Payment))],
Action = hg_machine_action:new(),
{{Events, Action}, Context}.
-spec start_session(target(), hg_machine:context()) ->
{hg_machine:result(), hg_machine:context()}.
start_session(Target, Context) ->
Events = [?session_ev({started, Target})],
Action = hg_machine_action:instant(),
{{Events, Action}, Context}.
-spec process_signal(timeout, st(), opts(), hg_machine:context()) ->
{{next | done, hg_machine:result()}, hg_machine:context()}.
process_signal(timeout, St, Options, Context) ->
case get_status(St) of
active ->
process(St, Options, Context);
suspended ->
{fail(construct_error(<<"provider_timeout">>), St), Context}
-spec process_call({callback, _}, st(), opts(), hg_machine:context()) ->
{{_, {next | done, hg_machine:result()}}, hg_machine:context()}. % FIXME
process_call({callback, Payload}, St, Options, Context) ->
case get_status(St) of
suspended ->
handle_callback(Payload, St, Options, Context);
active ->
% there's ultimately no way how we could end up here
process(St, Options, Context) ->
ProxyContext = construct_proxy_context(St, Options),
handle_process_result(issue_process_call(ProxyContext, Options, Context), St).
handle_process_result({Result, Context}, St) ->
case Result of
{ok, ProxyResult} ->
{handle_proxy_result(ProxyResult, St), Context};
{exception, Exception} ->
{handle_exception(Exception, St), Context};
{error, Error} ->
handle_callback(Payload, St, Options, Context) ->
ProxyContext = construct_proxy_context(St, Options),
handle_callback_result(issue_callback_call(Payload, ProxyContext, Options, Context), St).
handle_callback_result({Result, Context}, St) ->
case Result of
{ok, #'CallbackResult'{result = ProxyResult, response = Response}} ->
{What, {Events, Action}} = handle_proxy_result(ProxyResult, St),
{{Response, {What, {[?session_ev(activated) | Events], Action}}}, Context};
{error, _} = Error ->
error({Error, Context})
handle_proxy_result(#'ProxyResult'{intent = {_, Intent}, trx = Trx, next_state = ProxyState}, St) ->
Events1 = bind_transaction(Trx, St),
{What, {Events2, Action}} = handle_proxy_intent(Intent, ProxyState, St),
{What, {Events1 ++ Events2, Action}}.
bind_transaction(undefined, _St) ->
% no transaction yet
bind_transaction(Trx, {#domain_InvoicePayment{id = PaymentID, trx = undefined}, _}) ->
% got transaction, nothing bound so far
[?payment_ev(?payment_bound(PaymentID, Trx))];
bind_transaction(Trx, {#domain_InvoicePayment{trx = Trx}, _}) ->
% got the same transaction as one which has been bound previously
bind_transaction(Trx, {#domain_InvoicePayment{id = PaymentID, trx = TrxWas}, _}) ->
% got transaction which differs from the bound one
% verify against proxy contracts
case Trx#domain_TransactionInfo.id of
ID when ID =:= TrxWas#domain_TransactionInfo.id ->
[?payment_ev(?payment_bound(PaymentID, Trx))];
_ ->
handle_proxy_intent(#'FinishIntent'{status = {ok, _}}, _ProxyState, St) ->
PaymentID = get_payment_id(St),
Target = get_target(St),
Events = [?payment_ev(?payment_status_changed(PaymentID, Target))],
Action = hg_machine_action:new(),
{done, {Events, Action}};
handle_proxy_intent(#'FinishIntent'{status = {failure, Error}}, _ProxyState, St) ->
fail(construct_error(Error), St);
handle_proxy_intent(#'SleepIntent'{timer = Timer}, ProxyState, _St) ->
Action = hg_machine_action:set_timer(Timer),
Events = [?session_ev({proxy_state_changed, ProxyState})],
{next, {Events, Action}};
#'SuspendIntent'{tag = Tag, timeout = Timer, user_interaction = UserInteraction},
ProxyState, St
) ->
Action = try_set_timer(Timer, hg_machine_action:set_tag(Tag)),
Events = [
?session_ev({proxy_state_changed, ProxyState}),
| try_emit_interaction_event(UserInteraction, St)
{next, {Events, Action}}.
try_set_timer(undefined, Action) ->
try_set_timer(Timer, Action) ->
hg_machine_action:set_timer(Timer, Action).
try_emit_interaction_event(undefined, _St) ->
try_emit_interaction_event(UserInteraction, St) ->
[?payment_ev(?payment_interaction_requested(get_payment_id(St), UserInteraction))].
handle_exception(#'TryLater'{e = Error}, St) ->
case retry(St) of
{wait, Timeout, Events} ->
Action = hg_machine_action:set_timeout(Timeout),
{next, {Events, Action}};
finish ->
fail(construct_error(Error), St)
retry({_Payment, #{retry := Retry}}) ->
case genlib_retry:next_step(Retry) of
{wait, Timeout, RetryNext} ->
{wait, Timeout div 1000, [?session_ev({proxy_retry_changed, RetryNext})]};
finish ->
fail(Error, St) ->
Events = [?payment_ev(?payment_status_changed(get_payment_id(St), ?failed(Error)))],
Action = hg_machine_action:new(),
{done, {Events, Action}}.
construct_retry_strategy(_Target) ->
Timecap = 30000,
Timeout = 10000,
genlib_retry:timecap(Timecap, genlib_retry:linear(infinity, Timeout)).
construct_proxy_context({Payment, Session}, Options = #{proxy := Proxy}) ->
session = construct_session(Session),
payment = construct_payment_info(Payment, Options),
options = Proxy#domain_Proxy.options
construct_session(#{target := Target, proxy_state := ProxyState}) ->
target = Target,
state = ProxyState
map_error(#'Error'{code = Code, description = Description}) ->
construct_payment_info(Payment, #{invoice := Invoice}) ->
invoice = Invoice,
payment = Payment
construct_error(#'Error'{code = Code, description = Description}) ->
construct_error(Code, Description);
construct_error(Code) when is_binary(Code) ->
construct_error(Code, undefined).
construct_error(Code, Description) ->
#domain_OperationError{code = Code, description = Description}.
construct_state(Payment, Invoice) ->
stage = process_payment,
proxy_ref = select_proxy(Payment, Invoice)
get_payment_id({Payment, _State}) ->
get_status({_Payment, #{status := Status}}) ->
get_target({_Payment, #{target := Target}}) ->
-spec merge_event(ev(), st()) -> st().
merge_event(?payment_ev(Event), St) ->
merge_public_event(Event, St);
merge_event(?session_ev(Event), St) ->
merge_session_event(Event, St).
merge_public_event(?payment_started(Payment), undefined) ->
{Payment, undefined};
merge_public_event(?payment_bound(_, Trx), {Payment, State}) ->
{Payment#domain_InvoicePayment{trx = Trx}, State};
merge_public_event(?payment_status_changed(_, Status), {Payment, State}) ->
{Payment#domain_InvoicePayment{status = Status}, State}.
%% TODO session_finished?
merge_session_event({started, Target}, {Payment, _}) ->
{Payment, create_session(Target)};
merge_session_event({proxy_state_changed, ProxyState}, {Payment, Session}) ->
{Payment, Session#{proxy_state => ProxyState}};
merge_session_event({proxy_retry_changed, Retry}, {Payment, Session}) ->
{Payment, Session#{retry => Retry}};
merge_session_event(activated, {Payment, Session}) ->
{Payment, Session#{status => active}};
merge_session_event(suspended, {Payment, Session}) ->
{Payment, Session#{status => suspended}}.
create_session(Target) ->
target => Target,
status => active,
proxy_state => undefined,
retry => construct_retry_strategy(Target)
select_proxy(_, _) ->
% FIXME: turbo routing
#domain_ProxyRef{id = 1}.
-spec marshal_st(st()) -> binary().
marshal_st(St) ->
-spec unmarshal_st(binary()) -> st().
unmarshal_st(St) ->
%% Proxy provider client
-define(SERVICE, {hg_proxy_provider_thrift, 'ProviderProxy'}).
-type process_payment_result() :: hg_proxy_provider_thrift:'ProcessResult'().
issue_process_call(ProxyContext, Opts, Context) ->
issue_call({?SERVICE, 'ProcessPayment', [ProxyContext]}, Opts, Context).
-spec process_payment(
) ->
{process_payment_result(), woody_client:context()}.
process_payment(Proxy, PaymentInfo, Context) ->
call(Context, Proxy, {?SERVICE, 'ProcessPayment', [PaymentInfo]}).
issue_callback_call(Payload, ProxyContext, Opts, Context) ->
issue_call({?SERVICE, 'HandlePaymentCallback', [Payload, ProxyContext]}, Opts, Context).
-spec capture_payment(
) ->
{process_payment_result(), woody_client:context()}.
capture_payment(Proxy, PaymentInfo, Context) ->
call(Context, Proxy, {?SERVICE, 'CapturePayment', [PaymentInfo]}).
call(Context = #{client_context := ClientContext0}, Proxy, Call) ->
Endpoint = get_call_options(Proxy),
try woody_client:call(ClientContext0, Call, Endpoint) of
{{ok, Result = #'ProcessResult'{}}, ClientContext} ->
{Result, Context#{client_context => ClientContext}}
% TODO: support retry strategies
{#'TryLater'{e = _Error}, ClientContext} ->
Result = #'ProcessResult'{intent = {sleep, #'SleepIntent'{timer = {timeout, 10}}}},
{Result, Context#{client_context => ClientContext}}
issue_call(Call, #{proxy := Proxy}, Context = #{client_context := ClientContext}) ->
{Result, ClientContext1} = woody_client:call_safe(ClientContext, Call, get_call_options(Proxy)),
{Result, Context#{client_context := ClientContext1}}.
get_call_options(#domain_Proxy{url = Url}) ->
#{url => Url}.
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-type id() :: hg_base_thrift:'ID'().
-type ref() :: hg_state_processing_thrift:'Reference'().
-type ns() :: hg_base_thrift:'Namespace'().
-type args() :: _.
@ -88,12 +89,12 @@
start(Ns, ID, Args, #{client_context := Context0}) ->
call_automaton('Start', [Ns, ID, wrap_args(Args)], Context0).
-spec call(ns(), id(), term(), opts()) ->
-spec call(ns(), ref(), term(), opts()) ->
{ok | {ok, term()} | {error, notfound | failed}, woody_client:context()} |
call(Ns, ID, Args, #{client_context := Context0}) ->
case call_automaton('Call', [Ns, {id, ID}, wrap_args(Args)], Context0) of
call(Ns, Ref, Args, #{client_context := Context0}) ->
case call_automaton('Call', [Ns, Ref, wrap_args(Args)], Context0) of
{{ok, Response}, Context} ->
% should be specific to a processing interface already
case unmarshal_term(Response) of
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ start(ID, Args, Context) ->
map_start_error(hg_machine:start(?NS, ID, Args, opts(Context))).
call(ID, Args, Context) ->
map_error(hg_machine:call(?NS, ID, Args, opts(Context))).
map_error(hg_machine:call(?NS, {id, ID}, Args, opts(Context))).
map_start_error({{error, exists}, Context}) ->
throw({#payproc_PartyExists{}, Context});
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
%%% Host handler for provider proxies
%%% TODO
%%% - designate an exception when specified tag is missing
%% Woody handler
-type tag() :: hg_base_thrift:'Tag'().
-type callback() :: hg_proxy_provider_thrift:'Callback'().
-spec handle_function('ProcessCallback', {tag(), callback()}, woody_client:context(), _) ->
{{ok, term()}, woody_client:context()} | no_return().
handle_function('ProcessCallback', {Tag, Callback}, Context, _) ->
map_error(hg_invoice:process_callback(Tag, {provider, Callback}, Context)).
map_error({{error, notfound}, Context}) ->
throw({#'InvalidRequest'{errors = [<<"notfound">>]}, Context});
map_error({{error, Reason}, _Context}) ->
map_error({Ok, Context}) ->
{Ok, Context}.
@ -2,37 +2,15 @@
-spec get_child_spec(inet:hostname() | inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()) ->
get_child_spec(Host, Port) ->
{Path, Service} = get_service_spec(),
ip => hg_utils:get_hostname_ip(Host),
port => Port,
net_opts => [],
event_handler => hg_woody_event_handler,
handlers => [{Path, {Service, ?MODULE, []}}]
-spec get_url(inet:hostname() | inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()) ->
get_url(Host, Port) ->
{Path, _Service} = get_service_spec(),
iolist_to_binary(["http://", Host, ":", integer_to_list(Port), Path]).
-spec get_service_spec() ->
get_service_spec() ->
{"/test/proxy/provider/dummy", {hg_proxy_provider_thrift, 'ProviderProxy'}}.
@ -40,35 +18,80 @@ get_service_spec() ->
-spec handle_function(woody_t:func(), woody_server_thrift_handler:args(), woody_client:context(), []) ->
-spec handle_function(woody_t:func(), woody_server_thrift_handler:args(), woody_client:context(), #{}) ->
{{ok, term()}, woody_client:context()} | no_return().
handle_function('ProcessPayment', {#'PaymentInfo'{state = undefined}}, Context, _Opts) ->
session = #'Session'{target = Target, state = State},
payment = PaymentInfo,
options = _
) ->
process_payment(Target, State, PaymentInfo, Opts, Context);
{Payload, #'Context'{
session = #'Session'{target = Target, state = State},
payment = PaymentInfo,
options = _
) ->
handle_callback(Payload, Target, State, PaymentInfo, Opts, Context).
process_payment(?processed(), undefined, _, _, Context) ->
{{ok, sleep(1, <<"sleeping">>)}, Context};
handle_function('ProcessPayment', {#'PaymentInfo'{state = <<"sleeping">>} = PaymentInfo}, Context, _Opts) ->
process_payment(?processed(), <<"sleeping">>, PaymentInfo, _, Context) ->
{{ok, finish(PaymentInfo)}, Context};
handle_function('CapturePayment', {PaymentInfo}, Context, _Opts) ->
{{ok, finish(PaymentInfo)}, Context};
handle_function('CancelPayment', {PaymentInfo}, Context, _Opts) ->
process_payment(?captured(), undefined, _, Opts, Context) ->
Tag = hg_utils:unique_id(),
_Pid = spawn(fun () -> callback(Tag, <<"payload">>, <<"sure">>, Opts, 1000) end),
{{ok, suspend(Tag, 3, <<"suspended">>)}, Context};
process_payment(?captured(), <<"sleeping">>, PaymentInfo, _, Context) ->
{{ok, finish(PaymentInfo)}, Context}.
handle_callback(<<"payload">>, ?captured(), <<"suspended">>, _, _, Context) ->
{{ok, respond(<<"sure">>, sleep(1, <<"sleeping">>))}, Context}.
finish(#'PaymentInfo'{payment = Payment}) ->
intent = {finish, #'FinishIntent'{status = {ok, #'Ok'{}}}},
trx = #domain_TransactionInfo{id = Payment#domain_InvoicePayment.id}
sleep(Timeout, State) ->
intent = {sleep, #'SleepIntent'{timer = {timeout, Timeout}}},
next_state = State
-spec handle_error(woody_t:func(), term(), woody_client:context(), []) ->
suspend(Tag, Timeout, State) ->
intent = {suspend, #'SuspendIntent'{
tag = Tag,
timeout = {timeout, Timeout}
next_state = State
handle_error(_Function, _Reason, _Context, _Opts) ->
respond(Response, Result) ->
response = Response,
result = Result
callback(Tag, Payload, Expect, #{hellgate_root_url := RootUrl}, Timeout) ->
_ = timer:sleep(Timeout),
{ok, Expect} = hg_client_api:call(
proxy_host_provider, 'ProcessCallback', [Tag, Payload],
@ -110,7 +110,8 @@ payment_success(C) ->
{ok, PaymentID} = hg_client_invoicing:start_payment(InvoiceID, PaymentParams, Client),
?payment_started(?payment_w_status(?pending())) = next_event(InvoiceID, Client),
?payment_bound(PaymentID, ?trx_info(PaymentID)) = next_event(InvoiceID, Client),
?payment_status_changed(PaymentID, ?succeeded()) = next_event(InvoiceID, Client),
?payment_status_changed(PaymentID, ?processed()) = next_event(InvoiceID, Client),
?payment_status_changed(PaymentID, ?captured()) = next_event(InvoiceID, Client),
?invoice_status_changed(?paid()) = next_event(InvoiceID, Client),
timeout = next_event(InvoiceID, 1000, Client).
@ -149,7 +150,8 @@ unwrap_event(E) ->
start_service_handler(Module, C) ->
Host = "localhost",
Port = get_random_port(),
ChildSpec = hg_test_proxy:get_child_spec(Module, Host, Port),
Opts = #{hellgate_root_url => ?c(root_url, C)},
ChildSpec = hg_test_proxy:get_child_spec(Module, Host, Port, Opts),
{ok, _} = supervisor:start_child(?c(test_sup, C), ChildSpec),
hg_test_proxy:get_url(Module, Host, Port).
@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
-type host() :: inet:hostname() | inet:ip_address().
-callback get_child_spec(host(), inet:port_number()) -> supervisor:child_spec().
-callback get_url(host(), inet:port_number()) -> woody_t:url().
-callback get_service_spec() -> hg_proto:service_spec().
@ -14,10 +14,27 @@
get_child_spec(Module, Host, Port) ->
Module:get_child_spec(Host, Port).
get_child_spec(Module, Host, Port, []).
-spec get_child_spec(module(), host(), inet:port_number(), #{}) ->
get_child_spec(Module, Host, Port, Args) ->
{Path, Service} = Module:get_service_spec(),
ip => hg_utils:get_hostname_ip(Host),
port => Port,
net_opts => [],
event_handler => hg_woody_event_handler,
handlers => [{Path, {Service, Module, Args}}]
-spec get_url(module(), host(), inet:port_number()) ->
get_url(Module, Host, Port) ->
Module:get_url(Host, Port).
{Path, _Service} = Module:get_service_spec(),
iolist_to_binary(["http://", Host, ":", integer_to_list(Port), Path]).
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 2e89b6930c2aa865ca6a4f962a6f4b985e550481
Subproject commit 406fd17f79fdfe8823ccfeddaa571e6cf61c7d28
@ -32,4 +32,8 @@ get_service_spec(invoicing, #{}) ->
get_service_spec(processor, #{namespace := Ns}) when is_binary(Ns) ->
Service = {hg_state_processing_thrift, 'Processor'},
{?VERSION_PREFIX ++ "/stateproc/" ++ binary_to_list(Ns), Service}.
{?VERSION_PREFIX ++ "/stateproc/" ++ binary_to_list(Ns), Service};
get_service_spec(proxy_host_provider, #{}) ->
Service = {hg_proxy_provider_thrift, 'ProviderProxyHost'},
{?VERSION_PREFIX ++ "/proxyhost/provider", Service}.
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
cat <<EOF
version: '2'
image: ${BUILD_IMAGE}
@ -11,10 +12,12 @@ services:
command: /sbin/init
- machinegun
image: dr.rbkmoney.com/rbkmoney/machinegun:cc5985c4b1ea385eba141995c37ebc67093a1fe7
image: dr.rbkmoney.com/rbkmoney/machinegun:4c29acdcdce065dbba1f3c8ee1683caea837869c
- ./test/machinegun/sys.config:/opt/machinegun/releases/0.1.0/sys.config
driver: bridge
@ -8,7 +8,12 @@
@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
{mg_woody_api, [
{nss, [
{<<"invoice">> , <<"http://hellgate:8022/v1/stateproc/invoice">>},
{<<"party">> , <<"http://hellgate:8022/v1/stateproc/party">> }
{storage, mg_storage_test},
{namespaces, #{
<<"invoice">> => #{
url => <<"http://hellgate:8022/v1/stateproc/invoice">>,
event_sink => <<"payproc">>
<<"party">> => #{
url => <<"http://hellgate:8022/v1/stateproc/party">>,
event_sink => <<"payproc">>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user