<!--- Pick one below and delete the rest: -->
- Feature Pull Request
- Bug fix Pull Request
- Docs Pull Request
Feature Pull Request
<!--- Describe the change, including rationale and design decisions -->
- Added creation of Dynamic ClientSet
- Replaced the current k8s resources to DynamicInformer
- Added logic to create metav1.ObjectMeta/ metav1.TypeMeta from obj interface{}
- Added GKE auth pkg
- Modified fns to get ObjectMeta, and ObjectTypeMeta
- Added function to create *coreV1.Event from the obj interface{}
- Improved switch case for event.New()
- Added for loop to create informer
- Changed Name for fn GetAnnotaion to GetAnnotationFromEvent
- Changed Parsing Logic for GCR (using '/')
- Added logic in FilterEngine, to get the appropriate data
- Full deprecate kubeClient init
- Added logic to fetch resources from DynamicKubeClient
- Added a fn to transform a object form ibj interface{}
- Added REST Mapper to map all resources present on the cluster
- Declared this REST Mapper as global for further use
- Removed logic to filter out the Kubernetes resources according to Involved Object kind
- Removed constants from utils.go
In the latest commit:
- To pass the e2e tests, just replaced all kubernetes resources informer, with dynamic informer.
- Unable to pass the e2e test suite (will paste the error in the comments.)
If you are fixing an existing issue, please include "Fixes #nnn" in your
PR comment; and describe briefly what the change does.
<!--- Please list dependencies added with your change also -->
Fixes https://github.com/infracloudio/botkube/issues/200
<!--- Pick one below and delete the rest: -->
- Feature Pull Request
- Add support for Microsoft Teams
- Multicluster support not available yet for Teams
Integration tests will be addressed with a separate issue. Blocked by https://github.com/infracloudio/msbotbuilder-go/issues/46Fixes#60
- Feature Pull Request
In the notifier, we send events by creating a new connection to the communication medium on every new event. We can reduce the number of connections by sending messages via the Bot interface.
<!--- Pick one below and delete the rest: -->
- Feature Pull Request
<!--- Describe the change, including rationale and design decisions -->
Allows user to specify if Elasticsearch is hosted on AWS
- configuration fields have been added to specify if Elasticsearch is hosted on AWS
If you are fixing an existing issue, please include "Fixes #nnn" in your
PR comment; and describe briefly what the change does.
Includes feature which would allow botkube to send Kubernetes events to Elasticsearch hosted on AWS
* Uses AWS V4 signature to sign the http request
* Uses environment variables to pick AWS configurations
Secondly creates new index per day with index name suffixed as -DD-MM-YYYY
<!--- Please list dependencies added with your change also -->
Add CommandRunner interface and fake_executor to mock kubectl command execution
Add warnings field to the Event struct
Update filter recommendation message format
Signed-off-by: Prasad Ghangal <prasad.ghangal@gmail.com>
- migrates the dependencies management from deb to go modules.
- `Gopkg.lock` and `Gopkg.toml` of dep removed and `go.mod` and `go.sum` of modules added
- replaces `dep endure` with `go mod verify` .travis.yaml
- updates vendor dependencies using `go mod tidy`,`go mod verify` and `go mod vendor` commands
- replaces `github.com/google/go-github/github` with `github.com/google/go-github/v27/github` for go module support in `pkg/controller/upgrade.go`