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synced 2024-11-06 09:45:21 +00:00
* added new claims * refactored * added exceptions * added minor * removed unnecessary
673 lines
19 KiB
673 lines
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namespace java dev.vality.damsel.claim_management
namespace erlang dmsl.claimmgmt
include "base.thrift"
include "domain.thrift"
include "msgpack.thrift"
typedef base.ClaimID ClaimID
typedef i64 ModificationID
typedef base.ClaimRevision ClaimRevision
typedef string ContinuationToken
typedef base.ID FileID
typedef base.ID DocumentID
typedef base.ID CommentID
typedef base.ID UserID
typedef base.ID CashRegisterID
typedef base.ID IdentityID
typedef base.ID WalletID
typedef i32 CashRegisterProviderID
typedef string MetadataKey
typedef msgpack.Value MetadataValue
typedef map<MetadataKey, MetadataValue> Metadata
typedef list<ModificationUnit> ClaimChangeset
typedef list<Modification> ModificationChangeset
exception ClaimNotFound {}
exception ModificationNotFound { 1: required i64 modification_id }
exception ModificationWrongType {}
exception PartyNotFound {}
exception InvalidClaimRevision {}
exception BadContinuationToken { 1: string reason }
exception LimitExceeded { 1: string reason }
exception ChangesetConflict { 1: required ClaimID conflicted_id }
union InvalidStatus {
1: domain.Blocking blocking
2: domain.Suspension suspension
union InvalidChangesetReason {
1: InvalidClaimChangesetReason invalid_claim_changeset
2: InvalidPartyChangesetReason invalid_party_changeset
3: InvalidIdentityChangesetReason invalid_identity_changeset
4: InvalidNewWalletChangesetReason invalid_wallet_changeset
// TODO: Fill with claim modification errors
union InvalidClaimChangesetReason{}
// Placeholder type for reasons without additional information
struct InvalidClaimConcreteReason{}
struct InvalidIdentityChangesetReason {
1: required IdentityID id
2: required InvalidIdentityReason reason
union InvalidIdentityReason {
1: InvalidClaimConcreteReason already_exists
2: InvalidClaimConcreteReason provider_not_found
3: InvalidClaimConcreteReason party_inaccessible
struct InvalidNewWalletChangesetReason {
1: required WalletID id
2: required InvalidNewWalletReason reason
union InvalidNewWalletReason {
1: InvalidClaimConcreteReason already_exists
2: InvalidClaimConcreteReason identity_not_found
3: InvalidClaimConcreteReason currency_not_found
4: InvalidClaimConcreteReason currency_not_allowed
5: InvalidClaimConcreteReason party_inaccessible
union InvalidPartyChangesetReason {
1: InvalidContract invalid_contract
2: InvalidShop invalid_shop
3: InvalidWallet invalid_wallet
4: InvalidContractor invalid_contractor
struct InvalidContract {
1: required domain.ContractID id
2: required InvalidContractReason reason
struct InvalidShop {
1: required domain.ShopID id
2: required InvalidShopReason reason
struct InvalidWallet {
1: required domain.WalletID id
2: required InvalidWalletReason reason
struct InvalidContractor {
1: required domain.ContractorID id
2: required InvalidContractorReason reason
union InvalidContractReason {
1: InvalidClaimConcreteReason not_exists
2: InvalidClaimConcreteReason already_exists
3: domain.ContractStatus invalid_status
4: domain.ContractAdjustmentID contract_adjustment_already_exists
5: domain.PayoutToolID payout_tool_not_exists
6: domain.PayoutToolID payout_tool_already_exists
7: InvalidObjectReference invalid_object_reference
8: ContractorNotExists contractor_not_exists
union InvalidShopReason {
1: InvalidClaimConcreteReason not_exists
2: InvalidClaimConcreteReason already_exists
3: InvalidClaimConcreteReason account_not_exists
4: InvalidStatus invalid_status
5: ContractTermsViolated contract_terms_violated
6: InvalidShopPayoutTool payout_tool_invalid
7: InvalidObjectReference invalid_object_reference
union InvalidWalletReason {
1: InvalidClaimConcreteReason not_exists
2: InvalidClaimConcreteReason already_exists
3: InvalidClaimConcreteReason account_not_exists
4: InvalidStatus invalid_status
5: ContractTermsViolated contract_terms_violated
union InvalidContractorReason {
1: InvalidClaimConcreteReason not_exists
2: InvalidClaimConcreteReason already_exists
struct ContractorNotExists {
1: optional domain.ContractorID id
struct ContractTermsViolated {
1: required domain.ContractID contract_id
2: required domain.TermSet terms
union InvalidShopPayoutTool {
1: PayoutToolNotSetForPayouts not_set_for_payouts
2: PayoutToolCurrencyMismatch currency_mismatch
3: PayoutToolNotInContract not_in_contract
struct PayoutToolNotSetForPayouts {
1: required domain.BusinessScheduleRef payout_schedule
struct PayoutToolCurrencyMismatch {
1: required domain.CurrencyRef shop_account_currency
2: required domain.PayoutToolID payout_tool_id
3: required domain.CurrencyRef payout_tool_currency
struct PayoutToolNotInContract {
1: required domain.ContractID contract_id
2: required domain.PayoutToolID payout_tool_id
struct InvalidObjectReference {
1: optional domain.Reference ref
exception InvalidChangeset {
3: optional InvalidChangesetReason reason
2: required ModificationChangeset invalid_changeset
1: optional string reason_legacy
exception InvalidClaimStatus {
1: required ClaimStatus status
exception MetadataKeyNotFound {}
struct UserInfo {
1: required UserID id
2: required string email
3: required string username
4: required UserType type
union UserType {
1: InternalUser internal_user
2: ExternalUser external_user
struct InternalUser {}
struct ExternalUser {}
struct ScheduleChanged {
1: optional domain.BusinessScheduleRef schedule
struct PayoutToolInfoChanged {
1: required domain.PayoutToolID payout_tool_id
2: required domain.PayoutToolInfo info
struct ShopContractChanged {
1: required domain.ContractID contract_id
2: required domain.PayoutToolID payout_tool_id
struct PayoutToolParams {
1: required domain.CurrencyRef currency
2: required domain.PayoutToolInfo tool_info
struct ContractParams {
1: optional domain.ContractorID contractor_id
2: optional domain.ContractTemplateRef template
3: optional domain.PaymentInstitutionRef payment_institution
struct ShopModificationUnit {
1: required domain.ShopID id
2: required ShopModification modification
struct ShopContractModification {
1: required domain.ContractID contract_id
2: required domain.PayoutToolID payout_tool_id
struct ScheduleModification {
1: optional domain.BusinessScheduleRef schedule
struct ShopAccountParams {
1: required domain.CurrencyRef currency
union ShopModification {
1: ShopParams creation
2: domain.CategoryRef category_modification
3: domain.ShopDetails details_modification
4: ShopContractModification contract_modification
5: domain.PayoutToolID payout_tool_modification
6: domain.ShopLocation location_modification
7: ShopAccountParams shop_account_creation
8: ScheduleModification payout_schedule_modification
9: CashRegisterModificationUnit cash_register_modification_unit
struct ShopParams {
1: required domain.CategoryRef category
2: required domain.ShopLocation location
3: required domain.ShopDetails details
4: required domain.ContractID contract_id
5: required domain.PayoutToolID payout_tool_id
struct CashRegisterModificationUnit {
1: required CashRegisterID id
2: required CashRegisterModification modification
union CashRegisterModification {
1: CashRegisterParams creation
struct CashRegisterParams {
1: required CashRegisterProviderID cash_register_provider_id
2: required base.StringMap cash_register_provider_params
struct ContractorModificationUnit {
1: required domain.ContractorID id
2: required ContractorModification modification
union ContractorModification {
1: domain.Contractor creation
2: domain.ContractorIdentificationLevel identification_level_modification
struct ContractModificationUnit {
1: required domain.ContractID id
2: required ContractModification modification
union ContractModification {
1: ContractParams creation
2: ContractTermination termination
3: ContractAdjustmentModificationUnit adjustment_modification
4: PayoutToolModificationUnit payout_tool_modification
5: domain.LegalAgreement legal_agreement_binding
6: domain.ReportPreferences report_preferences_modification
7: domain.ContractorID contractor_modification
struct ContractTermination {
1: optional string reason
struct ContractAdjustmentModificationUnit {
1: required domain.ContractAdjustmentID adjustment_id
2: required ContractAdjustmentModification modification
struct ContractAdjustmentParams {
1: required domain.ContractTemplateRef template
union ContractAdjustmentModification {
1: ContractAdjustmentParams creation
struct PayoutToolModificationUnit {
1: required domain.PayoutToolID payout_tool_id
2: required PayoutToolModification modification
union PayoutToolModification {
1: PayoutToolParams creation
2: domain.PayoutToolInfo info_modification
struct WalletModificationUnit {
1: required domain.WalletID id
2: required WalletModification modification
union WalletModification {
1: WalletParams creation
2: WalletAccountParams account_creation
struct WalletParams {
1: optional string name
2: required domain.ContractID contract_id
struct WalletAccountParams {
1: required domain.CurrencyRef currency
union DocumentModification {
1: DocumentCreated creation
2: DocumentChanged changed
struct DocumentCreated {}
struct DocumentChanged {}
struct DocumentModificationUnit {
1: required DocumentID id
2: required DocumentModification modification
3: optional domain.DocumentTypeRef type
union FileModification {
1: FileCreated creation
2: FileDeleted deletion
3: FileChanged changed
struct FileCreated {}
struct FileDeleted {}
struct FileChanged {}
struct FileModificationUnit {
1: required FileID id
2: required FileModification modification
union CommentModification {
1: CommentCreated creation
2: CommentDeleted deletion
3: CommentChanged changed
struct CommentCreated {}
struct CommentDeleted {}
struct CommentChanged {}
struct CommentModificationUnit {
1: required CommentID id
2: required CommentModification modification
struct StatusChanged {}
union StatusModification {
1: StatusChanged change
struct StatusModificationUnit {
1: required ClaimStatus status
2: required StatusModification modification
struct ExternalInfoModificationUnit {
1: required DocumentID document_id
2: optional DocumentID roistat_id
union ClaimModification {
1: DocumentModificationUnit document_modification
2: FileModificationUnit file_modification
3: CommentModificationUnit comment_modification
4: StatusModificationUnit status_modification
5: ExternalInfoModificationUnit external_info_modification
union PartyModification {
1: ContractorModificationUnit contractor_modification
2: ContractModificationUnit contract_modification
3: ShopModificationUnit shop_modification
4: WalletModificationUnit wallet_modification
struct IdentityModificationUnit {
1: required IdentityID id
2: required IdentityModification modification
union IdentityModification {
1: IdentityParams creation
struct NewWalletModificationUnit {
1: required WalletID id
2: required NewWalletModification modification
union NewWalletModification {
1: NewWalletParams creation
union PartyModificationChange {
1: ContractorModificationUnit contractor_modification
2: ContractModificationUnit contract_modification
3: ShopModificationUnit shop_modification
union ClaimModificationChange {
1: DocumentModificationUnit document_modification
2: FileModificationUnit file_modification
3: CommentModificationUnit comment_modification
struct IdentityParams {
1: required domain.PartyID party_id
2: required string name
3: required string provider
4: optional Metadata metadata
struct NewWalletParams {
1: required IdentityID identity_id
2: required string name
3: required domain.CurrencyRef currency
4: optional Metadata metadata
struct ModificationUnit {
1: required ModificationID modification_id
2: required base.Timestamp created_at
3: required Modification modification
4: required UserInfo user_info
5: optional base.Timestamp changed_at
6: optional base.Timestamp removed_at
union Modification {
1: PartyModification party_modification
2: ClaimModification claim_modification
3: IdentityModificationUnit identity_modification
4: NewWalletModificationUnit wallet_modification
union ModificationChange {
1: PartyModificationChange party_modification
2: ClaimModificationChange claim_modification
3: IdentityModificationUnit identity_modification
4: NewWalletModificationUnit wallet_modification
struct Claim {
1: required ClaimID id
8: required domain.PartyID party_id
2: required ClaimStatus status
3: required ClaimChangeset changeset
4: required ClaimRevision revision
5: required base.Timestamp created_at
6: optional base.Timestamp updated_at
7: optional Metadata metadata
union ClaimStatus {
1: ClaimPending pending
2: ClaimReview review
3: ClaimPendingAcceptance pending_acceptance
4: ClaimAccepted accepted
5: ClaimDenied denied
6: ClaimRevoked revoked
struct ClaimPending {}
struct ClaimReview {}
struct ClaimPendingAcceptance {}
struct ClaimAccepted {}
struct ClaimDenied {
1: optional string reason
struct ClaimRevoked {
1: optional string reason
struct ClaimSearchQuery {
1: optional domain.PartyID party_id
5: optional ClaimID claim_id
2: optional list<ClaimStatus> statuses
6: optional string email
3: optional ContinuationToken continuation_token
4: required i32 limit
struct ClaimSearchResponse {
1: required list<Claim> result
2: optional ContinuationToken continuation_token
struct Event {
1: required base.Timestamp occured_at
2: required Change change
3: optional UserInfo user_info
union Change {
1: ClaimCreated created
2: ClaimUpdated updated
3: ClaimStatusChanged status_changed
struct ClaimCreated {
1: required domain.PartyID party_id
2: required ClaimID id
3: required ModificationChangeset changeset
4: required ClaimRevision revision
5: required base.Timestamp created_at
struct ClaimUpdated {
1: required domain.PartyID party_id
2: required ClaimID id
3: required ModificationChangeset changeset
4: required ClaimRevision revision
5: required base.Timestamp updated_at
struct ClaimStatusChanged {
1: required domain.PartyID party_id
2: required ClaimID id
3: required ClaimStatus status
4: required ClaimRevision revision
5: required base.Timestamp updated_at
service ClaimManagement {
Claim CreateClaim (1: domain.PartyID party_id, 2: ModificationChangeset changeset)
throws (1: InvalidChangeset ex1)
Claim GetClaim (1: domain.PartyID party_id, 2: ClaimID id)
throws (1: ClaimNotFound ex1)
ClaimSearchResponse SearchClaims (1: ClaimSearchQuery claim_request)
throws (1: LimitExceeded ex1, 2: BadContinuationToken ex2)
void AcceptClaim (1: domain.PartyID party_id, 2: ClaimID id, 3: ClaimRevision revision)
throws (
1: ClaimNotFound ex1,
2: InvalidClaimStatus ex2,
3: InvalidClaimRevision ex3
void UpdateClaim (1: domain.PartyID party_id, 2: ClaimID id, 3: ClaimRevision revision, 4: ModificationChangeset changeset)
throws (
1: ClaimNotFound ex1,
2: InvalidClaimStatus ex2,
3: InvalidClaimRevision ex3,
4: ChangesetConflict ex4,
5: InvalidChangeset ex5
void UpdateModification(
1: domain.PartyID party_id,
2: ClaimID id,
3: ClaimRevision revision,
4: ModificationID modification_id,
5: ModificationChange modification_change)
throws (
1: ModificationNotFound ex1,
2: ModificationWrongType ex2
void RemoveModification(
1: domain.PartyID party_id,
2: ClaimID id,
3: ClaimRevision revision,
4: ModificationID modification_id)
throws (
1: ModificationNotFound ex1,
2: ModificationWrongType ex2
void RequestClaimReview(1: domain.PartyID party_id, 2: ClaimID id, 3: ClaimRevision revision)
throws (
1: ClaimNotFound ex1,
2: InvalidClaimStatus ex2,
3: InvalidClaimRevision ex3
void RequestClaimChanges(1: domain.PartyID party_id, 2: ClaimID id, 3: ClaimRevision revision)
throws (
1: ClaimNotFound ex1,
2: InvalidClaimStatus ex2,
3: InvalidClaimRevision ex3
void DenyClaim (1: domain.PartyID party_id, 2: ClaimID id, 3: ClaimRevision revision, 4: string reason)
throws (
1: ClaimNotFound ex1,
2: InvalidClaimStatus ex2,
3: InvalidClaimRevision ex3
void RevokeClaim (1: domain.PartyID party_id, 2: ClaimID id, 3: ClaimRevision revision, 4: string reason)
throws (
1: ClaimNotFound ex1,
2: InvalidClaimStatus ex2,
3: InvalidClaimRevision ex3
MetadataValue GetMetadata (1: domain.PartyID party_id, 2: ClaimID id, 3: MetadataKey key)
throws (1: ClaimNotFound ex1, 2: MetadataKeyNotFound ex2)
void SetMetadata (1: domain.PartyID party_id, 2: ClaimID id, 3: MetadataKey key, 4: MetadataValue value)
throws (1: ClaimNotFound ex1)
void RemoveMetadata (1: domain.PartyID party_id, 2: ClaimID id, 3: MetadataKey key)
throws (1: ClaimNotFound ex1)
service ClaimCommitter {
void Accept (1: domain.PartyID party_id, 2: Claim claim)
throws (
1: PartyNotFound ex1,
2: InvalidChangeset ex2
void Commit (1: domain.PartyID party_id, 2: Claim claim)