Aleksandra Usacheva 9c7073e6a1
EPIC FE-954: CLAIM-MGT (#100)
* FE-954: claim management API integration

* FE-964: claim details added

* FE-972: timeline

* Merge with epic FE-958: claim mngt (#101) (#102)

* Merge with epic FE-958: claim mngt (#101)

* FE-954: claim management API integration

* FE-964: claim details added

* FE-972: timeline

* Thrift services added

* fix build

* clean up

* FileStorage service implemented

* build fix n clean up

* clean up

* FE-965: claim status changer (#107)

* Added claim status pipe and menu (#108)

* FE-976: comments (#104)

* FE-976: comments implemented, keycloaktokeninfo service added.

* update

* clean up

* build fix

* Comments added.

* clean up

* prettier

* import order

* build fix

* prettier

* PR fixes

* пеар фиксес

* build fix

* pr fix

* prettier

* FE-977: claim mngt files (#109)

* conversation filter

* file display

* file download

* file uploading

* filter removed, file upload transfered to send messages line

* prettier

* тп-сщтеуте куьщмувб штзкщпкуыы фввув

* angular-file rollback

* FE-993: party mods (#110)

* Add questionary (#111)

* add questionary service and component

* update ank service

* fox ank module

* fix ank get

* merge with master

* lgtm

* build fix

* prettier

* packages...

* package fix

* Dependencies fix (#113)

Co-authored-by: Ildar Galeev <>
Co-authored-by: Rinat Arsaev <>
2020-01-31 21:00:10 +03:00

87 lines
3.9 KiB

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