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* Определения и сервисы процессинга.
include "base.thrift"
include "domain.thrift"
include "user_interaction.thrift"
include "timeout_behaviour.thrift"
include "repairing.thrift"
include "msgpack.thrift"
namespace java com.rbkmoney.damsel.payment_processing
namespace erlang payproc
/* Interface clients */
typedef base.ID UserID
struct UserInfo {
1: required UserID id
2: required UserType type
/* Временная замена ролям пользователей для разграничения доступа в HG */
union UserType {
1: InternalUser internal_user
2: ExternalUser external_user
3: ServiceUser service_user
struct InternalUser {}
struct ExternalUser {}
struct ServiceUser {}
/* Events */
typedef list<Event> Events
* Событие, атомарный фрагмент истории бизнес-объекта, например инвойса.
struct Event {
* Идентификатор события.
* Монотонно возрастающее целочисленное значение, таким образом на множестве
* событий задаётся отношение полного порядка (total order).
1: required base.EventID id
* Время создания события.
2: required base.Timestamp created_at
* Идентификатор бизнес-объекта, источника события.
3: required EventSource source
* Содержание события, состоящее из списка (возможно пустого)
* изменений состояния бизнес-объекта, источника события.
4: required EventPayload payload
* Идентификатор события в рамках одной машины.
* Монотонно возрастающее целочисленное значение.
5: optional base.SequenceID sequence
* Источник события, идентификатор бизнес-объекта, который породил его в
* процессе выполнения определённого бизнес-процесса.
union EventSource {
/** Идентификатор инвойса, который породил событие. */
1: domain.InvoiceID invoice_id
/** Идентификатор участника, который породил событие. */
2: domain.PartyID party_id
/** Идентификатор шаблона инвойса, который породил событие. */
3: domain.InvoiceTemplateID invoice_template_id
/** Идентификатор плательщика, который породил событие. */
4: domain.CustomerID customer_id
* Один из возможных вариантов содержания события.
union EventPayload {
/** Набор изменений, порождённых инвойсом. */
1: list<InvoiceChange> invoice_changes
/** Набор изменений, порождённых участником. */
2: list<PartyChange> party_changes
/** Набор изменений, порождённых шаблоном инвойса. */
3: list<InvoiceTemplateChange> invoice_template_changes
/** Некоторое событие, порождённое плательщиком. */
4: list<CustomerChange> customer_changes
* Один из возможных вариантов события, порождённого инвойсом.
union InvoiceChange {
1: InvoiceCreated invoice_created
2: InvoiceStatusChanged invoice_status_changed
3: InvoicePaymentChange invoice_payment_change
4: InvoiceAdjustmentChange invoice_adjustment_change
union InvoiceTemplateChange {
1: InvoiceTemplateCreated invoice_template_created
2: InvoiceTemplateUpdated invoice_template_updated
3: InvoiceTemplateDeleted invoice_template_deleted
* Событие о создании нового инвойса.
struct InvoiceCreated {
/** Данные созданного инвойса. */
1: required domain.Invoice invoice
* Событие об изменении статуса инвойса.
struct InvoiceStatusChanged {
/** Новый статус инвойса. */
1: required domain.InvoiceStatus status
* Событие, касающееся определённого платежа по инвойсу.
struct InvoicePaymentChange {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentID id
2: required InvoicePaymentChangePayload payload
3: optional base.Timestamp occurred_at
* Событие, касающееся корректировки по инвойсу.
struct InvoiceAdjustmentChange {
1: required domain.InvoiceAdjustmentID id
2: required InvoiceAdjustmentChangePayload payload
3: optional base.Timestamp occurred_at
* Один из возможных вариантов события, порождённого корректировкой по инвойсу.
union InvoiceAdjustmentChangePayload {
1: InvoiceAdjustmentCreated invoice_adjustment_created
2: InvoiceAdjustmentStatusChanged invoice_adjustment_status_changed
* Событие о создании корректировки инвойса
struct InvoiceAdjustmentCreated {
1: required domain.InvoiceAdjustment adjustment
* Событие об изменении статуса корректировки платежа
struct InvoiceAdjustmentStatusChanged {
1: required domain.InvoiceAdjustmentStatus status
* Один из возможных вариантов события, порождённого платежом по инвойсу.
union InvoicePaymentChangePayload {
1: InvoicePaymentStarted invoice_payment_started
8: InvoicePaymentRiskScoreChanged invoice_payment_risk_score_changed
9: InvoicePaymentRouteChanged invoice_payment_route_changed
10: InvoicePaymentCashFlowChanged invoice_payment_cash_flow_changed
3: InvoicePaymentStatusChanged invoice_payment_status_changed
2: InvoicePaymentSessionChange invoice_payment_session_change
7: InvoicePaymentRefundChange invoice_payment_refund_change
6: InvoicePaymentAdjustmentChange invoice_payment_adjustment_change
11: InvoicePaymentRecTokenAcquired invoice_payment_rec_token_acquired
12: InvoicePaymentCaptureStarted invoice_payment_capture_started
13: InvoicePaymentChargebackChange invoice_payment_chargeback_change
14: InvoicePaymentRollbackStarted invoice_payment_rollback_started
15: InvoicePaymentClockUpdate invoice_payment_clock_update
* Событие об запуске платежа по инвойсу.
struct InvoicePaymentStarted {
/** Данные запущенного платежа. */
1: required domain.InvoicePayment payment
/** deprecated */
/** Оценка риска платежа. */
4: optional domain.RiskScore risk_score
/** Выбранный маршрут обработки платежа. */
2: optional domain.PaymentRoute route
/** Данные финансового взаимодействия. */
3: optional domain.FinalCashFlow cash_flow
struct InvoicePaymentClockUpdate {
1: required domain.AccounterClock clock
struct InvoicePaymentRollbackStarted {
1: required domain.OperationFailure reason
* Событие об изменении оценки риска платежа.
struct InvoicePaymentRiskScoreChanged {
/** Оценка риска платежа. */
1: required domain.RiskScore risk_score
* Событие об изменении маршрута обработки платежа.
struct InvoicePaymentRouteChanged {
/** Выбранный маршрут обработки платежа. */
1: required domain.PaymentRoute route
* Событие об изменении данных финансового взаимодействия.
struct InvoicePaymentCashFlowChanged {
/** Данные финансового взаимодействия. */
1: required domain.FinalCashFlow cash_flow
* Событие об изменении статуса платежа по инвойсу.
struct InvoicePaymentStatusChanged {
/** Статус платежа по инвойсу. */
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentStatus status
* Событие в рамках сессии взаимодействия с провайдером.
struct InvoicePaymentSessionChange {
1: required domain.TargetInvoicePaymentStatus target
2: required SessionChangePayload payload
* Один из возможных вариантов события, порождённого сессией взаимодействия.
union SessionChangePayload {
1: SessionStarted session_started
2: SessionFinished session_finished
3: SessionSuspended session_suspended
4: SessionActivated session_activated
5: SessionTransactionBound session_transaction_bound
6: SessionProxyStateChanged session_proxy_state_changed
7: SessionInteractionRequested session_interaction_requested
struct SessionStarted {}
struct SessionFinished {
1: required SessionResult result
struct SessionSuspended {
1: optional base.Tag tag
2: optional timeout_behaviour.TimeoutBehaviour timeout_behaviour
struct SessionActivated {}
union SessionResult {
1: SessionSucceeded succeeded
2: SessionFailed failed
struct SessionSucceeded {}
struct SessionFailed {
1: required domain.OperationFailure failure
* Событие о создании нового шаблона инвойса.
struct InvoiceTemplateCreated {
/** Данные созданного шаблона инвойса. */
1: required domain.InvoiceTemplate invoice_template
* Событие о модификации шаблона инвойса.
struct InvoiceTemplateUpdated {
/** Данные модифицированного шаблона инвойса. */
1: required InvoiceTemplateUpdateParams diff
* Событие об удалении шаблона инвойса.
struct InvoiceTemplateDeleted {}
* Событие о том, что появилась связь между платежом по инвойсу и транзакцией
* у провайдера.
struct SessionTransactionBound {
/** Данные о связанной транзакции у провайдера. */
1: required domain.TransactionInfo trx
* Событие о том, что изменилось непрозрачное состояние прокси в рамках сессии.
struct SessionProxyStateChanged {
1: required base.Opaque proxy_state
* Событие о запросе взаимодействия с плательщиком.
struct SessionInteractionRequested {
/** Необходимое взаимодействие */
1: required user_interaction.UserInteraction interaction
* Событие, касающееся определённого чарджбека.
struct InvoicePaymentChargebackChange {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentChargebackID id
2: required InvoicePaymentChargebackChangePayload payload
3: optional base.Timestamp occurred_at
* Один из возможных вариантов события, порождённого чарджбеком платежа по инвойсу.
union InvoicePaymentChargebackChangePayload {
1: InvoicePaymentChargebackCreated invoice_payment_chargeback_created
2: InvoicePaymentChargebackStatusChanged invoice_payment_chargeback_status_changed
3: InvoicePaymentChargebackCashFlowChanged invoice_payment_chargeback_cash_flow_changed
4: InvoicePaymentChargebackBodyChanged invoice_payment_chargeback_body_changed
5: InvoicePaymentChargebackLevyChanged invoice_payment_chargeback_levy_changed
6: InvoicePaymentChargebackStageChanged invoice_payment_chargeback_stage_changed
7: InvoicePaymentChargebackTargetStatusChanged invoice_payment_chargeback_target_status_changed
8: InvoicePaymentClockUpdate invoice_payment_chargeback_clock_update
* Событие о создании чарджбека
struct InvoicePaymentChargebackCreated {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentChargeback chargeback
* Событие об изменении статуса чарджбека
struct InvoicePaymentChargebackStatusChanged {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentChargebackStatus status
* Событие об изменении кэшфлоу чарджбека
struct InvoicePaymentChargebackCashFlowChanged {
1: required domain.FinalCashFlow cash_flow
* Событие об изменении объёма чарджбека
struct InvoicePaymentChargebackBodyChanged {
1: required domain.Cash body
* Событие об изменении размера списываемых средств у чарджбека
struct InvoicePaymentChargebackLevyChanged {
2: required domain.Cash levy
* Событие об изменении стадии чарджбека
struct InvoicePaymentChargebackStageChanged {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentChargebackStage stage
* Событие об изменении целевого статуса чарджбека
struct InvoicePaymentChargebackTargetStatusChanged {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentChargebackStatus status
* Событие, касающееся определённого возврата платежа.
struct InvoicePaymentRefundChange {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentRefundID id
2: required InvoicePaymentRefundChangePayload payload
* Один из возможных вариантов события, порождённого возратом платежа по инвойсу.
union InvoicePaymentRefundChangePayload {
1: InvoicePaymentRefundCreated invoice_payment_refund_created
2: InvoicePaymentRefundStatusChanged invoice_payment_refund_status_changed
3: InvoicePaymentSessionChange invoice_payment_session_change
4: InvoicePaymentRefundRollbackStarted invoice_payment_refund_rollback_started
5: InvoicePaymentClockUpdate invoice_payment_refund_clock_update
* Событие о создании возврата платежа
struct InvoicePaymentRefundCreated {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentRefund refund
2: required domain.FinalCashFlow cash_flow
* Данные проведённой вручную транзакции.
* В случае присутствия при обработке возврата этап обращения к адаптеру будет пропущен,
* а эти данные будут использованы в качестве результата
3: optional domain.TransactionInfo transaction_info
* Событие об изменении статуса возврата платежа
struct InvoicePaymentRefundStatusChanged {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentRefundStatus status
struct InvoicePaymentRefundRollbackStarted {
1: required domain.OperationFailure reason
* Событие, касающееся определённой корректировки платежа.
struct InvoicePaymentAdjustmentChange {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentAdjustmentID id
2: required InvoicePaymentAdjustmentChangePayload payload
* Один из возможных вариантов события, порождённого корректировкой платежа по инвойсу.
union InvoicePaymentAdjustmentChangePayload {
1: InvoicePaymentAdjustmentCreated invoice_payment_adjustment_created
2: InvoicePaymentAdjustmentStatusChanged invoice_payment_adjustment_status_changed
3: InvoicePaymentClockUpdate invoice_payment_adjustment_clock_update
* Событие о создании корректировки платежа
struct InvoicePaymentAdjustmentCreated {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentAdjustment adjustment
* Событие об изменении статуса корректировки платежа
struct InvoicePaymentAdjustmentStatusChanged {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentAdjustmentStatus status
* Событие о полуечнии рекуррентного токена
struct InvoicePaymentRecTokenAcquired {
1: required domain.Token token
struct InvoicePaymentCaptureStarted {
1: required InvoicePaymentCaptureParams params
* Диапазон для выборки событий.
struct EventRange {
* Идентификатор события, за которым должны следовать попадающие в выборку
* события.
* Если `after` не указано, в выборку попадут события с начала истории; если
* указано, например, `42`, то в выборку попадут события, случившиеся _после_
* события `42`.
1: optional base.EventID after
* Максимальное количество событий в выборке.
* В выборку может попасть количество событий, _не больше_ указанного в
* `limit`. Если в выборку попало событий _меньше_, чем значение `limit`,
* был достигнут конец текущей истории.
* _Допустимые значения_: неотрицательные числа
2: optional i32 limit
/* Invoicing service definitions */
struct InvoiceParams {
1: required PartyID party_id
2: required ShopID shop_id
3: required domain.InvoiceDetails details
4: required base.Timestamp due
5: required domain.Cash cost
6: required domain.InvoiceContext context
7: optional domain.InvoiceID id
8: optional string external_id
9: optional domain.InvoiceClientInfo client_info
struct InvoiceWithTemplateParams {
1: required domain.InvoiceTemplateID template_id
2: optional domain.Cash cost
3: optional domain.InvoiceContext context
4: optional domain.InvoiceID id
5: optional string external_id
struct InvoiceTemplateCreateParams {
10: optional domain.InvoiceTemplateID template_id
1: required PartyID party_id
2: required ShopID shop_id
4: required domain.LifetimeInterval invoice_lifetime
7: required string product # for backward compatibility
8: optional string description
9: required domain.InvoiceTemplateDetails details
6: required domain.InvoiceContext context
struct InvoiceTemplateUpdateParams {
2: optional domain.LifetimeInterval invoice_lifetime
5: optional string product # for backward compatibility
6: optional string description
7: optional domain.InvoiceTemplateDetails details
4: optional domain.InvoiceContext context
struct InvoicePaymentParams {
1: required PayerParams payer
2: required InvoicePaymentParamsFlow flow
3: optional bool make_recurrent
4: optional domain.InvoicePaymentID id
5: optional string external_id
6: optional domain.InvoicePaymentContext context
7: optional base.Timestamp processing_deadline
union PayerParams {
1: PaymentResourcePayerParams payment_resource
2: CustomerPayerParams customer
3: RecurrentPayerParams recurrent
struct PaymentResourcePayerParams {
1: required domain.DisposablePaymentResource resource
2: required domain.ContactInfo contact_info
struct CustomerPayerParams {
1: required domain.CustomerID customer_id
struct RecurrentPayerParams{
1: required domain.RecurrentParentPayment recurrent_parent
2: required domain.ContactInfo contact_info
union InvoicePaymentParamsFlow {
1: InvoicePaymentParamsFlowInstant instant
2: InvoicePaymentParamsFlowHold hold
struct InvoicePaymentParamsFlowInstant {}
struct InvoicePaymentParamsFlowHold {
1: required domain.OnHoldExpiration on_hold_expiration
struct Invoice {
1: required domain.Invoice invoice
2: required list<InvoicePayment> payments
3: optional list<InvoiceAdjustment> adjustments
struct InvoicePayment {
1: required domain.InvoicePayment payment
6: optional domain.PaymentRoute route
7: optional FinalCashFlow cash_flow
2: required list<InvoicePaymentAdjustment> adjustments
4: required list<InvoicePaymentRefund> refunds
5: required list<InvoicePaymentSession> sessions
8: optional list<InvoicePaymentChargeback> chargebacks
9: optional domain.TransactionInfo last_transaction_info
# deprecated
3: required list<domain.InvoicePaymentRefund> legacy_refunds
struct InvoicePaymentRefund {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentRefund refund
2: required list<InvoiceRefundSession> sessions
3: optional FinalCashFlow cash_flow
struct InvoicePaymentSession {
1: required domain.TargetInvoicePaymentStatus target_status
2: optional domain.TransactionInfo transaction_info
struct InvoiceRefundSession {
1: optional domain.TransactionInfo transaction_info
typedef domain.InvoiceAdjustment InvoiceAdjustment
typedef domain.InvoicePaymentAdjustment InvoicePaymentAdjustment
struct InvoicePaymentChargeback {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentChargeback chargeback
2: optional FinalCashFlow cash_flow
* Параметры создаваемого чарджбэка.
struct InvoicePaymentChargebackParams {
* Идентификатор чарджбэка
5: required domain.InvoicePaymentChargebackID id
* Код причины чарджбэка
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentChargebackReason reason
* Сумма списания: количество денежных средств, подлежащих удержанию
* со счёта продавца.
2: required domain.Cash levy
* Размер опротестования.
* Если не указан, то считаем, что это возврат на полную сумму платежа.
* Не может быть больше суммы платежа.
3: optional domain.Cash body
* Данные проведённой вручную транзакции
4: optional domain.TransactionInfo transaction_info
* Внешний идентификатор объекта
6: optional string external_id
* Дополнительные метаданные по чарджбэку
7: optional domain.InvoicePaymentChargebackContext context
* Фактическое время создания
8: optional base.Timestamp occurred_at
struct InvoicePaymentChargebackAcceptParams {
* Сумма возврата.
* Если сумма не указана, то текущая сумма не меняется
1: optional domain.Cash body
* Сумма списания.
* Если сумма не указана, то текущая сумма не меняется
2: optional domain.Cash levy
* Фактическое время принятия
3: optional base.Timestamp occurred_at
struct InvoicePaymentChargebackReopenParams {
* Сумма возврата.
* Если сумма не указана, то текущая сумма не меняется
1: optional domain.Cash body
* Сумма списания.
2: optional domain.Cash levy
* Фактическое время опротестования
3: optional base.Timestamp occurred_at
* Возможность переместить стадию
4: optional domain.InvoicePaymentChargebackStage move_to_stage
struct InvoicePaymentChargebackRejectParams {
* Сумма списания.
1: optional domain.Cash levy
* Фактическое время отклонения
8: optional base.Timestamp occurred_at
struct InvoicePaymentChargebackCancelParams {
* Фактическое время отмены
1: optional base.Timestamp occurred_at
typedef domain.FinalCashFlow FinalCashFlow
* Параметры создаваемого возврата платежа.
struct InvoicePaymentRefundParams {
/** Причина, на основании которой производится возврат. */
1: optional string reason
* Сумма возврата.
* Если сумма не указана, то считаем, что это возврат на полную сумму платежа.
2: optional domain.Cash cash
* Данные проведённой вручную транзакции
3: optional domain.TransactionInfo transaction_info
* Итоговая корзина товаров.
* Используется для частичного возврата, содержит позиции, которые остались после возврата.
4: optional domain.InvoiceCart cart
* Идентификатор рефанда
5: optional domain.InvoicePaymentRefundID id
* Внешний идентификатор объекта
6: optional string external_id
* Параметры подтверждаемого платежа.
struct InvoicePaymentCaptureParams {
/** Причина совершения операции. */
1: required string reason
* Подтверждаемая сумма.
* Если сумма не указана, то считаем, что подтверждаем полную сумму платежа.
2: optional domain.Cash cash
3: optional domain.InvoiceCart cart
* Параметры создаваемой поправки к инвойсу.
struct InvoiceAdjustmentParams {
/** Причина, на основании которой создаётся поправка. */
1: required string reason
/** Сценарий создаваемой поправки. */
2: required InvoiceAdjustmentScenario scenario
* Сценарий поправки к инвойсу.
union InvoiceAdjustmentScenario {
1: domain.InvoiceAdjustmentStatusChange status_change
* Параметры создаваемой поправки к платежу.
struct InvoicePaymentAdjustmentParams {
/** Причина, на основании которой создаётся поправка. */
2: required string reason
/** Сценарий создаваемой поправки. */
3: required InvoicePaymentAdjustmentScenario scenario
* Сценарий поправки к платежу.
union InvoicePaymentAdjustmentScenario {
1: domain.InvoicePaymentAdjustmentCashFlow cash_flow
2: domain.InvoicePaymentAdjustmentStatusChange status_change
/* Сценарий, проверяющий состояние упавшей машины и, в случае если
платеж упал раньше похода к провайдеру, начинает процедуру корректного
завершения, используя заданную ошибку*/
struct InvoiceRepairFailPreProcessing {
1: required domain.Failure failure
/* Сценарий, позволяющий пропустить испекцию платежа, подменив ее результат заданым. */
struct InvoiceRepairSkipInspector {
1: required domain.RiskScore risk_score
/* Сценарий, использующий заданную ошибку, чтобы сконструировать результат похода к адаптеру */
struct InvoiceRepairFailSession {
1: required domain.Failure failure
/* Комбинированная структура */
struct InvoiceRepairComplex {
1: required list<InvoiceRepairScenario> scenarios
union InvoiceRepairScenario{
1: InvoiceRepairComplex complex
2: InvoiceRepairFailPreProcessing fail_pre_processing
3: InvoiceRepairSkipInspector skip_inspector
4: InvoiceRepairFailSession fail_session
/* Параметры adhoc починки упавшей машины. */
struct InvoiceRepairParams {
1: optional bool validate_transitions = true
// Exceptions
// forward-declared
exception PartyNotFound {}
exception PartyNotExistsYet {}
exception InvalidPartyRevision {}
exception ShopNotFound {}
exception WalletNotFound {}
exception InvalidPartyStatus { 1: required InvalidStatus status }
exception InvalidShopStatus { 1: required InvalidStatus status }
exception InvalidWalletStatus { 1: required InvalidStatus status }
exception InvalidContractStatus { 1: required domain.ContractStatus status }
union InvalidStatus {
1: domain.Blocking blocking
2: domain.Suspension suspension
exception InvalidUser {}
exception InvoiceNotFound {}
exception InvoiceAdjustmentNotFound {}
exception InvoiceAdjustmentPending {
1: required domain.InvoiceAdjustmentID id
exception InvoiceAdjustmentStatusUnacceptable {}
exception InvalidInvoiceAdjustmentStatus {
1: required domain.InvoiceAdjustmentStatus status
exception InvoicePaymentNotFound {}
exception InvoicePaymentRefundNotFound {}
exception InvoicePaymentChargebackNotFound {}
exception InvoicePaymentChargebackCannotReopenAfterArbitration {}
exception InvoicePaymentChargebackInvalidStage {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentChargebackStage stage
exception InvoicePaymentChargebackInvalidStatus {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentChargebackStatus status
exception InvoicePaymentAdjustmentNotFound {}
exception EventNotFound {}
exception OperationNotPermitted {}
exception PayoutToolNotFound {}
exception InsufficientAccountBalance {}
exception InvalidRecurrentParentPayment {
1: optional string details
exception InvoicePaymentPending {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentID id
exception InvoicePaymentRefundPending {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentRefundID id
exception InvoicePaymentAdjustmentPending {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentAdjustmentID id
exception InvalidInvoiceStatus {
1: required domain.InvoiceStatus status
exception InvalidPaymentStatus {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentStatus status
exception InvalidPaymentTargetStatus {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentStatus status
exception InvoiceAlreadyHasStatus {
1: required domain.InvoiceStatus status
exception InvoicePaymentAlreadyHasStatus {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentStatus status
exception InvalidPaymentAdjustmentStatus {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentAdjustmentStatus status
exception InvoiceTemplateNotFound {}
exception InvoiceTemplateRemoved {}
struct InvoiceUnpayable {}
union InvoiceTermsViolationReason {
1: InvoiceUnpayable invoice_unpayable
exception InvoiceTermsViolated {
1: required InvoiceTermsViolationReason reason
exception InvoicePaymentAmountExceeded {
1: required domain.Cash maximum
exception InconsistentRefundCurrency {
1: required domain.CurrencySymbolicCode currency
exception InconsistentChargebackCurrency {
1: required domain.CurrencySymbolicCode currency
exception InconsistentCaptureCurrency {
1: required domain.CurrencySymbolicCode payment_currency
2: optional domain.CurrencySymbolicCode passed_currency
exception AmountExceededCaptureBalance {
1: required domain.Amount payment_amount
2: optional domain.Amount passed_amount
exception InvoicePaymentChargebackPending {}
service Invoicing {
Invoice Create (1: UserInfo user, 2: InvoiceParams params)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: base.InvalidRequest ex2,
3: PartyNotFound ex3,
4: ShopNotFound ex4,
5: InvalidPartyStatus ex5,
6: InvalidShopStatus ex6,
7: InvalidContractStatus ex7,
8: InvoiceTermsViolated ex8
Invoice CreateWithTemplate (1: UserInfo user, 2: InvoiceWithTemplateParams params)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: base.InvalidRequest ex2,
3: InvalidPartyStatus ex3,
4: InvalidShopStatus ex4,
5: InvalidContractStatus ex5
6: InvoiceTemplateNotFound ex6,
7: InvoiceTemplateRemoved ex7,
8: InvoiceTermsViolated ex8
Invoice Get (1: UserInfo user, 2: domain.InvoiceID id, 3: EventRange range)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2
Events GetEvents (1: UserInfo user, 2: domain.InvoiceID id, 3: EventRange range)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: EventNotFound ex3,
4: base.InvalidRequest ex4
InvoiceAdjustment CreateInvoiceAdjustment (
1: UserInfo user,
2: domain.InvoiceID id,
3: InvoiceAdjustmentParams params
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: InvalidInvoiceStatus ex3,
4: InvoiceAdjustmentPending ex4,
5: InvoiceAdjustmentStatusUnacceptable ex5,
6: InvoiceAlreadyHasStatus ex6,
7: base.InvalidRequest ex7,
8: InvoicePaymentPending ex8
InvoiceAdjustment GetAdjustment (
1: UserInfo user,
2: domain.InvoiceID id,
3: domain.InvoiceAdjustmentID adjustment_id
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: InvoiceAdjustmentNotFound ex3
void CaptureAdjustment (
1: UserInfo user,
2: domain.InvoiceID id,
3: domain.InvoiceAdjustmentID adjustment_id
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: InvoiceAdjustmentNotFound ex3,
4: InvalidInvoiceAdjustmentStatus ex4
void CancelAdjustment (
1: UserInfo user
2: domain.InvoiceID id,
3: domain.InvoiceAdjustmentID adjustment_id
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: InvoiceAdjustmentNotFound ex3,
4: InvalidInvoiceAdjustmentStatus ex4
/* Terms */
domain.TermSet ComputeTerms (
1: UserInfo user,
2: domain.InvoiceID id
3: PartyRevisionParam party_revision_param
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: InvoiceNotFound ex2)
/* Payments */
InvoicePayment StartPayment (
1: UserInfo user,
2: domain.InvoiceID id,
3: InvoicePaymentParams params
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: InvalidInvoiceStatus ex3,
4: InvoicePaymentPending ex4,
5: base.InvalidRequest ex5,
6: InvalidPartyStatus ex6,
7: InvalidShopStatus ex7,
8: InvalidContractStatus ex8,
9: InvalidRecurrentParentPayment ex9,
10: OperationNotPermitted ex10,
11: InvoiceAdjustmentPending ex11
InvoicePayment GetPayment (
1: UserInfo user,
2: domain.InvoiceID id,
3: domain.InvoicePaymentID payment_id
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: InvoicePaymentNotFound ex3
void CancelPayment (
1: UserInfo user,
2: domain.InvoiceID id,
3: domain.InvoicePaymentID payment_id
4: string reason
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: InvoicePaymentNotFound ex3,
4: InvalidPaymentStatus ex4,
5: base.InvalidRequest ex5,
6: OperationNotPermitted ex6,
7: InvalidPartyStatus ex7,
8: InvalidShopStatus ex8
void CapturePayment (
1: UserInfo user,
2: domain.InvoiceID id,
3: domain.InvoicePaymentID payment_id
4: InvoicePaymentCaptureParams params
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: InvoicePaymentNotFound ex3,
4: InvalidPaymentStatus ex4,
5: base.InvalidRequest ex5,
6: OperationNotPermitted ex6,
7: InvalidPartyStatus ex7,
8: InvalidShopStatus ex8,
9: InconsistentCaptureCurrency ex9,
10: AmountExceededCaptureBalance ex10
void CapturePaymentNew (
1: UserInfo user,
2: domain.InvoiceID id,
3: domain.InvoicePaymentID payment_id
4: InvoicePaymentCaptureParams params
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: InvoicePaymentNotFound ex3,
4: InvalidPaymentStatus ex4,
5: base.InvalidRequest ex5,
6: OperationNotPermitted ex6,
7: InvalidPartyStatus ex7,
8: InvalidShopStatus ex8,
9: InconsistentCaptureCurrency ex9,
10: AmountExceededCaptureBalance ex10
* Создать поправку к платежу.
* После создания поправку необходимо либо подтвердить, если её эффекты
* соответствуют ожиданиям, либо отклонить в противном случае (по аналогии с
* заявками).
* Пока созданная поправка ни подтверждена, ни отклонена, другую поправку
* создать невозможно.
InvoicePaymentAdjustment CreatePaymentAdjustment (
1: UserInfo user,
2: domain.InvoiceID id,
3: domain.InvoicePaymentID payment_id,
4: InvoicePaymentAdjustmentParams params
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: InvoicePaymentNotFound ex3,
4: InvalidPaymentStatus ex4,
5: InvoicePaymentAdjustmentPending ex5
6: InvalidPaymentTargetStatus ex6
7: InvoicePaymentAlreadyHasStatus ex7
8: base.InvalidRequest ex8
InvoicePaymentAdjustment GetPaymentAdjustment (
1: UserInfo user,
2: domain.InvoiceID id,
3: domain.InvoicePaymentID payment_id
4: domain.InvoicePaymentAdjustmentID adjustment_id
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: InvoicePaymentNotFound ex3,
4: InvoicePaymentAdjustmentNotFound ex4
void CapturePaymentAdjustment (
1: UserInfo user,
2: domain.InvoiceID id,
3: domain.InvoicePaymentID payment_id
4: domain.InvoicePaymentAdjustmentID adjustment_id
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: InvoicePaymentNotFound ex3,
4: InvoicePaymentAdjustmentNotFound ex4,
5: InvalidPaymentAdjustmentStatus ex5
void CancelPaymentAdjustment (
1: UserInfo user
2: domain.InvoiceID id,
3: domain.InvoicePaymentID payment_id
4: domain.InvoicePaymentAdjustmentID adjustment_id
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: InvoicePaymentNotFound ex3,
4: InvoicePaymentAdjustmentNotFound ex4,
5: InvalidPaymentAdjustmentStatus ex5
* Создать чарджбэк
domain.InvoicePaymentChargeback CreateChargeback (
1: UserInfo user
2: domain.InvoiceID id,
3: domain.InvoicePaymentID payment_id
4: InvoicePaymentChargebackParams params
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: InvoicePaymentNotFound ex3,
4: InvalidPaymentStatus ex4,
6: OperationNotPermitted ex6,
7: InsufficientAccountBalance ex7,
8: InvoicePaymentAmountExceeded ex8
9: InconsistentChargebackCurrency ex9,
11: InvoicePaymentChargebackInvalidStatus ex11
12: InvalidContractStatus ex12
14: InvoicePaymentChargebackPending ex14
/* something else? */
* Найти чарджбэк
domain.InvoicePaymentChargeback GetPaymentChargeback (
1: UserInfo user
2: domain.InvoiceID id,
3: domain.InvoicePaymentID payment_id
4: domain.InvoicePaymentChargebackID chargeback_id
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: InvoicePaymentNotFound ex3,
4: InvoicePaymentChargebackNotFound ex4
* Принять чарджбэк
void AcceptChargeback (
1: UserInfo user
2: domain.InvoiceID id,
3: domain.InvoicePaymentID payment_id
4: domain.InvoicePaymentChargebackID chargeback_id
5: InvoicePaymentChargebackAcceptParams params
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: InvoicePaymentNotFound ex3,
4: InvoicePaymentChargebackNotFound ex4
6: OperationNotPermitted ex6,
8: InvoicePaymentAmountExceeded ex8
9: InconsistentChargebackCurrency ex9,
11: InvoicePaymentChargebackInvalidStatus ex11
12: InvalidContractStatus ex12
* Отклонить чарджбэк
void RejectChargeback (
1: UserInfo user
2: domain.InvoiceID id
3: domain.InvoicePaymentID payment_id
4: domain.InvoicePaymentChargebackID chargeback_id
5: InvoicePaymentChargebackRejectParams params
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: InvoicePaymentNotFound ex3,
4: InvoicePaymentChargebackNotFound ex4
6: OperationNotPermitted ex6,
9: InconsistentChargebackCurrency ex9,
11: InvoicePaymentChargebackInvalidStatus ex11
12: InvalidContractStatus ex12
* Открыть чарджбэк заново. Переход возможен из отклонённого состояния,
* если покупатель не согласен с результатом и хочет его оспорить.
void ReopenChargeback (
1: UserInfo user
2: domain.InvoiceID id
3: domain.InvoicePaymentID payment_id
4: domain.InvoicePaymentChargebackID chargeback_id
5: InvoicePaymentChargebackReopenParams params
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2
3: InvoicePaymentNotFound ex3
4: InvoicePaymentChargebackNotFound ex4
6: OperationNotPermitted ex6
8: InvoicePaymentAmountExceeded ex8
9: InconsistentChargebackCurrency ex9,
11: InvoicePaymentChargebackInvalidStatus ex11
12: InvalidContractStatus ex12
13: InvoicePaymentChargebackCannotReopenAfterArbitration ex13
14: InvoicePaymentChargebackInvalidStage ex14
* Отмена чарджбэка. Комиссия с мерчанта не взимается.
void CancelChargeback (
1: UserInfo user
2: domain.InvoiceID id
3: domain.InvoicePaymentID payment_id
4: domain.InvoicePaymentChargebackID chargeback_id
5: InvoicePaymentChargebackCancelParams params
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2
3: InvoicePaymentNotFound ex3
4: InvoicePaymentChargebackNotFound ex4
11: InvoicePaymentChargebackInvalidStatus ex11
15: InvoicePaymentChargebackInvalidStage ex15
* Сделать возврат платежа.
domain.InvoicePaymentRefund RefundPayment (
1: UserInfo user
2: domain.InvoiceID id,
3: domain.InvoicePaymentID payment_id
4: InvoicePaymentRefundParams params
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: InvoicePaymentNotFound ex3,
4: InvalidPaymentStatus ex4,
6: OperationNotPermitted ex6,
7: InsufficientAccountBalance ex7,
8: base.InvalidRequest ex8
9: InvoicePaymentAmountExceeded ex9
10: InconsistentRefundCurrency ex10
11: InvalidPartyStatus ex11
12: InvalidShopStatus ex12
13: InvalidContractStatus ex13
14: InvoicePaymentChargebackPending ex14
* Сделать ручной возврат.
domain.InvoicePaymentRefund CreateManualRefund (
1: UserInfo user
2: domain.InvoiceID id,
3: domain.InvoicePaymentID payment_id
4: InvoicePaymentRefundParams params
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: InvoicePaymentNotFound ex3,
4: InvalidPaymentStatus ex4,
6: OperationNotPermitted ex6,
7: InsufficientAccountBalance ex7,
8: InvoicePaymentAmountExceeded ex8
9: InconsistentRefundCurrency ex9
10: InvalidPartyStatus ex10
11: InvalidShopStatus ex11
12: InvalidContractStatus ex12
13: base.InvalidRequest ex13
14: InvoicePaymentChargebackPending ex14
domain.InvoicePaymentRefund GetPaymentRefund (
1: UserInfo user
2: domain.InvoiceID id,
3: domain.InvoicePaymentID payment_id
4: domain.InvoicePaymentRefundID refund_id
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: InvoicePaymentNotFound ex3,
4: InvoicePaymentRefundNotFound ex4
void Fulfill (1: UserInfo user, 2: domain.InvoiceID id, 3: string reason)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: InvalidInvoiceStatus ex3,
4: InvalidPartyStatus ex4,
5: InvalidShopStatus ex5,
6: InvalidContractStatus ex6
void Rescind (1: UserInfo user, 2: domain.InvoiceID id, 3: string reason)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: InvalidInvoiceStatus ex3,
4: InvoicePaymentPending ex4,
5: InvalidPartyStatus ex5,
6: InvalidShopStatus ex6,
7: InvalidContractStatus ex7
/* Ad-hoc repairs */
void Repair (
1: UserInfo user,
2: domain.InvoiceID id,
3: list<InvoiceChange> changes,
4: repairing.ComplexAction action,
5: InvoiceRepairParams params
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: base.InvalidRequest ex3
/* Invoice payments repairs */
void RepairWithScenario (1: UserInfo user, 2: domain.InvoiceID id, 3: InvoiceRepairScenario Scenario)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceNotFound ex2,
3: base.InvalidRequest ex3
service InvoiceTemplating {
domain.InvoiceTemplate Create (1: UserInfo user, 2: InvoiceTemplateCreateParams params)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: PartyNotFound ex2,
3: InvalidPartyStatus ex3,
4: ShopNotFound ex4,
5: InvalidShopStatus ex5,
6: base.InvalidRequest ex6
domain.InvoiceTemplate Get (1: UserInfo user, 2: domain.InvoiceTemplateID id)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceTemplateNotFound ex2,
3: InvoiceTemplateRemoved ex3
domain.InvoiceTemplate Update (1: UserInfo user, 2: domain.InvoiceTemplateID id, 3: InvoiceTemplateUpdateParams params)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceTemplateNotFound ex2,
3: InvoiceTemplateRemoved ex3,
4: InvalidPartyStatus ex4,
5: InvalidShopStatus ex5,
6: base.InvalidRequest ex6
void Delete (1: UserInfo user, 2: domain.InvoiceTemplateID id)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceTemplateNotFound ex2,
3: InvoiceTemplateRemoved ex3,
4: InvalidPartyStatus ex4,
5: InvalidShopStatus ex5
/* Terms */
domain.TermSet ComputeTerms (
1: UserInfo user,
2: domain.InvoiceTemplateID id,
3: base.Timestamp timestamp,
4: PartyRevisionParam party_revision_param
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: InvoiceTemplateNotFound ex2,
3: InvoiceTemplateRemoved ex3,
4: PartyNotExistsYet ex4
/* Customer management service definitions */
/* Customers */
typedef domain.CustomerID CustomerID
typedef domain.Metadata Metadata
struct CustomerParams {
5: optional CustomerID customer_id
1: required PartyID party_id
2: required ShopID shop_id
3: required domain.ContactInfo contact_info
4: required Metadata metadata
struct Customer {
1: required CustomerID id
2: required PartyID owner_id
3: required ShopID shop_id
4: required CustomerStatus status
5: required base.Timestamp created_at
6: required list<CustomerBinding> bindings
7: required domain.ContactInfo contact_info
8: required Metadata metadata
9: optional CustomerBindingID active_binding_id
* Статусы плательщика
* Статус отражает возможость проводить платежи с помощью данного плательщика,
* то есть существует ли (и она сейчас активна) у него привязка, завершившаяся успешно
union CustomerStatus {
1: CustomerUnready unready
2: CustomerReady ready
struct CustomerUnready {}
struct CustomerReady {}
// События
union CustomerChange {
1: CustomerCreated customer_created
2: CustomerDeleted customer_deleted
3: CustomerStatusChanged customer_status_changed
4: CustomerBindingChanged customer_binding_changed
* Событие о создании нового плательщика.
struct CustomerCreated {
2: required CustomerID customer_id
3: required PartyID owner_id
4: required ShopID shop_id
5: required Metadata metadata
6: required domain.ContactInfo contact_info
7: required base.Timestamp created_at
* Событие об удалении плательщика.
struct CustomerDeleted {}
* Событие об изменении статуса плательщика.
struct CustomerStatusChanged {
1: required CustomerStatus status
* Событие, касающееся определённой привязки плательщика.
struct CustomerBindingChanged {
1: required CustomerBindingID id
2: required CustomerBindingChangePayload payload
/* Bindings */
typedef domain.CustomerBindingID CustomerBindingID
typedef domain.DisposablePaymentResource DisposablePaymentResource
struct CustomerBindingParams {
3: optional CustomerBindingID customer_binding_id
2: optional RecurrentPaymentToolID rec_payment_tool_id
1: required DisposablePaymentResource payment_resource
struct CustomerBinding {
1: required CustomerBindingID id
2: required RecurrentPaymentToolID rec_payment_tool_id
3: required DisposablePaymentResource payment_resource
4: required CustomerBindingStatus status
5: optional PartyRevision party_revision
6: optional domain.DataRevision domain_revision
// Statuses
union CustomerBindingStatus {
1: CustomerBindingPending pending
2: CustomerBindingSucceeded succeeded
3: CustomerBindingFailed failed
* Привязка находится в процессе обработки
struct CustomerBindingPending {}
* Привязка завершилась успешно
struct CustomerBindingSucceeded {}
* Привязка завершилась неудачно
struct CustomerBindingFailed { 1: required domain.OperationFailure failure }
// Events
union CustomerBindingChangePayload {
1: CustomerBindingStarted started
2: CustomerBindingStatusChanged status_changed
3: CustomerBindingInteractionRequested interaction_requested
* Событие о старте процесса привязки
struct CustomerBindingStarted {
1: required CustomerBinding binding
2: optional base.Timestamp timestamp
* Событие об изменении статуса привязки
struct CustomerBindingStatusChanged {
1: required CustomerBindingStatus status
struct CustomerBindingInteractionRequested {
1: required user_interaction.UserInteraction interaction
// Exceptions
exception InvalidCustomerStatus {
1: required CustomerStatus status
exception CustomerNotFound {}
exception InvalidPaymentTool {}
// Service
service CustomerManagement {
Customer Create (1: CustomerParams params)
throws (
1: InvalidUser invalid_user
2: InvalidPartyStatus invalid_party_status
3: InvalidShopStatus invalid_shop_status
4: ShopNotFound shop_not_found
5: PartyNotFound party_not_found
6: OperationNotPermitted operation_not_permitted
Customer Get (1: CustomerID id, 2: EventRange range)
throws (
1: InvalidUser invalid_user
2: CustomerNotFound not_found
void Delete (1: CustomerID id)
throws (
1: InvalidUser invalid_user
2: CustomerNotFound not_found
3: InvalidPartyStatus invalid_party_status
4: InvalidShopStatus invalid_shop_status
CustomerBinding StartBinding (1: CustomerID customer_id, 2: CustomerBindingParams params)
throws (
1: InvalidUser invalid_user
2: CustomerNotFound customer_not_found
3: InvalidPartyStatus invalid_party_status
4: InvalidShopStatus invalid_shop_status
5: InvalidContractStatus invalid_contract_status
6: OperationNotPermitted operation_not_permitted
CustomerBinding GetActiveBinding (1: CustomerID customer_id)
throws (
1: InvalidUser invalid_user
2: CustomerNotFound customer_not_found
3: InvalidCustomerStatus invalid_customer_status
Events GetEvents (1: CustomerID customer_id, 2: EventRange range)
throws (
1: InvalidUser invalid_user
2: CustomerNotFound customer_not_found
3: EventNotFound event_not_found
/* Recurrent Payment Tool */
// Types
typedef domain.RecurrentPaymentToolID RecurrentPaymentToolID
// Model
struct RecurrentPaymentTool {
1: required RecurrentPaymentToolID id
2: required ShopID shop_id
3: required PartyID party_id
11: optional PartyRevision party_revision
4: required domain.DataRevision domain_revision
6: required RecurrentPaymentToolStatus status
7: required base.Timestamp created_at
8: required DisposablePaymentResource payment_resource
9: optional domain.Token rec_token
10: optional domain.PaymentRoute route
12: optional domain.Cash minimal_payment_cost
struct RecurrentPaymentToolParams {
5: optional RecurrentPaymentToolID id
1: required PartyID party_id
4: optional PartyRevision party_revision
6: optional domain.DataRevision domain_revision
2: required ShopID shop_id
3: required DisposablePaymentResource payment_resource
// Statuses
struct RecurrentPaymentToolCreated {}
struct RecurrentPaymentToolAcquired {}
struct RecurrentPaymentToolAbandoned {}
struct RecurrentPaymentToolFailed { 1: required domain.OperationFailure failure }
union RecurrentPaymentToolStatus {
1: RecurrentPaymentToolCreated created
2: RecurrentPaymentToolAcquired acquired
3: RecurrentPaymentToolAbandoned abandoned
4: RecurrentPaymentToolFailed failed
// Events
typedef list<RecurrentPaymentToolEvent> RecurrentPaymentToolEvents
* События, связанные непосредственно с получением рекуррентных токенов
struct RecurrentPaymentToolEventData {
1: required list<RecurrentPaymentToolChange> changes
struct RecurrentPaymentToolEvent {
1: required base.EventID id
2: required base.Timestamp created_at
3: required RecurrentPaymentToolID source
5: optional base.SequenceID sequence
4: required list<RecurrentPaymentToolChange> payload
struct RecurrentPaymentToolSessionChange {
1: required SessionChangePayload payload
union RecurrentPaymentToolChange {
1: RecurrentPaymentToolHasCreated rec_payment_tool_created
6: RecurrentPaymentToolRiskScoreChanged rec_payment_tool_risk_score_changed
7: RecurrentPaymentToolRouteChanged rec_payment_tool_route_changed
2: RecurrentPaymentToolHasAcquired rec_payment_tool_acquired
3: RecurrentPaymentToolHasAbandoned rec_payment_tool_abandoned
4: RecurrentPaymentToolHasFailed rec_payment_tool_failed
5: RecurrentPaymentToolSessionChange rec_payment_tool_session_changed
* Создано рекуррентное платежное средство
struct RecurrentPaymentToolHasCreated {
1: required RecurrentPaymentTool rec_payment_tool
/** deprecated */
/** Оценка риска платежного средства. */
2: optional domain.RiskScore risk_score
/** Выбранный маршрут обработки платежного средства. */
3: optional domain.PaymentRoute route
* Событие об изменении оценки риска платежного средства.
struct RecurrentPaymentToolRiskScoreChanged {
/** Оценка риска платежного средства. */
1: required domain.RiskScore risk_score
* Событие об изменении маршрута обработки платежного средства.
struct RecurrentPaymentToolRouteChanged {
/** Выбранный маршрут обработки платежного средства. */
1: required domain.PaymentRoute route
* Получен рекуррентный токен => теперь этим платежным средством можно платить
struct RecurrentPaymentToolHasAcquired {
1: required domain.Token token
* Рекуррентное платежное средство отозвано
struct RecurrentPaymentToolHasAbandoned {}
* В процессе получения рекуррентного платежного средства произошла ошибка
struct RecurrentPaymentToolHasFailed {
1: required domain.OperationFailure failure
// Exceptions
exception InvalidBinding {}
exception BindingNotFound {}
exception RecurrentPaymentToolNotFound {}
exception InvalidPaymentMethod {}
exception InvalidRecurrentPaymentToolStatus {
1: required RecurrentPaymentToolStatus status
service RecurrentPaymentTools {
RecurrentPaymentTool Create (1: RecurrentPaymentToolParams params)
throws (
1: InvalidUser invalid_user
2: InvalidPartyStatus invalid_party_status
3: InvalidShopStatus invalid_shop_status
4: ShopNotFound shop_not_found
5: PartyNotFound party_not_found
6: InvalidContractStatus invalid_contract_status
7: OperationNotPermitted operation_not_permitted
8: InvalidPaymentMethod invalid_payment_method
RecurrentPaymentTool Abandon (1: RecurrentPaymentToolID id)
throws (
1: InvalidUser invalid_user
2: RecurrentPaymentToolNotFound rec_payment_tool_not_found
3: InvalidRecurrentPaymentToolStatus invalid_rec_payment_tool_status
RecurrentPaymentTool Get (1: RecurrentPaymentToolID id)
throws (
1: InvalidUser invalid_user
2: RecurrentPaymentToolNotFound rec_payment_tool_not_found
RecurrentPaymentToolEvents GetEvents (1: RecurrentPaymentToolID id, 2: EventRange range)
throws (
1: InvalidUser invalid_user
2: RecurrentPaymentToolNotFound rec_payment_tool_not_found
3: EventNotFound event_not_found
exception NoLastEvent {}
service RecurrentPaymentToolEventSink {
RecurrentPaymentToolEvents GetEvents (1: EventRange range)
throws (1: EventNotFound ex1, 2: base.InvalidRequest ex2)
base.EventID GetLastEventID ()
throws (1: NoLastEvent ex1)
/* Party management service definitions */
// Types
typedef domain.PartyID PartyID
typedef domain.PartyRevision PartyRevision
typedef domain.ShopID ShopID
typedef domain.ContractID ContractID
typedef domain.ContractorID ContractorID
typedef domain.PayoutToolID PayoutToolID
typedef domain.WalletID WalletID
typedef domain.ContractTemplateRef ContractTemplateRef
typedef domain.PaymentInstitutionRef PaymentInstitutionRef
struct Varset {
1: optional domain.CategoryRef category
2: optional domain.CurrencyRef currency
3: optional domain.Cash amount
4: optional domain.PaymentMethodRef payment_method
5: optional domain.PayoutMethodRef payout_method
6: optional domain.WalletID wallet_id
7: optional domain.P2PTool p2p_tool
8: optional domain.ShopID shop_id
9: optional domain.ContractorIdentificationLevel identification_level
10: optional domain.PaymentTool payment_tool
11: optional domain.PartyID party_id
struct PartyParams {
1: required domain.PartyContactInfo contact_info
struct PayoutToolParams {
1: required domain.CurrencyRef currency
2: required domain.PayoutToolInfo tool_info
struct ShopParams {
1: optional domain.CategoryRef category
6: required domain.ShopLocation location
2: required domain.ShopDetails details
3: required ContractID contract_id
4: required domain.PayoutToolID payout_tool_id
struct ShopAccountParams {
1: required domain.CurrencyRef currency
struct ContractParams {
4: optional ContractorID contractor_id
2: optional ContractTemplateRef template
3: optional PaymentInstitutionRef payment_institution
// depricated
1: optional domain.Contractor contractor
struct ContractAdjustmentParams {
1: required ContractTemplateRef template
union PartyModification {
8: ContractorModificationUnit contractor_modification
4: ContractModificationUnit contract_modification
6: ShopModificationUnit shop_modification
7: WalletModificationUnit wallet_modification
struct ContractorModificationUnit {
1: required ContractorID id
2: required ContractorModification modification
union ContractorModification {
1: domain.Contractor creation
2: domain.ContractorIdentificationLevel identification_level_modification
3: ContractorIdentityDocumentsModification identity_documents_modification
struct ContractorIdentityDocumentsModification {
1: required list<domain.IdentityDocumentToken> identity_documents
struct ContractModificationUnit {
1: required ContractID id
2: required ContractModification modification
union ContractModification {
1: ContractParams creation
2: ContractTermination termination
3: ContractAdjustmentModificationUnit adjustment_modification
4: PayoutToolModificationUnit payout_tool_modification
5: domain.LegalAgreement legal_agreement_binding
6: domain.ReportPreferences report_preferences_modification
7: ContractorID contractor_modification
struct ContractTermination {
2: optional string reason
struct ContractAdjustmentModificationUnit {
1: required domain.ContractAdjustmentID adjustment_id
2: required ContractAdjustmentModification modification
union ContractAdjustmentModification {
1: ContractAdjustmentParams creation
struct PayoutToolModificationUnit {
1: required domain.PayoutToolID payout_tool_id
2: required PayoutToolModification modification
union PayoutToolModification {
1: PayoutToolParams creation
2: domain.PayoutToolInfo info_modification
typedef list<PartyModification> PartyChangeset
struct ShopModificationUnit {
1: required ShopID id
2: required ShopModification modification
union ShopModification {
5: ShopParams creation
6: domain.CategoryRef category_modification
7: domain.ShopDetails details_modification
8: ShopContractModification contract_modification
9: domain.PayoutToolID payout_tool_modification
11: domain.ShopLocation location_modification
12: ShopAccountParams shop_account_creation
13: ScheduleModification payout_schedule_modification
/* deprecated */
10: ProxyModification proxy_modification
struct ShopContractModification {
1: required ContractID contract_id
2: required domain.PayoutToolID payout_tool_id
struct ScheduleModification {
1: optional domain.BusinessScheduleRef schedule
/* deprecated */
struct ProxyModification {
1: optional domain.Proxy proxy
struct WalletModificationUnit {
1: required WalletID id
2: required WalletModification modification
union WalletModification {
1: WalletParams creation
2: WalletAccountParams account_creation
struct WalletParams {
1: optional string name
2: required ContractID contract_id
struct WalletAccountParams {
1: required domain.CurrencyRef currency
// Claims
typedef i64 ClaimID
typedef i32 ClaimRevision
struct Claim {
1: required ClaimID id
2: required ClaimStatus status
3: required PartyChangeset changeset
4: required ClaimRevision revision
5: required base.Timestamp created_at
6: optional base.Timestamp updated_at
union ClaimStatus {
1: ClaimPending pending
2: ClaimAccepted accepted
3: ClaimDenied denied
4: ClaimRevoked revoked
struct ClaimPending {}
struct ClaimAccepted {
2: optional ClaimEffects effects
struct ClaimDenied {
1: optional string reason
struct ClaimRevoked {
1: optional string reason
// Claim effects
typedef list<ClaimEffect> ClaimEffects
union ClaimEffect {
/* 1: PartyEffect Reserved for future */
2: ContractEffectUnit contract_effect
3: ShopEffectUnit shop_effect
4: ContractorEffectUnit contractor_effect
5: WalletEffectUnit wallet_effect
struct ContractEffectUnit {
1: required ContractID contract_id
2: required ContractEffect effect
union ContractEffect {
1: domain.Contract created
2: domain.ContractStatus status_changed
3: domain.ContractAdjustment adjustment_created
4: domain.PayoutTool payout_tool_created
8: PayoutToolInfoChanged payout_tool_info_changed
5: domain.LegalAgreement legal_agreement_bound
6: domain.ReportPreferences report_preferences_changed
7: ContractorID contractor_changed
struct ShopEffectUnit {
1: required ShopID shop_id
2: required ShopEffect effect
union ShopEffect {
1: domain.Shop created
2: domain.CategoryRef category_changed
3: domain.ShopDetails details_changed
4: ShopContractChanged contract_changed
5: domain.PayoutToolID payout_tool_changed
7: domain.ShopLocation location_changed
8: domain.ShopAccount account_created
9: ScheduleChanged payout_schedule_changed
/* deprecated */
6: ShopProxyChanged proxy_changed
struct ShopContractChanged {
1: required ContractID contract_id
2: required domain.PayoutToolID payout_tool_id
struct ScheduleChanged {
1: optional domain.BusinessScheduleRef schedule
struct ContractorEffectUnit {
1: required ContractorID id
2: required ContractorEffect effect
union ContractorEffect {
1: domain.PartyContractor created
2: domain.ContractorIdentificationLevel identification_level_changed
3: ContractorIdentityDocumentsChanged identity_documents_changed
struct ContractorIdentityDocumentsChanged {
1: required list<domain.IdentityDocumentToken> identity_documents
struct PayoutToolInfoChanged {
1: required domain.PayoutToolID payout_tool_id
2: required domain.PayoutToolInfo info
struct WalletEffectUnit {
1: required WalletID id
2: required WalletEffect effect
union WalletEffect {
1: domain.Wallet created
2: domain.WalletAccount account_created
/* deprecated */
struct ShopProxyChanged {
1: optional domain.Proxy proxy
struct AccountState {
1: required domain.AccountID account_id
2: required domain.Amount own_amount
3: required domain.Amount available_amount
4: required domain.Currency currency
// Events
struct PartyEventData {
1: required list<PartyChange> changes
2: optional msgpack.Value state_snapshot
// changes, marked by '#' may affect Party state and may produce PartyRevisionChanged change as well
union PartyChange {
1: PartyCreated party_created // #
4: domain.Blocking party_blocking // #
5: domain.Suspension party_suspension // #
6: ShopBlocking shop_blocking // #
7: ShopSuspension shop_suspension // #
12: WalletBlocking wallet_blocking // #
13: WalletSuspension wallet_suspension // #
2: Claim claim_created
3: ClaimStatusChanged claim_status_changed // #
8: ClaimUpdated claim_updated
9: PartyMetaSet party_meta_set
10: domain.PartyMetaNamespace party_meta_removed
11: PartyRevisionChanged revision_changed
struct PartyCreated {
1: required PartyID id
7: required domain.PartyContactInfo contact_info
8: required base.Timestamp created_at
struct ShopBlocking {
1: required ShopID shop_id
2: required domain.Blocking blocking
struct ShopSuspension {
1: required ShopID shop_id
2: required domain.Suspension suspension
struct WalletBlocking {
1: required WalletID wallet_id
2: required domain.Blocking blocking
struct WalletSuspension {
1: required WalletID wallet_id
2: required domain.Suspension suspension
struct ClaimStatusChanged {
1: required ClaimID id
2: required ClaimStatus status
3: required ClaimRevision revision
4: required base.Timestamp changed_at
struct ClaimUpdated {
1: required ClaimID id
2: required PartyChangeset changeset
3: required ClaimRevision revision
4: required base.Timestamp updated_at
struct PartyMetaSet {
1: required domain.PartyMetaNamespace ns
2: required domain.PartyMetaData data
struct PartyRevisionChanged {
1: required base.Timestamp timestamp
2: required domain.PartyRevision revision
union PartyRevisionParam {
1: base.Timestamp timestamp
2: domain.PartyRevision revision
struct PayoutParams {
1: required ShopID id
2: required domain.Cash amount
3: required base.Timestamp timestamp
4: optional domain.PayoutToolID payout_tool_id
// Exceptions
exception PartyExists {}
exception ContractNotFound {}
exception ClaimNotFound {}
exception InvalidClaimRevision {}
exception InvalidClaimStatus {
1: required ClaimStatus status
exception ChangesetConflict { 1: required ClaimID conflicted_id }
exception InvalidChangeset { 1: required InvalidChangesetReason reason }
union InvalidChangesetReason {
1: InvalidContract invalid_contract
2: InvalidShop invalid_shop
3: InvalidWallet invalid_wallet
4: InvalidContractor invalid_contractor
struct InvalidContract {
1: required ContractID id
2: required InvalidContractReason reason
struct InvalidShop {
1: required ShopID id
2: required InvalidShopReason reason
struct InvalidWallet {
1: required WalletID id
2: required InvalidWalletReason reason
struct InvalidContractor {
1: required ContractorID id
2: required InvalidContractorReason reason
union InvalidContractReason {
1: ContractID not_exists
2: ContractID already_exists
3: domain.ContractStatus invalid_status
4: domain.ContractAdjustmentID contract_adjustment_already_exists
5: domain.PayoutToolID payout_tool_not_exists
6: domain.PayoutToolID payout_tool_already_exists
7: InvalidObjectReference invalid_object_reference
8: ContractorNotExists contractor_not_exists
union InvalidShopReason {
1: ShopID not_exists
2: ShopID already_exists
3: ShopID no_account
4: InvalidStatus invalid_status
5: ContractTermsViolated contract_terms_violated
6: ShopPayoutToolInvalid payout_tool_invalid
7: InvalidObjectReference invalid_object_reference
union InvalidWalletReason {
1: WalletID not_exists
2: WalletID already_exists
3: WalletID no_account
4: InvalidStatus invalid_status
5: ContractTermsViolated contract_terms_violated
union InvalidContractorReason {
1: ContractorID not_exists
2: ContractorID already_exists
struct ContractorNotExists {
1: optional ContractorID id
struct ContractTermsViolated {
1: required ContractID contract_id
2: required domain.TermSet terms
struct ShopPayoutToolInvalid {
1: optional domain.PayoutToolID payout_tool_id
struct InvalidObjectReference {
1: optional domain.Reference ref
exception AccountNotFound {}
exception ShopAccountNotFound {}
exception PartyMetaNamespaceNotFound {}
exception PaymentInstitutionNotFound {}
exception ContractTemplateNotFound {}
exception ProviderNotFound {}
exception TerminalNotFound {}
exception GlobalsNotFound {}
exception RuleSetNotFound {}
exception VarsetPartyNotMatch {
1: required PartyID varset_party_id
2: required PartyID agrument_party_id
// Service
service PartyManagement {
/* Party */
void Create (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: PartyParams params)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyExists ex2)
domain.Party Get (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2)
PartyRevision GetRevision (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2)
domain.Party Checkout (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: PartyRevisionParam revision)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: InvalidPartyRevision ex3)
void Suspend (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: InvalidPartyStatus ex3)
void Activate (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: InvalidPartyStatus ex3)
void Block (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: string reason)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: InvalidPartyStatus ex3)
void Unblock (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: string reason)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: InvalidPartyStatus ex3)
/* Party Status */
domain.PartyStatus GetStatus (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2)
/* Party Meta */
domain.PartyMeta GetMeta (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2)
domain.PartyMetaData GetMetaData (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: domain.PartyMetaNamespace ns)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: PartyMetaNamespaceNotFound ex3)
void SetMetaData (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: domain.PartyMetaNamespace ns, 4: domain.PartyMetaData data)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2)
void RemoveMetaData (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: domain.PartyMetaNamespace ns)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: PartyMetaNamespaceNotFound ex3)
/* Contract */
domain.Contract GetContract (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: ContractID contract_id)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: PartyNotFound ex2,
3: ContractNotFound ex3
domain.TermSet ComputeContractTerms (
1: UserInfo user,
2: PartyID party_id,
3: ContractID contract_id,
4: base.Timestamp timestamp
5: PartyRevisionParam party_revision
6: domain.DataRevision domain_revision
7: Varset varset
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: PartyNotFound ex2,
3: PartyNotExistsYet ex3
4: ContractNotFound ex4,
5: VarsetPartyNotMatch ex5
/* Shop */
domain.Shop GetShop (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: ShopID id)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: ShopNotFound ex3)
void SuspendShop (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: ShopID id)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: ShopNotFound ex3, 4: InvalidShopStatus ex4)
void ActivateShop (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: ShopID id)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: ShopNotFound ex3, 4: InvalidShopStatus ex4)
void BlockShop (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: ShopID id, 4: string reason)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: ShopNotFound ex3, 4: InvalidShopStatus ex4)
void UnblockShop (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: ShopID id, 4: string reason)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: ShopNotFound ex3, 4: InvalidShopStatus ex4)
domain.TermSet ComputeShopTerms (
1: UserInfo user,
2: PartyID party_id,
3: ShopID id,
4: base.Timestamp timestamp
5: PartyRevisionParam party_revision
6: Varset varset
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: PartyNotFound ex2,
3: PartyNotExistsYet ex3,
4: ShopNotFound ex4,
5: VarsetPartyNotMatch ex5
/* Wallet */
// deprecated
// do not use
domain.TermSet ComputeWalletTermsNew (
1: UserInfo user,
2: PartyID party_id,
3: ContractID contract_id,
4: base.Timestamp timestamp
5: Varset varset
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: PartyNotFound ex2,
3: PartyNotExistsYet ex3,
4: VarsetPartyNotMatch ex4
/* Claim */
Claim CreateClaim (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: PartyChangeset changeset)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: PartyNotFound ex2,
3: InvalidPartyStatus ex3,
4: ChangesetConflict ex4,
5: InvalidChangeset ex5,
6: base.InvalidRequest ex6
Claim GetClaim (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: ClaimID id)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: ClaimNotFound ex3)
list<Claim> GetClaims (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2)
void AcceptClaim (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: ClaimID id, 4: ClaimRevision revision)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: PartyNotFound ex2,
3: ClaimNotFound ex3,
4: InvalidClaimStatus ex4,
5: InvalidClaimRevision ex5,
6: InvalidChangeset ex6
void UpdateClaim (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: ClaimID id, 4: ClaimRevision revision, 5: PartyChangeset changeset)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: PartyNotFound ex2,
3: InvalidPartyStatus ex3,
4: ClaimNotFound ex4,
5: InvalidClaimStatus ex5,
6: InvalidClaimRevision ex6,
7: ChangesetConflict ex7,
8: InvalidChangeset ex8,
9: base.InvalidRequest ex9
void DenyClaim (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: ClaimID id, 4: ClaimRevision revision, 5: string reason)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: PartyNotFound ex2,
3: ClaimNotFound ex3,
4: InvalidClaimStatus ex4,
5: InvalidClaimRevision ex5
void RevokeClaim (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: ClaimID id, 4: ClaimRevision revision, 5: string reason)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: PartyNotFound ex2,
3: InvalidPartyStatus ex3,
4: ClaimNotFound ex4,
5: InvalidClaimStatus ex5,
6: InvalidClaimRevision ex6
/* Event polling */
Events GetEvents (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: EventRange range)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: PartyNotFound ex2,
3: EventNotFound ex3,
4: base.InvalidRequest ex4
/* Accounts */
domain.ShopAccount GetShopAccount (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: ShopID shop_id)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: ShopNotFound ex3, 4: ShopAccountNotFound ex4)
AccountState GetAccountState (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: domain.AccountID account_id)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: AccountNotFound ex3)
/* Provider */
domain.Provider ComputeProvider (
1: UserInfo user,
2: domain.ProviderRef provider_ref,
3: domain.DataRevision domain_revision,
4: Varset varset
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: ProviderNotFound ex2
domain.ProvisionTermSet ComputeProviderTerminalTerms (
1: UserInfo user,
2: domain.ProviderRef provider_ref,
3: domain.TerminalRef terminal_ref,
4: domain.DataRevision domain_revision,
5: Varset varset
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: ProviderNotFound ex2,
3: TerminalNotFound ex3
/* Globals */
domain.Globals ComputeGlobals (
1: UserInfo user,
3: domain.DataRevision domain_revision,
4: Varset varset
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: GlobalsNotFound ex2
/* RuleSet */
// Deprecated, will be replaced by ComputeRoutingRuleset
domain.RoutingRuleset ComputePaymentRoutingRuleset (
1: UserInfo user,
2: domain.RoutingRulesetRef ruleset_ref,
3: domain.DataRevision domain_revision,
4: Varset varset
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: RuleSetNotFound ex2
domain.RoutingRuleset ComputeRoutingRuleset (
1: UserInfo user,
2: domain.RoutingRulesetRef ruleset_ref,
3: domain.DataRevision domain_revision,
4: Varset varset
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: RuleSetNotFound ex2
/* Payment institutions */
domain.TermSet ComputePaymentInstitutionTerms (
1: UserInfo user,
3: PaymentInstitutionRef ref,
4: Varset varset
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: PaymentInstitutionNotFound ex3)
domain.PaymentInstitution ComputePaymentInstitution (
1: UserInfo user,
2: PaymentInstitutionRef ref,
3: domain.DataRevision domain_revision,
4: Varset varset
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: PartyNotFound ex2,
3: PaymentInstitutionNotFound ex3
/* Payouts */
/* TODO looks like adhoc. Rework after feedback. Or not. */
domain.FinalCashFlow ComputePayoutCashFlow (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: PayoutParams params)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: PartyNotFound ex2,
3: PartyNotExistsYet ex3,
4: ShopNotFound ex4,
5: OperationNotPermitted ex5,
6: PayoutToolNotFound ex6
/* Event sink service definitions */
service EventSink {
* Получить последовательный набор событий из истории системы, от более
* ранних к более поздним, из диапазона, заданного `range`. Результат
* выполнения запроса может содержать от `0` до `range.limit` событий.
* Если в `range.after` указан идентификатор неизвестного события, то есть
* события, не наблюдаемого клиентом ранее в известной ему истории,
* бросится исключение `EventNotFound`.
Events GetEvents (1: EventRange range)
throws (1: EventNotFound ex1, 2: base.InvalidRequest ex2)
* Получить идентификатор наиболее позднего известного на момент исполнения
* запроса события.
base.EventID GetLastEventID ()
throws (1: NoLastEvent ex1)