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* Определения предметной области.
include "base.thrift"
namespace java com.rbkmoney.damsel.domain
namespace erlang domain
typedef i32 SchemaRevision
typedef i64 DataRevision
const SchemaRevision SCHEMA_REVISION = 42
typedef i32 ObjectID
/* Common */
/** Контактная информация. **/
struct ContactInfo {
1: optional string phone_number
2: optional string email
typedef base.Error OperationError
/** Сумма в минимальных денежных единицах. */
typedef i64 Amount
/** Номер счёта. */
typedef i64 AccountID
/** Денежные средства, состоящие из суммы и валюты. */
struct Cash {
1: required Amount amount
2: required Currency currency
/* Contractor transactions */
struct TransactionInfo {
1: required string id
2: optional base.Timestamp timestamp
3: required base.StringMap extra = []
/* Invoices */
typedef base.ID InvoiceID
typedef base.ID InvoicePaymentID
typedef base.Content InvoiceContext
typedef base.Content InvoicePaymentContext
typedef string PaymentSession
typedef string Fingerprint
typedef string IPAddress
struct Invoice {
1: required InvoiceID id
2: required PartyRef owner
3: required ShopID shop_id
4: required base.Timestamp created_at
5: required DataRevision domain_revision
6: required InvoiceStatus status
7: required base.Timestamp due
8: required string product
9: optional string description
10: required Cash cost
11: optional InvoiceContext context
struct InvoiceUnpaid {}
struct InvoicePaid {}
struct InvoiceCancelled { 1: required string details }
struct InvoiceFulfilled { 1: required string details }
union InvoiceStatus {
1: InvoiceUnpaid unpaid
2: InvoicePaid paid
3: InvoiceCancelled cancelled
4: InvoiceFulfilled fulfilled
struct InvoicePayment {
1: required InvoicePaymentID id
2: required base.Timestamp created_at
3: required InvoicePaymentStatus status
4: optional TransactionInfo trx
5: required Payer payer
8: required Cash cost
6: optional InvoicePaymentContext context
struct InvoicePaymentPending {}
struct InvoicePaymentProcessed {}
struct InvoicePaymentCaptured {}
struct InvoicePaymentCancelled {}
struct InvoicePaymentFailed { 1: required OperationError err }
* Статус платежа.
* Согласно https://github.com/rbkmoney/coredocs/blob/589799f/docs/domain/entities/payment.md
union InvoicePaymentStatus {
1: InvoicePaymentPending pending
4: InvoicePaymentProcessed processed
2: InvoicePaymentCaptured captured
5: InvoicePaymentCancelled cancelled
3: InvoicePaymentFailed failed
struct Payer {
1: required PaymentTool payment_tool
2: required PaymentSession session
3: required ClientInfo client_info
4: required ContactInfo contact_info
struct ClientInfo {
1: optional IPAddress ip_address
2: optional Fingerprint fingerprint
/* Blocking and suspension */
union Blocking {
1: Unblocked unblocked
2: Blocked blocked
struct Unblocked {
1: required string reason
struct Blocked {
1: required string reason
union Suspension {
1: Active active
2: Suspended suspended
struct Active {}
struct Suspended {}
/* Parties */
typedef base.ID PartyID
/** Участник. */
struct Party {
1: required PartyID id
2: required Blocking blocking
3: required Suspension suspension
4: required map<ShopID, Shop> shops = []
struct PartyRef {
1: required PartyID id
2: required DataRevision revision
/* Shops */
typedef string ShopID
/** Магазин мерчанта. */
struct Shop {
1: required ShopID id
2: required Blocking blocking
3: required Suspension suspension
4: required ShopDetails details
5: required CategoryRef category
6: optional ShopAccountSet accounts
7: optional Contractor contractor
8: optional ShopContract contract
9: required ShopServices services
struct ShopAccountSet {
1: required CurrencyRef currency
2: required AccountID general
3: required AccountID guarantee
struct ShopDetails {
1: required string name
2: optional string description
3: optional string location
// Service
// Payments
// Regular
// Held
// Recurring
// ...
// ...
struct ShopServices {
1: optional PaymentsService payments
struct PaymentsService {
1: required DataRevision domain_revision
2: required PaymentsServiceTermsRef terms
/* Service terms */
struct PaymentsServiceTermsRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
struct PaymentsServiceTerms {
1: optional PaymentMethodSelector payment_methods
2: optional AmountLimitSelector limits
3: optional CashFlowSelector fees
4: optional GuaranteeFundTerms guarantee_fund
struct GuaranteeFundTerms {
1: optional AmountLimitSelector limits
2: optional CashFlowSelector fees
/* Contracts */
/** Договор между юридическими лицами, в частности между системой и участником. */
struct ShopContract {
1: required string number
2: required ContractorRef system_contractor
3: required base.Timestamp concluded_at
4: required base.Timestamp valid_since
5: required base.Timestamp valid_until
6: optional base.Timestamp terminated_at
struct ContractorRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
/** Лицо, выступающее стороной договора. */
struct Contractor {
1: required string registered_name
2: required LegalEntity legal_entity
/** Форма юридического лица. */
union LegalEntity {
/** Банковский счёт. */
struct BankAccount {
/* Categories */
struct CategoryRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
/** Категория продаваемых товаров или услуг. */
struct Category {
1: required string name
2: required string description = ""
/* Currencies */
/** Символьный код, уникально идентифицирующий валюту. */
typedef string CurrencySymbolicCode
struct CurrencyRef { 1: required CurrencySymbolicCode symbolic_code }
/** Валюта. */
struct Currency {
1: required string name
2: required CurrencySymbolicCode symbolic_code
3: required i16 numeric_code
4: required i16 exponent
/* Limits */
struct AmountLimit {
1: required AmountBound min
2: required AmountBound max
union AmountBound {
1: Amount inclusive
2: Amount exclusive
union AmountLimitSelector {
1: set<AmountLimitPredicate> predicates
2: set<AmountLimit> value
struct AmountLimitPredicate {
1: required Predicate if_
2: required AmountLimitSelector then_
/* Payment methods */
union PaymentMethod {
1: BankCardPaymentSystem bank_card
enum BankCardPaymentSystem {
union PaymentTool {
1: BankCard bank_card
typedef string Token
struct BankCard {
1: required Token token
2: required BankCardPaymentSystem payment_system
3: required string bin
4: required string masked_pan
struct BankCardBINRangeRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
struct BankCardBINRange {
1: required string name
2: required string description
3: required set<string> bins
struct PaymentMethodRef { 1: required PaymentMethod id }
/** Способ платежа, категория платёжного средства. */
struct PaymentMethodDefinition {
1: required string name
2: required string description
union PaymentMethodSelector {
1: set<PaymentMethodPredicate> predicates
2: set<PaymentMethodRef> value
struct PaymentMethodPredicate {
1: required Predicate if_
2: required PaymentMethodSelector then_
/* Flows */
/* Cash flows */
enum CashFlowParty {
typedef string CashFlowConstant // DISCUSS too broad?
typedef map<CashFlowConstant, Amount> CashFlowContext
/** Граф финансовых потоков. */
typedef list<CashFlowPosting> CashFlow
/** Счёт в графе финансовых потоков. */
struct CashFlowAccount {
1: required CashFlowParty party
2: required string designation
/** Денежный поток между двумя участниками. */
struct CashFlowPosting {
1: required CashFlowAccount source
2: required CashFlowAccount destination
3: required CashVolume volume
/** Объём финансовой проводки. */
union CashVolume {
1: CashVolumeFixed fixed
2: CashVolumeShare share
/** Объём в абсолютных денежных единицах. */
struct CashVolumeFixed {
1: required Amount amount
/** Объём в относительных единицах. */
struct CashVolumeShare {
1: required base.Rational parts
2: required CashFlowConstant of
union CashFlowSelector {
1: set<CashFlowPredicate> predicates
2: CashFlow value
struct CashFlowPredicate {
1: required Predicate if_
2: required CashFlowSelector then_
/* Providers */
struct ProviderRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
struct Provider {
1: required string name
2: required string description
3: required Proxy proxy
4: required TerminalSelector terminal
union ProviderSelector {
1: set<ProviderPredicate> predicates
2: set<ProviderRef> value
struct ProviderPredicate {
1: required Predicate if_
2: required ProviderSelector then_
struct TerminalRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
* Обобщённый терминал у провайдера.
* Представляет собой единицу предоставления услуг по процессингу платежей со
* стороны провайдера, согласно нашим с ним договорённостям.
struct Terminal {
1: required string name
2: required string description
3: required PaymentMethodRef payment_method
4: required CategoryRef category
5: required CurrencyRef currency
6: required CashFlow cash_flow
7: required TerminalAccountSet accounts
8: optional TerminalDescriptor descriptor
struct TerminalAccountSet {
1: required AccountID receipt
2: required AccountID compensation
union TerminalSelector {
1: set<TerminalPredicate> predicates
2: set<TerminalRef> value
struct TerminalPredicate {
1: required Predicate if_
2: required TerminalSelector then_
union TerminalDescriptor {
1: AcquiringTerminalDescriptor acquiring
struct AcquiringTerminalDescriptor {
1: required string terminal_id
2: required string merchant_id
3: required string mcc
/* Predicates / conditions */
union Predicate {
1: Condition condition
2: Predicate is_not
3: set<Predicate> all_of
4: set<Predicate> any_of
union Condition {
1: CategoryRef category_is
2: CurrencyRef currency_is
3: PaymentMethodRef payment_method_is
4: PaymentToolCondition payment_tool
union PaymentToolCondition {
1: BankCardBINRangeRef bank_card_bin_in
/* Proxies */
typedef base.StringMap ProxyOptions
struct ProxyRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
struct ProxyDefinition {
1: required string url
2: optional ProxyOptions options = {}
struct Proxy {
1: required ProxyRef ref
2: required ProxyOptions additional
/* Merchant prototype */
struct PartyPrototypeRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
/** Прототип мерчанта по умолчанию. */
struct PartyPrototype {
1: required ShopPrototype shop
2: required ShopServices default_services
struct ShopPrototype {
1: required CategoryRef category
2: required CurrencyRef currency
/* Root config */
struct GlobalsRef {}
struct Globals {
1: required PartyPrototypeRef party_prototype
2: required ProviderSelector providers
/** Dummy (for integrity test purpose) */
struct Dummy {}
struct DummyRef {
1: base.ID id
struct DummyObject {
1: DummyRef ref
2: Dummy data
struct DummyLink {
1: DummyRef link
struct DummyLinkRef {
1: base.ID id
struct DummyLinkObject {
1: DummyLinkRef ref
2: DummyLink data
/* Type enumerations */
struct CategoryObject {
1: required CategoryRef ref
2: required Category data
struct CurrencyObject {
1: required CurrencyRef ref
2: required Currency data
struct PaymentMethodObject {
1: required PaymentMethodRef ref
2: required PaymentMethodDefinition data
struct BankCardBINRangeObject {
1: required BankCardBINRangeRef ref
2: required BankCardBINRange data
struct ContractorObject {
1: required ContractorRef ref
2: required Contractor data
struct PaymentsServiceTermsObject {
1: required PaymentsServiceTermsRef ref
2: required PaymentsServiceTerms data
struct ProviderObject {
1: required ProviderRef ref
2: required Provider data
struct TerminalObject {
1: required TerminalRef ref
2: required Terminal data
struct ProxyObject {
1: required ProxyRef ref
2: required ProxyDefinition data
struct PartyPrototypeObject {
1: required PartyPrototypeRef ref
2: required PartyPrototype data
struct GlobalsObject {
1: required GlobalsRef ref
2: required Globals data
union Reference {
1 : CategoryRef category
2 : CurrencyRef currency
3 : PaymentMethodRef payment_method
4 : ContractorRef contractor
5 : BankCardBINRangeRef bank_card_bin_range
6 : PaymentsServiceTermsRef payments_service_terms
7 : ProviderRef provider
8 : TerminalRef terminal
9 : ProxyRef proxy
10: PartyPrototypeRef party_prototype
11: GlobalsRef globals
12: DummyRef dummy
13: DummyLinkRef dummy_link
union DomainObject {
1 : CategoryObject category
2 : CurrencyObject currency
3 : PaymentMethodObject payment_method
4 : ContractorObject contractor
5 : BankCardBINRangeObject bank_card_bin_range
6 : PaymentsServiceTermsObject payments_service_terms
7 : ProviderObject provider
8 : TerminalObject terminal
9 : ProxyObject proxy
10: PartyPrototypeObject party_prototype
11: GlobalsObject globals
12: DummyObject dummy
13: DummyLinkObject dummy_link
/* Domain */
typedef map<Reference, DomainObject> Domain