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synced 2024-11-06 17:55:23 +00:00
* Fix format * Add new TerminalPaymentProvider struct * Replace union with configurable one * Unify provider types * Rework DigitalWalletCondition * Fix fields order * TerminalPaymentProvider -> PaymentService * Replace BankCardPaymentSystems enum with PaymentSystem struct * Mark DigitalWalletProvider as legacy * Add PaymentSystem to domain object * Add missing * Introduce PaymentToken * Introduce MobileOperator * Adjust index * PaymentToken -> BankCardToken * Add back value for digital wallet into payment method * BankCardToken -> BankCardTokenService * Add payment and bank card validation rules (#645) * Update proto/domain.thrift Co-authored-by: Andrew Mayorov <a.mayorov@rbkmoney.com> * ED-20: Mapping from legacy enums to new types (#656) * ED-20: Mapping from legacy enums to new types Co-authored-by: Andrew Mayorov <a.mayorov@rbkmoney.com>
488 lines
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488 lines
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* Интерфейс сервиса статистики и связанные с ним определения предметной области, основанные на моделях домена.
include "base.thrift"
include "domain.thrift"
include "geo_ip.thrift"
namespace java com.rbkmoney.damsel.merch_stat
namespace erlang merchstat
* Информация о платеже.
* **/
struct StatPayment {
1 : required domain.InvoicePaymentID id
2 : required domain.InvoiceID invoice_id
3 : required domain.PartyID owner_id
4 : required domain.ShopID shop_id
5 : required base.Timestamp created_at
6 : required InvoicePaymentStatus status
7 : required domain.Amount amount
8 : required domain.Amount fee
9 : required string currency_symbolic_code
10: required Payer payer
12: optional base.Content context
13: optional geo_ip.LocationInfo location_info
14: required InvoicePaymentFlow flow
15: optional string short_id
16: optional bool make_recurrent
17: required domain.DataRevision domain_revision
18: optional domain.InvoiceCart cart
19: optional domain.AdditionalTransactionInfo additional_transaction_info
20: optional string external_id
21: optional domain.ProviderRef provider_id
22: optional domain.TerminalRef terminal_id
union Payer {
1: PaymentResourcePayer payment_resource
2: CustomerPayer customer
3: RecurrentPayer recurrent
struct RecurrentParentPayment {
1: required domain.InvoiceID invoice_id
2: required domain.InvoicePaymentID payment_id
struct RecurrentPayer {
1: required PaymentTool payment_tool
2: required RecurrentParentPayment recurrent_parent
3: optional string phone_number
4: optional string email
struct PaymentResourcePayer {
1: required PaymentTool payment_tool
2: optional domain.IPAddress ip_address
3: optional domain.Fingerprint fingerprint
4: optional string phone_number
5: optional string email
6: optional domain.PaymentSessionID session_id
struct CustomerPayer {
1: required domain.CustomerID customer_id
2: required PaymentTool payment_tool
3: optional string phone_number
4: optional string email
union InvoicePaymentFlow {
1: InvoicePaymentFlowInstant instant
2: InvoicePaymentFlowHold hold
struct InvoicePaymentFlowInstant {}
struct InvoicePaymentFlowHold {
1: required OnHoldExpiration on_hold_expiration
2: required base.Timestamp held_until
enum OnHoldExpiration {
union OperationFailure {
1: OperationTimeout operation_timeout
2: domain.Failure failure
struct OperationTimeout {}
struct InvoicePaymentPending {}
struct InvoicePaymentProcessed { 1: optional base.Timestamp at }
struct InvoicePaymentCaptured { 1: optional base.Timestamp at }
struct InvoicePaymentCancelled { 1: optional base.Timestamp at }
struct InvoicePaymentRefunded { 1: optional base.Timestamp at }
struct InvoicePaymentChargedBack { 1: optional base.Timestamp at }
struct InvoicePaymentFailed {
1: required OperationFailure failure
2: optional base.Timestamp at
union InvoicePaymentStatus {
1: InvoicePaymentPending pending
4: InvoicePaymentProcessed processed
2: InvoicePaymentCaptured captured
5: InvoicePaymentCancelled cancelled
6: InvoicePaymentRefunded refunded
3: InvoicePaymentFailed failed
7: InvoicePaymentChargedBack charged_back
union PaymentTool {
1: BankCard bank_card
2: PaymentTerminal payment_terminal
3: DigitalWallet digital_wallet
4: CryptoCurrency crypto_currency
5: MobileCommerce mobile_commerce
struct MobileCommerce {
1: required MobileOperator operator
2: required MobilePhone phone
enum MobileOperator {
mts = 1
beeline = 2
megafone = 3
tele2 = 4
yota = 5
* Телефонный номер согласно (E.164 — рекомендация ITU-T)
* +79114363738
* cc = 7 - код страны(1-3 цифры)
* ctn = 9114363738 - 10-ти значный номер абонента(макс 12)
struct MobilePhone {
1: required string cc
2: required string ctn
struct BankCard {
1: required domain.Token token
6: optional domain.PaymentSystemRef payment_system
3: required string bin
4: required string masked_pan
7: optional domain.BankCardTokenServiceRef payment_token
/** Deprecated **/
2: optional domain.LegacyBankCardPaymentSystem payment_system_deprecated
5: optional domain.LegacyBankCardTokenProvider token_provider_deprecated
enum CryptoCurrency {
struct PaymentTerminal {
1: required TerminalPaymentProvider terminal_type
enum TerminalPaymentProvider {
rbs // Рунет Бизнес Системы
typedef string DigitalWalletID
struct DigitalWallet {
1: required DigitalWalletProvider provider
2: required DigitalWalletID id
enum DigitalWalletProvider {
struct RussianBankAccount {
1: required string account
2: required string bank_name
3: required string bank_post_account
4: required string bank_bik
struct InternationalBankAccount {
1: optional string number
2: optional InternationalBankDetails bank
3: optional InternationalBankAccount correspondent_account
4: optional string iban // International Bank Account Number (ISO 13616)
5: optional string account_holder
struct InternationalBankDetails {
1: optional string bic // Business Identifier Code (ISO 9362)
2: optional domain.Residence country
3: optional string name
4: optional string address
5: optional string aba_rtn // ABA Routing Transit Number
* Информация об инвойсе.
struct StatInvoice {
1 : required domain.InvoiceID id
2 : required domain.PartyID owner_id
3 : required domain.ShopID shop_id
4 : required base.Timestamp created_at
5 : required InvoiceStatus status
6 : required string product
7 : optional string description
8 : required base.Timestamp due
9 : required domain.Amount amount
10: required string currency_symbolic_code
11: optional base.Content context
12: optional domain.InvoiceCart cart
13: optional string external_id
struct EnrichedStatInvoice {
1: required StatInvoice invoice
2: required list<StatPayment> payments
3: required list<StatRefund> refunds
struct InvoiceUnpaid {}
struct InvoicePaid { 1: optional base.Timestamp at }
struct InvoiceCancelled {
1: required string details
2: optional base.Timestamp at
struct InvoiceFulfilled {
1: required string details
2: optional base.Timestamp at
union InvoiceStatus {
1: InvoiceUnpaid unpaid
2: InvoicePaid paid
3: InvoiceCancelled cancelled
4: InvoiceFulfilled fulfilled
* Информация о клиенте. Уникальность клиента определяется по fingerprint.
struct StatCustomer {
1: required domain.Fingerprint id
2: required base.Timestamp created_at
typedef base.ID PayoutID
* Информация о выплате
struct StatPayout {
1 : required PayoutID id
2 : required domain.PartyID party_id
3 : required domain.ShopID shop_id
4 : required base.Timestamp created_at
5 : required PayoutStatus status
6 : required domain.Amount amount
7 : required domain.Amount fee
8 : required string currency_symbolic_code
9 : required PayoutType type
10: optional PayoutSummary summary
enum OperationType {
struct PayoutSummaryItem {
1: required domain.Amount amount
2: required domain.Amount fee
3: required string currency_symbolic_code
4: required base.Timestamp from_time
5: required base.Timestamp to_time
6: required OperationType operation_type
7: required i32 count
typedef list<PayoutSummaryItem> PayoutSummary
union PayoutType {
1: PayoutCard bank_card
2: PayoutAccount bank_account
3: Wallet wallet
struct Wallet {
1: required domain.WalletID wallet_id
struct PayoutCard {
1: required BankCard card
union PayoutAccount {
1: RussianPayoutAccount russian_payout_account
2: InternationalPayoutAccount international_payout_account
struct RussianPayoutAccount {
1: required RussianBankAccount bank_account
2: required string inn
3: required string purpose
struct InternationalPayoutAccount {
1: required InternationalBankAccount bank_account
2: required string purpose
union PayoutStatus {
1: PayoutUnpaid unpaid
2: PayoutPaid paid
3: PayoutCancelled cancelled
4: PayoutConfirmed confirmed
struct PayoutUnpaid {}
struct PayoutPaid {}
struct PayoutCancelled { 1: required string details }
struct PayoutConfirmed {}
/** Информация о рефанде **/
struct StatRefund {
1 : required domain.InvoicePaymentRefundID id
2 : required domain.InvoicePaymentID payment_id
3 : required domain.InvoiceID invoice_id
4 : required domain.PartyID owner_id
5 : required domain.ShopID shop_id
6 : required InvoicePaymentRefundStatus status
7 : required base.Timestamp created_at
8 : required domain.Amount amount
9 : required domain.Amount fee
10: required string currency_symbolic_code
11: optional string reason
12: optional domain.InvoiceCart cart
13: optional string external_id
union InvoicePaymentRefundStatus {
1: InvoicePaymentRefundPending pending
2: InvoicePaymentRefundSucceeded succeeded
3: InvoicePaymentRefundFailed failed
struct InvoicePaymentRefundPending {}
struct InvoicePaymentRefundSucceeded {
1: required base.Timestamp at
struct InvoicePaymentRefundFailed {
1: required OperationFailure failure
2: required base.Timestamp at
typedef map<string, string> StatInfo
typedef base.InvalidRequest InvalidRequest
struct StatChargeback {
1: required domain.InvoiceID invoice_id
2: required domain.InvoicePaymentID payment_id
3: required domain.InvoicePaymentChargebackID chargeback_id
4: required domain.PartyID party_id
5: required domain.ShopID shop_id
6: required domain.InvoicePaymentChargebackStatus chargeback_status
7: required base.Timestamp created_at
8: optional domain.InvoicePaymentChargebackReason chargeback_reason
10: required domain.Amount levy_amount
11: required domain.Currency levy_currency_code
12: required domain.Amount amount
13: required domain.Currency currency_code
14: optional domain.Amount fee
15: optional domain.Amount provider_fee
16: optional domain.Amount external_fee
17: optional domain.InvoicePaymentChargebackStage stage
18: optional base.Content content
19: optional string external_id
* Данные запроса к сервису. Формат и функциональность запроса зависят от DSL.
* DSL содержит условия выборки, а также id мерчанта, по которому производится выборка.
* continuation_token - токен, который передается в случае обращения за следующим блоком данных, соответствующих dsl
struct StatRequest {
1: required string dsl
2: optional string continuation_token
* Данные ответа сервиса.
* data - данные, тип зависит от целевой функции.
* total_count - ожидаемое общее количество данных (т.е. размер всех данных результата, без ограничений по количеству)
* continuation_token - токен, сигнализирующий о том, что в ответе передана только часть данных, для получения следующей части
* нужно повторно обратиться к сервису, указав тот-же набор условий и continuation_token. Если токена нет, получена последняя часть данных.
struct StatResponse {
1: required StatResponseData data
2: optional i32 total_count
3: optional string continuation_token
* Возможные варианты возвращаемых данных
union StatResponseData {
1: list<StatPayment> payments
2: list<StatInvoice> invoices
3: list<StatCustomer> customers
4: list<StatInfo> records
5: list<StatPayout> payouts
6: list<StatRefund> refunds
7: list<EnrichedStatInvoice> enriched_invoices
8: list<StatChargeback> chargebacks
* Ошибка обработки переданного токена, при получении такой ошибки клиент должен заново запросить все данные, соответсвующие dsl запросу
exception BadToken {
1: string reason
service MerchantStatistics {
* Возвращает набор данных о платежах
StatResponse GetPayments(1: StatRequest req) throws (1: InvalidRequest ex1, 3: BadToken ex3)
* Возвращает набор данных об инвойсах
StatResponse GetInvoices(1: StatRequest req) throws (1: InvalidRequest ex1, 3: BadToken ex3)
* Возвращает набор данных о покупателях
StatResponse GetCustomers(1: StatRequest req) throws (1: InvalidRequest ex1, 3: BadToken ex3)
* Возвращает набор данных о выплатах
StatResponse GetPayouts(1: StatRequest req) throws (1: InvalidRequest ex1, 3: BadToken ex3)
* Возвращает набор данных о чарджбэках
StatResponse GetChargebacks(1: StatRequest req) throws (1: InvalidRequest ex1, 3: BadToken ex3)
* Возвращает аггрегированные данные в виде набора записей, формат возвращаемых данных зависит от целевой функции, указанной в DSL.
StatResponse GetStatistics(1: StatRequest req) throws (1: InvalidRequest ex1, 3: BadToken ex3)
service DarkMessiahStatistics {
* Возвращает набор данных
StatResponse GetByQuery(1: StatRequest req) throws (1: InvalidRequest ex1, 3: BadToken ex3)