HG-47: Design party management interfaces (#44)

* HG-47: Change regulatory domain for timestamps to RFC 3339

* HG-47: Draft party management interfaces + update related domain types

* HG-47: Isolate any possible party modification in changeset

* HG-47: Make blockage / suspension signaling more straightfowrard

* HG-47: Fix a bit Makefile sanity

* HG-47: Introduce ownership to invoices

* HG-47: Distinguish between shop name and id + autogenerate latter

* HG-47: Simplify ShopUpdate definition

* HG-47: Use refs to a category instead

* HG-47: Separate party definition from data revision + provide GetShop function

* HG-47: Include party events into processing event set

* HG-47: Barely acknowledge party creation rather than reply with initial state

* HG-47: Fuse domain objects into party state as is + fix wording
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Mayorov 2016-08-10 12:06:59 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent c3c1218409
commit e305b7c33b
4 changed files with 322 additions and 61 deletions

View File

@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ DESTDIR = _gen
CALL_ANYWHERE := clean all create java_compile compile doc deploy_nexus
BASE_IMAGE ?= rbkmoney/build
all: compile
include utils.mk
define generate
@ -36,8 +40,6 @@ LANGUAGE_TARGETS = $(foreach lang, $(THRIFT_LANGUAGES), verify-$(lang))
mkdir -p _build/test/logs && touch _build/test/logs/index.html
all: compile
@echo "Ok"

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ typedef i64 EventID
typedef binary Opaque
* Отметка во времени согласно ISO 8601.
* Отметка во времени согласно RFC 3339.
* Строка должна содержать дату и время в UTC в следующем формате:
* `2016-03-22T06:12:27Z`.

View File

@ -65,17 +65,18 @@ typedef string PaymentSession
typedef string Fingerprint
typedef string IPAddress
struct Invoice {
1: required InvoiceID id
2: required base.Timestamp created_at
3: required DataRevision domain_revision
4: required InvoiceStatus status
5: required base.Timestamp due
6: required string product
7: optional string description
8: required Funds cost
9: required InvoiceContext context
2: required PartyRef owner
3: required ShopID shop_id
4: required base.Timestamp created_at
5: required DataRevision domain_revision
6: required InvoiceStatus status
7: required base.Timestamp due
8: required string product
9: optional string description
10: required Funds cost
11: required InvoiceContext context
struct InvoiceUnpaid {}
@ -120,8 +121,6 @@ struct ClientInfo {
2: optional Fingerprint fingerprint
/* Cash flows */
/** Распределение денежных потоков в системе. */
@ -167,34 +166,81 @@ struct CashDistributionObject {
2: required CashDistribution data
/* Merchants */
/* Blocking and suspension */
/** Мерчант. */
struct Merchant {
1: optional Contract contract
2: required list<Shop> shops = []
union Blocking {
1: Unblocked unblocked
2: Blocked blocked
struct MerchantRef { 1: required base.ID id }
struct Unblocked {
1: required string reason
struct MerchantObject {
1: required MerchantRef ref
2: required Merchant data
struct Blocked {
1: required string reason
union Suspension {
1: Active active
2: Suspended suspended
struct Active {}
struct Suspended {}
/* Parties */
typedef base.ID PartyID
/** Участник. */
struct Party {
1: required PartyID id
2: required Blocking blocking
3: required Suspension suspension
4: required map<ShopID, Shop> shops = []
struct PartyRef {
1: required PartyID id
2: required DataRevision revision
/* Shops */
typedef string ShopID
/** Магазин мерчанта. */
struct Shop {
1: required ShopID id
2: required Blocking blocking
3: required Suspension suspension
4: required CategoryObject category
5: required ShopDetails details
6: optional Contractor contractor
7: optional ShopContract contract
struct ShopDetails {
1: required string name
2: optional string description
3: optional string location
/* Contracts */
/** Договор с юридическим лицом, в частности с мерчантом. */
struct Contract {
/** Договор между юридическими лицами, в частности между системой и участником. */
struct ShopContract {
1: required string number
2: required base.Timestamp signed_at
3: required PartyRef party
4: required BankAccount account
5: required list<ContractTerm> terms
2: required ContractorObject system_contractor
3: required base.Timestamp concluded_at
4: required base.Timestamp valid_since
5: required base.Timestamp valid_until
6: optional base.Timestamp terminated_at
/** Лицо, выступающее стороной договора. */
struct Party {
struct Contractor {
1: required string registered_name
2: required LegalEntity legal_entity
@ -203,34 +249,17 @@ struct Party {
union LegalEntity {
struct PartyRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
struct ContractorRef { 1: required ObjectID id }
struct PartyObject {
1: required PartyRef ref
2: required Party data
struct ContractorObject {
1: required ContractorRef ref
2: required Contractor data
/** Банковский счёт. */
struct BankAccount {
/** Условие договора. */
union ContractTerm {
1: CashDistributionTerm cash_distribution
struct CashDistributionTerm {
/* Shops */
/** Магазин мерчанта. */
struct Shop {
1: required string name
2: optional string url
3: required Category category
/* Categories */
/** Категория продаваемых товаров или услуг. */
@ -351,12 +380,12 @@ struct ProxyObject {
/* Merchant prototype */
struct MerchantPrototypeRef {}
struct PartyPrototypeRef {}
/** Прототип мерчанта по умолчанию. */
struct MerchantPrototype {
1: required MerchantPrototypeRef ref
2: required Merchant data
struct PartyPrototype {
1: required PartyPrototypeRef ref
2: required Party data
/* Type enumerations */
@ -368,8 +397,8 @@ union Reference {
4: CurrencyRef currency
5: ConditionRef condition
6: CashDistributionRef cash_distribution
7: PartyRef party
8: MerchantPrototypeRef merchant_prototype
7: ContractorRef contractor
8: PartyPrototypeRef party_prototype
9: ProxyRef proxy
@ -380,8 +409,8 @@ union DomainObject {
4: CurrencyObject currency
5: ConditionObject condition
6: CashDistributionObject cash_distribution
7: PartyObject party
8: MerchantPrototype merchant_prototype
7: ContractorObject contractor
8: PartyPrototype party_prototype
9: ProxyObject proxy

View File

@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ typedef list<Event> Events
union EventPayload {
/** Некоторое событие, порождённое инвойсом. */
1: InvoiceEvent invoice_event
/** Некоторое событие, порождённое участником. */
2: PartyEvent party_event
@ -189,10 +191,16 @@ struct InvoicePaymentParams {
exception InvalidUser {}
exception UserInvoiceNotFound {}
exception InvoicePaymentPending { 1: required domain.InvoicePaymentID id }
exception InvoicePaymentNotFound {}
exception EventNotFound {}
exception InvalidInvoiceStatus { 1: required domain.InvoiceStatus status }
exception InvoicePaymentPending {
1: required domain.InvoicePaymentID id
exception InvalidInvoiceStatus {
1: required domain.InvoiceStatus status
service Invoicing {
@ -234,6 +242,228 @@ service Invoicing {
/* Party management service definitions */
// Types
typedef domain.PartyID PartyID
typedef domain.ShopID ShopID
struct PartyState {
1: required domain.Party party
2: required domain.DataRevision revision
struct ShopState {
1: required domain.Shop shop
2: required domain.DataRevision revision
struct ShopParams {
1: required domain.CategoryObject category
2: required domain.ShopDetails details
3: optional domain.Contractor contractor
union PartyModification {
1: domain.Blocking blocking
2: domain.Suspension suspension
3: domain.Shop shop_creation
4: ShopModificationUnit shop_modification
typedef list<PartyModification> PartyChangeset
struct ShopModificationUnit {
1: required ShopID id
2: ShopModification modification
union ShopModification {
1: domain.Blocking blocking
2: domain.Suspension suspension
3: ShopUpdate update
struct ShopUpdate {
1: optional domain.CategoryObject category
2: optional domain.ShopDetails details
3: optional domain.Contractor contractor
typedef base.ID ClaimID
struct Claim {
1: required ClaimID id
2: required ClaimStatus status
3: required PartyChangeset changeset
union ClaimStatus {
1: ClaimPending pending
2: ClaimAccepted approved
3: ClaimDenied declined
struct ClaimPending {}
struct ClaimAccepted {
1: required domain.DataRevision revision
struct ClaimDenied {
1: required string reason
struct ClaimResult {
1: required ClaimID id
2: required ClaimStatus status
// Events
union PartyEvent {
1: PartyCreated party_created
2: ClaimCreated claim_created
3: ClaimStatusChanged claim_status_changed
struct PartyCreated {
1: required PartyState party
struct ClaimCreated {
1: required Claim claim
struct ClaimStatusChanged {
1: required ClaimID id
2: required ClaimStatus status
// Exceptions
exception PartyExists {}
exception PartyNotFound {}
exception ShopNotFound {}
exception ClaimNotFound {}
exception InvalidClaimStatus {
1: required ClaimStatus status
union InvalidStatus {
1: domain.Blocking blocking
2: domain.Suspension suspension
exception InvalidPartyStatus {
1: required InvalidStatus status
exception InvalidShopStatus {
1: required InvalidStatus status
// Service
service PartyManagement {
void Create (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyExists ex2)
PartyState Get (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2)
ClaimResult CreateShop (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: ShopParams params)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: PartyNotFound ex2,
3: InvalidPartyStatus ex3,
4: base.InvalidRequest ex4
ClaimResult GetShop (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: ShopID id)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: ShopNotFound ex3)
ClaimResult UpdateShop (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: ShopID id, 4: ShopUpdate update)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: PartyNotFound ex2,
3: ShopNotFound ex3,
4: InvalidPartyStatus ex4,
5: InvalidShopStatus ex5,
6: base.InvalidRequest ex6
// TODO do we really need that?
// ClaimResult RemoveShop (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: domain.ShopID shop_id)
// throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: ShopNotFound ex3)
/* Claims */
Claim GetClaim (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: ClaimID id)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: ClaimNotFound ex3)
Claim GetPendingClaim (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: ClaimNotFound ex3)
void AcceptClaim (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: ClaimID id)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: PartyNotFound ex2,
3: ClaimNotFound ex3,
4: InvalidClaimStatus ex4
void DenyClaim (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: ClaimID id, 4: string reason)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: PartyNotFound ex2,
3: ClaimNotFound ex3,
4: InvalidClaimStatus ex4
/* Party blocking / suspension */
ClaimResult Suspend (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: InvalidPartyStatus ex3)
ClaimResult Activate (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: InvalidPartyStatus ex3)
ClaimResult Block (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: string reason)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: InvalidPartyStatus ex3)
ClaimResult Unblock (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: string reason)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: InvalidPartyStatus ex3)
/* Shop blocking / suspension */
ClaimResult SuspendShop (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: ShopID id)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: ShopNotFound ex3, 4: InvalidShopStatus ex4)
ClaimResult ActivateShop (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: ShopID id)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: ShopNotFound ex3, 4: InvalidShopStatus ex4)
ClaimResult BlockShop (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: ShopID id, 4: string reason)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: ShopNotFound ex3, 4: InvalidShopStatus ex4)
ClaimResult UnblockShop (1: UserInfo user, 2: PartyID party_id, 3: ShopID id, 4: string reason)
throws (1: InvalidUser ex1, 2: PartyNotFound ex2, 3: ShopNotFound ex3, 4: InvalidShopStatus ex4)
/* Event polling */
Events GetEvents (1: UserInfo user, 2: domain.PartyID party_id, 3: EventRange range)
throws (
1: InvalidUser ex1,
2: PartyNotFound ex2,
3: EventNotFound ex3,
4: base.InvalidRequest ex4
/* Event sink service definitions */
/** Исключение, сигнализирующее о том, что последнего события не существует. */