mirror of
synced 2024-11-06 10:35:19 +00:00
* HG-155: Switch to msgpack-like machinegun interface * HG-155: Bump deps up and move onto Erlang 19 * HG-155: Make the release rebar-runnable * HG-155: Fix marshalling to and from msgpack * HG-155: Bump to rbkmoney/woody_erlang@2f264f9 * HG-155: Add forgotten msgpack-thrift protocol * HG-155: Make dialyzer happy again * HG-155: Make repository machine versioned * Migrate legacy history upon machine init * Introduce automaton client to reduce boilerplate * Remove `get_commit` facility as it was unused * HG-155: Add repository dispatcher + add migration tests * HG-155: Move in-memory thrift encoding into dedicated module * HG-155: Use plain thrift binary as it is much simpler to work with * HG-155: Switch back to msgpack-based commit representaion * HG-155: Remove meaningless repair signal handling in favor of simple repair * HG-155: Add forgotten behaviour annotations * HG-155: Mention better approach with a migrating repository backend * HG-155: Make dialyzer happy again * HG-155: Bump to rbkmoney/damsel@d0c4a06, rbkmoney/machinegun@e04e529 * HG-155: Make elvis happy * HG-155: Fix make target and Jenkinsfile
138 lines
4.8 KiB
138 lines
4.8 KiB
%% tests descriptions
-type config() :: [{atom(), term()}].
-define(config(Key, C), (element(2, lists:keyfind(Key, 1, C)))).
-type test_case_name() :: atom().
-type group_name() :: atom().
-spec all() -> [{group, group_name()}].
all() ->
{group, basic_lifecycle_v1},
{group, basic_lifecycle_v2}
-spec groups() -> [{group_name(), list(), [test_case_name()]}].
groups() ->
{basic_lifecycle_v1, [sequence], [{group, basic_lifecycle}]},
{basic_lifecycle_v2, [sequence], [{group, basic_lifecycle}]},
{basic_lifecycle, [sequence, {repeat, 10}, shuffle], [
%% starting/stopping
-spec init_per_suite(config()) -> config().
init_per_suite(C) ->
Apps = genlib_app:start_application_with(lager, [
{async_threshold, 1},
{async_threshold_window, 0},
{error_logger_hwm, 600},
{suppress_application_start_stop, true},
{handlers, [
{lager_common_test_backend, [info, false]}
[{suite_apps, Apps} | C].
-spec end_per_suite(config()) -> term().
end_per_suite(C) ->
genlib_app:stop_unload_applications(?config(suite_apps, C)).
-spec init_per_group(group_name(), config()) -> config().
init_per_group(basic_lifecycle_v1, C) ->
[{group_apps, start_with_repository(dmt_api_repository_v1)} | C];
init_per_group(basic_lifecycle_v2, C) ->
[{group_apps, start_with_repository(dmt_api_repository_v2)} | C];
init_per_group(_, C) ->
start_with_repository(Repository) ->
genlib_app:start_application_with(dmt_api, [
{repository, Repository},
{automaton_service_url, "http://machinegun:8022/v1/automaton"}
-spec end_per_group(group_name(), config()) -> term().
end_per_group(basic_lifecycle_v1, C) ->
genlib_app:stop_unload_applications(?config(group_apps, C));
end_per_group(basic_lifecycle_v2, C) ->
genlib_app:stop_unload_applications(?config(group_apps, C));
end_per_group(_, _C) ->
%% tests
-spec insert(term()) -> term().
insert(_C) ->
ID = next_id(),
Object = fixture_domain_object(ID, <<"InsertFixture">>),
Ref = fixture_object_ref(ID),
#'ObjectNotFound'{} = (catch dmt_client_api:checkout_object({head, #'Head'{}}, Ref)),
#'Snapshot'{version = Version1} = dmt_client_api:checkout({head, #'Head'{}}),
Version2 = dmt_client_api:commit(Version1, #'Commit'{ops = [{insert, #'InsertOp'{object = Object}}]}),
#'VersionedObject'{object = Object} = dmt_client_api:checkout_object({head, #'Head'{}}, Ref),
#'ObjectNotFound'{} = (catch dmt_client_api:checkout_object({version, Version1}, Ref)),
#'VersionedObject'{object = Object} = dmt_client_api:checkout_object({version, Version2}, Ref).
-spec update(term()) -> term().
update(_C) ->
ID = next_id(),
Object1 = fixture_domain_object(ID, <<"UpdateFixture1">>),
Object2 = fixture_domain_object(ID, <<"UpdateFixture2">>),
Ref = fixture_object_ref(ID),
#'Snapshot'{version = Version0} = dmt_client_api:checkout({head, #'Head'{}}),
Version1 = dmt_client_api:commit(Version0, #'Commit'{ops = [{insert, #'InsertOp'{object = Object1}}]}),
Version2 = dmt_client_api:commit(
#'Commit'{ops = [{update, #'UpdateOp'{old_object = Object1, new_object = Object2}}]}
#'VersionedObject'{object = Object1} = dmt_client_api:checkout_object({version, Version1}, Ref),
#'VersionedObject'{object = Object2} = dmt_client_api:checkout_object({version, Version2}, Ref).
-spec delete(term()) -> term().
delete(_C) ->
ID = next_id(),
Object = fixture_domain_object(ID, <<"DeleteFixture">>),
Ref = fixture_object_ref(ID),
#'Snapshot'{version = Version0} = dmt_client_api:checkout({head, #'Head'{}}),
Version1 = dmt_client_api:commit(Version0, #'Commit'{ops = [{insert, #'InsertOp'{object = Object}}]}),
Version2 = dmt_client_api:commit(Version1, #'Commit'{ops = [{remove, #'RemoveOp'{object = Object}}]}),
#'VersionedObject'{object = Object} = dmt_client_api:checkout_object({version, Version1}, Ref),
#'ObjectNotFound'{} = (catch dmt_client_api:checkout_object({version, Version2}, Ref)).
next_id() ->
erlang:system_time(micro_seconds) band 16#7FFFFFFF.
fixture_domain_object(Ref, Data) ->
{category, #domain_CategoryObject{
ref = #domain_CategoryRef{id = Ref},
data = #domain_Category{name = Data, description = Data}
fixture_object_ref(Ref) ->
{category, #domain_CategoryRef{id = Ref}}.