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synced 2024-11-07 02:05:18 +00:00
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2066 lines
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* Определения предметной области.
include "base.thrift"
include "msgpack.thrift"
include "json.thrift"
namespace java com.rbkmoney.damsel.domain
namespace erlang domain
typedef i64 DataRevision
typedef i32 ObjectID
typedef json.Value Metadata
/* Common */
/** Контактная информация. **/
struct ContactInfo {
1: optional string phone_number
2: optional string email
union OperationFailure {
1: OperationTimeout operation_timeout
2: Failure failure
struct OperationTimeout {}
* "Динамическое" представление ошибки,
* должно использоваться только для передачи,
* для интерпретации нужно использовать конвертацию в типизированный вид.
* Если при попытке интерпретировать код через типизированный вид происходит ошибка (нет такого типа),
* то это означает, что ошибка неизвестна, и такую ситуацию нужно уметь обрабатывать
* (например просто отдать неизветсную ошибку наверх).
* Старые ошибки совместимы с новыми и будут читаться.
* Структура осталась та же, только поле description переименовалось в reason,
* и добавилось поле sub.
* В результате для старых ошибок description будет в reason, а в code будет код ошибки
* (который будет интропретирован как неизвестная ошибка).
struct Failure {
1: required FailureCode code;
2: optional FailureReason reason;
3: optional SubFailure sub;
typedef string FailureCode;
typedef string FailureReason; // причина возникшей ошибки и пояснение откуда она взялась
// возможность делать коды ошибок иерархическими
struct SubFailure {
1: required FailureCode code;
2: optional SubFailure sub;
/** Сумма в минимальных денежных единицах. */
typedef i64 Amount
/** Номер счёта. */
typedef i64 AccountID
/** Денежные средства, состоящие из суммы и валюты. */
struct Cash {
1: required Amount amount
2: required CurrencyRef currency
/* Contractor transactions */
struct TransactionInfo {
1: required string id
2: optional base.Timestamp timestamp
3: required base.StringMap extra
/* Invoices */
typedef base.ID InvoiceID
typedef base.ID InvoicePaymentID
typedef base.ID InvoicePaymentRefundID
typedef base.ID InvoicePaymentAdjustmentID
typedef base.Content InvoiceContext
typedef base.Content InvoicePaymentContext
typedef string PaymentSessionID
typedef string Fingerprint
typedef string IPAddress
struct Invoice {
1 : required InvoiceID id
2 : required PartyID owner_id
13: optional PartyRevision party_revision
3 : required ShopID shop_id
4 : required base.Timestamp created_at
6 : required InvoiceStatus status
7 : required InvoiceDetails details
8 : required base.Timestamp due
10: required Cash cost
11: optional InvoiceContext context
12: optional InvoiceTemplateID template_id
struct InvoiceDetails {
1: required string product
2: optional string description
3: optional InvoiceCart cart
struct InvoiceCart {
1: required list<InvoiceLine> lines
struct InvoiceLine {
1: required string product
2: required i32 quantity
3: required Cash price
/* Taxes and other stuff goes here */
4: required map<string, msgpack.Value> metadata
struct InvoiceUnpaid {}
struct InvoicePaid {}
struct InvoiceCancelled { 1: required string details }
struct InvoiceFulfilled { 1: required string details }
union InvoiceStatus {
1: InvoiceUnpaid unpaid
2: InvoicePaid paid
3: InvoiceCancelled cancelled
4: InvoiceFulfilled fulfilled
struct InvoicePayment {
1: required InvoicePaymentID id
2: required base.Timestamp created_at
10: required DataRevision domain_revision
16: optional PartyID owner_id
17: optional ShopID shop_id
15: optional PartyRevision party_revision
3: required InvoicePaymentStatus status
14: required Payer payer
8: required Cash cost
13: required InvoicePaymentFlow flow
18: optional bool make_recurrent
6: optional InvoicePaymentContext context
struct InvoicePaymentPending {}
struct InvoicePaymentProcessed {}
struct InvoicePaymentCaptured { 1: optional string reason }
struct InvoicePaymentCancelled { 1: optional string reason }
struct InvoicePaymentRefunded {}
struct InvoicePaymentFailed { 1: required OperationFailure failure }
* Шаблон инвойса.
* Согласно https://github.com/rbkmoney/coredocs/blob/0a5ae1a79f977be3134c3b22028631da5225d407/docs/domain/entities/invoice.md#шаблон-инвойса
typedef base.ID InvoiceTemplateID
struct InvoiceTemplate {
1: required InvoiceTemplateID id
2: required PartyID owner_id
3: required ShopID shop_id
5: required LifetimeInterval invoice_lifetime
9: required string product # for backward compatibility
10: optional string description
8: required InvoiceTemplateDetails details
7: optional InvoiceContext context
union InvoiceTemplateDetails {
1: InvoiceCart cart
2: InvoiceTemplateProduct product
struct InvoiceTemplateProduct {
1: required string product
2: required InvoiceTemplateProductPrice price
3: required map<string, msgpack.Value> metadata
union InvoiceTemplateProductPrice {
1: Cash fixed
2: CashRange range
3: InvoiceTemplateCostUnlimited unlim
struct InvoiceTemplateCostUnlimited {}
* Статус платежа.
union InvoicePaymentStatus {
1: InvoicePaymentPending pending
4: InvoicePaymentProcessed processed
2: InvoicePaymentCaptured captured
5: InvoicePaymentCancelled cancelled
6: InvoicePaymentRefunded refunded
3: InvoicePaymentFailed failed
* Целевое значение статуса платежа.
union TargetInvoicePaymentStatus {
* Платёж обработан.
* При достижении платежом этого статуса процессинг должен обладать:
* - фактом того, что провайдер _по крайней мере_ авторизовал списание денежных средств в
* пользу системы;
* - данными транзакции провайдера.
1: InvoicePaymentProcessed processed
* Платёж подтверждён.
* При достижении платежом этого статуса процессинг должен быть уверен в том, что провайдер
* _по крайней мере_ подтвердил финансовые обязательства перед системой.
2: InvoicePaymentCaptured captured
* Платёж отменён.
* При достижении платежом этого статуса процессинг должен быть уверен в том, что провайдер
* аннулировал неподтверждённое списание денежных средств.
* В случае, если в рамках сессии проведения платежа провайдер авторизовал, но _ещё не
* подтвердил_ списание средств, эта цель является обратной цели `processed`. В ином случае
* эта цель недостижима, и взаимодействие в рамках сессии должно завершится с ошибкой.
3: InvoicePaymentCancelled cancelled
* Платёж возвращён.
* При достижении платежом этого статуса процессинг должен быть уверен в том, что провайдер
* возвратил денежные средства плательщику, потраченные им в ходе подтверждённого списания.
* Если эта цель недостижима, взаимодействие в рамках сессии должно завершится с ошибкой.
4: InvoicePaymentRefunded refunded
union Payer {
1: PaymentResourcePayer payment_resource
2: CustomerPayer customer
3: RecurrentPayer recurrent
struct PaymentResourcePayer {
1: required DisposablePaymentResource resource
2: required ContactInfo contact_info
struct CustomerPayer {
1: required CustomerID customer_id
2: required CustomerBindingID customer_binding_id
3: required RecurrentPaymentToolID rec_payment_tool_id
4: required PaymentTool payment_tool
5: required ContactInfo contact_info
struct RecurrentPayer {
1: required PaymentTool payment_tool
2: required RecurrentParentPayment recurrent_parent
3: required ContactInfo contact_info
struct ClientInfo {
1: optional IPAddress ip_address
2: optional Fingerprint fingerprint
struct PaymentRoute {
1: required ProviderRef provider
2: required TerminalRef terminal
struct RecurrentParentPayment {
1: required InvoiceID invoice_id
2: required InvoicePaymentID payment_id
/* Adjustments */
struct InvoicePaymentAdjustment {
1: required InvoicePaymentAdjustmentID id
2: required InvoicePaymentAdjustmentStatus status
3: required base.Timestamp created_at
4: required DataRevision domain_revision
5: required string reason
6: required FinalCashFlow new_cash_flow
7: required FinalCashFlow old_cash_flow_inverse
8: optional PartyRevision party_revision
struct InvoicePaymentAdjustmentPending {}
struct InvoicePaymentAdjustmentCaptured { 1: required base.Timestamp at }
struct InvoicePaymentAdjustmentCancelled { 1: required base.Timestamp at }
union InvoicePaymentAdjustmentStatus {
1: InvoicePaymentAdjustmentPending pending
2: InvoicePaymentAdjustmentCaptured captured
3: InvoicePaymentAdjustmentCancelled cancelled
* Процесс выполнения платежа.
union InvoicePaymentFlow {
1: InvoicePaymentFlowInstant instant
2: InvoicePaymentFlowHold hold
struct InvoicePaymentFlowInstant {}
struct InvoicePaymentFlowHold {
1: required OnHoldExpiration on_hold_expiration
2: required base.Timestamp held_until
enum OnHoldExpiration {
/* Refunds */
struct InvoicePaymentRefund {
1: required InvoicePaymentRefundID id
2: required InvoicePaymentRefundStatus status
3: required base.Timestamp created_at
4: required DataRevision domain_revision
7: optional PartyRevision party_revision
6: optional Cash cash
5: optional string reason
union InvoicePaymentRefundStatus {
1: InvoicePaymentRefundPending pending
2: InvoicePaymentRefundSucceeded succeeded
3: InvoicePaymentRefundFailed failed
struct InvoicePaymentRefundPending {}
struct InvoicePaymentRefundSucceeded {}
struct InvoicePaymentRefundFailed {
1: required OperationFailure failure
/* Blocking and suspension */
union Blocking {
1: Unblocked unblocked
2: Blocked blocked
struct Unblocked {
1: required string reason
2: required base.Timestamp since
struct Blocked {
1: required string reason
2: required base.Timestamp since
union Suspension {
1: Active active
2: Suspended suspended
struct Active {
1: required base.Timestamp since
struct Suspended {
1: required base.Timestamp since
/* Parties */
typedef base.ID PartyID
typedef i64 PartyRevision
typedef string PartyMetaNamespace
typedef msgpack.Value PartyMetaData
typedef map<PartyMetaNamespace, PartyMetaData> PartyMeta
/** Участник. */
struct Party {
1: required PartyID id
7: required PartyContactInfo contact_info
8: required base.Timestamp created_at
2: required Blocking blocking
3: required Suspension suspension
9: required map<ContractorID, PartyContractor> contractors
4: required map<ContractID, Contract> contracts
5: required map<ShopID, Shop> shops
10: required map<WalletID, Wallet> wallets
6: required PartyRevision revision
struct PartyContactInfo {
1: required string email
/* Shops */
typedef base.ID ShopID
/** Магазин мерчанта. */
struct Shop {
1: required ShopID id
11: required base.Timestamp created_at
2: required Blocking blocking
3: required Suspension suspension
4: required ShopDetails details
10: required ShopLocation location
5: required CategoryRef category
6: optional ShopAccount account
7: required ContractID contract_id
8: optional PayoutToolID payout_tool_id
12: optional BusinessScheduleRef payout_schedule
struct ShopAccount {
1: required CurrencyRef currency
2: required AccountID settlement
3: required AccountID guarantee
/* Аккаунт на который выводятся деньги из системы */
4: required AccountID payout
struct ShopDetails {
1: required string name
2: optional string description
union ShopLocation {
1: string url
/** RBKM Wallets **/
typedef base.ID WalletID
struct Wallet {
1: required WalletID id
2: optional string name
3: required base.Timestamp created_at
4: required Blocking blocking
5: required Suspension suspension
6: required ContractID contract
7: optional WalletAccount account
struct WalletAccount {
1: required CurrencyRef currency
2: required AccountID settlement
// ?????
3: required AccountID payout
/* Инспекция платежа */
enum RiskScore {
low = 1
high = 100
fatal = 9999
/* Contracts */
typedef base.ID ContractorID
typedef base.Opaque IdentityDocumentToken
struct PartyContractor {
1: required ContractorID id
2: required Contractor contractor
3: required ContractorIdentificationLevel status
4: required list<IdentityDocumentToken> identity_documents
/** Лицо, выступающее стороной договора. */
union Contractor {
2: RegisteredUser registered_user
1: LegalEntity legal_entity
3: PrivateEntity private_entity
struct RegisteredUser {
1: required string email
union LegalEntity {
1: RussianLegalEntity russian_legal_entity
2: InternationalLegalEntity international_legal_entity
// TODO refactor with RepresentativePerson
/** Юридическое лицо-резидент РФ */
struct RussianLegalEntity {
/* Наименование */
1: required string registered_name
/* ОГРН */
2: required string registered_number
/* ИНН/КПП */
3: required string inn
/* Адрес места нахождения */
4: required string actual_address
/* Адрес для отправки корреспонденции (почтовый) */
5: required string post_address
/* Наименование должности ЕИО/представителя */
6: required string representative_position
/* ФИО ЕИО/представителя */
7: required string representative_full_name
/* Наименование документа, на основании которого действует ЕИО/представитель */
8: required string representative_document
/* Реквизиты юр.лица */
9: required RussianBankAccount russian_bank_account
struct InternationalLegalEntity {
/* Наименование */
1: required string legal_name
/* Торговое наименование (если применимо) */
2: optional string trading_name
/* Адрес места регистрации */
3: required string registered_address
/* Адрес места нахождения (если отличается от регистрации)*/
4: optional string actual_address
/* Регистрационный номер */
5: optional string registered_number
enum ContractorIdentificationLevel {
none = 100
partial = 200
full = 300
/** Банковский счёт. */
struct RussianBankAccount {
1: required string account
2: required string bank_name
3: required string bank_post_account
4: required string bank_bik
struct InternationalBankAccount {
// common
6: optional string number
7: optional InternationalBankDetails bank
8: optional InternationalBankAccount correspondent_account
// sources
4: optional string iban // International Bank Account Number (ISO 13616)
// deprecated
1: optional string account_holder // we have `InternationalLegalEntity.legal_name` for that purpose
struct InternationalBankDetails {
// common
1: optional string bic // Business Identifier Code (ISO 9362)
2: optional Residence country
3: optional string name
4: optional string address
// sources
5: optional string aba_rtn // ABA Routing Transit Number
struct WalletInfo {
1: required WalletID wallet_id
union PrivateEntity {
1: RussianPrivateEntity russian_private_entity
struct RussianPrivateEntity {
1: required string first_name
2: required string second_name
3: required string middle_name
4: required ContactInfo contact_info
typedef base.ID PayoutToolID
struct PayoutTool {
1: required PayoutToolID id
4: required base.Timestamp created_at
2: required CurrencyRef currency
3: required PayoutToolInfo payout_tool_info
union PayoutToolInfo {
1: RussianBankAccount russian_bank_account
2: InternationalBankAccount international_bank_account
3: WalletInfo wallet_info
typedef base.ID ContractID
/** Договор */
struct Contract {
1: required ContractID id
14: optional ContractorID contractor_id
12: optional PaymentInstitutionRef payment_institution
11: required base.Timestamp created_at
4: optional base.Timestamp valid_since
5: optional base.Timestamp valid_until
6: required ContractStatus status
7: required TermSetHierarchyRef terms
8: required list<ContractAdjustment> adjustments
// TODO think about it
// looks like payout tools are a bit off here,
// maybe they should be directly in party
9: required list<PayoutTool> payout_tools
10: optional LegalAgreement legal_agreement
13: optional ReportPreferences report_preferences
// deprecated
3: optional Contractor contractor
/** Юридическое соглашение */
struct LegalAgreement {
1: required base.Timestamp signed_at
2: required string legal_agreement_id
3: optional base.Timestamp valid_until
struct ReportPreferences {
1: optional ServiceAcceptanceActPreferences service_acceptance_act_preferences
struct ServiceAcceptanceActPreferences {
1: required BusinessScheduleRef schedule
2: required Representative signer
struct Representative {
/* Наименование должности ЕИО/представителя */
1: required string position
/* ФИО ЕИО/представителя */
2: required string full_name
/* Документ, на основании которого действует ЕИО/представитель */
3: required RepresentativeDocument document
union RepresentativeDocument {
1: ArticlesOfAssociation articles_of_association // устав
2: LegalAgreement power_of_attorney // доверенность
struct ArticlesOfAssociation {}
union ContractStatus {
1: ContractActive active
2: ContractTerminated terminated
3: ContractExpired expired
struct ContractActive {}
struct ContractTerminated { 1: required base.Timestamp terminated_at }
struct ContractExpired {}
/* Categories */
struct CategoryRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
enum CategoryType {
/** Категория продаваемых товаров или услуг. */
struct Category {
1: required string name
2: required string description
3: optional CategoryType type = CategoryType.test
struct ContractTemplateRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
/** Шаблон договора или поправки **/
struct ContractTemplate {
4: optional string name
5: optional string description
1: optional Lifetime valid_since
2: optional Lifetime valid_until
3: required TermSetHierarchyRef terms
union Lifetime {
1: base.Timestamp timestamp
2: LifetimeInterval interval
struct LifetimeInterval {
1: optional i16 years
2: optional i16 months
3: optional i16 days
union ContractTemplateSelector {
1: list<ContractTemplateDecision> decisions
2: ContractTemplateRef value
struct ContractTemplateDecision {
1: required Predicate if_
2: required ContractTemplateSelector then_
/** Поправки к договору **/
typedef base.ID ContractAdjustmentID
struct ContractAdjustment {
1: required ContractAdjustmentID id
5: required base.Timestamp created_at
2: optional base.Timestamp valid_since
3: optional base.Timestamp valid_until
4: required TermSetHierarchyRef terms
/** Условия **/
// Service
// Payments
// Regular
// Held
// Recurring
// ...
// Payouts
// ...
struct TermSet {
1: optional PaymentsServiceTerms payments
2: optional RecurrentPaytoolsServiceTerms recurrent_paytools
3: optional PayoutsServiceTerms payouts
4: optional ReportsServiceTerms reports
5: optional WalletServiceTerms wallets
struct TimedTermSet {
1: required base.TimestampInterval action_time
2: required TermSet terms
struct TermSetHierarchy {
3: optional string name
4: optional string description
1: optional TermSetHierarchyRef parent_terms
2: required list<TimedTermSet> term_sets
struct TermSetHierarchyRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
/* Payments service terms */
struct PaymentsServiceTerms {
/* Shop level */
// TODO It looks like you belong to the better place, something they call `AccountsServiceTerms`.
1: optional CurrencySelector currencies
2: optional CategorySelector categories
/* Invoice level*/
4: optional PaymentMethodSelector payment_methods
5: optional CashLimitSelector cash_limit
/* Payment level */
6: optional CashFlowSelector fees
9: optional PaymentHoldsServiceTerms holds
8: optional PaymentRefundsServiceTerms refunds
struct PaymentHoldsServiceTerms {
1: optional PaymentMethodSelector payment_methods
2: optional HoldLifetimeSelector lifetime
struct PaymentRefundsServiceTerms {
1: optional PaymentMethodSelector payment_methods
2: optional CashFlowSelector fees
3: optional TimeSpanSelector eligibility_time
4: optional PartialRefundsServiceTerms partial_refunds
struct PartialRefundsServiceTerms {
1: optional CashLimitSelector cash_limit
/* Recurrent payment tools service terms */
struct RecurrentPaytoolsServiceTerms {
1: optional PaymentMethodSelector payment_methods
/* Payouts service terms */
struct PayoutsServiceTerms {
/* Payout schedule level */
4: optional BusinessScheduleSelector payout_schedules
/* Payout level */
1: optional PayoutMethodSelector payout_methods
2: optional CashLimitSelector cash_limit
3: optional CashFlowSelector fees
// legacy
struct PayoutCompilationPolicy {
1: required base.TimeSpan assets_freeze_for
/** Wallets service terms **/
struct WalletServiceTerms {
1: optional CurrencySelector currencies
2: optional CashLimitSelector wallet_limit
3: optional CumulativeLimitSelector turnover_limit
4: optional WithdrawalServiceTerms withdrawals
union CumulativeLimitSelector {
1: list<CumulativeLimitDecision> decisions
2: set<CumulativeLimit> value
struct CumulativeLimitDecision {
1: required Predicate if_
2: required CumulativeLimitSelector then_
// TODO think about abstracting period & cash to some union of diferend metrics & bounds
struct CumulativeLimit {
1: required CumulativeLimitPeriod period
2: required CashRange cash
enum CumulativeLimitPeriod {
/** Withdrawal service terms **/
struct WithdrawalServiceTerms {
1: optional CurrencySelector currencies
2: optional CashLimitSelector cash_limit
3: optional CashFlowSelector cash_flow
/* Payout methods */
enum PayoutMethod {
struct PayoutMethodRef { 1: required PayoutMethod id }
/** Способ вывода, категория средства вывода. */
struct PayoutMethodDefinition {
1: required string name
2: required string description
union PayoutMethodSelector {
1: list<PayoutMethodDecision> decisions
2: set<PayoutMethodRef> value
struct PayoutMethodDecision {
1: required Predicate if_
2: required PayoutMethodSelector then_
/* Reports service terms */
struct ReportsServiceTerms {
1: optional ServiceAcceptanceActsTerms acts
/* Service Acceptance Acts (Акты об оказании услуг) */
struct ServiceAcceptanceActsTerms {
1: optional BusinessScheduleSelector schedules
/* Currencies */
/** Символьный код, уникально идентифицирующий валюту. */
typedef string CurrencySymbolicCode
struct CurrencyRef { 1: required CurrencySymbolicCode symbolic_code }
/** Валюта. */
struct Currency {
1: required string name
2: required CurrencySymbolicCode symbolic_code
3: required i16 numeric_code
4: required i16 exponent
union CurrencySelector {
1: list<CurrencyDecision> decisions
2: set<CurrencyRef> value
struct CurrencyDecision {
1: required Predicate if_
2: required CurrencySelector then_
/* Категории */
union CategorySelector {
1: list<CategoryDecision> decisions
2: set<CategoryRef> value
struct CategoryDecision {
1: required Predicate if_
2: required CategorySelector then_
/* Резиденция */
// Для обозначения спользуется alpha-3 код по стандарту ISO_3166-1
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-3
enum Residence {
ABH /*Abkhazia*/
AUS /*Australia*/
AUT /*Austria*/
AZE /*Azerbaijan*/
ALB /*Albania*/
DZA /*Algeria*/
ASM /*American Samoa*/
AIA /*Anguilla*/
AGO /*Angola*/
AND /*Andorra*/
ATA /*Antarctica*/
ATG /*Antigua and Barbuda*/
ARG /*Argentina*/
ARM /*Armenia*/
ABW /*Aruba*/
AFG /*Afghanistan*/
BHS /*Bahamas*/
BGD /*Bangladesh*/
BRB /*Barbados*/
BHR /*Bahrain*/
BLR /*Belarus*/
BLZ /*Belize*/
BEL /*Belgium*/
BEN /*Benin*/
BMU /*Bermuda*/
BGR /*Bulgaria*/
BOL /*Bolivia, plurinational state of*/
BES /*Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba*/
BIH /*Bosnia and Herzegovina*/
BWA /*Botswana*/
BRA /*Brazil*/
IOT /*British Indian Ocean Territory*/
BRN /*Brunei Darussalam*/
BFA /*Burkina Faso*/
BDI /*Burundi*/
BTN /*Bhutan*/
VUT /*Vanuatu*/
HUN /*Hungary*/
VEN /*Venezuela*/
VGB /*Virgin Islands, British*/
VIR /*Virgin Islands, U.S.*/
VNM /*Vietnam*/
GAB /*Gabon*/
HTI /*Haiti*/
GUY /*Guyana*/
GMB /*Gambia*/
GHA /*Ghana*/
GLP /*Guadeloupe*/
GTM /*Guatemala*/
GIN /*Guinea*/
GNB /*Guinea-Bissau*/
DEU /*Germany*/
GGY /*Guernsey*/
GIB /*Gibraltar*/
HND /*Honduras*/
HKG /*Hong Kong*/
GRD /*Grenada*/
GRL /*Greenland*/
GRC /*Greece*/
GEO /*Georgia*/
GUM /*Guam*/
DNK /*Denmark*/
JEY /*Jersey*/
DJI /*Djibouti*/
DMA /*Dominica*/
DOM /*Dominican Republic*/
EGY /*Egypt*/
ZMB /*Zambia*/
ESH /*Western Sahara*/
ZWE /*Zimbabwe*/
ISR /*Israel*/
IND /*India*/
IDN /*Indonesia*/
JOR /*Jordan*/
IRQ /*Iraq*/
IRN /*Iran, Islamic Republic of*/
IRL /*Ireland*/
ISL /*Iceland*/
ESP /*Spain*/
ITA /*Italy*/
YEM /*Yemen*/
CPV /*Cape Verde*/
KAZ /*Kazakhstan*/
KHM /*Cambodia*/
CMR /*Cameroon*/
CAN /*Canada*/
QAT /*Qatar*/
KEN /*Kenya*/
CYP /*Cyprus*/
KGZ /*Kyrgyzstan*/
KIR /*Kiribati*/
CHN /*China*/
CCK /*Cocos (Keeling) Islands*/
COL /*Colombia*/
COM /*Comoros*/
COG /*Congo*/
COD /*Congo, Democratic Republic of the*/
PRK /*Korea, Democratic People's republic of*/
KOR /*Korea, Republic of*/
CRI /*Costa Rica*/
CIV /*Cote d'Ivoire*/
CUB /*Cuba*/
KWT /*Kuwait*/
CUW /*Curaçao*/
LAO /*Lao People's Democratic Republic*/
LVA /*Latvia*/
LSO /*Lesotho*/
LBN /*Lebanon*/
LBY /*Libyan Arab Jamahiriya*/
LBR /*Liberia*/
LIE /*Liechtenstein*/
LTU /*Lithuania*/
LUX /*Luxembourg*/
MUS /*Mauritius*/
MRT /*Mauritania*/
MDG /*Madagascar*/
MYT /*Mayotte*/
MAC /*Macao*/
MWI /*Malawi*/
MYS /*Malaysia*/
MLI /*Mali*/
UMI /*United States Minor Outlying Islands*/
MDV /*Maldives*/
MLT /*Malta*/
MAR /*Morocco*/
MTQ /*Martinique*/
MHL /*Marshall Islands*/
MEX /*Mexico*/
FSM /*Micronesia, Federated States of*/
MOZ /*Mozambique*/
MDA /*Moldova*/
MCO /*Monaco*/
MNG /*Mongolia*/
MSR /*Montserrat*/
MMR /*Burma*/
NAM /*Namibia*/
NRU /*Nauru*/
NPL /*Nepal*/
NER /*Niger*/
NGA /*Nigeria*/
NLD /*Netherlands*/
NIC /*Nicaragua*/
NIU /*Niue*/
NZL /*New Zealand*/
NCL /*New Caledonia*/
NOR /*Norway*/
ARE /*United Arab Emirates*/
OMN /*Oman*/
BVT /*Bouvet Island*/
IMN /*Isle of Man*/
NFK /*Norfolk Island*/
CXR /*Christmas Island*/
HMD /*Heard Island and McDonald Islands*/
CYM /*Cayman Islands*/
COK /*Cook Islands*/
TCA /*Turks and Caicos Islands*/
PAK /*Pakistan*/
PLW /*Palau*/
PSE /*Palestinian Territory, Occupied*/
PAN /*Panama*/
VAT /*Holy See (Vatican City State)*/
PNG /*Papua New Guinea*/
PRY /*Paraguay*/
PER /*Peru*/
PCN /*Pitcairn*/
POL /*Poland*/
PRT /*Portugal*/
PRI /*Puerto Rico*/
MKD /*Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of*/
REU /*Reunion*/
RUS /*Russian Federation*/
RWA /*Rwanda*/
ROU /*Romania*/
WSM /*Samoa*/
SMR /*San Marino*/
STP /*Sao Tome and Principe*/
SAU /*Saudi Arabia*/
SWZ /*Swaziland*/
SHN /*Saint Helena, Ascension And Tristan Da Cunha*/
MNP /*Northern Mariana Islands*/
BLM /*Saint Barthélemy*/
MAF /*Saint Martin (French Part)*/
SEN /*Senegal*/
VCT /*Saint Vincent and the Grenadines*/
KNA /*Saint Kitts and Nevis*/
LCA /*Saint Lucia*/
SPM /*Saint Pierre and Miquelon*/
SRB /*Serbia*/
SYC /*Seychelles*/
SGP /*Singapore*/
SXM /*Sint Maarten*/
SYR /*Syrian Arab Republic*/
SVK /*Slovakia*/
SVN /*Slovenia*/
GBR /*United Kingdom*/
USA /*United States*/
SLB /*Solomon Islands*/
SOM /*Somalia*/
SDN /*Sudan*/
SUR /*Suriname*/
SLE /*Sierra Leone*/
TJK /*Tajikistan*/
THA /*Thailand*/
TWN /*Taiwan, Province of China*/
TZA /*Tanzania, United Republic Of*/
TLS /*Timor-Leste*/
TGO /*Togo*/
TKL /*Tokelau*/
TON /*Tonga*/
TTO /*Trinidad and Tobago*/
TUV /*Tuvalu*/
TUN /*Tunisia*/
TKM /*Turkmenistan*/
TUR /*Turkey*/
UGA /*Uganda*/
UZB /*Uzbekistan*/
UKR /*Ukraine*/
WLF /*Wallis and Futuna*/
URY /*Uruguay*/
FRO /*Faroe Islands*/
FJI /*Fiji*/
PHL /*Philippines*/
FIN /*Finland*/
FLK /*Falkland Islands (Malvinas)*/
FRA /*France*/
GUF /*French Guiana*/
PYF /*French Polynesia*/
ATF /*French Southern Territories*/
HRV /*Croatia*/
CAF /*Central African Republic*/
TCD /*Chad*/
MNE /*Montenegro*/
CZE /*Czech Republic*/
CHL /*Chile*/
CHE /*Switzerland*/
SWE /*Sweden*/
SJM /*Svalbard and Jan Mayen*/
LKA /*Sri Lanka*/
ECU /*Ecuador*/
GNQ /*Equatorial Guinea*/
ALA /*Aland Islands*/
SLV /*El Salvador*/
ERI /*Eritrea*/
EST /*Estonia*/
ETH /*Ethiopia*/
ZAF /*South Africa*/
SGS /*South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands*/
OST /*South Ossetia*/
SSD /*South Sudan*/
JAM /*Jamaica*/
JPN /*Japan*/
/* Schedules */
struct BusinessScheduleRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
struct BusinessSchedule {
1: required string name
2: optional string description
3: required base.Schedule schedule
5: optional base.TimeSpan delay
// legacy
4: optional PayoutCompilationPolicy policy
union BusinessScheduleSelector {
1: list<BusinessScheduleDecision> decisions
2: set<BusinessScheduleRef> value
struct BusinessScheduleDecision {
1: required Predicate if_
2: required BusinessScheduleSelector then_
/* Calendars */
struct CalendarRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
struct Calendar {
1: required string name
2: optional string description
3: required base.Timezone timezone
4: required CalendarHolidaySet holidays
5: optional base.DayOfWeek first_day_of_week
typedef map<base.Year, set<CalendarHoliday>> CalendarHolidaySet
struct CalendarHoliday {
1: required string name
2: optional string description
3: required base.DayOfMonth day
4: required base.Month month
/* Limits */
struct CashRange {
1: required CashBound upper
2: required CashBound lower
union CashBound {
1: Cash inclusive
2: Cash exclusive
union CashLimitSelector {
1: list<CashLimitDecision> decisions
2: CashRange value
struct CashLimitDecision {
1: required Predicate if_
2: required CashLimitSelector then_
/* Payment methods */
union PaymentMethod {
1: BankCardPaymentSystem bank_card
2: TerminalPaymentProvider payment_terminal
3: DigitalWalletProvider digital_wallet
4: TokenizedBankCard tokenized_bank_card
struct TokenizedBankCard {
1: required BankCardPaymentSystem payment_system
2: required BankCardTokenProvider token_provider
enum BankCardPaymentSystem {
/** Тип платежного токена **/
enum BankCardTokenProvider {
typedef base.ID CustomerID
typedef base.ID CustomerBindingID
typedef base.ID RecurrentPaymentToolID
union PaymentTool {
1: BankCard bank_card
2: PaymentTerminal payment_terminal
3: DigitalWallet digital_wallet
struct DisposablePaymentResource {
1: required PaymentTool payment_tool
2: optional PaymentSessionID payment_session_id
3: optional ClientInfo client_info
typedef string Token
struct BankCard {
1: required Token token
2: required BankCardPaymentSystem payment_system
3: required string bin
4: required string masked_pan
5: optional BankCardTokenProvider token_provider
6: optional Residence issuer_country
7: optional string bank_name
8: optional map<string, msgpack.Value> metadata
/** Платеж через терминал **/
struct PaymentTerminal {
1: required TerminalPaymentProvider terminal_type
* Вид платежного терминала
* например Евросеть
enum TerminalPaymentProvider {
typedef string DigitalWalletID
struct DigitalWallet {
1: required DigitalWalletProvider provider
2: required DigitalWalletID id
enum DigitalWalletProvider {
struct BankRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
struct Bank {
1: required string name
2: required string description
4: optional set<string> binbase_id_patterns
/* legacy */
3: required set<string> bins
struct PaymentMethodRef { 1: required PaymentMethod id }
/** Способ платежа, категория платёжного средства. */
struct PaymentMethodDefinition {
1: required string name
2: required string description
union PaymentMethodSelector {
1: list<PaymentMethodDecision> decisions
2: set<PaymentMethodRef> value
struct PaymentMethodDecision {
1: required Predicate if_
2: required PaymentMethodSelector then_
/* Holds */
struct HoldLifetime {
1: required i32 seconds
union HoldLifetimeSelector {
1: list<HoldLifetimeDecision> decisions
2: HoldLifetime value
struct HoldLifetimeDecision {
1: required Predicate if_
2: required HoldLifetimeSelector then_
/* Refunds */
union TimeSpanSelector {
1: list<TimeSpanDecision> decisions
2: base.TimeSpan value
struct TimeSpanDecision {
1: required Predicate if_
2: required TimeSpanSelector then_
/* Flows */
/* Cash flows */
/** Счёт в графе финансовых потоков. */
union CashFlowAccount {
1: MerchantCashFlowAccount merchant
2: ProviderCashFlowAccount provider
3: SystemCashFlowAccount system
4: ExternalCashFlowAccount external
5: WalletCashFlowAccount wallet
enum MerchantCashFlowAccount {
* Расчётный счёт:
* - учёт прибыли по платежам в магазине;
* - учёт возмещённых вознаграждений.
* Счёт гарантийного депозита:
* - учёт средств для погашения реализовавшихся рисков по мерчанту.
* Счёт выплаченных средств:
* - учёт средств выплаченных мерчанту.
enum ProviderCashFlowAccount {
* Расчётный счёт:
* - учёт полученных средств;
* - учёт вознаграждений.
enum SystemCashFlowAccount {
* Расчётный счёт:
* - учёт полученных и возмещённых вознаграждений.
enum ExternalCashFlowAccount {
* Счёт поступлений:
* - учёт любых поступлений в систему извне.
* Счёт выводов:
* - учёт любых выводов из системы вовне.
enum WalletCashFlowAccount {
enum CashFlowConstant {
operation_amount = 1
// ...
/* deprecated */
// invoice_amount = 0
// payment_amount = 1
typedef map<CashFlowConstant, Cash> CashFlowContext
/** Граф финансовых потоков. */
typedef list<CashFlowPosting> CashFlow
/** Денежный поток между двумя участниками. */
struct CashFlowPosting {
1: required CashFlowAccount source
2: required CashFlowAccount destination
3: required CashVolume volume
4: optional string details
/** Полностью вычисленный граф финансовых потоков с проводками всех участников. */
typedef list<FinalCashFlowPosting> FinalCashFlow
/** Вычисленный денежный поток между двумя участниками. */
struct FinalCashFlowPosting {
1: required FinalCashFlowAccount source
2: required FinalCashFlowAccount destination
3: required Cash volume
4: optional string details
struct FinalCashFlowAccount {
1: required CashFlowAccount account_type
2: required AccountID account_id
/** Объём финансовой проводки. */
union CashVolume {
1: CashVolumeFixed fixed
2: CashVolumeShare share
3: CashVolumeProduct product
/** Объём в абсолютных денежных единицах. */
struct CashVolumeFixed {
1: required Cash cash
/** Объём в относительных единицах. */
struct CashVolumeShare {
1: required base.Rational parts
2: required CashFlowConstant of
3: optional RoundingMethod rounding_method
/** Метод округления к целому числу. */
enum RoundingMethod {
/** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rounding#Round_half_towards_zero. */
/** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rounding#Round_half_away_from_zero. */
/** Композиция различных объёмов. */
union CashVolumeProduct {
/** Минимальный из полученных объёмов. */
1: set<CashVolume> min_of
/** Максимальный из полученных объёмов. */
2: set<CashVolume> max_of
union CashFlowSelector {
1: list<CashFlowDecision> decisions
2: CashFlow value
struct CashFlowDecision {
1: required Predicate if_
2: required CashFlowSelector then_
/* Providers */
struct ProviderRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
struct Provider {
1: required string name
2: required string description
3: required Proxy proxy
4: required TerminalSelector terminal
/* Счет для платажей принятых эквайеромв АБС*/
5: required string abs_account
6: optional PaymentsProvisionTerms payment_terms
8: optional RecurrentPaytoolsProvisionTerms recurrent_paytool_terms
7: optional ProviderAccountSet accounts = {}
struct PaymentsProvisionTerms {
1: required CurrencySelector currencies
2: required CategorySelector categories
3: required PaymentMethodSelector payment_methods
6: required CashLimitSelector cash_limit
4: required CashFlowSelector cash_flow
5: optional PaymentHoldsProvisionTerms holds
7: optional PaymentRefundsProvisionTerms refunds
struct PaymentHoldsProvisionTerms {
1: required HoldLifetimeSelector lifetime
struct PaymentRefundsProvisionTerms {
1: required CashFlowSelector cash_flow
* Условия для частичных рефандов.
2: optional PartialRefundsProvisionTerms partial_refunds
struct PartialRefundsProvisionTerms {
1: required CashLimitSelector cash_limit
struct RecurrentPaytoolsProvisionTerms {
1: required CashValueSelector cash_value
2: required CategorySelector categories
3: required PaymentMethodSelector payment_methods
union CashValueSelector {
1: list<CashValueDecision> decisions
2: Cash value
struct CashValueDecision {
1: required Predicate if_
2: required CashValueSelector then_
typedef map<CurrencyRef, ProviderAccount> ProviderAccountSet
struct ProviderAccount {
1: required AccountID settlement
union ProviderSelector {
1: list<ProviderDecision> decisions
2: set<ProviderRef> value
struct ProviderDecision {
1: required Predicate if_
2: required ProviderSelector then_
struct TerminalRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
/** Inspectors */
struct InspectorRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
struct Inspector {
1: required string name
2: required string description
3: required Proxy proxy
4: optional RiskScore fallback_risk_score
union InspectorSelector {
1: list<InspectorDecision> decisions
2: InspectorRef value
struct InspectorDecision {
1: required Predicate if_
2: required InspectorSelector then_
* Обобщённый терминал у провайдера.
* Представляет собой единицу предоставления услуг по процессингу платежей со
* стороны провайдера, согласно нашим с ним договорённостям.
struct Terminal {
1: required string name
2: required string description
9: optional ProxyOptions options
10: required RiskScore risk_coverage
12: optional PaymentsProvisionTerms terms
union TerminalSelector {
1: list<TerminalDecision> decisions
2: set<TerminalRef> value
struct TerminalDecision {
1: required Predicate if_
2: required TerminalSelector then_
/* Predicates / conditions */
union Predicate {
5: bool constant
1: Condition condition
2: Predicate is_not
3: set<Predicate> all_of
4: set<Predicate> any_of
union Condition {
1: CategoryRef category_is
2: CurrencyRef currency_is
4: CashRange cost_in
3: PaymentToolCondition payment_tool
5: ShopLocation shop_location_is
6: PartyCondition party
7: PayoutMethodRef payout_method_is
8: ContractorIdentificationLevel identification_level_is
union PaymentToolCondition {
1: BankCardCondition bank_card
2: PaymentTerminalCondition payment_terminal
3: DigitalWalletCondition digital_wallet
struct BankCardCondition {
3: optional BankCardConditionDefinition definition
union BankCardConditionDefinition {
1: BankCardPaymentSystem payment_system_is // deprecated
2: BankRef issuer_bank_is
3: PaymentSystemCondition payment_system
4: Residence issuer_country_is
struct PaymentSystemCondition {
1: required BankCardPaymentSystem payment_system_is
2: optional BankCardTokenProvider token_provider_is
struct PaymentTerminalCondition {
1: optional PaymentTerminalConditionDefinition definition
union PaymentTerminalConditionDefinition {
1: TerminalPaymentProvider provider_is
struct DigitalWalletCondition {
1: optional DigitalWalletConditionDefinition definition
union DigitalWalletConditionDefinition {
1: DigitalWalletProvider provider_is
struct PartyCondition {
1: required PartyID id
2: optional PartyConditionDefinition definition
union PartyConditionDefinition {
1: ShopID shop_is
2: WalletID wallet_is
/* Proxies */
typedef base.StringMap ProxyOptions
struct ProxyRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
struct ProxyDefinition {
1: required string name
2: required string description
3: required string url
4: required ProxyOptions options
struct Proxy {
1: required ProxyRef ref
2: required ProxyOptions additional
/* System accounts */
struct SystemAccountSetRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
struct SystemAccountSet {
1: required string name
2: required string description
3: required map<CurrencyRef, SystemAccount> accounts
struct SystemAccount {
1: required AccountID settlement
union SystemAccountSetSelector {
1: list<SystemAccountSetDecision> decisions
2: SystemAccountSetRef value
struct SystemAccountSetDecision {
1: required Predicate if_
2: required SystemAccountSetSelector then_
/* External accounts */
struct ExternalAccountSetRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
struct ExternalAccountSet {
1: required string name
2: required string description
3: required map<CurrencyRef, ExternalAccount> accounts
struct ExternalAccount {
1: required AccountID income
2: required AccountID outcome
union ExternalAccountSetSelector {
1: list<ExternalAccountSetDecision> decisions
2: ExternalAccountSetRef value
struct ExternalAccountSetDecision {
1: required Predicate if_
2: required ExternalAccountSetSelector then_
/* Payment institution */
struct PaymentInstitutionRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
struct PaymentInstitution {
1: required string name
2: optional string description
9: optional CalendarRef calendar
3: required SystemAccountSetSelector system_account_set
4: required ContractTemplateSelector default_contract_template
10: optional ContractTemplateSelector default_wallet_contract_template
5: required ProviderSelector providers
6: required InspectorSelector inspector
7: required PaymentInstitutionRealm realm
8: required set<Residence> residences
enum PaymentInstitutionRealm {
struct ContractPaymentInstitutionDefaults {
1: required PaymentInstitutionRef test
2: required PaymentInstitutionRef live
/* legacy */
/* TODO rework (de)serializer to handle those cases more politely and then remove */
struct PartyPrototypeRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
struct PartyPrototype {}
struct PartyPrototypeObject {
1: required PartyPrototypeRef ref
2: required PartyPrototype data
/* Root config */
struct GlobalsRef {}
struct Globals {
4: required ExternalAccountSetSelector external_account_set
8: optional set<PaymentInstitutionRef> payment_institutions
42: optional ContractPaymentInstitutionDefaults contract_payment_institution_defaults
/** Dummy (for integrity test purpose) */
struct Dummy {}
struct DummyRef {
1: base.ID id
struct DummyObject {
1: DummyRef ref
2: Dummy data
struct DummyLink {
1: DummyRef link
struct DummyLinkRef {
1: base.ID id
struct DummyLinkObject {
1: DummyLinkRef ref
2: DummyLink data
/* Type enumerations */
struct ContractTemplateObject {
1: required ContractTemplateRef ref
2: required ContractTemplate data
struct TermSetHierarchyObject {
1: required TermSetHierarchyRef ref
2: required TermSetHierarchy data
struct CategoryObject {
1: required CategoryRef ref
2: required Category data
struct CurrencyObject {
1: required CurrencyRef ref
2: required Currency data
struct BusinessScheduleObject {
1: required BusinessScheduleRef ref
2: required BusinessSchedule data
struct CalendarObject {
1: required CalendarRef ref
2: required Calendar data
struct PaymentMethodObject {
1: required PaymentMethodRef ref
2: required PaymentMethodDefinition data
struct PayoutMethodObject {
1: required PayoutMethodRef ref
2: required PayoutMethodDefinition data
struct BankObject {
1: required BankRef ref
2: required Bank data
struct ProviderObject {
1: required ProviderRef ref
2: required Provider data
struct TerminalObject {
1: required TerminalRef ref
2: required Terminal data
struct InspectorObject {
1: required InspectorRef ref
2: required Inspector data
struct PaymentInstitutionObject {
1: required PaymentInstitutionRef ref
2: required PaymentInstitution data
struct SystemAccountSetObject {
1: required SystemAccountSetRef ref
2: required SystemAccountSet data
struct ExternalAccountSetObject {
1: required ExternalAccountSetRef ref
2: required ExternalAccountSet data
struct ProxyObject {
1: required ProxyRef ref
2: required ProxyDefinition data
struct GlobalsObject {
1: required GlobalsRef ref
2: required Globals data
union Reference {
1 : CategoryRef category
2 : CurrencyRef currency
19 : BusinessScheduleRef business_schedule
20 : CalendarRef calendar
3 : PaymentMethodRef payment_method
21 : PayoutMethodRef payout_method
5 : BankRef bank
6 : ContractTemplateRef contract_template
17 : TermSetHierarchyRef term_set_hierarchy
18 : PaymentInstitutionRef payment_institution
7 : ProviderRef provider
8 : TerminalRef terminal
15 : InspectorRef inspector
14 : SystemAccountSetRef system_account_set
16 : ExternalAccountSetRef external_account_set
9 : ProxyRef proxy
11 : GlobalsRef globals
12 : DummyRef dummy
13 : DummyLinkRef dummy_link
/* legacy */
10 : PartyPrototypeRef party_prototype
union DomainObject {
1 : CategoryObject category
2 : CurrencyObject currency
19 : BusinessScheduleObject business_schedule
20 : CalendarObject calendar
3 : PaymentMethodObject payment_method
21 : PayoutMethodObject payout_method
5 : BankObject bank
6 : ContractTemplateObject contract_template
17 : TermSetHierarchyObject term_set_hierarchy
18 : PaymentInstitutionObject payment_institution
7 : ProviderObject provider
8 : TerminalObject terminal
15 : InspectorObject inspector
14 : SystemAccountSetObject system_account_set
16 : ExternalAccountSetObject external_account_set
9 : ProxyObject proxy
11 : GlobalsObject globals
12 : DummyObject dummy
13 : DummyLinkObject dummy_link
/* legacy */
10 : PartyPrototypeObject party_prototype
/* Domain */
typedef map<Reference, DomainObject> Domain