Andrew Mayorov 5bbcf17aaa
OPS-161: Bump to valitydev/damsel@4e82c24 (#22)
Also drop migration code now outdated.

* Add cacheless dmt_api tests
2022-09-14 18:09:41 +03:00

77 lines
2.3 KiB

-type config() :: [{atom(), term()}].
-type test_case_name() :: atom().
-define(CONF(Key, C), (element(2, lists:keyfind(Key, 1, C)))).
-define(REPOSITORY, dmt_api_repository_v5).
-spec all() -> [test_case_name()].
all() ->
% Migration of version 1 events is not testable anymore since
-spec init_per_suite(config()) -> config().
init_per_suite(C) ->
Apps1 = genlib_app:start_application_with(scoper, [
{storage, scoper_storage_logger}
Apps2 = genlib_app:start_application_with(dmt_api, [
{repository, ?REPOSITORY},
% Effectively disable cache altogether so it won't spoil testcase expectations.
% Keep in mind that in production setting this cache will certainly affect migrations'
% visibility.
{max_cache_size, 0},
{services, #{
automaton => #{
url => "http://machinegun:8022/v1/automaton"
Apps3 = genlib_app:start_application_with(dmt_client, [
{max_cache_size, #{
elements => 1,
memory => 102400
{service_urls, #{
'Repository' => <<"http://dominant:8022/v1/domain/repository">>,
'RepositoryClient' => <<"http://dominant:8022/v1/domain/repository_client">>
ok = logger:set_primary_config(level, info),
[{suite_apps, Apps1 ++ Apps2 ++ Apps3} | C].
-spec end_per_suite(config()) -> term().
end_per_suite(C) ->
genlib_app:stop_unload_applications(?CONF(suite_apps, C)).
-spec init_per_testcase(test_case_name(), config()) -> config().
init_per_testcase(Name, C) ->
_ = meck:unload(),
WoodyCtx = woody_context:new(mk_rpc_id(Name)),
[{woody_ctx, WoodyCtx}, {dmt_client_opts, #{woody_context => WoodyCtx}} | C].
mk_rpc_id(Name) ->
TraceID = genlib:format("~s:~p", [Name, erlang:system_time(millisecond)]),
woody_context:new_rpc_id(<<"undefined">>, TraceID, woody_context:new_req_id()).
-spec end_per_testcase(test_case_name(), config()) -> _.
end_per_testcase(_, _) ->