IMAGE_REPO=infracloudio/botkube TAG=$(shell cut -d'=' -f2- .release) .DEFAULT_GOAL := build .PHONY: release git-tag check-git-status build container-image pre-build tag-image publish test system-check # Show this help. help: @awk '/^#/{c=substr($$0,3);next}c&&/^[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_-]+:/{print substr($$1,1,index($$1,":")),c}1{c=0}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | column -s: -t # Docker Tasks # Make a release release: check-git-status test container-image tag-image publish git-tag @echo "Successfully releeased version $(TAG)" # Create a git tag git-tag: @echo "Creating a git tag" @git add .release helm/botkube deploy-all-in-one.yaml deploy-all-in-one-tls.yaml @git commit -m "Release $(TAG)" ; @git tag $(TAG) ; @git push --tags origin develop; @echo 'Git tag pushed successfully' ; # Check git status check-git-status: @echo "Checking git status" @if [ -n "$(shell git tag | grep $(TAG))" ] ; then echo 'ERROR: Tag already exists' && exit 1 ; fi @if [ -z "$(shell git remote -v)" ] ; then echo 'ERROR: No remote to push tags to' && exit 1 ; fi @if [ -z "$(shell git config" ] ; then echo 'ERROR: Unable to detect git credentials' && exit 1 ; fi # test test: system-check @echo "Starting unit and integration tests" @./hack/ # Build the binary build: pre-build @cd cmd/botkube;GOOS_VAL=$(shell go env GOOS) GOARCH_VAL=$(shell go env GOARCH) go build -o $(shell go env GOPATH)/bin/botkube @echo "Build completed successfully" # Build the image container-image: pre-build @echo "Building docker image" @docker build --build-arg GOOS_VAL=$(shell go env GOOS) --build-arg GOARCH_VAL=$(shell go env GOARCH) -t $(IMAGE_REPO) -f build/Dockerfile --no-cache . @echo "Docker image build successfully" # system checks system-check: @echo "Checking system information" @if [ -z "$(shell go env GOOS)" ] || [ -z "$(shell go env GOARCH)" ] ; \ then \ echo 'ERROR: Could not determine the system architecture.' && exit 1 ; \ else \ echo 'GOOS: $(shell go env GOOS)' ; \ echo 'GOARCH: $(shell go env GOARCH)' ; \ echo 'System information checks passed.'; \ fi ; # Pre-build checks pre-build: system-check # Tag images tag-image: @echo 'Tagging image' @docker tag $(IMAGE_REPO) $(IMAGE_REPO):$(TAG) # Docker push image publish: @echo "Pushing docker image to repository" @docker login @docker push $(IMAGE_REPO):$(TAG) @docker push $(IMAGE_REPO):latest # Create KIND cluster create-kind: system-check @./hack/ create-kind # Destroy KIND cluster destroy-kind: system-check @./hack/ destroy-kind