## @author Dmitry Kolesnikov, ## @copyright (c) 2012 - 2014 Dmitry Kolesnikov. All Rights Reserved ## ## @description ## Makefile to build and release Erlang applications using standard development tools ## ## @version 0.11.8 ##################################################################### ## ## application config ## ##################################################################### PREFIX ?= /usr/local APP ?= $(notdir $(CURDIR)) ARCH ?= $(shell uname -m) PLAT ?= $(shell uname -s) VSN ?= $(shell test -z "`git status --porcelain`" && git describe --tags --long | sed -e 's/-g[0-9a-f]*//' | sed -e 's/-0//' || echo "`git describe --abbrev=0 --tags`-SNAPSHOT") REL = ${APP}-${VSN} PKG ?= ${REL}+${ARCH}.${PLAT} TEST ?= ${APP} S3 ?= VMI ?= fogfish/erlang NET ?= lo0 URL ?= undefined LATEST ?= latest ## rebar version (no spaces at end) REBAR ?= 3.3.2 ## root path to benchmark framework BB = ../basho_bench SSHENV = /tmp/ssh-agent.conf COOKIE?= nocookie ## erlang runtime flags use by `make run` ROOT = $(shell pwd) ADDR = $(shell ifconfig ${NET} | sed -En 's/^${NET}:.*inet (addr:)?(([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*).*/\2/p' && echo "") EFLAGS = \ -name ${APP}@${ADDR} \ -setcookie ${COOKIE} \ -pa ${ROOT}/_build/default/lib/*/ebin \ -pa ${ROOT}/rel \ -kernel inet_dist_listen_min 32100 \ -kernel inet_dist_listen_max 32199 \ +P 1000000 \ +K true +A 160 -sbt ts ## self-extracting bundle wrapper BUNDLE_INIT = PREFIX=${PREFIX}\nREL=${PREFIX}/${REL}\nAPP=${APP}\nVSN=${VSN}\nLINE=`grep -a -n "BUNDLE:$$" $$0`\nmkdir -p $${REL}\ntail -n +$$(( $${LINE%%%%:*} + 1)) $$0 | gzip -vdc - | tar -C $${REL} -xvf - > /dev/null\n BUNDLE_FREE = exit\nBUNDLE:\n BUILDER = FROM ${VMI}\nARG VERSION=\nRUN mkdir ${APP}\nCOPY . ${APP}/\nRUN cd ${APP} && make VSN=\x24{VERSION} && make rel VSN=\x24{VERSION}\n CTRUN = \ -module(test). \ -export([run/1]). \ run(Spec) -> \ {ok, Test} = file:consult(Spec), \ Error = case lists:keyfind(node, 1, Test) of \ false -> element(2, ct:run_test([{spec, Spec}])); \ true -> ct_master:run(Spec) \ end, \ erlang:halt(Error). ##################################################################### ## ## build ## ##################################################################### all: rebar3 compile compile: @./rebar3 compile clean: @./rebar3 clean ;\ rm -Rf _build/default/rel ;\ rm -rf test.*-temp-data ;\ rm -rf tests ;\ rm -rf log ;\ rm -f relx.config ;\ rm -f *.tar.gz ;\ rm -f *.bundle distclean: clean @./rebar3 unlock ;\ rm -Rf _build ;\ rm -Rf rebar3 ## ## execute unit test unit: all @./rebar3 skip_deps=true eunit ## ## execute common test and terminate node test: _build/test.beam @mkdir -p /tmp/test/${APP} ;\ erl ${EFLAGS} -pa _build/ -pa test/ -run test run test/${TEST}.config _build/test.beam: _build/test.erl erlc -o _build $< _build/test.erl: echo "${CTRUN}" > $@ ##################################################################### ## ## release ## ##################################################################### rel: ${PKG}.tar.gz ## assemble VM release ifeq (${PLAT},$(shell uname -s)) ${PKG}.tar.gz: relx.config @./rebar3 tar -n ${APP} -v ${VSN} ;\ cp _build/default/rel/${APP}/${APP}-${VSN}.tar.gz $@ ;\ echo "==> tarball: $@" relx.config: rel/relx.config.src @cat $< | sed 's/release/release, {${APP}, "${VSN}"}/' > $@ else ${PKG}.tar.gz: _build/dockermake @docker build --file=$< --force-rm=true --build-arg="VERSION=${VSN}" --tag=build/${APP}:latest . ;\ I=`docker create build/${APP}:latest` ;\ docker cp $$I:/${APP}/$@ $@ ;\ docker rm -f $$I ;\ docker rmi build/${APP}:latest ;\ test -f $@ && echo "==> tarball: $@" _build/dockermake: @echo "${BUILDER}" > $@ endif ## build docker image docker: rel/Dockerfile docker build \ --build-arg APP=${APP} \ --build-arg VSN=${VSN} \ -t ${URL}/${APP}:${VSN} -f $< . docker tag ${URL}/${APP}:${VSN} ${URL}/${APP}:${LATEST} ##################################################################### ## ## package / bundle ## ##################################################################### pkg: ${PKG}.tar.gz ${PKG}.bundle ${PKG}.bundle: rel/deploy.sh @printf '${BUNDLE_INIT}' > $@ ;\ cat $< >> $@ ;\ printf '${BUNDLE_FREE}' >> $@ ;\ cat ${PKG}.tar.gz >> $@ ;\ chmod ugo+x $@ ;\ echo "==> bundle: $@" ## copy 'package' to s3 s3: ${PKG}.bundle aws s3 cp $< ${S3}/$< s3-latest: ${PKG}.bundle aws s3 cp $< ${S3}/${APP}-latest${VARIANT}.bundle ##################################################################### ## ## deploy ## ##################################################################### ifneq (${host},) ${SSHENV}: @echo "==> ssh: config keys" ;\ ssh-agent -s > ${SSHENV} node: ${PKG}.bundle ${SSHENV} @echo "==> deploy: ${host}" ;\ . ${SSHENV} ;\ k=`basename ${pass}` ;\ l=`ssh-add -l | grep $$k` ;\ if [ -z "$$l" ] ; then \ ssh-add ${pass} ;\ fi ;\ rsync -cav --rsh=ssh --progress $< ${host}:$< ;\ ssh -t ${host} "sudo sh ./$<" endif ##################################################################### ## ## debug ## ##################################################################### run: @erl ${EFLAGS} benchmark: @echo "==> benchmark: ${TEST}" ;\ $(BB)/basho_bench -N bb@ -C nocookie priv/${TEST}.benchmark ;\ $(BB)/priv/summary.r -i tests/current ;\ open tests/current/summary.png console: ${PKG}.tar.gz @_build/default/rel/${APP}/bin/${APP} console ##################################################################### ## ## dependencies ## ##################################################################### rebar3: @echo "==> install rebar (${REBAR})" ;\ curl -L -O --progress-bar https://github.com/erlang/rebar3/releases/download/${REBAR}/rebar3 ;\ chmod +x $@ .PHONY: test rel deps all pkg